Parasite diversity 1 000 000 described species of eukaryotes 100 000 described species of parasites (Poulin & Morand, 2004) Parasite diversity Parasite diversity > 70 transitions from free-living strategy to parasitic life strategy (Poulin & Morand, 2004) Parasite diversity ► What are our knowledge? ► Rate of description of new species as an indicator of diversity (in a given geographical area) ► Ex. Cumulative number of Cestoda species from vertebrates of Australia over time Many parasites are waiting to be discovered and described Parasite diversity Ex. Average body size of monogeneans (A) and female nematodes parasitizing vertebrate animals (B) decreases over time with increasing number of species discovered (A) (B) Parasite diversity Numberofparasitespecies (Combes & Morand, 1999) Mammals and birds have a high number of species of parasites At all levels from the host's point of view: - Host individual (infracommunity) - Host population (metacommunity) - Host species (parasitofauna) At all levels of the geographical scale: - local, regional, global Determinants of parasite diversity Effect of sample size on estimation of parasite diversity ► Many parasites are not detected in the host sample studied due to their low prevalence ► Ex. Prevalence of parasites in birds and mammals ≤ 5%, in fish <20% 167 species og gastrointestinal helminths from 20 metacommunities 644 species of helminths from 77 metacommunities 60 species of metazoan ectoparasites 128 species of gastrointestinal helminths both from 88 metacommunities of freshwater fish Effect of sample size on estimation of parasite diversity Number of metazoan parasite species versus the number of studies per host species during 10 years 49 freshwater fish species of North America Number of gastrointestinal helminth species versus the number of examined host individuals in 79 mammalian species Effect of sample size on estimation of parasite diversity Sample size Host species 1 Host species 2 Host species 3 Cumulativenumberofparasitespecies Correction for sample size ► Use of residues ► - residues of the number of parasite species (i.e. the number of parasite species is corrected for the size of the host sample (Gregory, 1990)) ► Use of estimators of the number of parasite species - individual data (Walther & Morand, 1997, Poulin 1998) - 3 non-parametric methods (or their modifications) for estimating the number of species: Jacknife estimator, Chao estimator, bootstrap estimator Estimators of the number of parasite species Sjack1 = Sobs + Qj(m-1/m) where Sobs is the total number of parasite species recorded on all examined hosts, Qj is the number of parasite species occurring on the number j of randomly selected individuals and m is the total number of sampled hosts Sb = S0 + ∑So[1-(hj/H)]H j=1 where S0 is the number of species observed, i.e. the number of species currently present in the sample, H is the number of host individuals in the sample, hj is the number of host individuals on which the parasite species j was found Y XError 2nd order Error 1st order X Y Wrong acceptence of HO Wrong rejection of HO Effect of host phylogeny on parasite diversity HO – no relationship between X and Y Method of phylogenetically independent contrasts (1) Independent contrasts compare values ​​corresponding to sister taxa (2) Calculation of values ​​for a common ancestor (3) Three independent contrasts (d1, d2, d3) were obtained by calculation Ex. calculation d1(X) = 10-8, d1(Y) = 24-20, d2(X)=9-5, d2(Y)=22-12 9 = (10+8)/2 22 = (24+20)/2 7 17 (4) The regression line passes through 0 Method of phylogenetically independent contrasts Interspecies comparison without phylogenetic recontrusction Interspecies comparison without phylogenetic recontrusction Interspecies comparison with phylogenetic recontrusction Interspecies comparison with phylogenetic recontrusction Parasite diversity and host diversity Variability in the number of ectoparasite species between taxa e.g. number of ectoparasite species in major orders of mammals 0 20 40 60 80 00 20 Parasite diversity and host diversity Ex. Relationship between mite diversity on host taxon and mammalian diversity (number of mammal species per order) Positive relationship between number of parasites and number of hosts result of coevolution and codiversification (host-specific parasites) Ex. malaria-causing parasites - Plasmodium and Haemoproteus in birds Ex. Relationship between ectoparasie diversity (arthropods) and mammalian diversity Corrections for phylogeny and body size Parasites and habitat type of hosts: aquatic versus terrestrial Parasite diversity and host habitat type Comparison of the number of intestinal helminth species between different groups of vertebrates Parasite diversity and type of host food Carnivora Cetartiodactyla mammals: carnivores versus herbivores 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 O visC apraEquus Bos SusLepusC am elusRattusSciurus C anis Felis M ustelids Hom o Monoxenous Heteroxenous Classical views on determinants of parasite diversity 1) Latitude gradient Low latitudes lead to greater