Parasite interactions Interactions in parasite communities ► Biotic factors ► Parasite interactions within the host ► Interspecific interactions ► Positive - disruption of host defence mechanisms by one parasite species can facilitate the use of different host species ► Negative - the presence of one species of parasite leads to reduction of population size, changes in distribution or limitation of reproduction of another species ► Intraspecific interactions Ecological niche of parasites ► Multidimensional space of parasite habitat defined by the biotic and abiotic variables ► Parasite occupies a specific position in host = habitat i.e. habitat of endoparasites – intestine ► Niche = determined by the range of all positions of all individuals of a given species Niche dimension = mean or median position (!!! in simple case a niche measured as unidimensional i.e. lentgh of intestine) Ecological niche of parasites Host habitat (gills) → microhabitats transversal longitudinal vertical lateral inner and outer surfaces Basic versus realized ecological niche ► Hutchinson 1957 ► Basic (preinteractive, precompetitive) - virtual range of positions where the parasite reproduces itself and survive in the absence of competitor ► Realized (postinteractive, postcompetitive) - subunit of basic niche reduced due to interspecific interactions Fundamental and realized niches, niche overlap Ex. Distribution of Hymenolepis diminuta (Cestoda) and Moniliformis dubius (Acanthocephala) in the intestine of rats Experimental infection - single-species - double-species Fundamental niche of parasites Ex. Basic niches of intestinal helminths (prevalence > 25%) in two species of grebes: (a) Aechmophorus occidentalis, (b) Podiceps nigricollis Numerical responses to competition ► reduction of parasite population size in the presence of other parasite species asymmetric output - affected only one species symetric output – reduction of infrapopulation sizes in both species 2 nematode species in rats 2 digenean species in IH (Mollusca) 2 acanthocephalean species in IH (Amphipoda) single infection concurrent infections Infraopulationsize Infraopulationsize Cystacanthvolume Functional response to competition ► Shift in realized niches in different species or reduction of niche overlap due to interactions ► Functional response occurs with or without numerical effects Niche space occupied Relativeinfrapopulationsize Relationship between the overlap in realized niche and the overlap in fundamental niche Ex. 120 pairwise associations among 16 species of intestinal helminths in Aythya affinis Overlap of multidimensional niche ► Two-dimensional niche - high overlap only in one dimension Ex. Overlap between pairs of cestodean species parasitizing in spiral valve of intestine in two species of elasmobranches (a) 9 species in Urobatis halleri (b) 5 species in Leucoraja naevus Next type of functional response ► congeneric species with the same size (or morphology) in basic niches → divergence of size in overlapping niches – e.g. morphology of beaks of Galapagos finches Ex. Body length in two co-occuring congeneric digenean species Pharyngostomoides adenocephala and P. procyonis parasitizing raccoons Interactive versus non-interactive parasite communities ► Interactive community – competition ► Non-interactive community – species coexistence ► Continuum between non-interactive and interactive community depending on niche space ► Saturated community – number of species cannot increase or number of species increases with decreasing niche size ► Non-saturated community – niche space free for parasite colonization, absence of competitors Competitive exclusion principle ► Gause´s law, Gause (1934) – first experimental competiton - affecting species with similar ecological requirements → 2 species with the same niche cannot coexist permanently 2 species with the same ecology cannot coexist permanently if 2 species coexist, there was a differentiation of realized niches the coexistence of competing species is allowed to differentiate niches, otherwise competitive exclusion Competitive exclusion principle Ecological niche in parasites: dimensions Rohde (1979) ► Host specificity ► Microhabitat ► Macrohabitat ► Geographical distribution ► Sex and age of hosts ► Season ► Food Host specificity ► Restriction of a given parasite species to a given host species (or range of host species) ► Specialist vs. generalist Microhabitats ► Preference of a parasite species for a specific microhabitat/-s (different morphology and physiology of microhabitats) Macrohabitats ► Habitat of hosts ► Sandy beach, rocky shore, estuary, deep sublittoral… ► Certain macrohabitats of a given host species, or several hosts from different macrohabitats ► Macrohabitat of parasites - narrower or wider than host habitat ► Ex. Larvae of nematodes parasitizing marine fish from Queensland - Anisacis – open water - Contracaecum – coastal shallow water - Pseudoterranova, Thynnascaris – intermediate distribution Geographical distribution ► The spatial dimension of a niche, sometimes analogous to a macrohabitat ► Parasites - wider geographical range than host (more host species in different geographical areas) - narrow geographical range (one host species, infection only in part of area of host