DEFINITIONS -PRE-READING Task 1: Brainstorming. What is a student ? Try to define the word. Work in pairs. READING Task 2: Read the text and underline the definitions for as many types of energy as you _____can._~_____________________________......______ -''\~Eti&%fam 'ability to m~mrkrmm-a hmmWsMBTdlMi; it exerts a force onThehaiJ that'causes'ft id move. The movement of the hammer has the ability to do work arid therefore has a form of energy that we call kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is the energy of motion. An object may have energy not only because of its motion but also because of its position or shape. For example, when a watch spring is wound, it is storing energy. When this energy is released, it will do work of moving the hands of the watch. Thisform of energy is called potential energy. Potential energy is stored energy. Water in a dam is another example of potential energy. There are many types ofkinetic and potential energy, including chemical, thermal, mechanical, electrical, and nuclear energy. Chemical energy is potential energy that is stored in gasoline, food, and oil. Just as the watch spring needs to be released to do work of moving the hands, the energy stored in food molecules needs to be released by enzymes or substances in the body, and the energy stored in gasoline must be released by the spark plug to do its work of propelling the car forward Thermal energy may be defined as the kinetic energy of molecules. When a substance is heated, the molecules move faster, which causes that substance tofeel hot. Mechanical energy is energy related to the movement of objects. Electric energy is energy that is produced by electric charges. Nuclear energy is the energy that is stored in the nucleus of certain kinds of atoms, like uranium. Task 3: Analyze the underlined definitions and complete the chart. Definition formula TERM * GENERAL CLASS + CHARACTERISTICS WORD GRAMMAR relative clause (who, which, that, where) reduced relative clause (no relat. pronou infinitive phrase prepositional phrase ...... _. may (more than one way of defining) TERM = CHARACTERISTICS + GENERAL CLASS WORD GRAMMAR Task 4: In the following definitions, underline the general class once, and the specific characteristics twice. 3. Ecology is the study of the environment. 4. A satellite is a celestial body that orbits another celestial body. 5. Fission is the process of breaking or splitting into parts. Task 5: Join the following pairs of sentences to form a relative clause. Use who* which, that, where. 1. Evaporation is the process. 2. A dew point is the temperature. 3. Marine biologists are scientists. 4. A laboratory is a place. 5. Oxygen is a colourless, tasteless, odourless, gaseous element.. 6. A generator is a machine. 7. A bond is the chemical link. 1. It is essential to life and required for combustion. 2. It converts kinetic energy to electricity. 3. It holds atoms together in molecules and giant structures. 4. Dew condenses from air. 5. A liquid changes into a gas. 6. They study animals and plants living in the sea. 7. Experiments are performed there. Task 6: Say what is wrong with the following definitions and correct them. 1. An apple is round, red, and about the size of a fist. 2. Radium is an element. 3. A unicorn is not a real animal. 4. A camera is very expensive. 5. Acoustics is a science. 6. An ear is an auditory appendage of Homo sapiens and other species. 7. Arithmetic is a tough subject, g. A compass looks like a clock. } Definitions of Geography http://£eography.aboutxoiu^od/studygeography/a/geodefinitions,htm 1) "The purpose of geography is to provide 'a view of the whole' earth by mapping the location of places." - Ptolemy, 150 CE 2) "Synoptic discipline synthesizing findings of other sciences through the concept of Raum (area or space)." - Immanuel Kant, c. 1780 3) "Synthesizing discipline to connect the general with the special through measurement, mapping, and a regional emphasis." - Alexander von Humboldt, 1845 4) "Man in society and local variations in environment." - Halford Mackinder, 1887 5) "How environment apparently controls human behaviour." - Ellen Semple, c. 1911 6) "Study of human ecology; adjustment of man to natural surroundings." - Harland Barrows, 1923 7) "Geography is both science and art" - H.C. Darby, 1962 8) "To understand the earth as the world of man" - J.O.M. Broek, 1965 9) "Geography is fundamentally the regional or chorological science of the surface of the earth." - Robert E. Dickinson, 1969 10) "Study of variations in phenomena from place to place." - Holt-Jensen, 1980 1 l)"Geography is the study of earth as the home of people" - Yi-Fu Tuan, 1991 12)"Geography is the study of the patterns and processes of human (built) and environmental (natural) landscapes, where landscapes comprise real (objective) and perceived (subjective) space." - Gregg Wassmansdorf, 1995 Your own definition: 5 5ft)h 8 GRAMMAR Participle and relative clauses * -lag and -erf participles Circle the correct participle. 1 The police are examining the evidence collectingtfcoitec^during the investigation. Z Some kids discovered the stolen money hiding/hidden in a garden shed. 3 The police on this motorway are very busy fining/fined people tor speeding. 4 I've often met people collecting/collected sheik on the beach. 5 The escaped prisoner hiding/hidden in a forest near Nottingham was seen yesterday in a village shop. 6 Drivers fining/fined for speeding risk losing their licences. ,2j, * Types of relative clauses Underline the relative clauses and circle the words they refer to. (The winrteo who has been unanimously selected by the judges, is Marion Wong. 2 We need to see a film that will cheer you up a bit. 3 This completely unknown Van Gogh painting which has been hidden in an attic for years will be auctioned in London next week. 4 This is the man whose books have been so popular recently. 5 We had lunch at The Three Bells where they serve traditional English food, 6 The eggs we had for breakfast weren't very fresh. ** Relative pronouns Add relative pronouns and commas where necessary. 1 Heathrow {.f^htch is one of the biggest airports in the world t handles hundreds of flights every day. 2 Some people would do anything...............could increase their promotion prospects. 3 The Prime Minister.............., has just arrived will make a speech tonight. 4 The show was put on by four young designers...............have won major prizes this year, has become very fashionable. 5 The designers are trying to promote this year can only appeal to very young people. 6 Jack Nicholson...............talent is versatile and unanimously appreciated has received three Oscars so far. 7 The lecture was called off five minutes before it was due to start ...............annoyed the audience enormously. 8 We landed in San Diego...............the plane was supposed to refuel. .4, ** Relative clauses Rewrite the sentences changing the information in brackets into relative clauses. Add commas where necessary. 1 My oldest brother is a paediatrician. {He has four children of his own.) My oldeit brother, who hax four children, tfkU on/to, Lis, fxiedhUruU&H,. 2 The TV breaks down all the time. (This makes us listen to the radio more.) 3 The fire brigade haven't managed to put out the fire. (It broke out at 5 a.m.) The report describes human rights violations in Asia. (Amnesty International published it this month.) Charles Perry will host a chat show on TVS, (His lifestyle is constantly being discussed in the popular press.) - Some African animal species have to be helped by international organisations. (They are threatened with extinction.)