Magnetochemistry 1 Magnetism All matter is electronic Positive/negative charges - bound by Coulombic forces Result of electric field E between charges, electric dipole Electric and magnetic fields = the electromagnetic interaction (Oersted, Maxwell) Electric field = electric +/ charges, electric dipole Magnetic field ??No source?? No magnetic charges, N-S No magnetic monopole Magnetic field = motion of electric charges (electric current, atomic motions) Magnetic dipole – magnetic moment  = i  A [A m2] 2 Magnetism Magnetic field = motion of electric charges • Macro = electric current • Micro = spin + orbital momentum 1822 Ampère Magnetic dipole – magnetic (dipole) moment  [A m2] Ai  3 Poisson model Ampere model Electromagnetic Fields 4 Magnetism Microscopic explanation of source of magnetism = Fundamental quantum magnets 1913 Bohr - Unpaired electrons 1921 Gerlach and Stern experiment (Ag) 1925 Uhlenbeck and Goudsmit - postulated the existence of a new intrinsic property of particles that behaved like an angular momentum Pauli later termed it spin Unlike mass and charge, there is no classical analog to spin! 1928 Dirac - Relativistic quantum theory  spins Quantum property, two-state quantum mechanical system (~ rotation of charged particles?) Spin arises in a correct relativistic formulation of the quantum theory the relativistic generalization of the Schrödinger equation = the Dirac equation 5 Magnetism Atomic building blocks (protons, neutrons, and electrons = fermions) possess an intrinsic magnetic moment Spin (½ for all fermions) gives rise to a magnetic moment 6 According to the Uhlenbeck and Goudsmit proposal, the spin of a particle should behave like an angular momentum and, therefore, should have an associated magnetic moment Atomic Motions of Electric Charges The origins for the magnetic moment of a free atom Motions of Electric Charges 1) The spins of the electrons S - Unpaired spins give a paramagnetic contribution, paired spins give a diamagnetic contribution 2) The orbital angular momentum L of the electrons about the nucleus, degenerate orbitals, paramagnetic contribution The change in the orbital moment induced by an applied magnetic field, a diamagnetic contribution 3) The nuclear spin I – 1000 times smaller than S, L nuclear magnetic moment  =  I  = gyromagnetic ratio 7 Spin angular momentum Orbital angular momentum Atomic Motions of Electric Charges The origins for the magnetic moment of unparied electrons 1) The spin of the electron S - Spin motion 2) The orbital angular momentum L - Orbital motion 8 Quantum number S For more than 1 e S = n × s , s = 1/2 and n is number of unparied electrons Number of magnetic levels – spin multiplicity MS = 2S + 1 SPIN MAGNETIC MOMENT (μs) ORBITAL MAGNETIC MOMENT (μl) Magnetic Moment of a Free Electron The Bohr magneton μB = the smallest quantity of a magnetic moment μB = eh/(4πme) = 9.2742  1024 J/T (= A m2) μB = eh/(4πmec) = 9.2742  1021 erg/Gauss S = ½, the spin quantum number g = 2.0023192778 the Lande constant of a free electron (g  2) For a free electron (S = ½) μeff = 2 3/4  μB = 1.73 μB     B e eff SSg m eh SSg    1 4 1  9 A Free Electron in a Magnetic Field 10 An electron with spin S = ½ can have two orientations in a magnetic field mS = +½ or mS = −½ In a magnetic field - degeneracy of the two states is removed = Zeeman-Effect HE  0 In SI units 0 = permeability of free space = 4π 107 [N A2 = H m1] BE   Magnetic energy A Free Electron in a Magnetic Field 11 An electron with spin S = ½ The state of lowest energy = the moment aligned along the magnetic field mS = −½ The state of highest energy = aligned against the magnetic field mS = +½ The energy of each orientation E = μ H For an electron μ = ms g B, B = the Bohr magneton g = the spectroscopic g-factor of the free electron 2.0023192778 (≈ 2.00) E = g B H E = ½ g B H E =  ½ g B H mS = +½ mS = −½ At r.t. kT = 205 cm1 H = 1 T E = 28 GHz = 1 cm1 Magnetism and Interactions 12 S L I H Magnetism and Interactions Zero Field Splitting (ZFS): The interactions of electrons with each other, lifting of the degeneracy of spin states for systems with S > ½ in the absence of an applied magnetic field, interaction of the spins mediated by the spinorbit coupling and dipole-dipole interactions ZFS = as a small energy gap of a few cm−1 between the lowest energy levels D = the axial zero-field splitting (ZFS) parameter 13 S = 3/2 D < 0 Zero Field Splitting in dn Ions 14 Magnetism and Interactions Hyperfine Interactions: The interactions of