Academic Vocabulary CAMBRIDGE 50 units of academic vocabulary reference and practice Self-study and classroom use Michael McCarthy Felicity O'Dell Academic Vocabulary in Use 50 units of academic vocabulary reference and practice Self-study and classroom use Michael McCarthy Felicitv OfDell §1 gamble ■ ^* ■ ■ ■ ^ y " " WW UNIVERSITY PRESS cambridge university press Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Sao Paulo, Delhi Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK Information on this title: © Cambridge University Press 2008 This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2008 Produced by Kamae Design, Oxford Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library 1SBN-13 978-0-521-68939-7 paperback Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Contents Acknowledgements 5 To the student and the teacher 6 Working with academic vocabulary 1 What is special about academic English? discipline, virtually, quantify Key nouns Key verbs Key adjectives Key adverbs Phrasal verbs in academic English 2 3 4 5 6 7 Key quantifying expressions 8 Words with several meanings 9 Metaphors and idioms Word combinations 10 Nouns and the words they combine with 11 Adjective and noun combinations 12 Verbs and the words they combine with 13 Prepositional phrases 14 Verbs and prepositions 15 Nouns and prepositions 16 Fixed expressions At academic institutions 17 Applications and application forms 18 College and university: the UK system 19 Systems compared: the US and the UK 20 Academic courses 21 Study habits and skills 22 Online learning Ways of talking about ... 23 Sources 24 Facts, evidence and data 25 Numbers 26 Statistics 27 Graphs and diagrams 28 Money and education 29 Time 30 Cause and effect theory, model, pattern attempt, establish, explain relevant, abstract, significant comparatively, eventually, simply put forward, go through, write up a substantial amount, in excess of, no fewer than set, accommodate, issue shed light on, remain in the dark, the battle against heated debate, pivotal role, to collate results important contribution, major concern, widespread support loosely based on, examine the evidence, suggest an alternative solution in conjunction with, on behalf of, for the most part focus on, consent to, account for dissertation on, rationale for, progress towards in a variety of ways, with the exception of, be that as it may entry requirements, referee, deadline student union, tutorial, research student dormitory, freshman, fraternity diploma, credits, defer reading speed, mind map, rote learning online community, username, subject header primary source, draw on, body of literature distort the facts, hard evidence, empirical data random, tally, estimate standard deviation, correlate, proportion pie chart, intersect, decline student loan, cost of living, receipt century, simultaneous, in the near future trigger, give rise to, chain reaction Academic Vocabulary in Use 3 Opinions and ideas 31 Talking about ideas 32 Reporting what others say 33 Analysis of results 34 Talking about meaning 35 Research and study aims 36 Talking about points of view 37 Degrees of certainty Functions 38 Presenting an argument 39 Organising your writing 40 Making a presentation 41 Describing research methods 42 Classifying 43 Making connections 44 Comparing and contrasting 45 Describing problems 46 Describing situations 47 Processes and procedures 48 Describing change 49 Evaluation and emphasis 50 Summary and conclusion Reading and vocabulary 1 Good friends 110 2 Australia 111 3 The World Wide Web 112 4 The human brain 113 5 Nanotechnology 114 6 International law: an overview 115 Reference 1 Formal and informal academic words and expressions 116 2 Numbers, units of measurement and common symbols 120 3 British and North American academic vocabulary 122 4 Spelling variations 126 5 Word formation 128 6 Abbreviations 132 Key 136 List of phonemic symbols 166 Index 167 movement, hypothesis, stance pinpoint, cast doubt on, implication deduce, outweigh, critical transparent, comprehend, misinterpret objective, to further, instigate impartial, ideology, hold views tendency, likelihood, allegedly beyond the scope of, furthermore, the extent to which with a focus on, at this point, respectively address a topic, handout, take questions carry out a procedure, case study, replicate component, consist of, marital status correlate with, mutual, interaction distinction, similarly, whereas experience difficulties, deal with, resolve a problem context, integral, stable simulation, to supplement, output expansion, diminish, perceptible change inadequate, contradictory, acknowledge bring to a close, in the final analysis, finally 4 Academic Vocabulary in Use Acknowledgements Authors' acknowledgements The authors wish to thank their colleagues at Cambridge University Press, especially Martine Walsh, Caroline Thiriau and Noirln Burke, whose wise expertise and support have been invaluable throughout this project. We are also very grateful for the thorough and useful input provided by Bernard Seal from Cambridge University Press New York. We thank Alison Silver for the professional job she carried out so efficiently in preparing the final manuscript for production and printing. Linda Matthews too deserves our thanks for organising the production schedules for the book. We must also thank the lexicography and computational team at Cambridge University Press whose work with the Cambridge International Corpus, the Cambridge Learner Corpus and the CANCODE corpus of spoken English (developed at the University of Nottingham in association with Cambridge University Press), enabled us to make a fully corpus-informed selection of the academic vocabulary we focus on in these materials. We acknowledge with gratitude the pioneering work on academic word lists done by Averil Coxhead. In planning this book we made considerable use of her lists at Also, as always, we thank our domestic partners for their patience and support during the writing of this book. Michael McCarthy & Felicity O'Dell Cambridge, April 2007 Publisher's acknowledgements Development of this publication has made use of the Cambridge International Corpus (CIC). The CIC is a computerised database of contemporary spoken and written English which currently stands at over one billion words. It includes British English, American English and other varieties of English. It also includes the Cambridge Learner Corpus, developed in collaboration with the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations. Cambridge University Press has built up the CIC to provide evidence about language use that helps to produce better language teaching materials. The authors and publishers would like to thank all the ELT professionals who reviewed the material: Sue Argent, Long Dalmahoy, Scotland; Jennifer Bixby, California, USA; Jane Bottomley, Manchester, UK; Cherry Campbell, California, USA; Anthony Cosgrove, London, UK; Rosie Ganne, London, UK; Ludmila Gorodetskaya, Moscow, Russia; Mark Krzanowski, London, UK; Joseph McVeigh, Vermont, USA; Julie Moore, Bristol, UK; Brendan 6 Se, Cork, Ireland; Barbara Roosken, Tilburg, The Netherlands. The authors and publishers would like to thank the following for permission to reproduce copyright material in Academic Vocabulary in Use. While every effort has been made, it has not been possible to identify the sources of all the material used and in such cases the publishers would welcome information from copyright holders. Cambridge University Press for the extracts on p. 14 (3A second text) from Mechanics 1 (International) by Douglas Quadling, copyright © 2002; p. 112 'The World Wide Web' from Telecommunications by Stuart Kennedy, copyright © 2001; p. 141 sentences from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary, reproduced by permission of Cambridge University Press; NewScientist for the extracts on p. 25 (8.4) from NewScientist, 30 March 2006; p. 113 'The Human Brain' by Helen Philips, from NewScientist, 4 September 2006; p. 114 'Nanotechnology' by John Pickrell, from NewScientist, 4 September 2006, reproduced by permission of NewScientist Magazine; Scientific American for the extracts on p. 27 (9.3) 'Shutting down Alzheimer's' by Michael S. Wolfe, from Scientific American, 5 May 2006; p. 110 'Good Friends' by Klaus Manhart, from Scientific Americany April/May 2006, reproduced by permission of Scientific American Inc. All rights reserved; Nature for the extract on p. 39 (15.4) from Nature Vol. 441, 4 May 2006, published by Nature Publishing Group; Indiana University for the extract on p. 55 (23.4), copyright © 2004, the Trustees of Indiana University, reproduced by permission of Indiana University; the Wikipedia website for the extract on p. 70 (31A); ResCen, Middlesex University for the text on p. 78 (35B) from the Rescen Research website rescen/main_pages/profile.html, reproduced hy permission of the Centre for Research into Creation in the Performing Arts (ResCen) at Middlesex University; Thomson Learning for the extract on p. Ill 'Australia' from World of Earth Science (Vol 1) by K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth (Editor), copyright © 2003, reprinted with permission of Gale, a division of Thomson Learning:; Legal Information Institute for the adapted text on p. 115 'International law: an overview' from the website, copyright Legal Information Institute 1996-2007, reproduced by permission of Legal Information Institute. Photographs The publishers are grateful to the following for permission to reproduce copyright photographs and material: p. 20 © Thomas Fricke/Corbis; p. 36© Robert E. Daemmrich/Stone/Getty Images; p. 66 © John Henley/ CORBIS; p. 74 © age fotostock/SuperStock; p. 76 © Helen King/Corbis; p. 77 © Jerry Schatzberg/CORBIS; p. 88 © image 100/Corbis. Illustrations Kamae Design pp. 35, 40, 44, 60, 61, 62, 63 Academic Vocabulary in Use 5 To the student and the teacher Who is the book for? This book is for anyone who wants or needs to learn the kind of English which is used in academic contexts. It deals with the kinds of language used in academic textbooks and articles as well as in lectures and seminars. It also presents vocabulary relating to being a student at a university or college in that it covers such topics as Applications and application forms, Money and education and Academic courses associated with university life. It will be particularly useful for students preparing for IELTS or any other examination aimed at assessing whether candidates' English is at a high enough level to study in an academic institution where English is the medium of instruction. It will be helpful for people who need to attend - or indeed give - lectures and presentations in English or to participate in international conferences. It will enable students who have to prepare assignments or write up a dissertation in English to do so in a much more natural and appropriate way. What kind of vocabulary does the book deal with? The book presents and practises the kind of vocabulary that is used in academic speech and writing regardless of which discipline you are concerned with. So it considers words and expressions like concept, cast doubt on, put forward a theory and come to a conclusion. It does not deal with the specialist vocabulary of any particular subject such as medicine or physics. Such specialist terms are often relatively easy to master - they will be explained and taught as you study the subject and these words may indeed sometimes be similar in English and your own language. However, it is the more general words used for discussing ideas and research and for talking and writing about academic work that you need to be fully familiar with in order to feel comfortable in an academic environment. Despite the fact that they are much more frequent than specialist words, these more general words are often felt to be more difficult to learn. It is, therefore, extremely useful to approach them in the systematic way suggested by this book. One positive aspect of this kind of academic vocabulary is that there are relatively few differences depending on whether you are studying in London or New York, Delhi or Sydney, Johannesburg, Dublin, Wellington, Singapore or Toronto or indeed any other place where you may be using English for academic purposes. Academic English tends to be a truly international language and the units of the book focus on vocabulary that will be essential for you regardless of where you are studying now or may study in the future. There are some differences between the words used to describe people and places and these are highlighted in Units 18 and 19. References 3 and 4 also focus on some vocabulary and spelling variations. In the units of the book we use British English spelling conventions except when quoting texts which originally used American spelling. Much of the vocabulary in the book is neutral in the sense that it is equally appropriate for both written and spoken contexts. We indicate those instances where a word or expression is too formal for use in speech or too informal for use in academic writing. 6 Academic Vocabulary in Use How was the vocabulary for the book selected? The academic vocabulary focused on in this book was all selected from language identified as significant by the Cambridge International Corpus of written and spoken English and also the CANCODE corpus of spoken English developed at the University of Nottingham in association with Cambridge University Press. These enormous corpora include large collections of written and spoken academic text and so it was possible to identify language that is distinctive for academic contexts. We also made considerable use of the Cambridge Learner Corpus, a corpus of tens of thousands of learner scripts from students taking Cambridge ESOL exams all over the world. From this corpus we were able to learn what kinds of errors students taking, for example IELTS, were typically making. In planning this book we made considerable use of Averil Coxhead's work on developing academic word lists. Her lists can be found at index.shtml and we would highly recommend that students of academic vocabulary investigate this site. How is the book organised? The book has 50 two-page units. The left-hand page presents the academic vocabulary to be focused on in the unit. You will usually find examples of academic vocabulary presented in context with, where appropriate, any special notes about their meaning and usage. The right-hand page checks that you have understood the information on the left-hand page by giving you a series of exercises practising the language that was presented. The units are organised into different sections. The first introductory section includes nine units which look at basic aspects of academic vocabulary such as what is special about academic vocabulary, key verbs and key quantifying expressions. The second section devotes seven units to how words typically combine with one another in academic English. The third section has six units focusing on aspects of life at academic institutions. The fourth section provides eight units discussing ways of talking about such things as numbers, time and cause and effect. Then we have seven units exploring aspects of opinions and ideas and finally there are thirteen units with a functional focus such as organising a text, comparing and contrasting and describing change. Towards the end of the book you will find six reading texts relating to different academic disciplines with exercises based on the vocabulary in those texts. We hope that you will find these useful examples of how to use texts to expand your knowledge of academic vocabulary in English and would recommend that you read these texts and do the exercises on them even if they relate to an academic subject that is very different from your own. There are six reference sections dealing with some key areas where we felt it would be useful for you to have lists of items that could not be presented as fully in the main body of the book, i.e. Formal and informal academic words and expressions; Numbers, units of measurement and common symbols; British and North American academic vocabulary; Spelling variations; Word formation and Abbreviations. Where appropriate, these reference sections provide space for you to add further examples of your own. At the end of the book there is a Key with answers to all the exercises and an Index of all the key words and expressions, indicating the units where they can be found. The pronunciation is provided for standard British English. How should I use this book? We recommend that you work through the nine introductory units first so that you become familiar with key aspects of academic vocabulary and how best to study it. After that you may work on the units in any order that suits you. Academic Vocabulary in Use 7 What