T 8 ;Main body. Signalling devices Match the headings and the groups of phrases. A heading for group 1 has been given. a) Giving examples b) Showing a route,explaining that st. will come later c) Summarizing 1. Linking to the main body Let me start by ... I'll start by... First of all, I'll... Starting with... I'd like to begin with d) Going to more detail e) Sequencing, enumerating 0 Reaching the end of a point g) Starting a new point For example... A good example of this is. To illustrate this point... Right, I've told you about.., We've looked at... That's all I have to say about.. So much for.... I'll deal with this later, if I may, but for now I'll come back to this question later in my talk I won't comment on this now... We'll be examining this question in more detail later on. 7. Let me turn now to. Let's move onto... Turning to... I'd like now to... Let's look now at... Let's recap, shall we ? I'd like to sum up now... Let me summarise briefly what I've said. Let me remind you, finally, of some of the points I've made. If I can just sum up the main points... 4. 8. Where does that take us ? Let's look at this in more detail. Translated into real terms... What does that mean for us ? Firstly... secondly.....thirdly... lastly First... after that... finally To start with... later.... to finish up T 9: Ending. Match the headings and the phrases Signalling (he end Thank you for listening so attentively Are there any questions ? To sum up then ... Summarizing So, that's all I have to say... Thank you for your attention. That brings me to the end of my pres. Concluding I'd be glad to answer any questions. If J can briefly summarize... Inviting questions Right.That covers everything I wanted to say about... Before r finish, let me just go over.,. I 4 Recognizing signposting language 3 Watch five short clips from Extracts 1 and 2 of the lecture. Note down: \ the new topic introduced in each case % the phrases die lecturer uses to introduce a new topic / indicate a transition between topics. ?L£]4.4 Watch two more clips and note down the phrases used to sequence information. ACADEMIC LANGUAGE Signposting language (1) Introducing and transitioning between points, sequencing lecturers often show that they are introducing a new topic, or moving from one topic to another, by using certain signposting expressions. Introducing a new point: What I'd like to focus on first of all is... iff So; lets start by taking a brief look at... '< Indicating a transition: '-- OK, moving on to . - - * .v. So now that we'veI'd like to look at... \ So that was ,.lfwe can turn now to... i Signposting language is also used to indicate sequence or order: í tíhot I'd like to focus on first of all isWe'll then turn to..., And lastly we'll ... First of all we have..; ■„ -and below that..., then... After that comes... .followed by. Nextis , then , , Finally this brings us to... TASK 5 Practising signposting language 1 Look at the slides introducing part of a lecture about global whale populations. Discuss how the lecturer could: a preview the main topics they intend to cover in the lecture b introduce each topic and signal a transition between each topic. Global whale populations 1 Classification by species 2 Species distribution 3 Human interaction 4 Conservation status by species 5 The future Classification by species Suborder 1: Baleen Whales • Right Whales, Grey Whales, Rorquals • larger, filter feeders, two blow-holes Suborder 2: Toothed Whales • Sperm Whales, Dolphins, Porpoises • smaller, hunters, single blow-hole Suborder 2: Toothed whales • Sperm Whales • Beaked Whales • Dolphins, Orcas, and Pilot Whaies • Porpoises • River Dolphins 2 Use the slides to practise signposting language for introducing a new topic, signalling a transition between topics, and indicating sequence or order. UNIT 4C LISTENING 065 Speaking Presentations (3) Being able to describe and explain cause and effect relationships when you are speaking during seminar presentations is an essentia! skill. In this module you will learn how to make notes for a presentation and then to read from these notes while giving the presentation. This will help you build your confidence and develop script independence (speaking fluently without referring to a script), An important part of any seminar presentation is also giving and responding to feedback from tutors and peers. This module covers: • Explaining connections between phenomena • Analysing and using effective presentation notes TASK 1 Explaining connections between phenomena 1 Work in pairs and discuss how fast you think the world is moving towards a cashless society, where all payments are made electronically by cards or phone. What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a development? 2 You are going to listen to an extract from a student presentation on the cashless society. Before you listen, match phenomena a-h with items 1-5 on the slide. a a reduction in travelling time and costs - mobile tickets for planes and trains b increased business activity and productivity c freer movement of people d fraud is easier e an increase in revenue f a decrease in employment rates - fewer workers are required g increased employment-more jobs are created h a reduction in control of finances 1 Transport 5 The poor Cashless, society ; 2 Commerce/ finance 4 The elderly' 3 Employment 3 Predict the purpose of the presentation. 4 4fy 10.5 Listen to Extract 1 where the speaker talks about the impact of the cashless society on transport. Check your answer to 3. 5 Do you agree with the speaker's overall argument? Give reasons. 6 Work in pairs and take turns to describe the impact of the cashless society on transport. TASK 2 Analysing effective presentation notes 1 «4^10.5 You can create your own notes to help you speak using your slides. Listen to Extract 1 again and follow the speaker's notes showing cause and effect relationships about the cashless society and transport. prepaid cards ■ dispensing with cash ~ ed+ access - . travel - major cities, etc. ■■ speed + access k passenger numbers, freer movement of people 2 What types of words are used in the notes in 1? Why are these words used? 3 How well do you think the notes summarize the main stages in the presentation? INDEPENDENT STUDY Making hand-written notes on a print-out of your slides is one way of helping you as you speak. ► What other methods can you think of?