E0321 Sustainable development - global challenges and Aspects Michal Bittner, Ph.D. RECETOX Center Faculty of Science Masaryk University 1972 Development of society – what does it mean? Not enough of food To much of food Child mortality – „natural“ solution of population growth?? - in past ages, high infant mortality, diseases and wars prevented the population growth Women don‘t want more children, but more for their children (R. Engelman) One-child policy (China) - 1979 - 2015 - circa 400 million children not born - ethical and socio-economical consequences - was it really necessary? Miracle in Bangladesh (and elsewhere)... Miracle in Bangladesh (and elsewhere)... www.gapminder.org - dříve vysoká novorozenecká úmrtnost, nemoci a války Women don‘t want more children, but more for their children (R. Engelman) One-child policy (China) - 1979 - 2015 - circa 400 million children not born - ethical and socio-economical consequences - was it really necessary? „Voluntary“ One-child policy - Rich-North countries - result of demographic transition Child mortality – „natural“ solution of population growth?? www.gapminder.org Income x natality 266,000 250,000 480,000 120,000 900,000