COMPUTING HOMOLOGY GROUPS We are given the following (model of) topological space X via its ∆–complex We S T a a b b V c V VV Figure 1. Model of the space X decompose X into the sequence of cells: X0 = {V }, X1 = {a, b, c}, X2 = {T , S}, Xn = ∅, n ≥ 3. The chain complex C∗(X) is given by Ci =< Xi >, i ≥ 0 as every group Ci is an abelian group ( =Z module) finitely genrated by the i–cells. As such, we can see Ci as a kind of ”vector space” and we can describe the chain homomorphisms ∂i in terms of matrices. Let us describe ∂2: We have ∂2(T ) = 2b − c, ∂2(S) = 2a − c, hence in our ordering ∂2 = 2 0 −1 0 2 −1 We can see that the kernel of ∂2 is 0. Then it is rather easy to see that 0 = Z2(X) = H2(X). In order to compute H1(X), we first see that ker ∂1 = C1 =< a, b, c >. (because the matrix is the zero matrix). The group H1 is a factor group of C1 where the relations that definie factoring are 2b − c = 0 and 2a − c = 0. I am not aware of any very easy algorithmic way how to compute the factoring now (there is in fact a way using the Smith normal form, but I deem it unnecessary). We have to use our wit and some dirty tricks: (1) we observe that c depends on both a and b and so we have < a, b, c|2a = −c, 2b = −c >=< a, b|2a = 2b > Date: March 12, 2013. 1 2 COMPUTING HOMOLOGY GROUPS (2) From our ”vector space” idea we can change our basis from (a, b) to (a − b, a). Let us denote d = a − b. Then H1 =< a, d|2d = 0 >∼= Z ⊕ Z2. This concludes the calculation. Good luck with the homework. And by the way what is really our space X geometrically? (HINT: First think just about one of the triangles).