Immunoecology of host-parasite relationships Immunoecology ► Combining immunity and evolutionary ecology ► It examines variability in the immune response between individuals, populations and species ► It studies the processes that explain this variability and its maintenance ► Seeks trade-offs if immunity is considered a costly component of life history (principle of energy allocation cost versus benefit) ► Evolutionary adaptation of immunity Immunity in vertebrates ► Non-specific (non-adaptive, innate) - dendritic cells, macrophages ► Specific (adaptive, acquired) cellular and humoral responses intracellular parasites, extracellular parasites Immunocompetence ► The general ability of an individual to induce an effective immune response in order to minimize losses due to infection ► How to measure immunocompetence? 1. Intensity of parasite infection High intensity of parasite infection => low immunocompetence 2. Induction of infection Resistance to infection => good immunocompetence Resistance or susceptibility 3. Serology High white blood cell count => good immunocompetence Immunocompetence ► How to measure immunocompetence? 4. Weight of immune organs (spleen, thymus) 5. Injection of mitogens Lymphocyte proliferation (T or B) 6. Injection of antigens Antibody production 7. Genetic data MHC genes Immunological approaches applied in field studies Immunity as a component of the life histories of hosts ► role of the immune system as an important component of life history ► the organism makes certain investments in the immune function responsible for resistance to pathogens and parasites ► If the evolution of the immune system is controlled by parasites, then a positive correlation can be expected between parasitic load and the effectiveness of the immune system Costs associated with immune responses in vertebrates Investment in reproduction versus investment in immunity ► investment of females and males in reproduction is different ► females - production of oocytes, males - formation of secondary sexual characteristics ► The principle of trade-offs in the distribution of energy reproduction and immunity ► investment in the development of gonads and investment in the course of reproduction itself energy-costly => reduction of the organism's investment in its immune defenses ► Immunocompetence handicap hypothesis - energy devoted to reproduction => increased production sex hormones at the expense of reduced immune function (immunosupresive role of testosterone)  Sperm protection hypothesis (Folstad & Skarstein 1997) - immunosuppressive effect of testosterone leads to protection of sperm as sperm are recognized as antigenic, attacked by autoimmune system - better males (= better tolerating costs associated with the negative effect of testosterone) - more pronounced secondary sexual characteristics and sperm of better quality Investment in reproduction versus investment in immunity Gender-differences in immunity Cellular response Humoral response Inflammation Males < Females Auto-immune disease Males < Females Risk of infection Males > Females Proximal causes testosterone immunosuppression reproductive success of males behavior (aggressive, dispersion) Estrogen = increasing the expression of MHC genes ► Ex. Interspecies study in birds 1. Males with larger gonads invest more in the production of sex hormones, which is compromised with immune function, the evolution of the size of testes may be the result of sexual selection 2. Birds affected by higher pressure from parasites invest more in immunocompetence Investment in reproduction versus investment in immunity - an interspecific study Investment in reproduction versus investment in immunity - intraspecific studies ► Ex. analysis of trade-offs between investments in immunity and reproduction => trade-off between parasite resistance and the expression of primary sexual characteristics Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) Reproduction versus immunity Relationship between reproduction and specific immunity 1. Increasing investment in reproduction reduces humoral immunity 2. Increasing reproductive effort increases the intensity of Haemoproteus infection associated with higher mortality Ficedula albicollis Nordling et al. 1998 Females immunized with NDV (Newcastle disease virus) Pup success and immunocompetence Parus caerulus Cichon & Dubiec 2005 The immune response doesn't play a role in unfavourable breeding conditions Local recruitement is dependent on immunity, but also on environmental factors Manipulation with increasing offspring in nests T cell mediated immunity - response to PHA Positive relationship between immunity and offspring success → predicted probability of admission of young to the population Offspring size and activation of humoral immunity Activation of the immune system decreases reproductive success (number and size of offspring) Ficedula hypoleuca Ilmonen et al. 2000 Females immunized with non-pathogenic antigen (diphtheria-tetanus vaccine) Test of activation of the immune response to investment in reproduction Nunn et al. 2000 White blood cells and sexual promiscuity in primates Mating promiscuity: gestation time and size of testes Relationship between white blood cell count and number of sexual partners => potential relationship to sexually transmitted diseases Multiple helminth infections and basic investment in immunity Increasing the number of helminth species is positively correlated with increasing the basic investment in immunity in mammals Bordes & Morand, 2009, Par Res Food resources and immunocompetence Only seeds Seeds and supplementary diet Taeniopygia guttata Birkhead et al. 1999 Improving food quality accelerates growth and increases immunocompetence (cellular response) Effect of brood nutrition on growth and T cell immunity (reaction to mitogen) Sociability and immunocompetence Larvae social Solitary (Wilson et al. 2002) Schistocerca gregaria The survival of social crickets is higher than that of solitary crickets  increasing density through phenotypic changes associated with better immunity Stress = an event that disrupts homeostasis, increasing energy use stress hypothalamus - pituitary gland - adrenal gland corticoids adaptive response suppression of cost functions (immunity) mobilizing energy for organs that need it The effect