else do I need in order to improve my academic vocabulary? You need a notebook or file in which you can write down all the academic vocabulary that you study in this book as well as any other words and expressions that you come across elsewhere. In your vocabulary notebook it is important to record such things as: • examples of the word or expression in use • typical word combinations - you might, for example, note down adjectives or verbs typically associated with a noun that you want to learn or nouns, adverbs or prepositions associated with a verb • any special features of the word (e.g. is there anything special about its grammar or pronunciation, or is it particularly characteristic of either written or spoken English?). You may also find it helpful to record such things as: • any other information that might help you to learn the word (e.g. is it similar to any word in your own language, or does it, perhaps, share a root with a word that you already know?) • any additional vocabulary that learning this word may help you to learn (e.g. does a verb have a related noun, or what is the opposite of an adjective?) • any extended uses of the word being focused on (e.g. can it be used metaphorically, or does the same word have other meanings in the way that so many English words do?). One very important aspect of learning vocabulary is to organise the words and expressions you meet; this will help you remember them better. You can do this in a number of ways. In recording words many learners find it helpful to include little diagrams such as word bubbles, for example: to i^erprct ■to Ars.Aly££ dCMO^-trAte or word forks, for example to idarv-tify -the — — £*.ctor£ A Common A* i£olA"ted A lArJveriAl You also need to have access to a good dictionary. We strongly recommend the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary as this provides exactly the kind of information that you need in order to be able to understand and use English vocabulary. Through its example sentences it provides you with the information you need about how the word is used in practice and which other words it typically combines with. The dictionary also helps you with difficult items such as phrasal verbs, for example, indicating whether the object can come before the particle {set up the apparatus I set the apparatus up; go through a set of calculations, but not go a set of calculations through). This dictionary is available as a book and on a CD-ROM and can also be accessed online at You will need a specialist dictionary relating to your own subject area as well. Your teacher may also be able to recommend other dictionaries for your specific needs. 8 Academic Vocabulary in Use As well as working through the units in this book you should read as much English as you can in the subject areas that are most relevant for you. If you are new to studying in English, you could start by reading a textbook aimed at students at a slightly lower level than you are at as far as the subject area is concerned; or you might prefer to read the latest articles in your field from a journal or the internet. If you have easy access to the web, then there is an enormous wealth of material available for you to study and learn from; many universities and other academic institutions have extensive websites, for example, as do professional organisations and journals. So, good luck with your work in academic English. We hope that the materials in this book will help you to enjoy and to benefit fully from your studies. We hope you will be able to share ideas in a creative, exciting way with scholars from all over the world and we wish you the very best for a successful and rewarding academic life in English. Academic Vocabulary in Use 9 What is special about academic English? Everyday words and academic uses Many words in academic English are the same as everyday vocabulary, but they are often also used with a slightly different meaning, which may be specialised. everyday or academic use meaning academic use meaning Standards of discipline in schools have declined. ability to control oneself or other people Nanotechnology is a relatively new discipline. area of study Underline your family name on the form. draw a line under it The research underlines the importance of international trade agreements. gives emphasis to The lake was frozen solid. not liquid or gas We have no solid evidence that radiation has caused the problem. certain or safe; of a good standard Vocabulary and academic style • In writing, academics use many expressions which are neutral, but they also use rather formal expressions which are not common in everyday language. Knowing whether an expression is formal or just neutral is important. neutral more formal neutral more formal in short, briefly, basically in sum, to sum up try attempt only sole(ly) mainly/mostly primarily almost / more or less virtually typical of characteristic of However, very informal vocabulary may be used in spoken academic styles in classes and lectures. Learn to understand such language when you hear it but be careful not to use it in essays and written assignments. Here are some examples of teachers using informal language. 'OK. Have a shot at doing task number 3.' [more formal: Try/Attempt to do ...] 'There's no way schools can be held responsible for failures of government policy.' [more formal: Schools cannot in any way be held ...] • Academic language tries to be clear and precise, so it is important to keep a vocabulary notebook (see page 8) and learn the differences between similar words, as well as typical word combinations (underlined here). The building is a prime example of 1920s architecture, [excellent in quality or value] The group's primary concern is to protect human rights, [main / most important] Noun phrases Academic language puts a lot of information into noun phrases rather than spreading it out over a whole sentence. For example, instead of saying Radiation was accidentally released over a 24-hour period, damaging a wide area for a long time, an academic might say The accidental release of radiation over a 24-hour period caused widespread long-term damage. It is therefore important to learn the different forms of a word, for example: noun verb adjective(s) adverb(s) accident accidental accidentally quantity/quantification quantify quantitative/quantifiable quantitatively/quantifiably Finally, be aware of 'chunks' or phrases which occur frequently, and learn them as whole units. Examples: in terms of, in addition, for the most part, in the case of, etc. (See Unit 16.) Academic Vocabulary in Use Exercises I. I Each word in the box can be used in two ways, one an everyday way, the other a typically academic way. Complete each pair of sentences using the same word for both sentences and making any necessary grammatical changes. generate turn solid confirm identify underline character pose nature focus 1 A She loves to for photographs in front of her fabulous house. B The events a threat to stability in the region. 2 A It was difficult to the camera on the flower as it was so small. B We should our attention on the most important issues. 3 A I called the airline and my reservation. B The data my hypothesis that animal-lovers enjoy better health. 4 A The power plant . electricity for the whole region. B This issue always a great deal of debate among academics. 5 A The murderer was from fingerprints discovered at the scene. B In this theory of history, progress is closely ... .......with technology. 6 A She became interested in conservation. B The first lecture in the series was on the of human communication. 7 A Jim's a very interesting . I hope you meet him. B The book attempts to explain the fundamental of social life. 8 A I saw her to her husband and whisper something in his ear. B Let us now to the subject of town planning. 9 A He always every new word when he's reading. B The study..... the fact that very little research exists. 10 A The liquid became . as the temperature was lowered. B The study lacks evidence and therefore its conclusions are doubtful 1.2 Use more formal alternatives to the words in bold. Make any necessary grammatical changes. 1 The book is mainly concerned with the problem of policing the internet. 2 Almost every school in the county had reported problems with the new system. 3 The work of the Institute is not only devoted to cancer research. 4 Basically, we believe we have demonstrated a significant link between the two events. 5 We tried to find a new way of understanding the data. 6 The study is a really good example of the way sociologists collect their data. 7 The reaction is typical of the way large corporations keep control of their markets. 8 There's no way London can be compared to Sydney as a place to live and work. 1.3 Read the text and then answer the questions. The production of plastics depends heavily on petroleum, but a novel way of making plastics out of sugar could reduce our reliance on oil. The discovery that a chemical in sugar can be converted relatively easily into a substance similar in structure to the material obtained from petroleum has led to the claim that plastics could soon be produced cheaply using the new method. 1 Underline two verbs with adverbs after them which it would be useful to learn as pairs. 2 Underline two adverbs next to each other which it would be useful to learn together. 3 What are the noun forms of the verbs produce, rely, discover and claim} Academic Vocabulary in Use I I Key nouns This unit focuses on some frequent and important nouns in academic English. See also Units 10, 11 and 15. General nouns referring to ideas example (with prepositions underlined) comment She wrote an article on the subject of class. thing which is being discussed, considered or studied The theme of the poem is emigration. main subject of a talk, book, etc. The students were given a list of essay topics. used to refer to what one is studying or writing about There was a lively debate on the issue of globalisation in the seminar yesterday. subject/problem which people are thinking/talking about Political theory is a popular undergraduate subject Einstein's theory of gravitation has been questioned recently. statement of the rules on which a subject of study is based or, more generally, an opinion or explanation The model of climate change presented in the Stern Review seems to be becoming a reality. a representation of something as a simple description which might be used in calculations The book is called 'The Nature of Intelligence'. main characteristic of something Human behaviour is based on the principle of least effort basic idea or rule that explains how something happens or works More specific nouns connected with ideas and phenomena example (with prepositions underlined) comment Repetition is an important aspect of speech development in children. one individual part of a situation, problem, subject etc. Automatic backup is a feature of the new software. a typical quality of something The political motives for the government's actions are beyond the scope of this essay. range of a subject covered by a book, discussion, class, etc. The study revealed a pattern of results which could be interpreted in either of two ways. showed a regularly repeated arrangement During 2005, the number of violent attacks increased to an alarming degree. amount or level Nouns referring to ways of thinking, processes and activities Read these titles of academic books and articles. Note the key nouns and their prepositions. Micro-organisms in water: their significance1 and identification2 Renewable energy: a critical assessment3 of recent research The Case4 for Change: Rethinking Teacher Education. Towards a New Approach5 Perspectives6 on Ecological Management: A study of public awareness7 of river pollution Citizens' Views on Healthcare Systems in the European Union Epidemiological research into8 asthma and allergic disease: establishing a standardised methodology9 1 importance 2 ability to establish the identity of something 3 judgement of the amount, value, quality or importance of 4 arguments, facts and reasons in support of or against something 5 way of considering something 6 different particular or individual ways of considering something 7 having special interest in or experience of something, and so being well informed 8 research is often also used with the preposition on 9 a system of ways of studying something %jf Research is uncountable. Don't say They carried out some interesting researches.To make it ^ plural you can just say 'studies', or 'research studies' or 'pieces of research'. 12 Academic Vocabulory in Use Exercises 2.1 Look at A. Choose the most appropriate noun to complete each sentence. 1 Environmental topics I issues I principles should be at the top of today's political agenda. 2 In the exam students had to choose three from a choice of ten essay subjects I theories I topics. 3 There are still people who are reluctant to accept Darwin's model I topic I theory of evolution. 4 The professor decided to take moral courage as the issue I theme I model for his inaugural lecture. 5 The London underground map is best understood as a model I principle I topic showing how the different stations relate to one another rather than a precise representation of their distances from each other. 6 The Peter Issue I Principle I Theme states that members of a hierarchical group will usually end up being promoted to the point at which they become incompetent. 2.2 There are six phrases containing errors underlined in this paragraph. Can you correct them? The study showed that local police can play an important role in crime prevention. It makes a strong case of boosting the numbers of community police officers although it warns against increasing police presence on the streets at an alarming degree. Its methodological was based on a range of interviews asking members of the public for their views in how best to prevent crime. Unfortunately, how to implement this recommendation was out of the scope of the study but at least it serves a useful purpose in raising awareness to the issue. 2.3 Look at these titles of academic books (A-H). Then match them to their subject areas (1-8). A The Nature of Democracy B The Significance of Dreams C The Features of Glaciated Landscapes D The Assessment of Language Skills E An Approach to Free Verse F The Identification of Bees G Perspectives on Modern Taxation H New Perspectives on Cleopatra 1 economics 2 education 3 literature 4 history 5 geography 6 psychology 7 politics 8 zoology 2.4 Match the beginning of each sentence with 1 The study revealed a regular 2 The research focuses on one particular 3 The writer makes a powerful 4 The writers take an original 5 Until recently there was little 6 I think you should broaden the 7 To date, there has been little research 8 There are many important the most appropriate ending. scope of your research. awareness of the problem. issues facing the world today. into the environmental effects of nanoparticles. approach to their theme. aspect of modern society. pattern of changes in temperature. case for restructuring parliament. Academic Vocabulary in Use 13 Key verbs In this unit we look at some important verbs in academic English. Verbs for structuring academic assignments Look at these tasks which students have been given. Note the key verbs. Discuss some of the problems involved1 in investigating attitudes to diet and health. Write a critical review of an investigation you have read about, or describe an investigation you yourself could conduct2. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of different methods. Starting from rest, an aircraft accelerates to its take-off speed of 60 m s-1 in a distance of 900 metres. Illustrate3 this with a velocity-time graph. Assuming4 constant acceleration, find5 how long the take-off run lasts. Hence calculate6 the acceleration. 7 ft 'The fact that nations agree to follow international law demonstrates that we can identify ideals that are trans-national and trans-cultural.' How far is this statement true? Critically analyse any recent event which supports or challenges9 the statement. Examine10 how industrial growth has affected any two developing countries. Provide" statistical evidence where necessary and include a discussion of likely future trends. 1 which are part of/included in 2 organise and do 3 draw something in order to explain something 4 accepting something to be true 5 discover by calculating (see 6) 6 judge the number or amount of something and adding, multiplying, subtracting or dividing numbers 7 show, make clear 8 recognise someone or something and say or prove who or what they are 9 questions whether it is true 10 look at or consider carefully and in detail 11 give More key verbs These extracts from academic books contain other key verbs. In developing methods to explain the significance of health status measures, one can classify1 ways of establishing2 quality of life into two main types. The length of time spent on the tasks may account for3 the decrease in motivation which was seen4 in many of the participants. The data presented5 in Chapter 3 showed6 that the age of the subjects was not the main factor. Political theory attempts7 to build bridges between different schools of political thought. 