Evolution of host-parasite interactions Coevolution ► Mode (1958) – mathematical model for host-parasite coevolution ► Janzen (1980) - process between interacting species, where each of the interacting species changes its genetic structure in response to a genetic change in its partner ► Thomspon (1994) - process of reciprocal evolutionary changes of interacting species ► coevolutionary processes at the level of molecules, cells, genes, males-females, parents-offspring, species ► Its importance depends on the frequency of interactions between partners and the impact on their reproductive success Coevolution ► Woolhouse et al. (2002). Nature Genetics 32: 569–577 Reciprocal, adaptive genetic changes between interacting species Host-parasite coevolution can be studied from the following perspectives: - mutual phenotypic characteristics (resistance and infectivity) - interacting parasite and host molecules - genes or nucleotide sequences Coevolution of host-parasite interactions Schematic representation of coevolution with emphasis on reciprocity: Changes in allele frequency due to selection in one species have a selective effect on the other species - changes in allele frequency in another species Coevolution ► From the point of view of evolutionary parasitology coevolution = common evolution of parasites and their host species, during which they interact ► In the strict sense - the evolution of associated groups, expressed as reciprocal adaptations ► Association with macroevolutionary (cospeciation) and microevolutionary (coadaptation) components Macroevolution versus microevolution ► Macroevolution - the origin and evolution of higher taxa than the species - rules that determine the origin of a certain form and adaptive changes - changes in species diversity within and between evolutionary groups, rate of speciation and extinction in the long term (historical, unrepeatable, unique) ► Microevolution - evolutionary processes within a species - short-term, recent, ongoing changes, experimentally studyable - population genetics, ecology, ethology Cospeciation and coadaptation ► Cospeciation - macroevolutionary process - may reflect the degree of congruence or incongruence between the phylogenies of hosts and parasites ► In the strict sense: topological congruence and the same rate of molecular divergence (same branch lengths) in the associated groups ► Known examples: Figs and their wasps, Buchnera aphidicola (symbiont) and aphids, Australian mistletoe and pine, pocket gophers (Geomyidae) and their lice Coadaptation ► originally co-accommodation ► microevolutionary processes ► includes anagenesis and reciprocal adaptation (arms race scenario) ► associated with host specificity Coevolution models in host-parasite systems 1. model of allopatric cospeciation ► parasites and hosts share common space and energy ► disruption of gene flow between host populations  allopatric speciation of hosts and parasites ► synchronous cospeciation - speciation of parasites and hosts takes place simultaneously ► delayed cospeciation - a host or parasite speciation is delayed after speciation of the other Coevolution models in host-parasite systems 2. Resource tracking model ► based on the ecological concept ► parasites track resources over evolutionary time ► the evolution of a parasite is a response to a change in the resources provided by the host ► the host changes the resources that the parasite is looking for  the parasite undergoes evolutionary changes that allow it to use new resources ► changes in the parasite occur after changes that have taken place in the resources provided by the host Coevolution models in host-parasite systems 3. Model of an evolutionary arms race ► the most strict view of coevolution - mutual adaptive responses between hosts and parasites ► permanent evolution between parasites and hosts aggressive targeting of each other ► parasite selection - higher host utilization, host selection more successful parasite elimination ► This model is part of the concept of the hypothesis gene for the gene Coevolutionary models in host-parasite systems - gene for gene ► for each gene conferring resistance in a host, there is a corresponding suitable gene for avirulence in the parasite ► host resistance is dependent on the presence of the resistance gene and the corresponding avirulence gene in the parasite ► resistance genes and avirulence genes = dominant genes Host genotype Parasite genotype RR Rr rr AA Resistant Resistant Susceptible Aa Resistant Resistant Susceptible aa Susceptible Susceptible Susceptible Coevolutionary models in host-parasite systems - arms race ► 1. parasites reduce a host's fitness ► 2. the host creates defense mechanisms against parasites = mutations or gene recombinations ► 3. the host with a new defense mechanism increases fitness and expands in the population ► 4. a new mutant or recombinant appears in the parasite population - it resists the host's defense mechanisms ► 5. a new mutant spreads in a population of parasite, it is able to enter the host ► 6. cycle is repeated Coevolutionary models in host-parasite systems - arms race Coevolution ► 4 rules ► Fahrenholz's rule (Stammer 1957, Dogiel 1964) - the phylogeny of parasites is a mirror of the phylogeny of hosts ► Szidat's rule (Szidat 1956, 1960) - the more "primitive" the host is - the more "primitive" are its parasites ► Eichler's rule (Eichler 1941, 1948) - species-rich group of hosts - a larger number of parasite species Coevolution ► Manter's rule (Manter 1955, 1966) a) parasites evolve more slowly than their hosts b) longer association to a certain host group  higher specificity of parasites c) the host species are parasitized by the higher number of parasite species in the area where they have resided for the longest time. If the distribution of one or two