the nuclear spin I and the electron spin S (only s-electrons) – NMR spectroscopy 15 Spin-Orbit Coupling: The interaction of the orbital L and spin S part of a given system, more important with increasing atomic mass  = L × S Ligand Field: States with different orbital momentum L differ in their spatial orientation, very sensitive to the presence of charges in the nearby environment In coordination chemistry these effects and the resulting splitting of levels is described by the ligand field Magnetism and Interactions 16 1 eV = 8065.73 cm1 = 1.60210 1019 J Magnetization 17 When a substance is placed within a magnetic field, H, the field within the substance, B, differs from H by the induced field, M, which is proportional to the intensity of magnetization, M B = μ0(H + M) Magnetization does not exist outside of the material μ0 = permeability of vacuum Hd = demagnetizing or stray field (ferromagnets) Magnetic Variables SI Magnetic field strength (intensity) H [A m1] Fields resulting from electric current Magnetization (polarization) M [A m1] Vector sum of magnetic moments () per unit volume /V Spin and orbital motion of electrons [A m2/m3 =A m1] Additional magnetic field induced internally by H, opposing or supporting H Magnetic induction (flux density) B [T, Tesla = Wb m2 = J A1m2] A field within a body placed in H resulting from electric current and spin and orbital motions (Earth’s magnetic field = 50 microtesla) Field equation (infinite system) μ0 = 4π 107 [N A2 = H m1 = kg m A2s2] permeability of free space )(0 MHB   )0(0  HB In vacuum: 18 Magnetic Variable Mess (cgs) Magnetic field strength (intensity) H [Oe, Oersted] Fields resulting from electric current (1 Oe = 79.58 A/m) Magnetization (polarization) M [emu/cm3] Magnetic moment per unit volume Spin and orbital motion of electrons 1 emu/g = 1 Am2/kg Magnetic induction B [G, Gauss] (1 T = 104 G) A field resulting from electric current and spin and orbital motions Field equation μ0 = 1 permeability of free space, dimensionless )4(0 MHB   See: Magnetochemistry in SI Units, Terence I. Quickenden and Robert C. Marshall, Journal of Chemical Education, 49, 2, 1972, 114-116 19 Important Variables, Units, and Relations 20 = Wb m2 103/4 4 Magnetic Field 21 950 MHz NMR B = 22.3 T Magnetic Susceptibility  (Volume) Magnetic susceptibility  of a sample [dimensionless]  = how effectively an applied magnetic field H induces magnetization M in a sample, how susceptible (receptive) are dipoles to reorientation Measurable, extrinsic property of a material, positive or negative M = magnetization [A m1] H = the macroscopic magnetic field strength (intensity) [A m1] H M  HM     H M    22 M is a vector, H is a vector, therefore χ is a second rank tensor If the sample is magnetically isotropic, χ is a scalar If the magnetic field H is weak enough and T not too low, χ is independent of H and thus: Mass and Molar Magnetic Susceptibility Molar magnetic susceptibility M of a sample (intrinsic property) Mass magnetic susceptibility m of a sample        g cm m 3           mol emu mol cm MmM 3  Typical molar susceptibilities Paramagnetic ~ +0.01 μB Diamagnetic ~ 1×106 μB Ferromagnetic ~ +0.01 - 10 μB Superconducting ~ Strongly negative, repels fields completely (Meisner effect)   )1()1( 00 H M H B  = density 23 Relative Permeability μr Magnetic field H generated by a current is enhanced in materials with permeability μ to create larger fields B H B  HB   r H HM H B    00 0 )1( )(    μ < μ0 diamagnetic μ > μ0 paramagnetic μ0 = 4π 107 [N A2 = H m1 = kg m A2s2] permeability of free space HHHHMHB   )1()()( 000 )1(0   24 0   r   1r HM   Magnetic Susceptibility M is the algebraic sum of contributions associated with different phenomena, measurable: M =  M D +  M P + M Pauli M D = diamagnetic susceptibility due to closed-shell (core) electrons Always present in materials, can be calculated from atom/group additive increments (Pascal’s constants) or the Curie plot Temperature and field independent, small negative values M P = paramagnetic susceptibility due to unpaired electrons, increases upon decreasing temperature, large positive values M Pauli = Pauli, in metals and other conductors - due to mixing excited states that are not thermally populated into the ground (singlet) state temperature independent 25 Dimagnetic Susceptibility M D is the sum of contributions from atoms and bonds: M D = D atom + bond D atom = atom diamagnetic susceptibility increments (Pascal’s constants) bond = bond diamagnetic susceptibility