1 divide things into groups according to their type 2 discover or get proof of 3 explain 4 see is often used in the passive in academic style 5 given 6 proved 7 (formal) tries Verbs which combine with noun forms of key verbs Often in academic style, a verb + the noun form of the key verb is used. verb verb + noun example explain give/provide/offer an explanation (of/for) The model provides an explanation for the differences between the two sets of data. explore carry out an exploration (of) Kumar carried out an exploration of music genius. emphasise place/put emphasis (on) The hospital puts a lot of emphasis on training nurses. describe give/provide a description (of) The book gives a description of modern Europe. The verbs affect and effect are different. To affect means to influence, to effect means to make something happen / to bring about. The burning of fossil fuels has negatively affected the global climate. The procedure has been successful and has effected a return to normal functioning of the engine. See Unit 30 for more on affect and effect. 14 Academic Vocabulary in Use Exercises 3.1 Match each verb from A in the box on the left with its synonym from the box on the right. affect attempt calculate challenge demonstrate compute distinguish give influence identify include investigate provide involve question show study try 3.2 Choose the best verb from B or C to complete these sentences. Put the verb into the correct form. 1 As can......................................from Table II, participation figures have been steadily falling since 1970. 2 Different authors have......................................for the President's actions in different ways. 3 Mendel attempted to devise a system for......................................the many different types of pea plant that he grew. 4 It is often most effective......................................your data in a chart or table. 5 The data we have collected.....................................that there has been a downward trend with regard to job satisfaction over the last 50 years. 6 The aim of the research is......................................a new software application which will help aviation engineers design more sophisticated aircraft. 7 The archaeologists should be able to use carbon dating techniques......................................exactly how old the bones are. 8 Charles Darwin attempted......................................the existence of different species in terms of evolution. 3.3 Explain the difference between the sentences in each pair. 1 Greig's article supports Park's theory. Greig's article challenges Park's theory. 2 Describe the new tax regulations. Discuss the new tax regulations. 3 Lodhi provides new data. Lodhi considers new data. 4 Titova conducted four sets of experiments. Titova examined four sets of experiments. 5 Lee established why such changes occur. Lee investigated why such changes occur. 6 Okaz assumed that the data were reliable. Okaz proved that the data were reliable. 7 Illustrate the magnitude of the deceleration. Find the magnitude of the deceleration. 8 The events effected economic development. The events affected economic development. 3.4 Rewrite each sentence using the word in brackets and make any necessary changes to other words. 1 Erikson's theory explains the fluctuations in the figures for this period. (provides) 2 Bevan explored the relationship between family background and political ambition. (exploration) 3 The book describes the life and times of Abraham Lincoln, (description) 4 Cheng's theory emphasises the importance of extensive reading in language acquisition. (puts) 3.5 In academic style, noun phrases can often be used instead of some of the key verbs. |0 Complete each phrase with the appropriate noun. Use a dictionary if necessary. 1 investigate = conduct, carry out an 4 affect = have an......................................on ......................................into/of 5 attempt = make an...................................... to/at 2 illustrate = provide an......................................of 6 classify = make, provide a.......................of 3 analyse = provide, carry out an.......................of Using the tasks in A as a model, prepare some assignment topics for students studying any subject that you are familiar with. Academic Vocabulary in Use 15 Key adjectives For any adjective it is useful to know whether it is typically followed by a specific preposition and whether it has any synonyms (adjectives with a similar meaning) or antonyms (adjectives of opposite meaning). Adjectives and prepositions Here are some extracts from academic texts, with adjectives followed by to or of. Language development is conceived as some of the responses to the questionnaire relative1 to one's own past performance, > were specific4 to young male respondents. or relative to that of others. others were common5 to all the respondents. How can we make science relevant2 to f We need to plan technologies which are environmental policy? Poor communication ' appropriate6 to the needs of small farmers, between scientists and politicians is It was typical of the farmers in the study that characteristic3 of the situation today. i they had a negative attitude to technology. 1 true to a particular degree when it is being compared with other things 2 connected with what is happening or being discussed 3 (rather formal) typical of 4 only found in 5 belonging to or shared by two or more people or things 6 suitable or right for a particular situation or occasion Adjectives and their opposites Look at this abstract from a dissertation on drug abuse. In most cases you can work out the meanings of the opposites (which follow each numbered adjective), based on the definitions. We cannot discuss drug abuse as an abstract1 problem without considering concrete examples of abuse and their social consequences. Abuse is rarely a simple2 issue; it usually results from a complex set of circumstances. Both quantitative3 and qualitative research is necessary to gain a full picture of the situation. By combining research methods, we may obtain an accurate picture of the causes and results of abuse, in contrast with the inaccurate assessments which often result from purely quantitative studies. A significant4 amount of fear and prejudice surrounds the notion of abuse, and the media have a role which is also not insignificant in promoting such fears. The dissertation concludes that rough5 estimates of the number of drug addicts need to be made more precise by properly defining addiction. 1 existing as an idea, not as a material object; opposite: existing in a form that can be seen or felt 2 having or made of only one or a few parts 3 based on numbers and statistics; opposite: usually research using non-number-based methods such as interviews, focus groups, etc. 4 important or noticeable 5 fairly correct but not exact or detailed; opposite: exact and accurate Other important, frequent adjectives and typical combinations with nouns There was an apparent1 discrepancy between the two sets of results. We noted a potential2 problem with the experimental design which we had to deal with first. The principal3 cause of the failure was a sudden temperature change. The research used a rigorous4 methodology which had been tested on many occasions. 1 seeming to exist or be true 2 possible when the necessary conditions exist 3 first in order of importance 4 careful to look at or consider every part of something to make certain it is correct Remember to say typical of, NOT typical fdr. Learn adjectives with the prepositions that often follow them, as in A. 16 Academic Vocabulary in Use Exercises 4.1 Look at A. Correct the preposition errors in these sentences. 1 A lengthy discussion of the advantages of solar power is not relevant with an essay that required you to focus on wind turbines. 2 It is typical to the disease for it to start with an itchy rash. 3 This methodology is not appropriate about the kind of research you are planning. 4 The use of original metaphors is characteristic from the writer's style. 5 Relative with previous attempts to explain the phenomenon, this interpretation is quite persuasive. 6 The dark hair and eyes are common for all people from the region. 4.2 Rewrite each sentence using the opposite of the adjective in italics. 1 Karlsson checked the figures and agreed with me that they were accurate. 2 The solution to the problem is a simple one. 3 Make rough calculations before you begin to write up your results. 4 The army played a significant role in events. 5 Hernandez prefers to discuss ideas in abstract terms. 4.3 Match the adjective on the left with the noun it often combines with on the right. 1 apparent methodology 2 rigorous problem 3 principal discrepancy 4 potential cause 4.4 Now use one of the combinations from 4.3 to complete these sentences. 1 There is your figures. 2 Management's refusal to listen to the workers' demands was the......................................of the riots. 3 Lamaque devised a......................................which has since been used successfully by many other researchers in the field. 4 We spotted a......................................with our procedure and so we changed it in two areas. 4.5 Choose the best adjective from the box to complete these sentences. qualitative complex potential rigorous specific 1 The plant is difficult to grow and needs very......................................conditions to survive. 2 His tutor was critical of his work for not being.....................................enough. 3 In the past the northern tribes looked on the tribes of the south as ....................................enemies. 4 We chose a....................................approach to our research and interviewed individuals personally. 5 A......................................set of circumstances led to a civil war in 1897. When you come across any of the key adjectives from this unit in your reading, note it down in a phrase so you build up a set of useful phrases using the adjective. Academic Vocabulary in Use 17 Key adverbs This unit deals with just some of the adverbs that are particularly frequent in an academic context. You will find more in other units throughout this book. Adverbs that compare adverb meaning example comparatively/ relatively in comparison with something else Our sample was relatively/ comparatively small. especially/particularly more than usual The process was not especially/ particularly difficult specially more than usual (spoken English only) for a specific purpose The exam was specially hard this year. We used specially designed equipment. somewhat (opposite: considerably) (slightly formal) a little, slightly When we tested younger boys, we obtained somewhat/considerably different results. primarily mainly Amir is primarily interested in bio-physics. mostly/largely almost completely (but not totally so) The research was largely/mostly successful. directly (opposite: indirectly) without anything else being involved The illness is (in)directly linked to poor housing. Adverbs that relate to numbers or time There are approximately 20 varieties of bird in this species, [roughly, about] There are precisely 48 different managerial posts in the company, [exactly] Interviewees frequently misunderstood one of the questions, [often] We eventually obtained the results we were hoping for. [in the end, after some time] Ultimately we plan to repeat the experiment, [finally, after other things have been completed] Adverbs that relate to how things are stated Hall's latest article essentially1 differs from his earlier work in that it is explicitly2 critical of the government. Generally3, his disapproval of their policies was only conveyed implicitly4 in his previous writing, but here he specifically condemns their handling of a number of issues. 1 referring to its main characteristics; also basically 2 openly 4 not directly, suggested or implied rather than stated Adverbs that restrict or limit usually, also on the whole merely = exactly and nothing more: The medication will merely make the symptoms bearable; it will not cure the disease. simply Note that simply can have different meanings. To put it simply, the risks of this approach would seem to outweigh its advantages, [plainly] The book presents difficult ideas simply, in a way appropriate for the layman, [easily; someone who isn't a specialist in the field] The exam results were simply dreadful, [absolutely, without doubt] hardly ever = almost never: The tribe has hardly ever had contact with the outside world. C £ventuo//y means 'in the end'. It does not mean 'perhaps/possibly'. We will perhaps/possibly (NOT eventually) discover life on other planets in the future. Eventually [in the end], we were able to interview all 20 children involved in the test 18 Academic Vocabulary in Use Exercises 5. I Look at A and B. Explain the difference between the sentences in each pair. 1 Heinrich's experiments were mostly successful. Heinrich's experiments were most successful. 2 The results were somewhat surprising given the circumstances. The results were especially surprising given the circumstances. 3 First-year students are directly affected by the new rules relating to tuition fees. First-year students are particularly affected by the new rules relating to tuition fees. 4 The study is primarily concerned with urban alienation. The study is ultimately concerned with urban alienation. 5 The team eventually obtained unpredicted results. The team frequently obtained unpredicted results. 5.2 Choose the more appropriate adverb from the options. What you are saying is essentially I merely true. To put it basically I simply, there is specially I basically no significant difference between the two writers' theories. However, one of them writes in a simply / precisely dreadful style while the other has eventually I possibly a more impressive style than any other contemporary scientist. 5.3 Change the sentences using adverbs which mean the opposite of the underlined ones. 1 There were roughly 350 people living in the village in 1958. 2 Parents seldom complained that the school authorities failed to inform them of changes. 3 We investigated the problem and initially found some small errors in the calculations. 4 The temperature was exactly half a degree lower than the average. 5 Singh (1998) is explicitly critical of existing theories of economic growth. 6 Soil erosion is specifically caused by water or wind. 7 Senior citizens almost always use the internet to communicate with one another. 8 The disease is directly linked to environmental factors. 5.4 Underline the adverbs in these texts. Then answer the questions. Marine conservationists are currently attempting to save the world's coral reefs. One plan is to literally glue the damaged reefs back together, using coral artificially raised in underwater labs. Reefs are increasingly under attack from human activity as well as from events occurring naturally, such as hurricanes and tsunamis. A recent UN report warns that 30% of the world's coral reefs have been completely destroyed or are severely damaged. Scientists have recently discovered that ants can remember how many steps they have taken. By carefully shortening or lengthening the legs of ants, the team observed that short-legged ants apparently became lost and could not easily find their way home to the nest. Similarly, ants with longer legs typically travelled 50% further than they needed to and were also temporarily unable to find the nest. It seems ants can definitely count their steps. 1 Which adverb means 'in the same way'? 2 Find two pairs of adverbs that mean the opposite of each other. 3 Which adverb means the opposite of 'a long time ago'? 4 Which adverb means 'more and more'? 5 Which adverb could be substituted by seriously? 