Abiotic and biotic factors affecting parasite abundance Environment of parasites ► 2 components ► host organism (1st level environment) = biotic factors ► external environment of the host (2nd level environment) = abiotic factors Host environment Parasite Host ►Abiotic vs. biotic factors 1st level environment = host ► Host species ► Age ► Host size ► Sex ► Population density ► Food strategies ► Behaviour ► Hormonal activity ► Physiological conditions ► Immune response ► Stress ► Genetically fixed susceptibility to the parasite 2nd level environment = host environment ► Temperature ► Light intensity (length of photoperiod) ► Environmental gas concentrations (O2 and CO2) ► Salinity of the environment ► pH of the environment ► Water or air flow ► Size and type of habitat (shape and depth of the water reservoir) ► Environmental pollution - parasites as bioindicators of water quality Epidemiological characteristics of parasitic infection ► Prevalence - the proportion of infected hosts to all examined hosts ► Intensity of infection - number of individuals of a given species of parasite on infected individual of the host (mean, min-max, median) ► Abundance - number of individuals of a given species of parasite per host individual (mean abundance ± SD, median with CI) Abiotic factors ► 2nd level environment plus annual seasonality and latitude ► Influence on the abundance and intensity of parasite infection ► In natural ecosystems, the simultaneous influence of multiple abiotic and biotic factors e.g. the effect of water temperature and host body size on the abundance of fish monogeneans ► Environmental temperature ► The most important abiotic factor ► direct effect – it stimulates the reproduction of the parasites indirect effect - effect on the physiology and immunity of the host (poikilothermic hosts) ► Temperature affects natality and mortality, presence (Cestoda, Acanthocephala) and abundance, transmission of parasites (cercariae) Abiotic factors: temperature ► Different tolerance of species to temperature Monogenea - genus Gyrodactylus - low temperature genus Dactylogyrus - higher temperature Abiotic factors: temperature ► Indirect effect of water temperature on the composition of parasite communities - temporary absence of competitive species, release of niches ► The effect of temperature can be confounded by other abiotic or biotic factors - interspecies interactions in the case of high population densities induced by temperature change ► Influence of temperature with seasonal changes - in the temperate zone → seasonal dynamics of occurrence and abundance of parasites (temperate zones) Abiotic factors: temperature ► Temperature, photoperiod length, seasonal occurrence of the host, availability of intermediate hosts, feeding behavior of the host ► Seasonal cycles in occurrence of parasites ► Monogenea, Cestoda, Nematoda ► Figure: Gyrodactylus macrochiri on fish Lepomis macrochirus Seasonal dynamics of occurrence and abundance of parasites Seasonality of parasites Seasonality of parasite occurrence e.g. 9 species of the genus Dactylogyrus (Monogenea) on the gills of the roach - abundance of 5 species increase with temperature (summer) - presence of 4 species related to the period with lower temperature (spring, autumn) Seasonal variability of morphology e.g. Gyrodactylus – smaller sclerotized haptor structures in summer Seasonality of reaching sexual maturity and reproduction direct effect of temperature, indirect effect of temperature - physiology or food ecology of the host, occurrence and abundance of intermediate hosts… Synchronization of parasite and host reproduction: Proteocephalus in Leuciscus leuciscus and Squalius cephalus during spawning Seasonal changes in intensity of infection Monthly changes in the intensity of infection of 5 species of leeches in turtles Seasonal changes in intensity of infection Ex. Seasonal changes in the abundance of metazoan parasites of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) Influence of water temperature on the occurrence of parasites ► Higher speciation rate in warm water than in cold ones ► Ex. Ectoparasites of marine fish Biotic factors ► 1. Biology of the host - host-parasite interactions ► 2. Parasite-parasite interactions intraspecific interspecific ► Interconnection of factors e.g. age of the host with sexual maturity and food ecology Host size ► The most frequently studied factor ► Larger host = more