of stress on immunity Sexual competition and social stress Arctic ground squirrel Spermophilus parryii Boonstra et al. 2001 Excitation of immunity Chronic stress in reproductive adults - high cortisol levels, low ability to bind corticosteroids, low resistance to dexamethoson, low haematocrit, low white blood cell count, low ability to respond to immune stimulation Adaptive response to stress during reproduction Response to adrenocorticotropic hormone Dexamethosone injection - steroid immunosuppressor Hormonal induction Kraaijeveld & Godfray, 1997 Selection No selection Selection of Drosophila melanogaster lines resistant to parasitoids (encapsulation) leads to reduced competitiveness Immune response and competition ns Pigeons were injected with sheep red blood cell suspension (SRBC) or injected with saline (control) Effect of immune activation on the relative rate of basal metabolism in pigeons Individuals with a strong immune response relative to a control that showed a low immune response (Eraud et al. 2005) Immune response and metabolism Costs associated with the immune response Increasing activity (e.g. flying, reproduction) reduces immune response => trade-off in energy and resource allocation Immunity and successful invasion Moller and Cassey, 2004 T cell - mediated immune response in young (measured in response to mitogenic lectin PHA) determines the success of population establishment The immunity of young birds increases expansion of the introduced populations or the colonization of continents Costs associated with immune responses Costs associated with immune responses Evolution of immune genes ► Major histocompatibility system (MHC) genes ► Evolution of MHC genes and selective factors ► capture peptides and fragments (antigens) and immerse them in the cell surface => cells offering antigen, fragments of which are recognized by the T-cell receptor for antigen ► PBR sites (peptide binding regions) - binding sites of MHC glycoproteins Glycoproteins MHC I and MHC II ► MHC class I glycoproteins - present on all nuclear cells of the organism - To ensure the presentation of intracellularly derived peptides formed by the breakdown of proteins derived from viruses and some species of bacteria ► MHC class II glycoproteins - occur on antigen-presenting cells - B lymphocytes, monocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells - To present peptide fragments derived from extracellular parasites, e.g. some species of bacteria or metazoan parasites MHC polymorphism ► found in all jawed vertebrates from fish to mammals ► highly polymorphic genes ► high number of alleles that provide functional loci ► high number of nucleotide substitutions between individual alleles ► trans-species polymorphism Selection leading to high polymorphism of MHC genes ► Two non-exclusive mechanisms: 1. parasite-mediated selection 2. sexual selection ► Parasite-mediated selection ► 1. advantage of rare MHC genotypes (theory of advantage of rare allele) ► 2. advantage of MHC heterozygotes (heterozygote advantage theory) Heterozygote advantage theory ► heterozygote has a higher ability to distinguish a wide range of antigenic peptides derived from parasites or pathogens than homozygote ► heterozygote resistence > homozygote resistance ► Ex. female salmon choose males in terms of increasing the MHC heterozygosity of their offspring ► Ex. relationship between MHC IIB heterozygosity and Gyrodactylus (Monogenea) infection in Poeciliopsis occidentalis ► Ex. advantage of mice MHC heterozygotes in infection with Salmonella strains Rare allele advantage theory ► Frequency-dependent selection ► Assumption: host individuals with a rare allele respond better to the presence of new parasite ► Increasing the frequency of the rare allele in the host population leads to the allele becoming the target of parasitic adaptation ► Ex. the relationship between the specific allele of the MHC IIβ system and parasitism in salmonid fish The average number of alleles is advantageous for individuals ► Nowak et al. 1992 – mathematical model High diversity of MHC alleles in an individual is not advantageous - recognition of a wide range of antigenic peptides - elimination of own T cells ► the optimal (= intermediate) number of MHC alleles determines the best immune response Ex. Mean number as the optimum of MHC alleles and the lowest parasitism at the level of the individual in three-spined stickleback The role of sexual selection in increasing MHC polymorphism ► the relationship between MHC genotype and sexual selection ► MHC genes = resistance genes - good or compatible genes ► Hypothesis of good genes ► vitale males with genetic predisposition for high resistance to parasites have strong sexual ornamentation ► the female selects her partner in terms of selecting good genes for offspring ► the relationship between MHC genotype and fitness-dependent character ► Good genes of males – parasite load, secondary sexual traits (body colaration, breeding tubercles in fish) ► Genetic compatibility hypothesis ► MHC as a genetically incompatible system - prevents inbreeding, individuals with a similar MHC genotype = related individuals ► the female directs her choice of partner depending on her own MHC genotype, i.e. she selects a male with a different MHC genotype = complementary to her MHC genotype = high MHC variability for offspring ► Ex. three-spined stickleback The role of sexual selection in increasing MHC polymorphism The role of sexual selection in increasing MHC polymorphism ► How can a female recognize a different or complementary MHC genotype? ► the choice of a partner is based on olfactory perceptions ► Studies in humans, mice, also documented in fish Sexual selection and MHC ► Two levels of sexual selection in relation to MHC ► at the level of individuals - certain males with better condition bound traits ► at the gamete level - the sperm of a certain individual are selected by female oocytes more than the sperm of another individual e.g. Arctic char - sperm of MHC heterozygotes have higher success in fertilization Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) MHC and extinction of species Arabian oryx Oryx leucoryx Protection program = maintain all 3 variants desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis nelsoni) MHC and extinction of species