increments (Pascal’s constants) Diamagnetic Corrections and Pascal’s Constants Gordon A. Bain and John F. Berry: Journal of Chemical Education Vol. 85, No. 4, 2008, 532-536 26 For a paramagnetic substance, e.g., Cr(acac)3 it is difficult to measure its diamagnetism directly Synthesize Co(acac)3, Co3+: d6 low spin Use the dia value of Co(acac)3 as that of Cr(acac)3 Pascal’s Constants 27 Magnetic Susceptibility 28 T N k M BA B eff    2 1 2 0 3        M P = paramagnetic susceptibility relates to number of unpaired electrons   1 3 22  SS k gN T B BAP M   Caclculation of μeff (microscopic quantity) from χ (macroscopic quantity) 2 0 3 BA BM eff N Tk     eff = 0.7977  m T  m in cm3 mol1 eff = 2.828  m T  m in emu Oe1 mol1 Magnetic Susceptibility 29 Magnetic Properties Magnetic behavior of a substance = magnetic polarization in a mg field H0 30 H0 M M Diamagnetic materials - a slight negative magnetic susceptibility - repel the magnetic lines of force Paramagnetic materials - a positive magnetic susceptibility - attract the magnetic lines of force Ferromagnetic materials a stronger attractive effect Magnetic Properties Magnetic behavior of a substance = orientation of magnetic moments in/outside a magnetic field H0 31 Atomic/ionic properties Cooperative (bulk) properties Magnetically dilute, noninteracting Magnetically concentrated, interacting Magnetism of the Elements 32 Diamagnetism and Paramagnetism )(0 MHB   Diamagnetic Ions a small magnetic moment associated with electrons traveling in a closed loop around the nucleus Paramagnetic Ions The moment of an atom with unpaired electrons is given by the spin, S, orbital angular momentum, L and total momentum, J, quantum numbers Inhomogeneous mg field 33 (Langevine) Diamagnetism Lenz’s Law – when magnetic field acts on a conducting loop, it generates a current that counteracts the change in the field Electrons in closed shells (paired) cause a material to be repelled by H Weakly repulsive interaction with the field H All the substances are diamagnetic  < 0 = an applied field induces  a small moment opposite to the field  = 105 to 106 Superconductors  = 1 perfect diamagnets HM   34 Diamagnetism Large and heavy atoms have large diamagnetic susceptibilities 2 2 2 r mc NZe  35 (Curie) Paramagnetism Paramagnetism arises from the interaction of H with the magnetic field of the unpaired electron due to the spin (S) and orbital angular (L) momentum Randomly oriented, rapidly reorienting magnetic moments No permanent spontaneous magnetic moment M = 0 at H = 0 Spins are non-interacting, non-cooperative, independent, dilute system Weakly attractive interaction with the field  ˃ 0 = an applied field induces a small moment in the same direction as the field  = 103 to 105 36 (Curie) Paramagnetism for S = ½ ms = 1/2 ms = -1/2 ms = 1/2 H = 0 H 0 E=gBH.0 E S = 1/2 at T H Energy diagram of ONE S = ½ spin in an external magnetic field H E = g B H about 1 cm1 at 1 T (10 000 G) B = Bohr magneton (= 9.27 1024 J/T) g = the Lande constant (= 2.0023192778) 37  Parallel to H  Opposite to H Magnetic moment  = g B S The interaction energy of magnetic moment with the applied magnetic field E =  H = g B S H = ms g B H Zeeman effect (Curie) Paramagnetism for S = ½ 38 MANY SPINS Relative populations P of ½ and –½ states For H = 25 kG = 2.5 T E ~ 2.3 cm1 At 300 K kT ~ 200 cm-1 Boltzmann distribution The populations of ms = 1/2 and –1/2 states are almost equal with only a very slight excess in the ms = –1/2 state Even under very large applied field H, the net magnetic moment is very small 1 2/1 2/1     Tk E B e P P Bext Eupper Elower (Curie) Paramagnetism for S = ½ 39 To obtain magnetization M (or M), need to consider all the energy states that are populated E =  H = g B S H = ms g B H The magnetic moment, n (the direction // H) of an electron in a quantum state n Bs n n gm H E      Consider: - The magnetic moment of each energy state - The population of each energy state M = NA  n Pn Pn = probability in state n Nn = population of state n NTot = population of all the states  = ms g B E = ms g B H Tk E Tk E Tot n n B n B n e e N N P     (Curie) Paramagnetism for S = ½ 40 = N[g/2 -g/2 g/2kT -g/2kT e + e ] [eg/2kT e-g/2kT ] M= N ms n e -En/kT ms e -En/kT = [ 1 + g/2kT 1( g/2kT) ]g/2kT+1 + )g/2kT(1 Ng 2 e± x ~ 1 x± For x << 1 g B H << kT when H ~ 5 kG = Ng2 4kT H Tk gN M B BA M 4 22   Curie Law for S = ½ 41 m 1/T slope = C 1895 Curie Law: T C Tk gN H M B BA M  4 22   T C M  M Pierre Curie (1859 – 1906) NP in physics 1903 (Curie) Paramagnetism for general S 42 En = ms g B H ms = S, S + 1, …. , S  1, S M= N ms=-S ms S (-msg)e-msgH/kT -msgH/kT e = Ng2H 3kT S(S+1) )1( 3 22  SS Tk gN H M B BA M   For S = 1 For S = 3/2 For S = 1/2 Tk gN B BA M 4 22    Tk gN B BA M 3 2 22    Tk gN B BA M 4 5 22    Non-interacting, non-cooperative, independent, dilute ions (spins) m 1/T slope = Curie const. S=1/2 S=1 S=3/2 M (Curie) Paramagnetism 43 )1( 3 22  SS Tk gN H M B BA M   )1()1(  nnSSgeff 2 0 3 BA BM eff N Tk     (in BM, Bohr Magnetons) n = number of unpaired electrons g = 2 Curie Law  vs. T plot 1/ = T/C plot - a straight line of gradient C-1 and intercept zero T = C - a straight line parallel to the x-axis at a constant value of T showing the temperature independence of the magnetic moment 44 T C M  Plot of eff vs Temperature 45 temperature eff (BM) 3.87 1.7 S=3/2 S=1/2 temperature eff (BM) 3.87 1.7 S=3/2 S=1/2 The individual spins in the solid material switch cooperatively, rather than independently of each other temperature eff (BM) 3.87 S=3/2 eff = 2[S(S+1)]1/2 eff = 2.828(T)1/2 Spin Equilibrium Spin Crossover )1(  SSgeff The individual spins in the solid material switch independently Curie-Weiss Law 46 Deviations from paramagnetic behavior The system is not magnetically dilute (pure paramagnetic) or at low temperatures The neighboring magnetic moments may align parallel or antiparallel (still considered as paramagnetic, not ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic) Θ = the Weiss constant (the x-intercept!) T  Θ continental convention T + Θ anglo-american convention Θ = 0 paramagnetic spins independent of each other Θ is positive, spins align parallell Θ is negative, spins align antiparallell   T C M m T1 1/M C T CM   11  Curie-Weiss Paramagnetism Plots obeying the Curie-Weiss law with a positive Weiss constant  = intermolecular interactions among the moments  > 0 - ferromagnetic interactions = spins align parallell (NOT ferromagnetism) 47 Curie-Weiss Paramagnetism Plots obeying the Curie-Weiss law with a negative Weiss constant  = intermolecular interactions among the moments  < 0 - antiferromagnetic interactions = spins align antiparallell (NOT antiferromagnetism) 48 Saturation of Magnetization 49 The Curie-Wiess law does not hold where the system is approaching saturation at high H – M is not proportional to H )1( 3 22  SS Tk gN H M B BA M   Approximation for g B H << kT not valid e± x ~ 1 x± M/ mol-1 H/kT S=1/2 S=1 S=3/2 S=2 1 2 3 4 1 20 follow Curie -Weiss law SgNM BAsat  Saturation of Magnetization 50 Fe3O4 films Curves I, II, and III refer to chromium potassium alum, iron ammonium alum, and gadolinium sulfate octahydrate g = 2 Gd3+ Cr3+ Fe3+ 3/2 5/2 7/2 SgNM BAsat  Lande g-factor 51        12 111 1    JJ LLSSJJ gJ J = the total electronic angular momentum J = L + S L = the orbital angular momentum S = the spin angular momentum a) For a single s electron: L= 0, S = ½, J = L + S = 0 + ½ = ½ g = 2 b) For a single p electron: L = 1, S = ½, J = L + S = 1 + ½ = 3/2 g = 4/3 c) For a single d electron: L = 2, S = ½, J = L + S = 2 + ½ = 5/2 g = 6/5 A dimensionless proportionality constant of the total magnetic moment μ of a particle and the total angular momentum J μB = eh/(4πme) Jg B JJ     Magnetism in Transition Metal Complexes 52 Many transition metal salts and complexes are paramagnetic due to partially filled d-orbitals The experimentally measured magnetic moment (μ) can provide important information about the compounds: • Number of unpaired electrons present • Oxidation state • Distinction between HS and LS octahedral complexes • Spectral behavior • Structure of the complexes (tetrahedral vs octahedral vs tetragonal) Magnetism in Transition Metal Complexes 53 eff in Bohr magnetons, MT in cm3 mol1 K Paramagnetism in Transition Metal Complexes 54 μl+s = μl + μs Orbital motion of the electron generates ORBITAL MAGNETIC MOMENT (μl) Spin motion of the electron generates SPIN MAGNETIC MOMENT (μs) L-S coupling (Russel- Saunders - assumes strong interaction between total orbital and total spin angular momenta) l = orbital angular momentum s = spin angular momentum For multi-electron systems L = l1 + l2 + l3 + … total orbital angular momentum S = s1 + s2 + s3 + … total spin angular momentum Paramagnetism in Transition Metal Complexes 55 The magnetic properties arise mainly from the d-orbitals For the first Transition Metal series, spin-orbital interaction is small Orbital angular momentum and spin angular momentum act independently – no spin-orbit coupling