Fine motor skills testing Bi9100 Ergonomics and Applied Anthropology The human hand – biological aspects The human hand – biological aspects • Various types of grip • Handgrip strength testing • Prenatal testosterone level markers ➢2D:4D ratio ➢MPH • Dermatoglyphs • Correlation with body height • Sexual dimorphism • Hand-foot coevolution • Manipulation or pleiotrophy? The human hand – biological aspects The human hand – evolutionary aspects • Hand-eye coordination • Tool-utilizing, manipulation, fabrication behavior • Cognitive characteristics The human hand – cultural aspects • Universally spread – handshake • Showing the empty palm – defenselessness (in the majority of cultures) • Various hand-gestures – specific meanings in different cultures • Folklore – washing one‘s hands over a subject... • The matter is out of his hands... The human hand – philosophical aspects • Kant: „The hand is the window to the mind“ • Variety of motions, gripping, sense of touch – all affect the way we think • Wilson The human hand – fine motor skills • Complex/fine assembly jobs • Typing • Handcrafts... Tests • O‘Connor finger dexterity test • Purdue Pegboard test