closely related host species is disjunctive and yet the same parasites are found in these hosts, then the range of their distribution was overlapped in the past. Speciation of parasite species ► Speciation - the evolutionary process of the origin of one or more species from an ancestral species ► 2 types of geographical speciation in parasites ► Allopatric speciation - in conditions of non-overlapping host areas ► Sympatric speciation - in conditions of overlapping host areas ► Cospeciation - parasite speciation follows host speciation ► geographical isolation, reproductive isolation, genetic divergence of host populations ► Identical topology of phylogenetic reconstructions of hosts and parasites (Fahrenholz's rule) Allopatric speciation of parasites Cospeciation ► pocket gophers (Geomyidae) and ectoparasitic lice ► Aphids and endosymbiotic bacteria Sympatric speciation of parasites ► host switching = colonization of different host species, evolution of multihost parasite species ► intrahost speciation = parasite duplication cospeciation duplication failure do diverge host switching sorting event sorting event Other coevolution events in host-parasite systems Host speciation without corresponding parasite speciation: - Failture to diverge - Sorting event - extinction of the parasite following cospeciation - „missing the boat“ cospeciation duplication failure do diverge host switching sorting event sorting event Speciation of congeneric parasites ► Speciation of monogeneans - highly host-specific - direct life cycle - high morphological diversity - high species diversity - adaptation - high number of congeneric species (within some genera) - high number of congeneric species per host Speciation of congeneric parasites ► Ex. Lamellodiscus (Monogenea) parasitizing marine fish of the Sparidae - old genus - high intraspecific morphological variability of the sclerotized parts of the attachment apparatus - high dispersibility of host species fast speciation by host switch ► Ex. Dactylogyrus (Monogenea) - freshwater fish of Cyprinidae - high number of host-specific parasites - high number of species coexisting on 1 host species Speciation of congeneric parasites intrahost speciation - evolution of different positions of preferred niches ► Gyrodactylus (Monogenea) - viviparous, capable to colonize a wide range of freshwater and some marine fish species - speciation by host switch, adaptive radiation Speciation of congeneric parasites ► Ex. Polystomes (Monogenea) - a special group of endoparasitic monogeneans - infect mainly amphibians and freshwater turtles Speciation of congeneric parasites Speciation of congeneric parasites ► Ex. Polystomes (Monogenea) - high morphological similarity - highly host specific - preferences for different niches within the host Host switch and cospeciation Parasites affecting the evolutionary biology of hosts ► Evolution of interactions between hosts and parasites from a perspective other than coevolution ► Role of parasites in: 1. the evolution of sexual reproduction of the host 2. the sexual selection of the host 3. the evolution of host genetic polymorphism The role of the parasites in the evolution of sexual reproduction of the host ► Red Queen hypothesis ► „Now you run to stay in the same place.” (Lewis Carroll, 1872. Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There) ► “In the beginning, it was a fragile plant that someone sometimes ate; at the end there is a thorny and poisonous monster, which is also sometimes eaten by someone.” (Jan Zrzavý et al. 2004. How evolution is done: from the selfish gene to the diversity of life) ► The Red Queen Hypothesis - a specific type of evolutionary arms race hypothesis ► the benefit of sexual reproduction by frequency-dependent selection directed against a common host genotype ► sexual reproduction and recombination  rare genotypes capable to escape parasites ► selection favors hosts with rare genotypes ► rare genotypes become common, parasites are able to trace these genotypes due to frequency-dependent selection The role of the parasites in the evolution of sexual reproduction of the host The role of the parasites in the evolution of sexual reproduction of the host ► Sexual reproduction produces offspring with new genotypes - resistance to parasites ► Asexual reproduction produces offspring with the same combination of resistance genes as in parents - the target of increased parasitism ► Ex. Poeciliopsis monacha - parthenogenetic form accumulated parasites much faster than sexually reproducing forms ► Ex. The most common genotypes of the triploid form of Carassius gibelio - a higher number of parasite species than in sexually reproducing form The role of the parasites in the sexual selection of the host Sexual selection - natural selection affecting the expression of certain phenotypes in one sex (most often in males), which determine the success in selecting a partner by the other sex (mostly by females) -> sexual dimorphism e. g. body size, tail size, color, antlers, vocal expressions Sexual selection leads to the evolution of secondary sexual traits (sexual ornamentation) Darwin (1971) Two causes of sexual selection: 1. competition between males (at the level of individuals, at the level of sperm) 2. female preferences (females invest more in reproduction) The role of the parasites in the sexual selection of the host The role of the parasite in the sexual selection of the host ► Handicap hypothesis (Zahavi, 1975) ► Expression of a secondary sexual trait - represents a handicap for males - a male with a good genetic predisposition can cope with a handicap - indicates the quality of the male - expression of a trait is expensive (energetically, predation) - males with higher genetic quality have lower costs and greater benefits associated with the expression