Free ions: Paramagnetism in Transition Metal Complexes 56 The energy levels of d-orbitals are perturbed by ligands – ligand field Spin-orbit coupling is less important, the orbital angular momentum is often “quenched” by special electronic configuration, especially when the symmetry is low, the rotation of electrons about the nucleus is restricted which leads to L = 0     B e s SS m eh SSg    14 4 1  Spin-Only Formula   Bs nn  2 μs = 1.73, 2.83, 3.88, 4.90, 5.92, 6.93 BM for n = 1 to 6, respectively Mn2+, Fe3+, Gd3+ S = ½ n Ground States of Free Ions with Partially Filled d-shells (l = 2) 57 J = L+ S, L+ S  1,……L  S See Hunds Rules 2S+1LJ Orbital Contribution in Octahedral Complexes 58 eg t2g Orbital Angular Momentum Contribution 59 There must be an unfilled / half-filled orbital similar in energy to that of the orbital occupied by the unpaired electrons The electrons can make use of the available orbitals to circulate or move around the center of the complexes and hence generate L and μL Conditions for orbital angular momentum contribution: 1. The orbitals should be degenerate (t2g or eg) 2. The orbitals should be similar in shape and size, so that they are transferable into one another by rotation about the same axis (e.g., dxy is related to dx2-y2 by a rotation of 45 about the z-axis) 3. Orbitals must not contain electrons of identical spin x y dx2-y2 x y dxy Spin-Orbit Coupling 60 E dxy dx2-y2 dx2-y2 and dxy orbitals have different energies in a certain electron configuration, electrons cannot go back and forth between them E dxydx2-y2 Electrons have to change directions of spins to circulate E dxydx2-y2 Little contribution from orbital angular momentum Orbitals are filled E dxydx2-y2 E dxydx2-y2 Spin-orbit couplings are significant Magic Pentagon 61 dxydx2-y2 dz2 dxz dyz 66 8 2 22 22 ml 0 1 2 g = 2.0023 + E1-E2 n 2.0023: g-value for free ion + sign for <1/2 filled subshell  sign for >1/2 filled subshell n: number of magic pentagon : free ion spin-orbit coupling constant Spin-orbit coupling influences g-value Orbital sets that may give spin-orbit coupling no spin-orbit coupling contribution for dz2/dx2-y2 and dz2/dxy Orbital Contribution in Octahedral Complexes 62 dx2-y2 + dz2 dxz to dyz dxy to dyz dxz to dxy degenerate rotation spin Orbital Contribution in Octahedral Complexes 63 Orbital Contribution in Octahedral Complexes 64 OAM = orbital angular momentum contribution SO = Spin-Only Formula S+L = Spin-Orbit Coupling  14  SSSO    114  LLSSLS Orbital Contribution in Tetrahedral Complexes 65 If μobs > μso Contribution from excited states to the magnetic moment Co(II) d7 ground: e4 t2 3 no OAM excited: e3 t2 4 yes OAM Orbital Contribution in Low-symmetry Ligand Field 66 If the symmetry is lowered, degeneracy will be destroyed and the orbital contribution will be quenched Oh D4h D4h: all are quenched except d1 and d3 eff = g[S(S+1)]1/2 (spin-only) is valid Magnetic Properties of Lanthanides 67 4f electrons are too far inside 4fn 5s2 5p6 as compared to the d electrons in transition metals Thus 4f are normally unaffected by surrounding ligands The magnetic moments of Ln3+ ions are generally well-described from the coupling of spin and orbital angular momenta to give J vector Russell-Saunders Coupling (J = L + S) • spin-orbit coupling constants are large (ca. 1000 cm-1) • ligand field effects are very small (ca. 100 cm-1) • spin-orbit coupling >> ligand field splitting • only ground J-state is populated • magnetism is essentially independent of coordination environment (ligand field) Valence Shell of Lanthanides 68 Xe [Kr] 4d10 5s2 5p6 E(4f)  E(6s) Cs [Xe] 6s1 4f0 5d0 Ba [Xe] 6s2 4f0 5d0 La [Xe] 5d1 6s2 4f0 transition metal Ce [Xe] 4f1 5d1 6s2 E(4f)  E(6s), E(5d) Pr [Xe] 4f3 5d0 6s2 Nd [Xe] 4f4 5d0 6s2 Pm [Xe] 4f5 5d0 6s2 Sm [Xe] 4f6 5s2 5p6 5d0 6s2 Eu [Xe] 4f7 5s2 5p6 5d0 6s2 Gd [Xe] 4f7 5s2 5p6 5d1 6s2 4f half-filled Tb [Xe] 4f9 5s2 5p6 5d0 6s2 Dy [Xe] 4f10 5s2 5p6 5d0 6s2 Ho [Xe] 4f11 5s2 5p6 5d0 6s2 Er [Xe] 4f12 5s2 5p6 5d0 6s2 Tm [Xe] 4f13 5s2 5p6 5d0 6s2 Yb [Xe] 4f14 5s2 5p6 5d0 6s2 Lu [Xe] 4f14 5s2 5p6 5d1 6s2 4f completely filled Magnetic Properties of Lanthanides 69 Gd [Xe] 4f7 5s2 5p6 5d1 6s2 Magnetic Properties of Lanthanides 70 Magnetic moment of a J-state is expressed by the Landé formula:   BJJ JJg  1 J = L+ S, L+ S  1,……L  S        12 111 1    JJ LLSSJJ gJ For the calculation of g value, use minimum value of J for the configurations up to half-filled; i.e., J = L − S for f0 - f7 configurations maximum value of J for