6 Which adverb means 'for a limited time'? Find an article of interest to you in your discipline and underline all the key adverbs.Then check that you understand their meaning. Academic Vocabulary in Use 19 Phrasal verbs in academic English Although phrasal verbs occur most frequently in more informal spoken and written English, they are also not uncommon in an academic context. You will hear them used in lectures and will read them in serious journals. From this unit only go/look back over and work out are not appropriate for a formal written assignment. Phrasal verbs and one-word synonyms Phrasal verbs often have one-word synonyms. These are usually of Latin origin and sound more formal than their phrasal verb equivalent but both are appropriate when writing or talking about academic subjects. Vary your language by using both. phrasal verb synonym example put forward (an idea/view/opinion/ theory/plan) present In her latest article Kaufmann puts forward a theory which is likely to prove controversial. carry out (an experiment / research) conduct 1 intend to carry out a series of experiments. make up constitute Children under the age of 15 make up nearly half of the country's population. be made up of consist of Parliament is made up of two houses. point out observe Grenne points out that the increase in life expectancy has led to some economic problems. point up highlight The study points up the weaknesses in the current school system. set out (to do something) aim In his article Losanov sets out to prove that... set out describe The document sets out the terms of the treaty. go into discuss In this book Sergeant goes into the causes of the Civil War in some depth. go/look back over revise, review * Please go/look back over this term's notes. go through check Go through your calculations carefully. * Revise is the BrE synonym and review the AmE synonym. (Revise in AmE only means to edit or change something to make it better; review is not used in BrE in the context of preparing for a test as focused on here.) Carrying out research ft After completing her first degree in zoology Meena went on to1 apply to graduate school. She wanted to work on2 animal behaviour at a well-known institute in New Zealand. She set up3 a series of experiments investigating how bees communicate. She has noticed some curious behaviour patterns but has not yet worked out4 why her bees behave as they do. What she has observed seems to go against5 current theories of bee behaviour. When she has completed all her research she will have to write it all up6. 1 do something after doing something else 2 study, work in the field of 3 prepared, arranged 4 come to a conclusion about s not be in agreement with 6 (of an important document) write in a final form Consult a good dictionary when you use phrasal verbs in your writing. For example, a good dictionary tells you when the object can be used before the particle (e.g. write your results up) and when it cannot (e.g. this goes against current theories). Academic Vocabulary in Use Exercises 6.1 Rewrite the sentences replacing the underlined word in each sentence with a phrasal verb from A. Note that both versions of each sentence are equally appropriate. 1 We conducted a series of experiments to test out our hypothesis. 2 Before the test you should revise Chapters 7 and 8 of your textbooks. 3 In his article on the American Civil War Kingston discusses the reasons why the situation developed in the way it did. 4 Cole presents some fascinating theories on the development of language in his latest book. 5 The psychologist observed that it was very unusual for a young child to behave in this way. 6 Please check your work again carefully before handing it in. 7 In this article Simpson aims to prove that the Chinese reached America long before the Vikings. 8 Women now constitute over half the student population in most universities in this country. 6.2 Fill in the missing words in this paragraph. As part of my MA I've been doing some research on language acquisition. I've been working (1) young children learn their mother tongue. I've been carrying (2)......................................some experiments to see how much reading to young children affects their language development. I've had a great supervisor who has helped me set (3) ............................... my experiments and she's also pointed (4) lots of interesting things in my data that I hadn't noticed myself. I'm busy writing my work (5)...................................... now and I think 1 should be able to put (6) ....................... some useful ideas. It's been really fascinating and I hope I may be able to go (7) lo do a doctorate in the same field although I certainly never set (8) to do a PhD. 6.3 Match the beginning of each sentence with the most appropriate ending. 1 Feudal society was made forward a convincing theory with regard to this question. 2 Carlson was the first to put up the flaws in the school's testing methods. 3 Her results appear to go out the solution to the algebra problem. 4 The investigation pointed out a lot of basic information about all the world's 5 It took him a long time to work countries. 6 The geography book sets against what she had found in her earlier studies. up of clearly defined classes of people. 6.4 Answer these questions. 1 What sort of things might a scientist carry out? 2 If you want to study something in more depth, what might you go on to do after getting a first degree? 3 What do postgraduate students typically have to write up at the end of their studies? 4 What sort of things do good students regularly look back over? 5 What sorts of things do scholars typically put forward in their lectures or articles? 6 Why is it sensible to go through any maths calculations that you had to make as part of a research study before you draw any conclusions? Academic Vocabulary in Use 21 Key quantifying expressions Quantifying expressions are important in academic English as it is often necessary to comment on figures or trends. You will find more useful language for talking about numbers in Units 25 and 26 and in Reference 2, which focuses on measurement. Number and amount Learners of English often choose the wrong noun relating to quantity. For example, you say a great (not large) deal (informal) or a large/great amount of an uncountable noun such as money, interest or influence. However, you say a large number of a plural noun such as articles, books or words. Both a number and an amount can be described as small, considerable, substantial, significant, enormous, total, surprising, excessive [too much/many], fair [quite a lot] and reasonable [acceptable]. Other nouns relating to quantity The size of our survey was relatively small-scale. We sent out 2,500 questionnaires in total1. Although a couple2 of people did not respond, the bulk3 of those sent questionnaires have completed them. The survey shows that, as a whole4, the population is becoming more aware of the importance of recycling. Only one of5 our spondents said that he recycled less than he used to. respc 1 in all 2 two or three, a few 3 the majority 4 considered as a group rather than individually 5 notice how respondents is in the plural; it is a common error to write a singular noun after one of... (respondents/surveys/conclusions, etc.) C Comparing numbers and quantities expression example comment exceeding Results exceeding 5 cm were eliminated from the survey. (formal) means higher than in excess of People who drive in excess of the speed limit will be fined. means over, used mainly in official or legal writing fewer and fewer / less and less Fewer and fewer people are staying in the same job throughout their lives.Young people are becoming less and less interested in politics. a steadily declining/decreasing number of, decreasingly more and more There is more and more interest in the topic. People are becoming more and more aware of the environment. a steadily increasing amount of, increasingly more or less The experiment was more or less a success. (slightly informal) means mostly or approximately no fewer than No fewer than 200 people responded. used to suggest the number was unexpectedly large % Jt Note the significant difference between few and a few and between little and a little. /W, Few [Not many] people enjoy X's music. A few [Some] people enjoy it. We had little [not f ▼ much] response to our survey. We had a little [some] response to our survey. In other words, few/little has a more negative tone than a few / a little. 22 Academic Vocabulary in Use Exercises 7.1 Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the words in italics. 1 In a......................................number of cases, there was no reaction at all to the drug, surprise 2 The analysis demanded an......................................amount of computer time, exceed 3 ......................................numbers of birds inhabit the lake during the winter, consider 4 The course requires a......................................amount of prior knowledge of computers, reason 5 The survey took a......................................amount of research time and costs were high, substance 6 The two dams can hold in.....................................of two cubic kilometres of water, exceed 7 In......................................, 12 areas of the Southern Indian Ocean are now closed to deep-sea fishing, totality 8 Groups......................................four people were considered too large for the experiment, exceed 9 No......................................than 2,000 new computer viruses are created every year, few 10 In a......................................number of cases, surface damage was noticed, signify 7.2 The sentences below are typical of spoken English. Replace the underlined words to make them sound more appropriate for a written assignment. 1 The bulk of our work is concerned with carbon emissions. 2 We have noticed that fewer and fewer students are joining the course. 3 Our team spent a fair amount of time getting funding for the research. 4 In a couple of cases, we could not find any reason for the outbreak. 5 We spent a great deal of time on the project. 6 As you repeat the experiment, use less and less water each time. 7.3 Read the text and answer the questions. For some years now, scientists have been using a powerful new machine to recreate the conditions that existed at the birth of the universe. The machine generates a massive number of hot, dense, bursts of matter and energy, simulating what happened in the first few microseconds of the beginning of the universe. After no more than ten microseconds, the particles of matter joined together, like water freezing into ice, forming the origin of more or less everything we see in the universe today. 1 Which expression explains how long scientists have been using this machine? 2 Which expression tells us how many bursts of matter and energy the machine generates? 3 Which time period does the machine simulate? 4 Which expression states how long it was before the particles of matter joined together? 5 Which expression in the last sentence means approximately} 7.4 Rewrite the paragraph using the opposites of the underlined words or expressions. There have been a small number of studies investigating the impact of email on interpersonal communications. None of the studies has been large-scale but they suggest some interesting trends in patterns of email use. From one of the older studies it seems that more and more people send in excess of 50 emails daily. Moreover, it appears that a substantial number of senior citizens use email a lot more frequently than younger people do. Find five quantifying expressions from one of your textbooks and write your own sentences using them. Academic Vocabulary in Use 23 Words with several meanings Set Many words in English have more than one meaning. The word set, for example, is one word with a particularly large number of distinctly different meanings. As our focus is academic English, some key uses of set are illustrated by these examples. a) Set the instruments to zero, [get something ready so it can be operated] b) I would like to set some ground rules for the course, [establish] c) The decision set a number of changes in motion, [caused to be in a stated condition] d) We must set a time for our next meeting, [arrange] e) Concrete sets as it cools, [becomes solid] f) The students entered the room and immediately set to work, [started work] g) The condition is associated with a particular set of symptoms, [group] h) We have a number of set books to study in our literature class, [that must be studied] More academic meanings for familiar words Here are some more words which in an academic context may have a different meaning from those you are familiar with from your knowledge of general English. word academic meaning(s) example accommodate (verb) change to allow something to fit in He had to adapt his theory to accommodate new information. contract (verb) shorten, become smaller As the metal cools it contracts. occur (verb) exist Some valuable minerals occur naturally in these rocks. reference (noun) author or book mentioned in a piece of writing to show where information was found You must provide a list of references at the end of your assignment. revolution (noun) complete turn (e.g. of a wheel) Time is measured by the revolution of the earth around the sun. structure (noun) way in which parts of a system or object are organised or arranged The structure of this element is particularly complex. Words with several different academic meanings Many academic words have specific meanings according to their discipline. Channel, for example, has specific meanings in electronics, linguistics, biology, physics and geography. So you will, of course, need a specialist dictionary for your own subject. Other words, e.g. issue and point have several generally important academic meanings. The writer takes issue with Kwame's interpretation, [raises arguments against] In your essay you should address a number of key issues, [topics] Have you seen the latest issue of the Malaysian Medical Journal} [edition] Jackson raises some interesting points in his article, [opinions, ideas, information] The writer takes a long time to get to the point, [most significant part] If you come across a word that you think you know but it does not seem to make sense in that context, check to see whether it has another distinct meaning. If so, write it down with both (or all) its meanings in your vocabulary notebook. 24 Academic Vocabulary in Use Exercises 8.1 Which meaning given in A does set have in these examples? 1 If you don't set to work immediately you won't finish the task by the end of term. 2 Before we start I'd like everyone to set their watches to precisely the same time. 3 Professors will set a date for the submission of assignments relating to their own courses. 4 We expected the mixture to set quickly but it had not hardened by the morning. 5 Before leaving the area, the retreating army set the farm buildings on fire. 6 The engine's performance has set a new fuel consumption record. 7 During the first semester, music students have to study a number of set pieces. 8 There are a whole set of issues that need to be discussed. 8.2 Choose a word from B to complete each sentence. Change the form if necessary. 1 When you are doing research it is sensible to keep good records of all your...................................... as it can be difficult to locate sources later. 2 This medical condition is most likely fair-skinned people. 3 In first gear the engine makes ten......................................for every......................................of the wheels. 4 Wealth, the theme of the anthology, is general enough to......................................a wide variety of approaches. 5 The.................................of society in Ancient Rome can be said to resemble that of the modern USA. 6 They carried out an experiment to check whether the gold......................................or expanded under a range of different conditions. 8.3 Which word could fit in each of these sets of phrases? 1 discuss the following...................................... 3 take......................................with underline the key...................................... the latest......................................of the New Scientist make some thoughtful...................................... a controversial...................................... 2 to......................................a precedent 4 a......................................of communication a......................................of exercises the English......................................'s energies into 8.4 Read this text about some new medical software. For each underlined word give the meaning in the text and one other meaning. Use a dictionary to help you if necessary. A simulator showing how outbreaks of infection might spread around the world would be of great assistance in the struggle to contain such diseases. Researchers at the World Health Organization maintain that to effectively confront emerging infectious diseases, they need a significant amount of computing power. A global epidemic simulator would mimic climate simulators which monitor the movement of weather systems. It would record where disease outbreaks occur, where they are heading and, crucially, would allow scientists to test out virtual mitigation measures to see which might work best on the ground. 