diversification - Host species living in low latitudes (tropics) have more parasite species 2) The relationship between area size and diversity Hosts considered islands for parasites - Larger host species and/or host species with wider geographical distribution show higher parasite diversity 3) Theory of epidemiology (Anderson & May, 1978, 1991) The transmission of parasites depends on the exposure of the hosts and the frequency of contacts - higher survival, population density and size lead to higher parasite diversity Latitude gradient of parasite diversity No: Mammals and helminths (Poulin, 1995) No: Primates and helminths (Nunn et al., 2005) No: North American mammals and helminths (Morand, 2002) Yes: Rodents and fleas (Krasnov et al., 2004), but the opposite trend! the effect of climatic factors within a given latitude or specific environmental factors Numberofspecies offleas Latitude Latitude gradient of parasite diversity Yes: Primates and microparasites (Nunn et al., 2005) Yes : Humans and microparasites (Guernier et al., 2004) Concept of area size vs. diversity Theory of island biogeography (MacArthur & Wilson, 1967) The number of species on the island reflects the balance between the degree of colonization and the degree of extinction of the species - hosts = islands for parasites (Kuris et al., 1980) Island size ~ host size Island age ~ life expectancy of the host species or population Distance of the island from the mainland ~ geographical distribution of hosts ► Island size = larger host (length, weight) - more space and food resources for parasites, higher diversity of microhabitats ► Positive relationship between host size (length, weight) and parasite diversity ► The need for correction for sample size and phylogenetic effects Parasite diversity and host size ► Ex. Positive relationship between fish size and number of monogenean species in fish of the Cichlidae or African members of the Cyprinidae ► Ex. There is no relationship between the number of ecto- or endoparasites and the weight in mammals Parasite diversity and host size -0,8 -0,6 -0,4 -0,2 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 Mean Mammal Body Weight (contrasts in Log kg) Ectoparasite Genera (contrasts in number) ► Island size = host biomass per unit area ► Ex. One elephant versus very numerous rodents ► biomass = product of body weight and density Parasite diversity and host biomass ► Life expectancy of the host - effect on the degree of colonization by parasite species ► Longer-lived host species have more parasite species than short-lived hosts (empirical evidence of the relationship is limited) Parasite diversity and host life span Ex. Number of endoparasitic helminth species and the life expectancy of North American freshwater fish Parasite diversity and age of the host population ► New island - without life ~ new host or population - few parasite species in the population of the founder ► Over time – colonization of new species and speciation – positive relationship between number of parasite species and age of population to the stabilization stage of the number of species Ex. host crustacean population - Daphnia magna Parasite diversity and geographical distribution of the host The number of flea species increases with higher geographical distribution of hosts Scope of distribution Numberofspecies offleas Scope of distribution Numberofhelminth species Helminth diversity in carnivores (Torres et al., 2006) The number of helminth species increases with higher geographical distribution of hosts Flea diversity in rodents (Krasnov et al. 2004) Epidemiology: parasite diversity and density of host populations ► Epidemiological determinant ► Basic reproduction rate R0 ► R0 for microparasites - number of infections produced by the pathogen entering the susceptible host population ► R0 for macroparasites - the average number of offspring produced during the life of a female and reaching sexual maturity under conditions of absence on density-dependent restrictions ► R0 < 1 - parasite tends to local extinction ► R0 > 1 - the parasite successfully invades the host population, the number of parasites grows to equilibrium state Parasite diversity and host population density ► Host density encourages the accumulation of parasite species in host populations ► A positive relationship is not always strong Parasite diversity and host population density Number of parasite species vs. host density in fish of the Chaetodontidae Number of monogenean species vs. frequency of fish occurrence (Cyprinidae) Number of flea species vs. population density of host mammals More recent perspectives on the study of determinants of parasite diversity ► Classical predictions indicate several universal rules: host density, geographical distribution ► Some studies show conflicting relationships: latitude, group size, life expectancy ► The expression of some determinants is inaccurate, e.g. the size of the group does not reflect host sociality ► Host behavior is rarely studied ► Therefore new approaches, new hypotheses Parasite diversity and host sociality ► Sociality of