configurations more than half-filled; i.e., J = L + S for f8 - f14 configurations For f0, f7, and f14, L = 0, hence μJ becomes μS g-value for free ions g = ? For singlet For spin-only Magnetic Properties of Lanthanides Ln3+ 71 eff Russell-Saunders Coupling (J = L + S), only ground J-state is populated MLJ Magnetic Properties of Nd3+ (4f3) 72 +3 +2 +1 0 -1 -2 -3ml Lmax = 3 + 2 + 1 = 6 Smax = 3  1/2 = 3/2 M = 2S + 1 = 2  3/2 + 1 = 4 Ground state J = L  S = 6  3/2 = 9/2 Ground state term symbol: 4I9/2 g = 1+ 2x(9/2)(9/2+1) 3/2(3/2+1)-6(6+1)+(9/2)(9/2+1) = 0.727 eff = g[J(J+1)]1/2 = 0.727[(9/2)(9/2 + 1)] = 3.62 BM MLJ Term symbol of electronic state Magnetic Properties of Pr3+(4f2) 73 Pr3+ [Xe]4f2 Find Ground State from Hund's Rules Maximum Multiplicity S = 1/2 + 1/2 = 1 M = 2S + 1 = 3 Maximum Orbital Angular Momentum L = 3 + 2 = 5 Total Angular Momentum J = (L + S), (L + S) - 1, …L - S = 6 , 5, 4 f2 = less than half-filled sub-shell - choose minimum J = L  S  J = 4 g = (3/2) + [1(1+1)-5(5+1)/2(4)(4+1)] = 0.8 μJ = 3.577 BM Experiment = 3.4 - 3.6 BM Magnetic Properties of Lanthanides Ln3+ 74 Experimental _____Landé Formula -•-•-Spin-Only Formula - - Landé formula fits well with observed magnetic moments for all but Sm(III) and Eu(III) ions Moments of these ions are altered from the Landé expression by temperaturedependent population of low lying excited J-state(s) effat300K(BM) Magnetic order is due to the coupling between discrete microscopic magnetic moments Two exchange-coupled unpaired electrons The Heisenberg-Dirac-Van Vleck Hamiltonian - an empirical operator that models interaction (coupling) of unpaired electrons Spin Hamiltonian in Cooperative Systems j ij i SSJH   .2 The coupling between pairs of individual spins, S, on atom i and atom j J = the exchange coupling constant 75 J  0 parallel (ferromagnetic) alignment J  0 antiparallel (antiferromagnetic) alignment Magnetism in Solids Cooperative Magnetism Diamagnetism and paramagnetism are characteristic of compounds with individual atoms which do not interact magnetically (e.g., classical metal complexes) Ferromagnetism, antiferromagnetism and other types of cooperative magnetism originate from an intense magnetic interaction between electron spins of many atoms in bulk materials 76 Magnetic Ordering 77 0 Ferromagnets - all interactions ferromagnetic, a large overall magnetization Ferrimagnets - the alignment is antiferromagnetic, but due to different magnitudes of the spins, a net magnetic moment is observed Antiferromagnets - both spins are of same magnitude and are arranged antiparallel Weak ferromagnets – spins are not aligned anti/parallel but canted Spin glasses – random orientation of frozen spin orientations, spins are correlated but not long-range ordered, spin coupling mediated through the conduction electrons Metamagnets - a field-induced magnetic transition from a state of low to high magnetization Superparamagnets - ferromagnets with particle size too small to sustain the multidomain structure, the particle behaves as one large paramagnetic ion Magnetic Ordering 78 Critical temperature – under Tcrit the magnetic coupling energy between spins is bigger than thermal energy resulting in spin ordering TC = Curie temperature TN = Neel temperature Curie Temperature 79 Curie Temperature of Ni Tc = 358.28 C 1832 Pouillet Ni, Fe, Co Observed a limit for the temperature of magnetism 1895 Curie a transition from ferromagnetic to paramagnetic A second order transition Lambda shape of the Cp versus T a maximum = the Curie point Not associated with an enthalpy change Magnetic Ordering 80 cooperativeindividual Magnetic Ordering 81 Exchange Interactions 82 In order for a material to be magnetically ordered, the spins on one atom must couple with the spins on neighboring atoms Direct Exchange - a direct overlap between the localized orbitals of electrons on adjacent magnetic ion sites Superexchange - an indirect exchange interaction between the localized electrons on magnetic ions separated by the nonmagnetic ion or ligand Double Exchange - interactions between localized spin and delocalized spins Direct Exchange Interaction 83 Bethe-Slater curve - J as a function of interatomic distance and radius of partially filled d-shell of an atom The interatomic distance - Small - the electrons spent most of the time in between the atoms and give rise to the antiferromagnetic order (Pauli's exclusion principle) - Large - the electrons spent most of the time away from each other and give rise