Exercise sheet 3 1. Is the class of ordinals in bijection with the class of cardinals? Prove or confute it. 2. Compute the cardinal numbers 1 2 0 , and ω · ℵω. 3. Compute the ordinal numbers ωω3 2 and (ω · ω)ω · ω1. 4. Using Cantor normal forms, decide whether the ordinals ωω1 · ω1 and ωω1 1 are equal. 5. Define the function f from ordinals to cardinals as follows: • f(0) = 0; • f(α + 1) = ℵf(α); • if α is a limit ordinal, f(α) = supβ<α f(β). Show that a cardinal κ is weakly inaccessible if and only if f(κ) = κ. 6. Recall the definition of transitive closure of a set X as: • X0 = X; • Xn+1 = Xn; • TC(X) = n∈N Xn. Show that this really is the transitive closure of X, i.e. if Y is a transitive set such that X ⊆ Y then TC(X) ⊆ Y . Conclude that X is transitive if and only if X = TC(X). 7. Assume that there is a huge cardinal. Can we conclude that Vopˇenka’s principle is provable in ZFC set theory? 1