Real-Time PCR: Practical Issues and Troubleshooting Mehmet Tevfik DORAK, MD PhD Dept of Environmental & Occupational Health Robert Stempel College of Public Health and Social Work Florida International University Miami, Florida USA MOBGAM, Istanbul, Turkey June 3, 2011 (www) (www) (www) (www) linear view log view Linear vs Log View log view linear view Linear vs Log View 6.6 picogram template & CT > 40 Baseline Setting Baseline Setting Baseline Setting Baseline Setting Baseline Setting Baseline Setting Easier to do in log-view Threshold Setting Multiple Thresholds May be Necessary Easier to do in log-view Threshold Setting Baseline and Threshold Setting High Background Standard Curve Low DRn/RFU • Imperfect assay design • Incorrect quencher • Bad template quality (long probe, G at 5’ end, incorrect choice of reporter and quencher pair, wrong primer-pair concentrations, probe has mismatches) High efficiency? Efficiency > 110% (slope <-3.1) is due to: • Pipetting errors • Wrong threshold setting (not in the log-linear phase) • Primer-dimers in SYBR green assays • Probe degradation in TaqMan assays • High variability at low concentrations • PCR inhibition by reverse transcriptase High efficiency? • Five CT difference rule • SYBR green vs TaqMan • Melting curve analysis RNA quality (www) RNA quality: integrity (www) RNA quality: purity RNA quantity As long as you are staying within the dynamic range of the assay established by initial validation, use any amount, but no less than 10 picogram and no more than 1 microgram. Usually 1 to 100 nanogram is sufficient. High template amount may increase background. (www) Optimal template amount (www) Optimal template amount Reaction volume • Manufacturers recommend 50 microL • 25 microL is fine • 10 microL is generally fine • 5 microL may be fine (for allelic discrimination) but not recommended for qPCR • Aim for 3-5 microL template volume in the reaction • Aim for duplicates unless using so little template (around 10 picogram or Ct > 35); then you need to use triplicates cDNA synthesis mRNA in formalin fixed samples may have lost their poly-A tails. cDNA synthesis Primer design Primer design Assay design (www) “ Primer concentrations may result in severe changes in CT values and should remain constant in all experiments for the same assay “ Pipetting Albumin (ALB) gene dosage by real-time PCR Laurendeau et al. Clin Chem 1999 (www) Good efficiency, good sensitivity and good predictive power. Good Assay ABI Understanding CT (www) Good Assay Good Assay Optimized for: • High signal intensity: High RFU / DRn • Low background (noise) • Low Ct values • Maximum Ct = 40 for lowest template amount in dilution series Controls Controls Controls DDCT Assay DDCT Assay: Validation DDCT Assay: Validation DDCT Assay Dye selection Normalizer selection Normalizer selection Stable endogenous controls do not yield DCt values greater than that of IPC and do not show much variation. Normalizer selection Normalizer selection Sabek et al. Transplantation 2002 (www) Normalizer selection • Most abundant RNA: may need singleplex runs using diluted samples or competimers (Ambion); not suitable for rare target transcripts • Forces separate baseline settings in some instruments • Not mRNA • Does not have 3’ poly-A tail • Ct value should be smaller than 22 for valid results 18S as a Normalizer GAPDH as a Normalizer • A case of majority not always being right! • The most unstable and inconsistent normalizer! • Just don’t use it! (www) Weak Correlation Between mRNA and Protein Levels in Eukaryotes A total of 150 signature genes showed significant changes at either the protein and/or the mRNA level in two bovine bone marrow derived cell lines. 113 signature genes (76%) exhibited changes for mRNAs and their cognate proteins in the same direction (1st and 3rd quadrants), only 29 of them changed significantly at both mRNA and protein levels and were thus dubbed correlated genes (red). In contrast, 67 genes showed significant changes at the mRNA but not the protein level (green), whereas 52 genes showed significant changes at the protein but not the mRNA level (blue). Another two genes showed opposite expression patterns of mRNA and protein (brown). The correlation coefficient between mRNA and protein is 0.64 for the signature genes and 0.59 for all the genes examined. Tian, 2004 (www) “ Any assessment of the biological consequences of variable mRNA levels must include additional information regarding regulatory RNAs, protein levels and protein activity ” Interpretation (www)