to the ferromagnetic order j ij i SSJH   .2 J  0 J  0 Superexchange Interaction 84 The most common mechanism for the magnetic coupling (particularly in insulators) - the spin information is transferred through covalent bonds with the intervening ligand (oxygen, halogen) No movement of electrons from one magnetic site to other magnetic site because the oxidation states of magnetic ions are same or differ by two antiferromagnetic coupling ferromagnetic coupling Double Exchange Interaction 85 Movement (hopping) of electrons from one magnetic ion to 2p orbital of oxygen from which one electron simultaneously hops the other magnetic ion because oxidation states of two nearest neighbor ions differs by one This hopping occurs with preservation of the spin sign - ferromagnetic The assumption - intraatomic exchange interactions between localized spin and delocalized (hopping) spins are very strong which aligns the spins of delocalized electrons always parallel to the localized ion spin ferromagnetic coupling Antiferromagnetism 1936 J negative with spins antiparallel below TN No spontaneous M, no permanent M Critical temperature: TN (Neel Temperature) Above TN = paramagnet 86 paramagnetic Louis Néel 1904 – 2000 1970 NP in Physics Antiferromagnetism 87 MnO – alternating planes of the O a Mn atoms (111) Magnetic moments of Mn atoms are in each plane organized in antiparallel manner MnO = NaCl structure type Antiferromagnetism 88 Material TN (K) NiO 525 Cr 308 Cr2O3 307 CoO 291 MnS 160 MnO 116 FeF2 79 NiCl2 50 CoCl2 25 CoI2 12 Neutron Diffraction Single crystal may be anisotropic Magnetic and structural unit cell may be different The magnetic structure of a crystalline sample can be determined with thermal neutrons = neutrons with a wavelength in the order of magnitude of interatomic distances de Broglie equation: λ = h / mnvn Neutron radiation of a nuclear reactor 89 Neutron Diffraction 90 Ferrimagnetism 1948 Néel J negative with spins of unequal magnitude antiparallel below critical T Requires two chemically distinct species with different moments coupled antiferromagnetically Spontaneous M, Critical T = TC (Curie Temperature) Bulk behavior very similar to ferromagnetism Magnetite Fe3O4 is a ferrimagnet T FiM Paramagnetic behaviour   91 Ferrimagnetism 92 Magnetite Fe3O4 = Spinel Magnetite Fe3O4 93 An inverse spinel (Fe3+ )8[Fe2+ Fe3+]16O32 A = (Fe3+) on the Td sites (5μB) B = [Fe2+ / Fe3+] a 1:1 mixture on the Oh sites [Fe2+] 3d6 (4μB) Fe3+ 3d5 (5μB) [Fe2+] to [Fe3+] ferrimagnetic double exchange alignment [Fe3+] to (Fe3+) antiferrimagnetic super-exchange interactions through the O2− anions These Fe3+ moments cancel each other, leaving a net moment of 4μB per formula unit from the Fe2+ ions Ferrimagnetic Curie Temperature = 858 K Ferromagnetism 94 Ferromagnetism is a quantum mechanical effect arising from Coulomb (electric) repulsion – electrons with parallel spins tend to avoid each other spatially due to the Pauli's exclusion principle This gives rise to the exchange interactions – energy is lowered The exchange interactions split the electronic density of states (DOS) with spin up and spin down states in a magnetic metal At Fermi level the DOS are spin polarized which gives rise to the ferromagnetism in a material Ferromagnetism J positive with spins parallel below Tc A spontaneous permanent M (in absence of H) Tc = Curie Temperature Above Tc = paramagnet 95 Material Tc, K Fe 1063 Co 1404 Ni 631 Gd 293 Dy 88 EuO 77 GdCl3 2.2 SmCo5 1015 Nd2Fe14B 670 Without an external magnetic field the atomic moments are oriented parallel in large areas (Weiss domains) Ferromagnetism Ferromagnetic elements: Fe, Co, Ni, Gd, Dy Moments throughout a material tend to align parallel This can lead to a spontaneous permanent M (in absence of H) In a macroscopic (bulk) system, it is energetically favorable for spins to segregate into regions called domains in order to minimize the magnetostatic energy E = H  M Domains need not be aligned with each other may or may not have spontaneous M Magnetization inside domains is aligned along the easy axis and is saturated 96 Magnetic Anisotropy 97 Magnetic anisotropy = the dependence of the magnetic properties on the direction of the applied field with respect to the crystal lattice, result of spinorbit coupling Depending on the orientation of the field with respect to the crystal lattice a lower or higher magnetic field is needed to reach the saturation magnetization Easy axis = the direction inside a crystal, along which