rodent hosts (Bordes et al. 2007) ► Sociality index instead of using group size ► Ex. Diversity of helminths and arthropods in 46 rodent species H1: benefits of host species living in social groups in relation to behavioral protection of allogrooming H2: avoidance of parasites through dilution effect Parasite diversity and host sociality In Rhabdomys pumilio, the daily energy expenditure is lower in larger ones groups (Scantlebury et al. 2006) probably less energy costs for thermoregulation stored energy used for costly immunity? Parasite diversity and home range ► Home range The infectious stages of macroparasites are highly aggregated and immobile The home district of hosts is a potential determinant of parasite contacts it affects the parasite diversity ► From the point of view of the hypothesis for area size versus parasite diversity a larger home district provides more opportunities for parasite contacts and accumulation of higher parasite diversity (Nunn et al. 2003; Ezenwa et al. 2006; Lindenfors et al. 2007) ► Based on epidemiology, the opposite prediction Parasite diversity and home range Great home district Low density host Low transmission parasites Aggregated distribution of larval stages Reduced parasite diversity Parasite diversity and home range Bordes et al. 2009 Negative relationship between the size of the home district and the number of parasite species in mammals in accordance with the epidemiological assumption Negative relationship between host density and home district size Diversity of parasites and diversity of host immune genes (Goüy de Bellocq et al. 2007) Number of helminth species (corrected for sample size) NumberofMHCalleles (correctedforsamplesize) High parasite diversity maintains high genetic diversity of hosts Immune genes (MHC, major histocompatibility complex) (Prugnole et al., Current Biology 2005) Diversity of parasites and diversity of host immune genes Parasite diversity and host immunity ► Ex. an increase in the number of parasite species is associated with an increase in investment in the mammalian immune response (Nunn et al. 2000, 2002) Parasite diversity and host mortality ► Higher diversity of parasites worsens the negative impact of parasitism to the host ► ex. coinfection of canine distemper virus (CDV) and heamoparasite (Babesia sp.) leads to high mortality of African lions in Tanzania Munson et al. 2008 , Plos One Babesia Biogeographical aspects of parasite diversity ► Biogeographical rules - changes of species diversity applicable to parasites ► Latitude gradient ► Preferred centre model versus local oasis model ► Shift of similarity of parasite diversity with distance, i.e. the role of geographical distances to similarity of parasite communities Latitudinal gradient ► Latitude - the main biogeographical factor influencing the diversity of parasites ► High diversity in the tropics due to higher evolutionary speed ► Some climatic factors (temperature) show a similar trend in the relationship to the diversity of ectoparasites in particular Latitudinal gradient Ex. Species diversity of digeneans and monogeneans in marine fish depending on latitude Ex. Representation of marine Gyrodactylidae (in relation to all gill Monogenea) on the gills of sea fish in relation to latitude Latitudinal gradient ► Causes of latitudinal gradient - multiple mechanisms ► Area size theory: larger area - more species ► Species-area theory: larger tropics - higher diversity ► Species-energy theory: more energy, more biomass in a given area, higher diversity ► Theory of ecological time ► Climate stability theory ► Mid-domain model - different centre of species distribution - geographical or climatic centre or marginal centre ► It affects the relationship between host size and parasite diversity Latitudinal gradient A = aWb, W = L3 and b = 0.8 Number of species on the island D = Sb, b = 0.2-0.3 Number of monogenean species on the gills of fish P = ((L3)0.8)0.2 and P = ((L3)0.8)0.3 → P = L0.48 and P = L0.72 ► Preferred centre model (abundance centre model) - unimodal distribution of species abundance in space - geographical distances between each site and the reference site (i.e. the site with the highest abundance of the species) Preferred centre or local oasis? ► Model of local oases - multimodal distribution of abundance of the species in space Methodologically not yet determined Preferred centre model ► Study of 8 species of helminths in fish species Perca flavescens (Poulin & Dick, 2007) - only the prevalence of Proteocephlaus pearsei ► Study of metazoan parasites in fish species Squalius cephalus (Seifertová et al., 2008) - Monogenea ► Study of 22 species of fleas and mites in rodents (Krasnov et al., 2008) - weak relationship Shift of geographical distances Geographical distances Climatic or environmental gradient Species-specific dispersion limits Shift of geographical distances Ex. Flea communities Ex. Mite communities ► similarity between communities of metazoan parasites in populations Squalius cephalus (Seifertová et al. 2008) Shift in parasite diversity affected by host genetic distances