B1 – English for biologists, oral exam questions 1. Describe an experiment of your choice. State its purpose, materials, procedures, results and conclusion. 2. Human body: name all the systems of the human body, then compare and contrast two organs in the human body. Describe their size, position and function. 3. Mention different ways of classifying living organisms, then choose one animal and describe it according to chosen by you classifying categories. 4. Describe a process within the field of biology (e.g.: plant life cycle, plant pollination, photosynthesis, blood circulation, food digestion, etc.) Include the sequence, or manner, place and purpose of individual stages of the chosen process. 5. Define a biological term (e.g.: microorganisms, invasive species, heredity, ecotoxicology, etc.). Clarify your definition with supportive examples. 6. Talk about a problematic area within a biological context (e.g.: malnutrition, environmental change) explaining its causes and consequences. 7. Describe with as much detail as you can the two pictures (plants, cells, labs, bacteria). Talk about their similarities and differences. 8. State your own opinion on a controversial issue relating to your field of study (e.g.: genetic engineering, diets, research and ethics, quota on women in science, etc.). 9. Present Masaryk University to a foreign student / visiting professor. 10. Speculate about the likelihood of a scientific theory/ hypothesis connected to biology (e.g.: origin of the man, climate change, the authorship of a scientific breakthrough, etc.)