1 Credit Scoring Models and their Quality Jan Koláček, Martin Řezáč Department of Mathematics and Statistics Faculty of Science Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic www.muni.cz AS2011 Ribno, September 25th − 28th , 2011 CONTENTS 1 - 1 Contents • Introduction • Quality indexes • Proposed index • Simulation study • Example • References AS2011 Ribno, September 25th − 28th , 2011 INTRODUCTION 2 - 1 Credit Scoring Model Construction of the test • G0 group of n0 bad clients • G1 group of n1 good clients • S – the score for each client (one-dimensional absolutely continuous random variable) • D = 0, 1 random variable denotes bad or good client • c – given cutoff point, c ∈ R • The client is classified as G1 if S ≥ c and G0 otherwise for given cutoff point c AS2011 Ribno, September 25th − 28th , 2011 INTRODUCTION 2 - 2 Measure of Diagnostic Accuracy • T = 1 positive test result • T = 0 negative test result Test results: Confusion matrix Positive test, T = 1 Negative test, T = 0 Total G1 (D = 1) True positive (TP) False negative (FN) TP + FN G0 (D = 0) False positive (FP) True negative (TN) FP + TN Total TP + FP FN + TN n = n0 + n1 AS2011 Ribno, September 25th − 28th , 2011 INTRODUCTION 2 - 3 The sensitivity (Se) of the test is its ability to detect good client when he is good. Se = P(T = 1|D = 1) is a probability P that the test result is positive (T = 1), given that the client is good (D = 1). The specificity (Sp) of the test is its ability to exclude the solidity of client when it is absent. Sp = P(T = 0|D = 0) is a probability P that the test result is negative (T = 0), given that the client is bad (D = 0). Extreme models Ideal model: Se = Sp = 1 Random model: Se = Sp = 1/2. AS2011 Ribno, September 25th − 28th , 2011 INTRODUCTION 2 - 4 Notation Assume the realization s ∈ R of random value S (score) is available for each client. Let F0, F1 denote cumulative distribution functions of score of bad and good clients, i.e. F0(a) = P(S ≤ a | D = 0), F1(a) = P(S ≤ a | D = 1), a ∈ R. Assumption: F0, F1 and their corresponding densities f0, f1 are continuous on R. AS2011 Ribno, September 25th − 28th , 2011 INTRODUCTION 2 - 5 Practice Empirical estimators of distribution functions F0(a) = 1 n0 n i=1 I(si ≤ a ∧ D = 0) F1(a) = 1 n1 n i=1 I(si ≤ a ∧ D = 1), a ∈ [L, H], where I(A) . . . the indicator of event A si . . . the score of i-th client n0, n1 . . . number of bad and good clients, n = n0 + n1 L . . . the minimum value of given score H . . . the maximum value of given score AS2011 Ribno, September 25th − 28th , 2011 QUALITY INDEXES 3 - 1 Lorenz curve The curve is given parametrically by x = F0(a) y = F1(a), a ∈ R. Notation: x = F0(a), R(x) = F1(F−1 0 (x)) we can write the Lorenz curve as R(x), x ∈ [0, 1]. AS2011 Ribno, September 25th − 28th , 2011 QUALITY INDEXES 3 - 2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 F0 F 1 A B Actual model Ideal model Random model Lorenz curve, Gini index AS2011 Ribno, September 25th − 28th , 2011 QUALITY INDEXES 3 - 3 Gini index Definition Gini = A A + B = 2A, where A . . . area between the diagonal and Lorenz curve for actual model A + B . . . area between the diagonal and Lorenz curve for ideal model Properties Gini ∈ [0, 1] random model ⇒ Gini = 0 ideal model ⇒ Gini = 1 AS2011 Ribno, September 25th − 28th , 2011 QUALITY INDEXES 3 - 4 Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics Definition KS = max a∈R |F0(a) − F1(a)| . Remark In context with notation R(x) for the Lorenz curve we can express K-S statistics as KS = max x∈[0,1] |x − R(x)| . AS2011 Ribno, September 25th − 28th , 2011 QUALITY INDEXES 3 - 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 KS F0 F1 K-S statistics AS2011 Ribno, September 25th − 28th , 2011 QUALITY INDEXES 3 - 6 The Lift, QLift Definition Lift(a) = P(D = 0 | S ≤ a) P(D = 0) = P(S ≤ a | D = 0) P(S ≤ a) = F0(a) FALL(a) , where FALL(a) = P(S ≤ a) = P(S ≤ a ∧ D = 0) + P(S ≤ a ∧ D = 1). If we denote pB = P(D = 0), we can write Lift(a) = F0(a) pBF0(a) + (1 − pB)F1(a) , a ∈ R. Remark The transformation q = FALL(a) leads to QLift QLift(q) = 1 q F0(F−1 ALL(q)), q ∈ (0, 1], AS2011 Ribno, September 25th − 28th , 2011 QUALITY INDEXES 3 - 7 The QLift AS2011 Ribno, September 25th − 28th , 2011 QUALITY INDEXES 3 - 8 Lift Ratio As analogy to Gini index, we can choose a similar approach to derive the Lift Ratio (LR) index for Lift LR = 1 0 QLift(q) dq − 1 1 0 QLiftideal(q) dq − 1 = A A + B , where QLiftideal(q) represents the value of QLift(q) for the case of ideal model. For more detailed description of LR index, see Řezáč and Koláček [3]. AS2011 Ribno, September 25th − 28th , 2011 PROPOSED INDEX 4 - 1 Proposed index Let a ∈ R be a cut-off point. Let us consider the classical contingency table of given discrimination problem Σ P (S>a|D=1)P (D=1) P (S≤a|D=1)P (D=1) n1· P (S>a|D=0)P (D=0) P (S≤a|D=0)P (D=0) n2· Σ n·1 n·2 1 AS2011 Ribno, September 25th − 28th , 2011 PROPOSED INDEX 4 - 2 We can express the probabilities in the table by cumulative distribution functions F0, F1. The table takes the form Σ (1−F1(a))(1−pB) F1(a)(1−pB) n1· (1−F0(a))pB F0(a)pB n2· Σ n·1 n·2 1 Pearson’s Chi-square test of independence for contingency table: χ2 (a) = (n11n22−n12n21)2 n·1n·2n1·n2· = (F0(a)−F1(a))2 (F0(a)−F1(a))2+ 1 pB F1(a)(1−F1(a))+ 1 1−pB F0(a)(1−F0(a)) AS2011 Ribno, September 25th − 28th , 2011 PROPOSED INDEX 4 - 3 The value χ2 (a) describes the power of dependence of both groups (good and bad clients) for given score value a. Definition The proposed index KR KR = max a∈R χ2 (a). Properties of χ2 (a): • χ2 (a) ∈ [0, 1], ∀a ∈ R • χ2 (a) → 0 for a → ±∞ • For ideal model ⇒ ∃a ∈ R such that χ2 (a) = 1 • For random model χ2 (a) = 0, ∀a ∈ R The KR index is a type of “generalization” of KS index. However, it takes some advantages. Moreover, it reflects the proportion of bad clients, so it gives more information about actual model then KS index. AS2011 Ribno, September 25th − 28th , 2011 PROPOSED INDEX 4 - 4 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 a Pearson’svalue KR KR ideal Actual model Ideal model Random model Proposed Index AS2011 Ribno, September 25th − 28th , 2011 SIMULATION STUDY 5 - 1 Simulation Study Parameters of simulation • distribution of bad clients N(µ0, σ2 ) • distribution of good clients N(µ1, σ2 ) • µ0 < µ1 Let us define Mean Difference D (Mahalanobis distance) D = µ1 − µ0 σ . It describes the difference between score of groups of bad and good clients. It takes values from 0 to ∞. In our simulation study, we have calculated all quality indexes for each value of D. Four cases of models: pB = 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4. AS2011 Ribno, September 25th − 28th , 2011 SIMULATION STUDY 5 - 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 pB = 0.05 D index KS KR GINI LiftRatio 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 pB = 0.1 D index KS KR GINI LiftRatio 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 pB = 0.2 D index KS KR GINI LiftRatio 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 pB = 0.4 D index KS KR GINI LiftRatio Dependence on D for all indexes. AS2011 Ribno, September 25th − 28th , 2011 EXAMPLE 6 - 1 Real data Consumer loans data • The use of some (not specified) scoring function for predicting the likelihood of repayment of a client. • We are interested in determining which clients are able to repay their loans. • A test set: 2327 clients – 2030 have repaid their loans (group G1) and 297 had problems with payments or did not pay (group G0). Thus pB . = 0.13. • We use mentioned indexes to assess the discrimination power of given scoring function. AS2011 Ribno, September 25th − 28th , 2011 EXAMPLE 6 - 2 The empirical estimate of Lorenz curve, Gini = 0.803 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Lorenz curve Lorenz curve AS2011 Ribno, September 25th − 28th , 2011 EXAMPLE 6 - 3 The empirical estimates of F0, F1, KS = 0.757 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 KS F 0 F 1 K−S statistics K-S statistics AS2011 Ribno, September 25th − 28th , 2011 EXAMPLE 6 - 4 The empirical estimate of QLift, LR = 0.615 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Qlift, LR index Actual model Ideal model QLift and Lift Ratio AS2011 Ribno, September 25th − 28th , 2011 EXAMPLE 6 - 5 The empirical estimate of χ2 , KR = 0.300 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 KR KR index KR index AS2011 Ribno, September 25th − 28th , 2011 EXAMPLE 6 - 6 Summary of measures Gini K–S LR KR Index for the data 0.803 0.757 0.615 0.300 Conclusions • all described indexes are widely used in practice • we developed a new approach to measure power of scoring models • the proposed index is more conservative AS2011 Ribno, September 25th − 28th , 2011 REFERENCES 7 - 1 References [1] Anderson, R. 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