Problems Week 8 1. An excited atom has mass m. It emits a photon and goes into its ground state with mass m0. Calculate the energy of the photon in the initial rest frame of the atom (center-of-mass frame). 2. From the point-of-view of a certain observer the energy of a Σ-particle is EΣ. It decays into a Λ-particle and a photon. The masses mΣ and mΛ are known. Calculate the energy of the photon as a function of θ, defined by the following picture (in the observers orthogonal space) E ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡! d d d d‚ Σ Λ γ θ 3. In Compton scattering a photon scatters off an electron at rest. Relate the energies Eγ and Eγ to θ: E ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡¡! d d d d‚ Eγ Ee− Eγ θ 1