space for more parasites ► Host length (total length, organ length, host weight) ► Ex. The abundance of monogeneans on fish gills increase with fish size and gill size Host size ►Ex. Trematode Euhaplorchis californiensis in the fish brain (Fundulus parvipinnis) Host size ► Ex. Intensity of infection of an ectoparasite (Argulus foliaceus) in relation to body weight in different cyprinid species Host age ► Correlation with the length and weight of the host ► Difference in parasite infection among age groups i.e. younger individuals are infected by more helminths ► Link with food strategy ► Difference in the immune system Host size/age Ex. Prevalence and intensity of infection of an ectoparasite (Argulus foliaceus) for different age categories of fish Host age ► e.g. changes in flea prevalence and aggregation in rodents (species of Apodemus, Clethrionomys glareolus, two species of Microtus) ► Assumption: parasite-induced mortality and acquired agedependent resistance 1. highest aggregation of parasites and prevalence in middle age categories (Apodemus and C. glareolus) 2. increasing aggregation and prevalence with age (Microtus) → affected by dispersion, spatial distribution and habitat structure of the hosts Host sex ► Controversial factor ► Differences in morphology, physiology and behavior ► Influence of steroid hormones ► Possible influence of different food ecology ► Possibly different resistance e.g. Higher lice abundance in males than females in rodents Oligoryzomys nigripes – males with higher mobility and physiological stress - a consequence of the promiscuous mating system Host sex ► The effect of host sex on parasite abundance depends on the biological attributes of the parasite ► Ex. Ectoparasites (ticks, mites, lice and fleas) in rodents Rhabdomys pumilio - higher parasitism in males than in females - influence of host sex on parasitism variable at the level of parasite species between localities and between species of a given taxonomic group Host density and social behavior ► Higher density and social behavior - transmission of ectoparasites ► Ex. Relationship between population density of 19 mammalian species and abundance of strongylid nematodes Host social behavior ► Lice Colpocephalum turbinatum in Galapagos Hawk Buteo galapagoensis - influence of host sociality on abundance of parasite Host population size ► Abundance of Monogenea (Dactylogyrus formosus, D. wegeneri, D. intermedius a Gyrodactylus carassii) in fish (Carassius carassius) - Assumption: increasing abundance with increasing host population density (density = distances between individuals) - density is an insignificant factor - population size (= total availability of hosts) is a significant factor Host population size Food strategies ► Transmission of endohelminths (complex life cycle) ► Amount of food, proportion of components with parasite invasive stage ► Influence of seasonal changes in food supply - occurrence of intermediate host ► Position of the host in the food chain Host physiology ► Dependent on abiotic and biotic factors amount of food available environmental pollution host age competition and other interactions Host immune system ► Genetic factors ► Physiological and hormonal state ► Host age ► Stress ► Previous experience with infection (specific immunity) Host immune system ► Specific host susceptible, non-specific host resistant ► Break-down of immunity - infection of a non-specific host ► Sensitivity vs. resistance - influence of genetic factors (genetic compatibility) ► Effect of water temperature on immunity in poikilothermic hosts Host genetics ► Eel (Anguilla anguilla), multicellular parasites ► genes implicated in host physiology: - host response to environmental stress, i.e., heat shock – protein 70 (HSP70), metallothionein (MT), - osmoregulation - thyroid hormone receptor (THR), Na / KATPase - THR coloration, rhodopsins (FWO, DSO) ► Lower gene expression = digenean infection (7 species) ► Increased trophic activity of eels = nematode infection (Anguillicola crassus) Host immune system ► Ex. Cellular immunity (CMI) in response to hematophagous mobile ectoparasite - fly (Carnus haemapterus) colonizes birds (Coracias garrulus) during the nesting season Influence of environmental and host factors on parasite abundance ► Ex. Epidemiological data from 8 species of coral fish from two South Pacific islands Influence of environmental and host factors on parasite abundance