EXAM PRACTICE 1) Cohesion (adapted from Oxford Grammar for EAP, OUP 2013) Put the sentences in the correct order to make a cohesive paragraph about data storage. a DropBox and its competitors allow digital files to be stored online. b These are items of hardware or storage media, respectively, that individuals or organizations own and maintain themselves. c Another feature of this method of storage is its “chat” feature, which enables those working on a file simultaneously to type to each other via a sidebar. d This method of storage has distinct advantages over storing items in folders on hard drives or discs. e When it comes to electronic storage, one can store data in different ways. f One can save files on an internal or external hard drive, or on a portable storage device (CD, USB stick, etc.). g However, there is another method: in the cloud. h Its usefulness lies in individuals being able to access and edit files from any location with internet access. 2) Definitions in the text (adapted from Academic Reading, Pearson Education Limited 2014) Thought Patterns in Mathematics In Mathematics there are three commonly used patterns: Process - Your goal in many situations is to see how a problem is solved or how a theory applies. As you make notes on chapters and as you rewrite class notes, explain, in your own words, how and why things work. Include reasons, explain relationships, and state why a particular operation was selected or why one problem-solving strategy was chosen over another. Problem-solving – Problem solving in mathematics involves creativity and even playfulness. It is not, as many students think, a matter of merely plugging numbers into a preselected formula and completing the necessary computations. Instead, problem solving is the process of assessing a situation (problem) and assembling and applying what you have learned that fits the problem. As you attempt to solve problems, do not immediately reach for a formula. Instead, analyse, think, and experiment while you work. Try several approaches and decide which one works best. Comparison and contrast – Understanding and solving problems often requires you to see the similarities and differences among problem types and to study variations of sample problems. Often, you must look at a series of examples and detect a pattern (similarities) and then find a way to state this pattern as an equation or formula or rule. As you read and study, then, make notes about similarities and differences as they occur to you. Write, in your own words, how one problem differs from, or is a variation of, a type or problem you have previously learned about. 3) Find the words in the text that mean: Inventiveness ___________________________________________ Specimen ______________________________________________ Tactics __________________________________________________ Calculation ______________________________________________ Standard procedure ________________________________________ Statement that two expressions are equal _________________________ To try____________________________________________________ 4) Complete the missing forms of words: noun verb adjective ______ analyse ______________ _______ _______ complete application ___________ _____________ __________ vary _______________ 5) Form questions so that you can answer with the underlined parts of sentences. a) ………………………………………………………………………. b) ……………………………………………………………………… c) ………………………………………………………………………. d) ………………………………………………………………………. 6) Collocations (adapted from Oxford Grammar for EAP, OUP 2013) Complete each sentence with the correct form of one of the verbs in the box. consider supress raise deny resolve demonstrate a) Narrative structure normally involves some kind of conflict which is eventually _______ at the end of the story. b) The purpose of the conference was to __________ awareness amongst doctors of the pressures on parents caring at home for children with disabilities. c) Billing s describes how the regime has brutally ______________all protests by opposition groups. d) Dalston’s research ______________ conclusively that two of the local languages had no written form. e) Senior managers at the company ______________ categorically that they had encouraged a culture of bullying to develop in the workplace. f) The enquiry panel _________ the evidence carefully over a period of six weeks in early 2009. 7) Connectors. Circle the correct option. a) In spite of/ Although we doubled our order from thee wholesaler, we still ran out of supplies. b) Official attendance figures for the protest stand at 5,000. It is clear, whereas/however, that the true figure is much higher. c) Despite/Even though the product winning design awards, few people seemed to know about it. d) Several economists have recommended a cut in interest rates, however/though this may cause inflation. e) While/However children clearly incur medical costs to the state, the care of the oldest members of the community is considerably more expensive. f) A number of breach of copyright cases have been brought to court. Although/Despite this, the amount of illegal online copying seems to be rising. g) The interest rate on UK government bonds is 2.2% even though/whereas the rate for French bonds currently stands at 3.2%. h) Some people refuse to accept that global warming is a threat to our wellbeing, in spite of/however the scientific evidence. 8) Tenses Circle the correct option to complete the sentences from a short text about air travel. a) The development of larger planes in the 1950s and 60s ______ down the cost of air travel. brings brought had brought is bringing b) This lead to the business of tourism that we _____________ today are seeing have seen see saw c) The relatively prosperous citizens of northern Europe ___________ their holidays within their own country. used to take take were taking took d) Now they ________to coastal resorts in Greece and Spain. are flying were able to fly had flown had been flying 9) Rewriting sentences Rewrite the sentences, starting with the word in brackets. a) Officials have estimated that the cost of repairing the fire damage to the port will be 60 million pounds. (It……………………………………………………………………………………………. b) There are reports that oil companies are exploring parts of Antarctica. (Oil companies……………………………………………………………………………. c) Most people believe that Athens in Ancient Greece is the site of the first democracy. (Athens………………………………………………………………………………. d) People think that Juan Olmo, who died in 2009, was Europe’s most skilful brain surgeon. (Juan Olmo………………………………………………………………..