8.5 Jokes are often based on words having several meanings. Explain this joke. A neutron goes into a bar, orders a drink and asks how much it will be. The barman replies: 'For you, sir, no charge.' Look at a textbook on an academic subject of special interest to you. Look for some of the words in this unit and decide which meaning they have in your text. Academic Vocabulary in Use 25 Metaphors and idioms A metaphor is a way of using language which describes something by indirectly comparing it to something else with similar characteristics. For example, you might say an academic 'attacks' or 'demolishes' someone's theory or argument, just as an army can attack an enemy or workers can demolish a building. If a metaphor is used so often that the original force of the comparison is lost then it may be called an idiom. For example, people often use the idiom 'I'm snowed under with work at the moment'. Originally this was a metaphor based on the idea of a great deal of work having the characteristics of 'snow' (deep, overwhelming everything else and making movement difficult). However, this expression has been used so frequently that it no longer gives people a mental picture of snow. Metaphors and idioms referring to light and darkness The present experimental data may shed (new) light on1 the formation of the planets. Views on depression have changed in (the) light of2 recent studies of the brain. Novelists, poets and essayists often use history to illuminate3 their understanding of human behaviour. The book provides an illuminating discussion of how languages change. Animal models can be used to elucidate4 basic principles of the developmental origins of adult diseases. The report revealed the glarings discrepancy between patients' needs and what the health service can offer them, and highlighted6 the need for a new approach. The report shines a light on7 the questions surrounding child care and provides crucial data. Substance abuse continues to destroy individuals and communities, and researchers remain in the dark8 about what can ensure successful recovery from addiction. The book dealt with economic policy in the shadow of9 the Civil War of 1994-1999. 1 provide an explanation for it which makes it easier to understand. We can also say cast or throw light on 2 because of 3 show more clearly something that is difficult to understand 4 explain or make clear (from the Latin lucidus meaning 'clear') s something bad that is very obvious (to glare means to shine too brightly) 6 emphasised something important 7 focuses on 8 continue in a state of not knowing something 9 in a situation where something bad has happened or is happening Metaphors and idioms referring to war and conflict Look at these extracts from lectures where the speakers use such metaphors and idioms. 'Critics opposed to D.H. Lawrence attacked his novels on various grounds, both trivial and important. But despite the apparent diversity of opinion, Lawrence's critics were united on what they saw as several serious problems.' 'It's useful at the present time to look at Japan's experience in the battle against air pollution, and it's a battle no nation can afford to lose.' 'In the last two poems we see the poet becoming increasingly detached from the material world, retreating' more into his own mind than before.' 'Lawsuits can certainly affect the value of a company, and firms need strategies to combat the onslaught2 of lawsuits.' 'Parents and teachers need to maintain a united front3 on the question of bad conduct at school.' 'In the last ten years or so, children have been bombarded with4 increasing amounts of violence in the media.' 1 going back 2 a very powerful attack 3 remain united in their opinions and agree on how to act 4 forced to experience, subjected to Academic Vocabulary in Use Exercises 9.1 Choose a word from the box to complete each sentence. 9.2 9.3 elucidate remained glaring shadow highlights shed illuminate shine light 1 The results of the investigation......................................a light on the pressures of the global economy on farmers in developing countries. 2 Until recently, scientists the dark as to the causes of the disease, but a recent breakthrough promises light on the problem. 3 Our whole notion of time and space has changed in the......................................of recent developments in physics. 4 These communities have lived for decades in the......................................of poverty and social deprivation. 5 The collapse of the bridge......................................the need for a more rigorous analysis of the effects of constant traffic movements. 6 The team carried out a series of experiments in an attempt to.............................the mysterious processes at work in the organism. 7 The article helps to ....:.................................for the ordinary reader some of the more difficult references in Shakespeare's plays. 8 The professor found some......................................errors in one student's calculations. Rewrite these sentences using metaphors of conflict instead of the underlined words. 1 Scientists who don't agree with this theory have recently attacked its basic assumptions. 2 Governments need to remain in complete agreement on the issue of economic migrants. 3 Nowadays, we get a huge number of advertisements every time we watch TV or open a magazine. 4 G. J. Frankin has recently moved away from the view that economic processes cannot be altered, and is now moving towards a different approach. 5 The efforts against crime will fail without police and community cooperation. 6 The protests were a response to the devastating sudden large number of trade restrictions on small producers. Look at this text and underline key words and phrases which construct the main metaphor: 'the human brain is a computer'. Shutting down Alzheimer's The human brain is a remarkably complex organic computer, taking in a wide variety of sensory experiences, processing and storing this information, and recalling and integrating selected bits at the right moments. The destruction caused by Alzheimer's disease has been likened to the erasure of a hard drive, beginning with the most recent files and working backward. As the illness progresses, old as well as new memories gradually disappear until even loved ones are no longer recognized. Unfortunately, the computer analogy breaks down: one cannot simply reboot the human brain and reload the files and programs. The problem is that Alzheimer's does not only erase information; it destroys the very hardware of the brain, which is composed of more than 100 billion nerve cells (neurons], with 100 trillion connections among them. Look at some of the textbooks you use. Can you find any examples of metaphors or idioms there relating to light and darkness or war and conflict? Academic Vocabulary in Use 27 I 0 Nouns and the words they combine with Nouns often combine with specific verbs, for example carry out research, pay attention, or with specific adjectives, for example medical research, undivided attention. Adjective + noun noun adjectives that often combine with it example contact useful, valuable, personal, constant, close, frequent, intermittent1 1 made some useful contacts at the conference. debate considerable, heated2, intense, public, animated3 After the lecture there was a heated debate. element [= factor] crucial, decisive, fundamental Timing is a crucial element of the experiment elements [= parts] conflicting, contrasting, constituent4 There are conflicting elements in the artist's work- energy excess, sufficient, nuclear Wind turbines create sufficient energy for the town's needs. phenomenon common, isolated, natural, recent, universal Such anti-social behaviour is a recent phenomenon. results conflicting, (in)conclusive, unforeseen5, preliminary6, encouraging, interim7 Our preliminary results were encouraging. role decisive, challenging, conflicting, influential, key, pivotal8 Student activists played a pivotal role in the riot. sample random, representative A representative sample of the population was surveyed. in ... terms absolute, broad, relative, general, practical, economic People are better off in economic terms. way alternative, efficient, fair, practical, convenient, proper, acceptable It is important to treat your research subjects in a fair way. 1 from time to time 2 strong, often angry 3 lively 4 that combine to make something 5 not expected 6 first 7 temporary 8 important Noun + verb Most of the nouns in the table above are also strongly associated with specific verbs. You can come into contact with someone or something or you can establish, maintain, break off or lose contact. Academics may engage in debate or contribute to a debate. You talk about the debate surrounding an issue. You can combine, differentiate or discern [recognise] the elements of a chemical compound. You consume [use], conserve, generate [create], save or waste energy. Phenomena emerge or occur and students will try to observe, investigate and then explain those phenomena. Academics collect, collate [organise] and publish their results. Sometimes results are questioned or invalidated [shown to be wrong]. Occasionally they are even falsified! Roles may be defined or strengthened. People or factors can play a role or take on a role. You can take or provide or analyse a sample. You can discover, devise [think up], work out or develop a way to do something. i Whenever you notice a noun that seems to be key as far as your own studies are concerned, write it down with the adjectives and verbs it is typically associated with. 28 Academic Vocabulary in Use Exercises 10.1 Answer these questions about the adjective + noun combinations in the table in A. 1 Put these types of contact in order of frequency - frequent, constant, intermittent. 2 Which of these is a representative sample and which is a random sample: a sample chosen by chance, a sample chosen as typical of the population as a whole? 3 Which adjective describes the opposite of a common phenomenon} 4 Would you be pleased if you did some research and got inconclusive results} 5 What adjective other than key can be used with role to give a similar meaning? 6 Which suggests that there is more energy - excess or sufficient energy? 7 Can you name three people who play an influential role in a child's development? 8 If two of the four constituent elements of most language exams are reading and speaking, what are the other two? 10.2 Fill in the gaps in these sentences with a verb from B. Change the form where necessary. 1 I first......................................into contact with Abdul when I started my doctoral research in 1987. 2 The much energy that we don't......................................enough to meet all our needs. 3 The space important role in post-war politics. 4 In her research project Diana.....................................the phenomenon of extra-sensory perception but she was not able to come to any significant conclusions. 5 Although Hans's rivals attempted to......................................his results, they met with no success. 6 Green's poetry successfully......................................elements from a number of different traditions. I 0.3 Match the beginning of each sentence with the most appropriate ending. 1 It took the team a long time to devise surrounding the issue of global warming. 2 During the war we had to break a blood sample for analysis. 3 There has been a lot of heated debate the role of project leader. 4 Ian Hartmann was invited to take on to the debate on cloning. 5 Part of my role was to collate off contact with colleagues abroad. 6 The doctor wanted me to provide seems to be emerging. 7 Scientists all over the world contributed the key elements in a graph. 8 A new and unexpected phenomenon a way to solve their problem. 9 Using shading helps to differentiate the results of our experiments. I 0.4 Choose the best word from the box to fill each of the gaps. conflicting crucial define discern engaging heated interim maintaining practical proper publish random taking 1 She obtained her results by......................................a...................................... sample of the population. 2 Before we go any further we must......................................each of our roles more precisely. 3 We must decide what is the......................................way to proceed, in......................................terms. 4 The group succeeded long after they had all left college. 5 My trip to Africa was the......................................element in my decision to work in conservation. 6 Specialists in the field of bio-engineering have on this issue for some time. 7 I am told that Smythe is about to......................................some......................................results. 8 Professor Powell was able to......................................some......................................elements in different accounts of the incident. Academic Vocabulary in Use 29 I I Adjective and noun combinations This unit focuses on a number of adjective + noun combinations which are particularly frequent in academic contexts. Adjectives suggesting importance adjective comment some of the nouns it frequently goes with important significant can convey the same meaning and both adjectives often go with these nouns aspect, contribution, difference, implications, point, question, reason, element significant can also mean large in size and as such goes with these nouns increase, reduction, number, proportion major the opposite, minor, also often goes with these nouns role, changes, problem, factor, issue, concern, difference, theme, contribution, point enormous/ considerable enormous can mean very large or very important; considerable means large or of noticeable importance (i.e. slightly less strong than enormous) amount, expansion, number, range, diversity, difference, variation, extent, degree, impact, power, influence, significance, interest particular means special interest, attention, significance, importance, concern Note that a feature of academic writing is that it often uses an adjective + noun phrase to suggest importance of some kind instead of just using an adjective, e.g. Marx's contribution is of particular significance instead of Marx's contribution is very significant. Adjectives suggesting frequency Widespread means that something happens in many places or among many people. It often combines with such nouns as belief, acceptance, support, opposition, assumption, use. For example, There is widespread support for government policy in urban areas. Common can mean frequent. With this meaning it often combines with such nouns as experience, practice, use, concern. For example, It is increasingly common practice for UK teenagers to take a gap year before entering university. Note that common can also mean 'shared' and as such it combines with knowledge, ground, feature, interest. For example, There is much common ground between the two writers. Specific means relating to one thing and not to things in general. It often combines with context, information, case, type, form, purpose, characteristics, conditions, example. For example, The reaction occurs only under specific conditions. Other useful adjective and noun combinations Inevitable is often used with words relating to results or changes such as consequence, outcome, collapse, decline, conflict, effect, developments, [unavoidable] Explicit combines with words relating to how things are presented, e.g. reference, statement, comparison, account, mention, [clear and exact, communicated directly] Relevant combines with words relating to evidence of different types, e.g. data, documents, information, details, factors, [connected with what is being discussed] 30 Academic Vocabulary in Use Exercises I I. I Look at these statements about some academics. Complete each sentence with an appropriate adjective or noun. There may be more than one answer. 1 Davison did a considerable......................................of research into earthquake prediction. 2 Rawlinson drew......................................attention to the problem of energy consumption. 3 Werner's work had an enormous.....................................on the way we design bridges today. 4 A......................................proportion of Thomaz's work was devoted to international law. Three of her five books were on the subject. 5 Prestyn made only a......................................contribution to modern psychology, but it was an interesting one, nonetheless. 6 Baklov's work has some extremely......................................implications for our work today. I 1.2 Rewrite the sentences using adjectives from the opposite page instead of the words in bold. 1 There is opposition among students in many places to the idea of longer semesters. 