Polární biologie rostlin Polar Plant Biology Miloš Barták Oddělení fyziologie rostlin PřF MU Brno, Kampus Bohunice A13, Kamenice 5, 62500 Brno Přednáška č. 1 (Lecture No. 1) Panorama1_1600px Foto: © K. Láska Struktura přednášek – jaro 2021 List of lectures – Spring 2021 1.Introductory lecture (Highlights of Antarctica / Svalbard) 2.Biomes (Arctic, Antarctica) 3.Microbiological mats, soil crusts 4.Algae and cyanobacteria 5.Special water environments and their autotrophs 6.Mosses, liverworts 7.Higher plant of polar regions 8.Ecology of plants 9.Plant physiological processes in harsh environments 10.Survival strategies of extremophiles 11.Polar expedition planning, work in the field 12.Students project (interactive work with maps) 13.Case studies from Antarctica / Svalbard 14.Final seminar 15. • Ant_2010 021 Není určeno pro zveřejnění, jen pro osobní účely. Výsledek obrázku pro warning logo Seepages •Evidence for widespread endemism among Antarctic micro-organisms •Wim Vyvermana Elie Verleyena, Annick Wilmotteb, Dominic A. Hodgsonc, Anne Willemsd, Karolien Peetersd, Bart Van de Vijvere, Aaike De Wevera, Frederik Leliaertf, Koen Sabbea • Full-size image (151 K) Full-size image (115 K) Není určeno pro zveřejnění, jen pro osobní účely. Výsledek obrázku pro warning logo Rozsivky = diatoms sinice = cyanobacteria Retrotransposon‐based genetic diversity of Deschampsia antarctica Desv. from King George Island (Maritime Antarctic) - Androsiuk - 2021 - Ecology and Evolution - Wiley Online Library Ostrov Krále Jiřího, Antarktida Deschampsia antarctica COAT > Modules > Mosstundra module Habitats - LearningArcticBiology Svalabard Špicberky Údolí Adventdalen Aerial View Of Pechora River Delta, Arctic, Russia Photograph by Olga Kamenskaya / Naturepl.com Polygone tundra, Lena Delta, Sakha Republic, Siberia, Russia | GRID-Arendal Ruská Arktida Delty řek: Lena Pečora Silhouette a world map Royalty Free Vector Image South-Pole-1911-007 Historie dobývání Antaktidy (jižního pólu) Race for the South pole •Roald Amundsen ANd9GcRZ2ANM2oOxzLHGvaU_KM7qEWX2twKWSUClafpH40_J5srXDKkH 14 December 1911 1-scott-polar-party image Robert Falcon Scott ant1_610x458 Motivace Být první na Jižním pólu • Velké příběhy historie polárních oblastí … a něco podobného se děje právě teď … and something similar is happening right now Source: http://www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/science/water-from-the-cold-underworld/article4412043.ece?homepage =true American expedition, dubbed WISSARD, finds possible signs of life in Lake Whillans Water samples retrieved on January 28, 2013 from Lake Whillans, a sub-glacial lake about 800 metres beneath the western edge of the Antarctic ice-shelf, have shown possible signs of life. The announcement came from an American expedition that gained access to the 3.1-sq kilometre water body after boring through the shelf using a special hot-water drill. The retrieved samples are significant because they come from a lake that has been isolated from the rest of the world for thousands of years. Moreover, due to the weight of the massive glacier above it, the lake exists under immense pressure (which shifts the freezing point of its water to a lower temperature). Th_14_Antarctica_C_1362975f Quest for life In subglacial lakes WHISSARD •Source: Lokalizacja jeziora Whillans na Antarktydzie. Jezioro widoczne w centralnej części zdjęcia. fot. Wissard.org • b9b4048e00124164a430f65ddbb3e417 wissardteamr 20130112lakes2xwissard We Have Life! Scientists Confirm Microbes Beneath Antarctic Glaciers 13. unora 2013 •Source: www.whissard.org Antarctic_lakes A vial contains dirty-looking water. Life under the ice WISSARD team discovers evidence that bacteria live in Lake Whillans By Peter Rejcek, Antarctic Sun Editor Posted February 8, 2013 It’s life. But is it life as we know it? Previous coverage Water world: U.S. researchers breach Antarctic subglacial lake in search for extreme life