small applied magnetic field is sufficient to reach the saturation magnetization Hard axis = the direction inside a crystal, along which large applied magnetic field is needed to reach the saturation magnetization Magnetic Anisotropy 98 bcc Fe - the highest density of atoms in the <111> direction = the hard axis, the atom density is lowest in <100> directions = the easy axis Magnetization curves show that the saturation magnetization in <100> direction requires significantly lower field than in the <111> direction fcc Ni - the <111> is lowest packed direction = the easy axis, <100> is the hard axis hcp Co the <0001> is the lowest packed direction (perpendicular to the close-packed plane) = the easy axis, the <1000> is the close-packed direction and it corresponds to the hard axis, hcp structure of Co makes it the one of the most anisotropic materials Magnetostatic Energy A single domain behaves as a block magnet a demagnetising field is present around the domain Demagnetising field has a magnetostatic energy that depends on the shape It is the field that allows work to be done by the magnetised sample (e.g., lifting another ferromagnetic material) Minimise the total magnetic energy - the magnetostatic energy must be minimised - decreasing the external demagnetising field by dividing the material into domains Adding extra domains increases the exchange energy The total energy is decreased as the magnetostatic energy is the dominant effect, the magnetostatic energy can be reduced to zero by a domain structure that leaves no external demagnetising field 99 Magnetic Domains The external field magnetostatic energy is decreased by dividing into domains The internal energy is increased because the spins are not parallel When H external is applied, saturation magnetization can be achieved through the domain wall motion, which is energetically inexpensive, rather than through magnetization rotation, which carries large anisotropy energy penalty Application of H causes aligned domains to grow at the expense of misaligned, alignment persists when H is removed 100 Domain Walls 101 A domain wall (DW) is a transition region between the different magnetic domains of uniform magnetization that develops when a magnetic material forms domains to minimize the magnetostatic energy Wall energy is the energy required to maintain the wall When domains form, the magnetostatic energy decreases, and the wall energy and the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy increase Domain Walls 102 The magnetic anisotropy energy: E = K sin2  is the angle between the magnetic dipole and the easy axis Large exchange integral yields wider walls High anisotropy yields thinner walls The domain wall width is determined by the balance between the exchange energy and the magnetic anisotropy: The total exchange energy E is a sum of the penalties between each pair of spins Domain Walls 103 180° domains walls = adjacent domains have opposite vectors of magnetization 90° domains walls = adjacent domains have perpendicular vectors of magnetization Depends on crystallografic structure of ferromagnet (number of easy axes) One easy axis = 180° DW (hexagonal Co) Three easy axes = both 180° and 90° DW (bcc-Fe, 100) Four easy axes = 180°, 109°, and 71° DW (fcc-Ni, 111) Domain Wall Motion At low Hext = bowing/relaxation of DWs, after removing Hext DWs return back Volume of domains favorably oriented wrt H increases, M increases At high Hext = irreversible movements of DW a) Continues without increasing Hext b) DW interacts with an obstacle (pinning) 104 Magnetic Force Microscopy 105 Magnetized tip scans across a magnetic sample Interaction between the tip and sample are detected and used to reconstruct the magnetic structure of the sample surface Magnetic Hysteresis Loop Important parameters Saturation magnetization, Ms Remanent magnetization, Mr Remanence: Magnetization of sample after H is removed Coercivity, Hc Coercive field: Field required to flip M (from +M to M) 106 Magnetic Hysteresis Loop "Hard" magnetic material = high Coercivity "Soft" magnetic material = low Coercivity Electromagnets • High Mr and Low HC Electromagnetic Relays • High Msat, Low MR, and Low HC Magnetic Recording Materials • High Mr and High HC Permanent Magnets • High Mr and High HC 107 Magnetic Hysteresis Loop 108 Magnetic Hysteresis Loop 109 Dictionary of Used Terms 110 Angular momentum – moment hybnosti Magnetic lines of force – magnetické siločáry Easy axis – snadná osa Hard axis - obtížná osa