2 The destruction of the riverbank will cause a decline which is bound to happen in the numbers of small mammals. 3 School standards are a concern which occurs frequently among parents nowadays. 4 Nowhere in the article does the author make mention in a direct, clear and exact way of the 20 cases which were never resolved. 5 There is very little ground which is shared between the two ways of addressing the problem. 6 The paper is too general and lacks examples which relate only to individual things. I 1.3 Make sure you know the noun forms of these adjectives. Write them in the table. Use a ta^j dictionary if necessary. adjective noun adjective noun significant important relevant valuable interesting useful frequent broad I 1.4 The sentences below came from lectures. Adapt them for use in an academic article by replacing the phrases in bold. In each case use an adjective from the box combined with a noun from 11.3 to make a phrase like of great interest. huge high enormous great considerable 1 Johnson's work is very relevant for any student of medical engineering. 2 The research will be very valuable to anyone interested in economic planning. 3 It was an event which was terribly important in the history of Latin American politics. 4 Partich's book is an extremely broad work. 5 Sorlan's book was a very significant work in the development of political theory. 6 This software will be quite useful in the analysis of large amounts of numerical data. 7 The method she outlines is very interesting to anyone investigating sleeplessness. 8 'You know' is an expression which is very frequent in informal spoken English. Academic Vocabulary in Use 3 I Verbs and the words they combine with How verbs combine with other words You should note a number of things about verbs in an academic context, in particular: • any nouns often used with the verb and whether the noun goes before or after the verb, for example, the research/theory is based on, to pose a problem/question/threat • any adverbs often used with the verb, for example, mainly/partly/loosely based • any prepositions following the verb, for example, to base something on something else • if the verb is often used in the passive, for example, be based on, be associated with. verb nouns adverbs examples base (on) research, theory, story, hypothesis mainly, partly loosely The story was loosely based on a true event which occurred in l892.The theory is mainly based on the writer's initial study. associate (with) word, idea, theory, term generally, commonly, invariably A decrease in consumer spending is generally associated with fears of instability.The word is commonly associated with youth culture. discuss idea, problem, issue, question, topic, theme at length, briefly, thoroughly Wilson and Crick (1965) discuss the problem at length. Sim's article discusses the issue thoroughly. establish relationship, connection firmly, clearly, conclusively Geologists have been unable to firmly establish a connection between the two types of fossils. Lopez conclusively establishes a relationship between the two phenomena. examine facts, evidence, effects, aspects briefly, critically, thoroughly We shall now briefly examine the evidence for the existence of dark matter. Our aim is to thoroughly examine the effects of stress. demonstrate existence, need, effects, importance clearly, convincingly The study clearly demonstrates the importance of support for dementia sufferers. Harvey's work convincingly demonstrates the need for a new approach to the problem. identify (with) (often used in passive) causes, factors, issues, properties, needs, approach, origin correctly, clearly, closely This approach is closely identified with the work of H. Crowley during the l950s.The article clearly identifies the factors influencing the decision to go to war. B More verbs in combination with nouns, adverbs and prepositions • pose - This inevitably poses a question concerning the stability of society. Parks poses a challenge to Kahn's theory. • suggest - The most recent results strongly suggest a different interpretation of the situation. The article suggests a new approach to the problem. • list - Here I simply list the main hypotheses/causcs/features/characteristics; they will be examined in detail below. • refer - The book refers frequcntly/specifically/in passing to the 1956 economic crisis. • observe -This is due to the changes/trends/differences we observed earlier. XRemember, we say based on, NOT based in. We discuss a problem I an issue, NOT discuss about a problem I an issue. Note any verb + preposition combinations that differ from those of your first language. 32 Academic Vocabulary in Use Exercises 12.1 Choose the most appropriate adverb for the verb in bold, and add it to the sentence. Note the word order used on the opposite page. 1 Paulson's research demonstrated the need for a new approach to the study of stress, invariably convincingly closely 2 As was observed, there is a strong correlation between house prices and inflation, closely critically earlier 3 In the study of language, 'tense' refers to the coding of time in the form of the verb, specifically strongly briefly 4 Classical liberal economics is identified with the theories of Milton Friedman, thoroughly closely conclusively 5 Chapter 1 discusses the main issues, but they are dealt with in greater detail in Chapter 2. closely simply briefly 6 To date, no research exists that establishes a connection between behaviour, personality traits, and leadership traits. firmly thoroughly critically 7 SENTA is a computer programming language based on Logo, strongly slightly loosely 8 Social research techniques were applied to examine the effects of the policy on the poor, strongly mainly critically 1 2.2 Complete each sentence with a suitable noun. There may be more than one answer. 1 Here we list again the main......................................of the present study and show which have been proven and which have been rejected. 2 The graph enables us to observe recent mortality rates. 3 The researchers concluded that it is still difficult to identify the......................................of the time-related changes in human beings that we call ageing. 4 A seminar was held to discuss the......................................of children's rights in the light of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. 5 Wu demonstrated the......................................for a comprehensive plan in preparation for a pandemic. I 2.3 Complete each sentence with three possible nouns. Use a dictionary if necessary. |0 1 These figures lead me to suggest an alternative (1).............................(2).............................(3)............................. 2 It is clear that these developments pose a new (1).............................(2).............................(3).............................. 3 Before we reach any conclusion, it is important to examine the (1).............................(2)............................ (3).............................• 12.4 Underline useful verb + adverb combinations in this text. The world is facing a looming water crisis. Disputes over allocation have steadily increased in the last decade, and demand has grown rapidly. Water is likely to generate the same degree of controversy in the 21st century as oil did in the 20*. If we take no action now, new conflicts are likely to occur periodically around the world. At the moment, instead of seeking solutions which directly address multiple needs, countries focus a little too narrowly on local issues and typically opt for expensive and inferior solutions. What is needed are decisions which can be quickly implemented and a debate which will seriously consider more than the short term needs of individual states. I 2.5 Use one of the combinations you underlined in 12.4 to complete each sentence. 1 Various measures were introduced last year to......................................the issue of identity theft. 2 The justice system needs to......................................the impact of a prison sentence on offenders. 3 The number of university applications has been......................................over the last 50 years. 4 The article......................................on one angle of the problem rather than taking a broad view. 5 The suggested measures should avoid further problems. Academic Vocabulary in Use 33 Prepositional phrases Notice the prepositional phrases in the texts below. A book review The Guide to the Semi-Colon in English was written by Keith Pedant in conjunction with1 a team of researchers at Boardham University. In comparison with2 previous works on the semi-colon, this is a very substantial volume. In addition to the main text there are a number of appendices. These are to some extent3 the most useful parts of the book as, in line with4 modern linguistic practice, they provide a wealth of real data. In spite of5 its potentially dry topic, the book contains many fascinating examples, in the sections dealing with the history of the semi-colon in particular. With the exception of6 the final chapter, this book may be of some interest to the general reader as well as the specialist but on the whole7 is mainly for those who have a professional interest in punctuation marks. 1 working together with 2 same meaning as in contrast to 3 notice also to a greater/lesser/ certain extent 4 following, same meaning as in accordance with 5 despite, not prevented by 6 not including (NB NOT except) 7 generally A talk to a genealogy club Chairperson: Now, at this stage1 in the proceedings it's my pleasure to introduce our speaker tonight, Dr Anna Klein, the country's leading family history specialist. Anna, I'd like to welcome you on behalf of2 all our members. Anna Klein: Thank you. My own interest in the subject came about as a result of discovering some old letters in the attic at home. I found them by chance3. They'd been written by some relatives who'd emigrated to Canada a hundred years or so before and for me, as a ten-year-old then, they were by far4 the most exciting things I had ever read. They were, for the most part5, extremely well-written and, from then on, I was determined to learn as much as I could about my family. In other words6,1 had started out on my genealogical journey. In some ways, I was very lucky. I was able to collect quite a bit of key family information on the basis of the old letters and this enabled me to track down some relations living in Montreal. They, in turn, provided some contacts with Australian cousins and so it continued. In the process, I've learnt a great deal, not only about my own family, but also in terms of7 how to approach tracing one's family. In most respects8 it's been a thoroughly enjoyable adventure though there have been some difficult moments ... now, also at this point 2 representing (NB NOT on the-part-of) 3 accidentally 4 very much 5 generally 6 to express something differently, often more simply 7 as far as (how to approach was concerned 8 considering most aspects of the experience ■) Note that on the one hand and on the other hand are used to contrast two different ways of looking at an issue. On the one hand flying is much more convenient than going by train, but on the other hand, train trove/ is often much more interesting. 34 AcademicVocabulary in Use Exercises 13.1 Complete the prepositional phrases as used in these press announcements. 5 Professor Soltero said that,.............................line .............................government guidelines, the researchers had consulted local people. .............................the study in 1986, no major research had been carried out till now, Dr Peters stated. A spokesperson for the drug company said that, ..........................................................stage, it is too early to make strong claims about the drug. ii .i 0 f * i Dr Leiman said that while.............................the ...........................hand the government wanted to encourage research,............................the............................. hand they were reducing funding for universities. Professor Karpal said that, ......the basis .............................her studies so far, she was optimistic that a cure for the disease would be found. Lauren Charles said that,.......................................................... whole, social conditions had improved since the report, and housing for the poorer sectors. to.......................addition......... a new building on the campus, the team will receive a very generous grant to conduct their research. The Professor said that he was delighted to accept the award.............................behalf.............................the whole university. 13.2 Match the beginning of each sentence with the most appropriate ending. 1 The conclusions are fair in 2 Dr Carr's team got the grant, in 3 We had little money to spare; in 4 We need people's personal data, in 5 We made an important discovery; in 6 This latest paper is quite short in 7 The Indian study was carried out in some ways it was sheer luck, conjunction with an American project, comparison with other articles in the series, spite of being the smallest team to apply, most respects, though some are questionable, other words, we were underfunded, particular their parents' history of illnesses. 13.3 Read this paragraph about the discovery of dinosaurs. In each sentence there is one error in the use of a prepositional phrase. Correct each error. A bone discovered on chance in the 17th century was the beginning of the search for dinosaurs. From then in, scientists and the public have been fascinated by these creatures. In accordance to beliefs at that time, the initial discovery was thought to be the bone of a human giant. However, in 1824, a scientist, William Buckland, calculated that the bone belonged to a 12-metre, flesh-eating reptile and named it Megalosaurus, on the process giving us the first of the wonderful list of exotic names for dinosaurs. The 17th century discovery had, on turn, led to a series of further finds around that time. All these at a greater or lesser extent confirmed Buckland's theories. For far the biggest dinosaur discovered to date was probably over 40 metres long. To the most part, dinosaurs ranged from the size of a chicken to that of a giraffe. At most respects, what we know about their habits is still very limited. What we do know is at least on some extent based on pure speculation. Use a dictionary to find an example sentence using each of these phrases: on the one hand, on the other hand, on behalf of, with the exception of, except. Write them out and then add one more sentence for each one relating to your own academic discipline. Academic Vocabulary in Use 35 14 Verbs and prepositions Verbs with on - sentences from academic articles Chapter 1 of Huang's book focuses on violent human behaviour. Sura's article draws on data gathered over a period of ten years, [uses in support of his/her case] The introduction to the book comments briefly on a case study carried out in Brazil. In this section I concentrate on the economic aspects of immigration. The book is based on a number of studies carried out during the 1990s, [often used in passive] The method used by Scanlon relies on / rests on* two basic principles, [''"(formal) is based on] Verbs with to - teachers talk to students We assigned1 the tasks randomly to the experimental group and the control group to see how the subjects would react to the different problems. OK, let's turn to the more difficult cases that I mentioned earlier. How should a doctor respond to a patient who doesn't consent to treatment when it seems to be essential? Malaria poses a major health risk to people who are exposed to infection where malaria is common. In 1997, 13% of deaths among children were attributed >2 malaria in one area in Zaire. When you're planning a questionnaire, always attend to3 design issues such as of questions and how clear they are. We can't really say that an increase in inflation of two per cent amounts to4 an economic crisis, and I refer here to some recent stories in the media which are highly exaggerated and which can be traced to5 a deep misunderstanding of how inflation operates. 