Poised for the plunge: WISSARD team ready to explore subglacial Lake Whillans Magical realism: WISSARD project poised to explore subglacial Lake Whillans That question will be answered in the months ahead, but it appears that the first evidence that something lives in a lake covered by nearly a kilometer of ice in West Antarctica emerged at the end of January. Scientists analyzed the first samples of water only hours after bottles containing the cloudy lake liquid had been winched to the surface on Jan. 29. Source: www.wissard.org •Lake Whilland bottom Dno jezera Whilland wissard-lake-sediment-camera Lake Vostok •Source: http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2012/02/lake-vostok-drilled/ lake_vostok_nsf_h Russian news agency Ria Novosti has reported that the team penetrated Lake Vostok on Feb. 5, 2012. According to the report, the researchers stopped drilling at a depth of 3,768 meters as they reached the surface of the sub-glacial lake. 5.2.2012 • new_vostok_cartoon_high 120208-antarctic-vostok-russia-620a lake-vostok-antarctica Lake Vostok •Source: http://www.americanpolar.org/2011/01/13/russian-science-team-prepares-to-penetrate-lake-vostok/ •Lake bottom image source: [via RT, Images via The Earth Institute Columbia University] •http://www.slashgear.com/lake-vostok-drilling-complete-earths-oldest-super-clean-water-system-reac hed-06212292/ lake_vostok_1big vostok_bedrock_300 The first sample of water from subglacial Lake Vostok •The first sample of water from subglacial Lake Vostok in Antarctica arrived in Russia in mid-2012, but scientists hope the new core samples produce different results. • •Source: http://www.rferl.org/content/russian-researchers-sample-antarctic-ice-lake-vostok-science/24821746. html 2E770DC0-4E29-4946-9868-8DA7058DD869_mw1024_n_s Preliminary research seems to suggest that the lake is lifeless. In a report published on [December 21, 2012], researcher[s] say the first samples retrieved from the underground lake do not contain any evidence of life. Scientists reportedly expected to discover signs of bacteria in two places within the subglacial lake: at the top of the lake between the ice and the water, and in the sediment at the bottom of the lake. Microbes from Lake Vida, Antarctica • •But now, says Nature, reporting on a new study led by Alison Murray, scientists have found an abundance of life in the frigid Antarctic Lake Vida, a mostly-frozen salt water lake. Source: Smithsonian.org • 11_27_2012_antarctic-bacteria-e1354035627197 LakeVida Lake Vida, Dry Valleys •Source: http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/L/LakeVida.html Lake Vida Lake Ellsworth •http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/oct/15/antarctic-mission-sub-glacial-lake Lake-Ellsworth-graphic-002 080115173541-large 2500_400 Ellsworth (Woodward et al. 2010) • Elsuopt Lake Ellsworth • lake2 lake-ellsworth-seismic-survey Lake-Ellsworth-antarctica • ellsworthteam faq_lakeellsworthupdate_0 Researchers to bore through 3km of Antarctic ice, seek organisms isolated for 100K years •Hoping to find microbial life forms that might provide new insight into the evolution of life on Earth, the scientists decided drill into Lake Ellsworth which they believe has been frozen over for thousands of years. •They expected that the lake floor’s sediments might yield a new record of the Earth’s climate and studying some of Antarctica’s hundreds of subglacial lakes will offer clues to whether ice-covered planets and moons could also support life. lake-ellesworth-12-03-12-01 buried-antarctic-lake-ellsworth • map_antarctica_lakes_2006 http://on.aol.com/video/scientists-look-for-life-in-antarctic-subglacial-lake-517591327?icid=bottom _related_thumb_3 Podledovcový život v Antarktidě je přítomný (snad) všude Subclacial life forms if Antarctica could be everywhere • tumblr_lz2t7oUkn41r6d5fmo1_1280 •Dámy a pánové, děkuji Vám za pozornost. • • Panorama1_1600px