5 Watch Version 2 from 24.24 to 25,23 again and complete Joanna's presentation notes. Check your answers in the key on page 65. Signal to end Post-viewing Summary 1 products - \ ;. ■ 2 markets , '^-^ Recommendation invitation for questions 6 Use the information below to prepare and give the ending of a presentation. Signal to end I'll br&fiy $umfäcirve.tfi$ mumpo mts 4* Summary 2 stiles'forecast Recommendation 4^ Invitation for questions FINISHING OFF 41 The sentences a-e below are the end of a presentation, but they are in the wrong order. Put them into the right order. Check your answer in t lie key on page 65. a So, I'd now be glad to answer any questions. b I sincerely hope you'll all go away with a more complete picture of the principal activities of UNEXCO. c Very briefly, there are three. Firstly, fund-raising; secondly, publicity; and thirdly, political lobbying. d So, that brings me to the end of this presentation. e Finally, I'd like to leave you with something which I heard recently. 'You can't please all the people all the time, but we should certainly be able to feed all the people all the time.1 Make full sentences by matching the correct halves. The first one has been done for you. Check your answers in the key on page 65. a Before we come to the end, 1 there are four major features. b I'd be glad to answer c To summarize, d We can conclude e In my opinion, 2 we start the discussion now. 3 by quoting a well-known saying. 4 we should reduce our costs. 5 any questions now. f I'd like to suggest ^- 6 I'd like to thank you for your participation. Presentation practice 1 Use the information below to prepare and give the ending of a presentation on your home town. Signal to end Summary Conclusion Invitation for questions 1 the place 2 thepeopk '3: the politics future. 'tieyeíápřnentí thanks Prepare and give the ending ot a presentation on a professional subject of your choice. Include a recommendation, if appropriate.______ Language focus Endings Signalling the end That brings me to the end of my presentation. That completes my presentation. Before I stop/finish, let me just say... That covers all I wanted to say today. Summarizing Let me just run over the key points again. I'll briefly summarize the main issues. To sum up... Briefly... Concluding As you can see, there are some very good reasons... In conclusion... I'd like to leaveyou with the following thought/idea. Recommending So, I would suggest that we... I'd like to propose... (more formal) In my opinion, the only way forward is... Closing Thank you for your attention. Thankyoufor listening. I hope you will have gained an insight into. Inviting questions I'd be glad to try and answer any questions. So, let's throw it open to questions. Any questions? Indirect questions Here's how to use them: Introductory phrase + question word (or if) + positive sentence Examples: Where is Jack? > I was wondering if you know where Jack is? When does Alice usually arrive? > Do you know when Alice usually arrives? Here are some of the most common phrases used for asking indirect questions. Many of these phrases are questions (i.e., Do you know when the next train leaves?), while others are statements made to indicate a question (i.e., / wonder if he will be on time.). Do you know ... ? I wonder / was wondering .... Can you tell me ... ? Do you happen to know ...? I have no idea ... I'm not sure ... I'd like to know ... Have you any idea ... Form indirect questions. Work in pairs. a) Whose bag is this? k) What do you mean? b) How many guests are there? I) Who is the song about? c) What does he mean? m) Can you come and help me? d) When are they posting it? n) What shall we start with? e) Where has Peter gone? o) Where would they like to sit? f) Why is this on special offer? p) How old is he? g) Is there a hotel there? q) Whose dog is that? h) Does he speak French? r) When does the next train to Prague leave? i) How much time have we got left? s) Why are you so late? J) Why did she do that? t) How much does it cost? Questions Wilma Shriek the pop singer has just arrived in London from America. She's being interviewed by a journalist. Look at the journalist's notes and Wilma's answers. Then write the journalist's questions. 1 how long / be here? 2 be / first visit to this country? 3 when / be here before? 4 why / come then? 5 why / come this time? 6 do / a tour now? 7 how many cities / visit? 8 what / want to do after that? 9 have / message for your fans? tto|M....!ar)9.. are: \j