1 give a particular job or piece of work to someone say or think that something is the result of something (often used in passive) 3 deal with, give one's attention to 4 be the same as something, or have the same effect as something 5 discover the origin of something by examining how it has developed (often used in passive) Other prepositions verbs examples with associate, provide, couple, equip Note: In the active voice, as in the first example, this group of verbs follows the pattern verb + object + preposition + complement Note also that these verbs are often used in the passive, as in the second example. We try to equip our laboratories with the latest technology. Heart disease is often associated with unhealthy life styles. from depart, benefit, emerge, exclude In this book, Heme departs from his earlier theory, [takes a different view] Some of the data were excluded from the final analysis. of write, speak, convince, dispose Abuka writes/speaks of the early years of industrial development [both are rather formal] We must convince people of the need for water conservation. for account, search, call, argue Lung cancer accounted for 20% of deaths in men. [formed the total of] Hopper (1987) argues for a new approach to English grammar, [opposite: argue against] The verbs emphasise and stress are used without any preposition (NOT en). The study emphasises/stresses the need for more controlled experiments to back up the conclusions. Divide is followed by into (NOT divide in). The subjects were divided into three groups. 36 AcademicVocabulary in Use Exercises 14.1 Put the words in the right order to make sentences. Use the punctuation to help you. 1 period. / focuses / the changes / The article / on / the / the post-war / economy / US / in / in 2 commented / student's / inconsistencies / a / The professor / of / in the / essay. / on / number 3 conducted / The / is / last / based / a series / theory / of / five / on / years. / over the / experiments 4 on / assistants. / The / research / relies / work / conducted by / professor's / experiments / his 5 is / are / very / your / your / studies / important / concentrate / to / over. / on / until / It / exams 6 was / The / draw / some / to / primary / on / only recently / become / have / available. / writer / sources / which / able 14.2 Put these verbs in the right box. account argue assign associate attribute benefit call consent convince depart dispose equip exclude provide react refer search write for from of to with I 4.3 Now choose one of the word + preposition combinations from 14.2 to complete each sentence. Change the form of the verb if necessary. 1 The number of very good writers on the subject. 2 Traffic accidents............................................................................most hospital admissions at the weekend. 3 The poets John Keats and Lord Byron are closely...........................................................................the English Romantic Movement. 4 Remember to......................................carefully...................................„. all waste material. 5 Most people believe that they would ........................enormously....................................having more job security. 6 My parents tried advantages of studying abroad. 7 I have article on this topic for ages. 8 Our data we needed to prove our hypothesis. 9 The head of department............................................................................the lecturer's request for leave of absence. 10 Mary Raskova......................................very movingly..........................her experiences in Rwanda. I 4.4 Correct the sentences. All of them have errors connected with prepositions. 1 The course leader divided her students in five groups. 2 They had to trace everyone who had been exposed for the infection. 3 At the moment we have too few nurses attending at too many patients. 4 Excellent teaching coupled for first-class research have made this a successful college. 5 The country emerged off the crisis as a much stronger power. 6 Joe got an interest in politics from his uncle who often spoke over his days as a senator. 7 The government called to an investigation into the explosion at the nuclear reactor. 8 In your speech don't forget to emphasise on the advantages of studying here. Academic Vocabulary in Use 37 I 5 Nouns and prepositions Groups of related nouns sharing prepositions Sometimes groups of nouns with related meanings share the same prepositions. nouns preposition(s) example book, article, essay, lecture, dissertation, project, assignment about, on In 1978, Da Silva published a book about1 the history of emigration. She wrote a dissertation on2 teenage slang in New York. research (see also B), investigation, inquiry into Kelly (1969) conducted an investigation into the origins of international terrorism. analysis, examination, exploration (see also B), study of The article offers an analysis of the potential impact of the H5N1 Avian Flu virus. problem, difficulty of, with He gave a lecture on the problem of global warming. One difficulty with this approach is that a set of results may allow different interpretations. reason, motivation, rationale (see also B) for Economists have recently questioned the rationale for government spending. 1 and 2 about tends to be used for more general subjects; on is frequently used for more specific, detailed works, although both may be found in both uses See also the notes on prepositions after nouns in Unit 44. Nouns commonly associated with particular prepositions You can also learn the nouns which most frequently come before a particular preposition. Some of these are in A above. The following examples are all titles of academic articles. nouns preposition example look, attempt, point, age at An attempt at integration of economic and psychological theories of consumption changes, differences, increase, decrease in Gender differences in risk-taking in financial decisionmaking insight, inquiry, research, investigation into An investigation into sleep characteristics of children with autism work, research, influence, emphasis, effect on Genetic influence on smoking - a study of male twins basis, idea, part, lack, exploration, means of A computerised clinical decision support system as a means of implementing depression guidelines need, reason, basis, case, preference for Assessing organisational culture: the case for multiple methods relation, approach, response, attention to Communicating with strangers: an approach to intercultural communication attitude, tendency, move, progress to/towards Progress towards sustainable regional development principle, rationale, assumptions, logic behind Questioning the assumptions behind art criticism relationship, difference, distinction between The relationship between educational technology and student achievement in mathematics 38 Academic Vocabulary in Use Exercises I 5.1 Fill in the missing prepositions. In questions 4 and 5, more than one answer is possible. 1 One difficulty......................................the class questionnaire was that some students had already left the course and could not be contacted. 2 She wrote a dissertation......................................wild flower conservation in Finland in the 1990s. 3 The book is an exploration......................................the origins of the economic crisis of 1997. 4 The rationale......................................the present research is the need to better understand the process of agreement in international law. 5 Research......................................spoken language has been considerably assisted in recent years by the availability of computerised databases or 'corpora'. 6 Prippen's (1984) book was an inquiry......................................the foundations of nationalism. 7 What is Kazuo Matsui's book......................................? Have you read it? 8 He did a study......................................the problem......................................side-impact automobile collisions. I 5.2 Correct the mistakes in the use of prepositions in these sentences. There may be more than one mistake per sentence. 1 Her dissertation produced some interesting insights to how young children develop a visual sense of the world and the age in which development is most noticeable. 2 The reason of the unwillingness of the people involved in the demonstration to be interviewed was fear of being arrested later. 3 Hierstat's approach at the analysis of solar phenomena is different from that of Donewski. He questioned the assumptions under much of the previous research. 4 Changes of the rate of growth of the cells were observed over time. 5 A lack in funding led to the cancellation of the project, and social scientists blamed the negative attitude of the government on social science research. 6 Jawil's article puts great emphasis into the need of more research and argues the case of greater attention on the causes of poverty rather than the symptoms. I 5.3 Using a dictionary if necessary, match each noun with the preposition that usually follows it. Nouns: attitude difference effect emphasis insight preference principle rationale reason relationship tendency Prepositions: behind between for into on to/towards I 5.4 Underline typical academic noun + preposition combinations like those on the opposite page. The possible ecological effects of climate change are often in the news, as is the matter of whether the potential impact can be predicted. New work on a migratory1 bird, the pied flycatcher, takes things a stage further by showing how a climate-related population decline was actually caused. Timing is key. Over the past 17 years flycatchers declined strongly in areas where caterpillar2 numbers (food for the nestlings3) peak early, but in areas with a late food peak there was no decline. The young birds arrive too late in places where caterpillars have already responded to early warmth. Mistiming like this is probably a common consequence of climate change, and may be a major factor in the decline of many long-distance migratory bird species. ' which travels to a different place, usually when the season changes 2 small, long animal with many legs which develops into a butterfly 3 young birds Academic Vocabulary in Use 39 I 6 Fixed expressions If we look at a corpus of academic texts, we see that certain chunks of language occur very frequently in spoken and written contexts. This unit looks at some of the most useful ones. Number, quantity, degree Look at these comments written by a college teacher on assignments handed in by her students. Note the expressions in bold. a good paper, it's clear you've speiA-t a great deal of time researching the subject awA you quote a wide ravage of sources. \ 1 more than sorue good points here but it's not clear to what extent you're nware of all the Issues | involved, global trade affects nations in a variety of ways. j qrade: c 3 / thinfe you've ntisunderstood the topic to soi^te extent, you've written in excess of' 3,£O0 words on areas, that are act relevant. Let's talfe. Jworas on ' entirely Oracle: f Generalising and specifying In this class discussion, the students make fairly general statements, while the teacher tries to make the discussion more specific. Marsha: Well, I think on the whole parents should take more responsibility for their kids. Teacher: Yes, with respect to1 home life, yes, but in the case of violence, surely the wider community is involved, isn't it? I mean, for the purposes of our discussions about social stability, everyone's involved, aren't they? Marsha: Yes, but in general I don't think people want to get involved in violent incidents, as a rule at least. They get scared off. Teacher: True. But as far as general discipline is concerned, don't you think it's a community-wide issue? I mean discipline as regards2 everyday actions, with the exception of school discipline. What do you think, in terms of public life, Tariq? Tariq: I think the community as a whole does care about crime and discipline and things, but for the most part they see violence as something that is outside of them, you know, not their direct responsibility. Teacher: OK. So, let's consider the topic in more detail3,1 mean from the point of view of violence and aggression specifically in schools. Let's look at some extracts from the American Medical Association's 2002 report on bullying. They're on the handout. 1 or in respect of, or (more neutral) with regard to 2 another neutral alternative to 1 3 or (more formally) in greater detail Linking points and arguments The increase in house sales is due to the fact that inflation fell in 2004. At the same time, tax rate reductions were beginning to have an effect. Joslav used an eight-point scale in the questionnaire, as opposed to1 a four-point one, by means of which he showed that attitudes covered a very wide range, in the sense that the results were spread very evenly over all eight points. It's very difficult to interpret these data. Be that as it may2, there is some evidence of a decline in frequency. For this reason, we decided to repeat the experiment. In addition to surveying the literature on population movements, we also reviewed work carried out on family names in five regions. 1 rather than 2 a typical academic way of saying 'although I accept that this is true'; more common in speech than in writing 40 Academic Vocabulary in Use Exercises 16.1 Choose one of the expressions in A to fill in the missing words in this feedback to a student from one of her teachers. Yov hdf/o had a vor^ gpod form (I) ...................................... . You have- done, (2) ................................. work, and have- also tafcc-n parf" in (3) ...................................... Social acf'w'rtioc,. \ow c.porirmc^ acA\v'vY\c£, rnat| rwe- mtorfcr&d tvifh tjo^r Ghid\c4 (4) ...................................... ki/f t^oiz £-fi([ manage! fo wr'&& (5) ...................................... "DpOO words for i^ow ond-of-i&rw a&igttMont, wHcM, I am pbaSeJ -iro royort, was of a H^o standard. 16.2 Use the words in the box to form eight different phrases that are useful for academic discussions. I a as as at be for for general in in it may most of on part reason rule same terms the the the that this time whole I I 6.3 From the point of view of meaning, which expression in each set doesn't belong, and why? 1 in genera], by means of which, as a rule, on the whole 2 as regards X, as far as X is concerned, with the exception of X, with respect to X 3 as a whole, in addition to, for the most part, in general I 6.4 Choose the best expression to complete each sentence. 1 .........................................................our discussion, I'd like to focus on the US context. A For the purposes of B In the sense that C From the point of view of 2 There is some evidence of an improvement in the economy but,........................................................, there is unlikely to be much change before next year. A for this reason B as a rule C be that as it may 3 I'd like to consider education.........................................................industry. A in the case of B from the point of view of C with the exception of 4 I'm not agree with Qian's theory. A by means of which B to what extent C as regards 5 We will now discuss the development of the Surrealist Movement.......................................................... A on the whole B to some extent C in more detail 16.5 Complete these sentences in any logical way. 1 I enjoy watching most sports with the exception of................................................................................................................ 2 A poor relationship between parents and children is often due to the fact that 3 I love reading English novels as opposed to........................................................................................................................................ 4 In your first year of graduate school you have to take an end-of-year exam in addition to 5 It was a very useful course in the sense that........................................................................................... Academic Vocabulary in Use 41 Applications and application forms Here we look at applying for a place at a UK college or university. Institutions following the US system have different processes, which are usually described on their web pages. Getting information Read this information about preparing an application for postgraduate study. What should I do first? Do all you can to learn about the careers' that will be open to you after studying - and what qualifications you will need in order to get the job you want. What qualifications do I need for postgraduate study? A first degree is required to study at postgraduate level. The specific entry requirements for each course of study are listed on the individual course pages. If needed, clarification2 may be sought3 from the department you are applying to. 4 Your performance in previous schooling is very important to your application profile . What are the requirements for international students? In addition to the general admission requirements, international applicants must submit5: • A transcript6 of university courses and grades, translated into English, and • Results of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), unless you have received English-medium7 education for at least one year. Applicants must have a minimum IELTS score of 6.5 or a TOEFL score of 580. Are any grants8 or scholarships9 available for international students? Visit our International Office pages for details. 