of a trait ► Hamilton-Zuk hypothesis (1982) ► Secondary sexual trait - an indicator of the effectiveness of resistance genes against parasites ► Females prefer resistant males - selection of suitable genes for offspring (hypothesis of good genes) ► 3 assumptions of the hypothesis: 1. expression of secondary sexual characteristics in males is associated with overall good health and vitality 2. inherited parasite resistance in hosts (consequence of coevolution) 3. negative effect of parasites on host viability (selection of resistant males) The role of the parasite in the sexual selection of the host The role of the parasites in sexual selection of the host Poecilia reticulata Infection with the parasite Gyrodactylus turbulli decreases with the intense ornamentation of males - more attractive for females Females select colored males (resistance or prevention of parasite transmission) Females infected with the parasite show a lower tendency toward male preferences Intraspecific test of the Hamilton-Zuk hypothesis The role of the parasites in sexual selection of the host Barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) and mites 1. The expression of ornamentation is associated with the parasite intensity Males with a long tail have fewer mites Females prefer males with a long tail 2. The parasite affects the fitness of the host Offspring with high parasite intensity are smaller and have lower survival 3. Heredity in parasite resistance The offspring of long-tailed males showed hereditary resistance to mites Intraspecific test of the Hamilton-Zuk hypothesis Intraspecific tests of the Hamilton-Zuk hypothesis Reference Organism Parasite Costly Heritable variation Ornament depends on parasite Females choose males with fewer parasites Unique prediction tested Parasite aggregation known Zuk 1987, 1988 cricket YES NO NO NO NO Jaenike 1988 octomilka YES YES NO NO Kennedy et al 1987 živorodka YES YES YES NO McMinn 1990 živorodka YES NO Milinski and Baker 1990 koljuška YES YES YES NO NO Hausfater et al. 1990 tree frog YES YES NO NO Tinsley 1990 toad YES NO NO NO Ressel and Schall 1989 iguana YES YES NO NO Hilgarth 1990 pheasant YES YES YES YES NO NO Zuk et al . 1990 hen YES YES YES YES NO NO Johnson and Boyce 1990 capercailli e MAYBE YES YES NO NO Gibson 1990 capercailli e NO NO NO NO NO Clayton 1990 pigeon YES NO NO Moller1990 swallow YES YES YES YES NO NO Borgia1986; Borgia and Collis 1989 Silk hem YES YES YES NO NO Pruett-Jones et al. 1990 paradise YES YES NO NO Interspecific tests of the Hamilton-Zuk hypothesis Correlation Observed Between Brightness And Reference Organism Prevalence Intensity Diversity Phylogenetic Effects Contolled Alternative Factors Considered Info On H-p Interaction Hamilton and Zuk 1982 North American passerines (plumage bright.and song complexity) YES NO NO NO Read 1987 European passerines (plumage bright.) YES NO NO NO Read and Harvey 1989 North American passerines (plumage bright.) NO YES NO NO Read and Weary 1990 North American passerines (song complexity) NO YES NO NO Zuk 1990 Neotropical birds (plumage characters) YES NO NO Pruett- Jones et al. 1991 New Guinea birds (plumage characters) YES NO YES YES YES NO Weathe rhead et al. Wood warblers NO NO NO YES NO Ward 1988 British fish (degree dimorph) YES Cabana and Chandler 1991 British + NA fish Lefcort and Blaustein 1991 Lizards (brightness) NO (neg correl) NO YES YES NO ► Problem with hypothesis testing in interspecific studies ► Reverse causality: host ornamentation may attract parasites (more colored species may attract more ectoparasites, or species that invest more in orgnamentation invest less in parasitism resistance) ► Ecological correlation: coloration and parasitism may be associated with another factor (polygyny, type of nests) ► Falsification: if no correlation is recorded, is the data sufficient to reject the hypothesis? ► The need of control for phylogenetic relationships Hamilton-Zuk hypothesis in interspecific studies 3 models of parasite-mediated sexual selection ► 1. females do not select partners infected by parasites transmitted by direct contacts ► 2. the female selects a healthy and viable male to help her take care of the offspring ► 3. the female selects a resistant male to obtain resistance genes for offspring (= higher offspring viability) - a model of "good genes" The role of the parasites in the sexual selection of the host Why are non-parasitic males better? The success of males in mating decreases with increasing intensity of parasitism 1. Hamilton & Zuk hypothesis - hereditary resistance to parasites for offspring 2. Hypothesis of parasitism avoidance - no effect of parasites on the expression of ornamentation, female detects parasites and avoids contact with the parasitized male 3. Hypothesis of indicator of contagion - females avoid contact with parasitized males to protect themselves and their offspring from infection (infection is transmissible to offspring) The role of the parasites in the sexual selection of the host ► Immunocompetence handicap hypothesis (Fostad and Kartet, 1992) - a mechanism for explaining sexual selection - a trade-off between costs and benefits of high testosterone level - the dualistic nature of testosterone 1. increase in the expression of secondary sexual traits 2. reduction in resistance and suppresssion of the immune defense (induction of immunosuppressive effect) ► Handicap imunocompetence ► Females select males with remarkable secondary sexual traits, indicating quality of the immune system despite of testosterone immunosuppression ► Trade-off between expression of secondary sexual traits and immunity, but strong males are still viable and resistant to parasitism The role of the parasites in the sexual selection of the host Studies on associations between immune response and sexual selection