distribution) Ex. Diclidophora dinticulata (Monogenea) – fish Pollachius virensis in the Barents Sea, Merluccius merluccius and Gadus minutus in the Atlantic Ex. Pseudothoracocotyla gigantica (Monogenea) only Heron Island (Great Barrier Reef) on Scomberomorus commerson - commonly distributed in the Indian Ocean Sex of host ► limited evidence ► Different food preferences, different composition of the epidermis of males and females ► Ex. Discocotyle sagittata (Monogenea) on Salmo trutta parasitizes 5-7 year old males more often than females Ex. Calicotyle kroyeri (Monogenea) is not present in gravid female stingrays Raja radiata Ex. males of snails Hydrobia ulvae in Britain are more parasitized by larval stages of digeneans than females of snails (16:1) Age of host ► Preference for age category ► More common than gender preferences ► Ex. Bychowsky (1957) – many Gyrodactylus species – 100% mostly on young specimens of host Ex. Diclybothrium armatum (Monogenea) - absence on young sturgeons, 70-80% on adults Food Niche heterogeneity in parasites ► Interactive niche heterogeneity – shift of niches in different species and reduction of niche overlap due to competition ► Spatial and temporal niche heterogeneity – i.e. seasonal occurrence of parasite species ► Niche heterogeneity facilitates parasite species coexistence in host ► If there is no niche heterogeneity → competitive exclusion of one species by the other one (e.g. larvae of digeneans in snails) Ecological niche of parasite ► Predicted and limited localization on/in host - restricted (limited) niches ► Separation of niches between different species – niche segregation ► Limitations of the niche at the level of the microhabitats Niche restriction in parasites ► Interactive segregation = functional response in the presence of competitor (i.e. intestinal parasites in Podiceps) - reduction of overlap in realized niches ► Selective niche segregation = strong competition over several generations - genetically fixed niche shift or reduction of overlap of fundamental and realized niches - evolutionary consequence of competition between sympatric species Evolutionary niche restriction in parasites ► Specific niches of parasites in the absence of current competiton ► product of past competition „ghost of competition from the past“ – by the mechanisms of selective niche segragation ► independent on competition - many free niche space for parasite colonization and to facilitate intraspecific contacts and reproduction e.g. Monogenea and Crustacea on fish gills – small infracommunities, many congeneric species on host Specific niches of congeneric parasites ► Specialization and adaptation ► Morphology of attachment organ (haptor in monogeneans) Dactylogyrus species in Rutilus rutilus (Cyprinidae) Segregation of niches by specialization ► Holmes (1990) - intestinal helminths ► Parasites select certain niches for localization, in the case of introduction to other niches, active movement to the preferred niche ► The range of niches of adult parasites is smaller than in larvae - strict requirements for reproduction ► The preferred location does not change in the case of increasing population density, and expanding the niche Reinforcement of reproductive barriers in congeneric parasites Evolution of preferred niches in congeneric parasites Quantification of ecological niche ► Niche width according to Levins (1968) where pj is the proportion of individuals of a species found in sector j 1 2 ia jap p R     ► Renkonen index of niche overlap (Renkonen, 1938) where pia is the proportion of individuals of species i in sector a, and pja is the proportion of individuals of species j in sector a 2 1 ( )j B p   Quantification of ecological niche ► Outlying Mean Index (Dolédec et al., 2000) ► Niche-oriented models (Tokeshi, 1990) Coexistence of parasite species ► Niche preference ► Morphological adaptation ► Reproductive isolation ► Agregation - reduction of the overall intensity of competition through the aggregated use of fragmented resources (host) Coexistence and aggregation of parasite species ► Aggregation model of species coexistence (Shorrocks, 1996) ► applied for parasites (Morand et al. 1999 - ectoparasites of marine fish) ► Interspecific aggregation is reduced in relation to intraspecific aggregation Investigating the coexistence of congeneric parasites in fish Agregation model of species coexistence (Shorrocks, 1996)   m m V m m m nn J p i ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1       12C  1in 2in 1m P  2mi1 p  2m  12Cov 1m 2m Intraspecific aggregation Interspecific aggregation     112 2 21 12 11    C JJ ASpecies coexistence n1i is the number of species 1 in patch i m1 it the mean number of species 1 per patch V1 is the variance in number of species 1 n1i, n2i,m1i m2i are mean number and variance in number of species 1 and 2 per patch P is the number of patch Cov is covariance between a pair of species Aggregation model applied for congeneric monogeneans 9 Dactylogyrus species 24 pairs of Dactylogyrus positively aggregated 9 pairs of Dactylogyrus negatively aggregated 3 pairs of Dactylogyrus not evaluated Reduction of interspecific aggregation in relation to intraspecific aggregation Species coexistence (A) Intraspecific aggregation (J) Interspecific aggregation (C)