1 the job or series of jobs that you do during your working life 2 making something clear by giving more details or a simpler explanation 3 past participle of seek: 'to look for' 4 overall character of the application 5 give something for a decision to be made by others 6 official document listing courses completed and grades received 7 where all the classes are taught in English 8 money given specially by the government to a person to enable them to study 9 money given by a school, college, university, etc. to pay for the studies of a person with great ability The application process Look at this email from Tania to Liam. Tania is applying to study at Wanstow University. Hi Liam, At last I've filled in my application form and sent it off. It took ages. As well as all my personal details they wanted the names of two referees', financial guarantees2, and I had to attach a personal statement saying why I wanted to go to Wanstow. Anyway, the deadline3 is next Friday, then the website said they'd take about six weeks to process4 the application after they acknowledge5 it, then I might be called for6 an interview. By that time the references have to be in. I'm just hoping that because I'm a mature student71 might have a good chance of being offered a place - Wanstow has a lot of mature students and they have a strong equal opportunities policy8. The fees9 are pretty high, but I can get a student loan10 if I get in". Love, Tania 1 person who knows you and who is willing to describe and, usually, praise you, to support your application 2 formal acceptance of financial responsibility and ability to pay (e.g. proof of a bank account) 3 final date by which something must be done 4 deal with documents officially 5 say that they have received it, NOT accepted it 6 asked to attend 7 a student at a college or university who is older than the usual age 8 principle of treating all people the same, regardless of sex, race, religion, etc. 9 amount of money paid for a particular service 10 money which must be repaid when one has completed one's studies " (informal) if I am accepted and given a place 42 Academic Vocabulary in Use Exercises I 7.1 Read the text in A and answer a potential student's questions about the university. 1 Is it possible to do a postgraduate degree without having been to university before? 2 Where can I get more information about what qualifications I need for a specific course? 3 Will they want to know about my university grades? 4 When is an IELTS or TOEFL score not needed? 5 What IELTS score should applicants have? I 7.2 Match the first half of the word combination on the left with the second half on the right. personal equal minimum financial mature tough seek student application first opportunities form statement score competition clarification student guarantee loan degree I 7.3 Why does the university want each of these things? Answer in full sentences using, where possible, some of the vocabulary from the opposite page. 1 the names of two referees 4 a transcript of courses taken and grades 2 financial guarantees 5 a minimum TOEFL or IELTS score 3 a personal statement I 7.4 Number the actions to show the order in which they usually happen for a prospective student. wait for the application to be processed .......... find an appropriate course .......... attend an interview .......... attach a personal statement to the form .......... decide on what career they would like to do .......... be offered a place .......... be called for an interview .......... ask referees if it is all right to put their names on the application form .......... check that they fulfil the necessary entry requirements .......... fill in an application form I 7.5 Complete the missing words in this email with words from the opposite page. The first letter of each word is given to help you. IE Hi Miles, I'd love a an international lawyer and am really hoping I can to Wanstow University to do a p....................................g......................................course in law there. I've all the necessary forms and just hope that my academic p......................................will be good enough for them. I think I fulfil all their e..................................... r.....................................but who knows! It took me ages to get the t.....................................of my college g......................................, etc. translated but I managed to get everything in by the d....................................... So now I just have to wait to see if they for an interview or not. Fingers crossed! Lucia Look at the website of any English-speaking university that interests you. What information do they provide about applying to that university? Make a note of any other useful vocabulary you find there. AcademicVocabulary in Use 43 I 8 College and university: the UK system Key A Halls of residence1 B Unrversity 5"u?rc, stnff c*r park C Administration2 r.uil300 greater than three hundred <200 less than two hundred 120 Academic Vocabulary in Use 32 = 9 three squared is/equals nine Vl6 = 4 the (square) root of sixteen is four 33 = 27 three cubed is/equals twenty-seven 3V8 = 2 the cube root of eight is two 24 = 16 two to the power of 4 is/equals sixteen (AmE = two to the fourth power ...) Units of measurement Although the metric system is now common in the UK and other English-speaking countries, non-metric units are still used in many contexts, especially in the USA. Units of length and distance are normally spoken as follows: 3 in, 3" three inches 2 ft 7 in, 2' 7" two feet seven inches (or, very informally, two foot seven inches) 500 yds five hundred yards 3 m (AmE = 3 mi.) three miles 500 mm five hundred millimetres (or, more informally, five hundred m-m) 1.5 cm one point five centimetres Units of area are normally spoken as follows: 11 sq ft eleven square feet 5 sq m, 5m2 five square metres 7.25 cm2 seven point two five square centimetres Units of weight are normally spoken as follows: 3 oz three ounces 5 lb five pounds 300 g three hundred grams 18.75 kg eighteen point seven five kilograms Units of volume, capacity and temperature are normally spoken as follows: 300 cc three hundred cubic centimetres (or, less formally, three hundred c-c) 5 pt five pints 3.2 gal three point two gallons 75 cl seventy-five centilitres 200 1 two hundred litres 20° twenty degrees Common symbols 'ampersand' - this symbol is read as 'and' * asterisk © copyright symbol TM trademark symbol ® registered trademark • bullet point / BrE = tick; AmE = check BrE = cross; AmE = an 'X' # BrE = hash symbol (Note: in American English, this symbol is used for numbers, e.g. #28 AmE; no. 28 BrE) @ this symbol is read as 'at' - used in email addresses oo infinity symbol ii this symbol is read as 'ditto' - used in lists to avoid writing a word if the same word is written immediately above it Reference 121 Reference 3 British and North American academic vocabulary There are numerous differences in vocabulary between the English of the UK and Ireland, and the English of the USA and Canada, the two dominant areas which have historically influenced English in many other parts of the world. However, there is also a great amount of mixing, and Americans and Canadians are often familiar with British and Irish usages, and vice versa. So the table below is for general guidance only. Also, nowadays, thanks to the media and the internet, American vocabulary is influencing and being imported into British, Irish and international English more and more. In the case of Ireland, this is more noticeable than in Great Britain. Other important varieties of English, such as Indian, Australian, African, Caribbean, etc., also have their own words and phrases, but have probably, for historical reasons, had less influence overall on international usage or academic usage in particular. The first column of the table shows words and phrases that are commonly used in North American English, but which are not used, or used to a far lesser extent, in British and Irish English, and which are likely to occur in academic texts or in general college and university contexts and student life. Be prepared to meet others in everyday life in English-speaking countries. See also Units 18 and 19 of this book. Space is provided at the end for you to add further examples of your own. For differences between British and American grammar, see the special chapter in the Cambridge Grammar of English (published by Cambridge University Press). AmE = North American English BrE = British/Irish English North American British/Irish comment airplane aeroplane antenna aerial apartment flat Both forms are heard increasingly in BrE. apartment building block of flats attorney lawyer ATM (automated teller machine) cashpoint bank machine from which one can get money Both forms are used in Irish English. bill note e.g. a 100 dollar bill, a 50 euro note cafeteria canteen Both are common in BrE. candy sweet(s) cart trolley used in a supermarket to carry one's shopping cell phone mobile phone checking account current account bank account for day-to-day use chips crisps coach class economy class cheapest class of air travel condominium, condo (informal) block of flats cookie biscuit small, flat cake cord lead electrical cable joining an appliance to a power connection 122 Academic Vocabulary in Use North American British/Irish comment co-worker workmate crosswalk pedestrian crossing dirt road unpaved road, track district attorney public prosecutor divided highway dual carriageway doctor's office surgery downtown town centre, city centre (the) draft conscription compulsory military service drug store chemist's, pharmacy eggplant aubergine vegetable elementary school primary school elevator lift eraser rubber fall autumn faucet tap for water field pitch a sports area, e.g. football pitch/field flashlight torch a light powered by batteries freeway motorway (French) fries chips long, thin pieces of fried potato, eaten hot (see chips vs crisps) furnace central heating boiler garbage,trash rubbish, refuse (more formal) gas petrol fuel for motor vehicles grounded earthed electrical high school secondary school highway main road Highway in BrE is normally only used in technical and legal/official contexts. intersection crossroads intermission interval e.g. break in a cinema/theatre performance Both forms are common in Irish English. interstate (highway) main/major road, motorway jack socket connection for a telephone landline kindergarten nursery In AmE, kindergarten refers to school for five-year-old children; that is, it is the year before entering first grade. In BrE, nursery refers to a special room for babies, while nursery school refers to a school for children aged 2-5 (also called pre-schoof). legal holiday bank holiday license plate, license tag number plate on a vehicle line queue locker room changing room for sports mail post mall shopping centre Mall is used more and more in BrE. mass transit public transport Reference 123 North American British/Irish comment movie film movie theater cinema normalcy normality operating room operating theatre hospital outlet socket place to connect for electrical power - BrE also uses power point overpass flyover in a road system parentheses brackets In AmE, the word brackets refers to [ ]. In AmE, parentheses are (). parking garage multi-storey car park parking lot car park penitentiary prison period full stop referring to punctuation petroleum crude oil oil when it comes out of the ground prenatal ante-natal 'before birth' - concerning mothers to be private school private school, public A public school in the UK is a private secondary school school; schools run by the government are called state schools. In the US, private school only refers to schools that are privately owned, never to public institutions. railroad railway recess, break break e.g. gap between activities, for lunch, etc. restroom, bathroom, toilet, loo (informal) Restroom is used for public facilities, whereas washroom (Canada) bathroom refers to facilities in a home. resume curriculum vitae (or CV) round trip return e.g. a round trip / return ticket running shoes, sneakers trainers sales clerk shop assistant sales tax VAT (value added tax) tax added to goods and services at the point of purchase schedule timetable scotch tape sellotape adhesive tape server waiter, waitress senior pensioner, senior citizen sidewalk pavement, footpath social security number national insurance individual personal number used by officials in number connection with tax, social benefits, etc. stop lights traffic lights store shop subway underground (railway) A subway in BrE is an underground tunnel or passageway for pedestrians to cross a road. takeout takeaway meals, food teller cashier person who serves customers in a bank thumbtack drawing pin e.g. used to fix a notice to a noticeboard tractor-trailer articulated lorry, juggernaut 124 Academic Vocabulary in Use North American British/Irish comment trash rubbish, refuse (more formal) trashcan (dust)bin truck lorry, truck two weeks fortnight vacation holiday Vacation is used in BrE universities to mean the periods when no teaching takes place. In AmE, holiday refers to a national day of observance, for example New Year's Day. zee zed last letter of the English alphabet zucchini courgette vegetable zip code (USA), postal code (Canada) postcode Reference 125 Reference 4 Spelling variations Some words are spelt differently in different varieties of English. The main contrasts are between UK/Irish and US English. Other varieties of English tend to opt for either predominantly UK/Irish or predominantly US spellings. The US spelling tends to be simpler and a clearer reflection of the way the word is pronounced. You can, of course, use whichever spelling you prefer but it is sensible to be consistent. The main patterns of spelling variation are shown below. Space is provided in the middle columns for you to add further examples of your own. Word-processing and other computer programs often have spellcheck features that check the spelling of what you write for you. You can usually set these to either UK, US or Australian spelling. However, remember that it is not sensible to rely on the computer to check and correct your spelling for you. A spellcheck program will not pick up the spelling errors in this sentence, for example: I don't no weather their are two many mistakes inn yore righting or knot. pattern of variation examples of UK + Irish spelling examples of US spelling comment words with -ourlor labour, honour, behaviour, endeavour, favourable, rumour labor, honor, behavior, endeavor, favorable, rumor In some words UK spelling prefers the -or form, e.g. humorous, honorary, glamorous. words ending with -er/re centre, theatre, centimetre, litre, lustre center, theater, centimeter, liter, luster UK spelling distinguishes between metre (100 cms) and meter (measuring device). verbs ending in single 1 when they add a suffix cancelling, labelled, counsellor, marvellous, modelled canceling, labeled, counselor, marvelous, modeled Sometimes the double / spelling will also be found in US texts. other words with single or double / fulfil, enrol, enrolment, instalment, skilful, wilful fulfill, enroll, enrollment, installment, skillful, willful The verb to install can be written with either / or II in both UK and US English, although // is more common. words ending with -oguelog analogue, catalogue, dialogue analog, catalog, dialog The -gue ending can also be found in US texts. 126 Academic Vocabulary in Use pattern of variation examples of UK + Irish spelling examples of US spelling comment verbs ending with -iselize and nouns ending with -isationl ization emphasise, minimise, globalise, colonise, organise, standardise, globalisation, colonisation, organisation, standardisation emphasize, minimize, globalize, colonize, organize, standardize, globalization, colonization, organization, standardization Some verbs always end in -ise, e.g. advertise, advise, apprise, arise, comprise, compromise, despise, devise, disguise, enfranchise, enterprise, excise, exercise, improvise, incise, premise, revise, supervise, surmise, surprise. With other words the -izelization endings will also sometimes be found in UK texts. verbs ending with -yselyze analyse, catalyse, paralyse analyze, catalyze, paralyze The nouns analysis, catalysis and paralysis are spelt the same in both UK and US texts. some words ending with "idge<*9 ISBN 978-0-521-68939-7 9 «V r, ISBN: 978 0 521 60462 8 ISBN 978 0 521 71266 a 9780521689397