C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods -1C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods Petr Kulhánek kulhanek@chemi.muni.cz National Centre for Biomolecular Research, Faculty of Science Masaryk University, Kamenice 5, CZ-62500 Brno JS/2022 Present Form of Teaching: Rev1 Lesson 2 Empirical Valence Bond Theory C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods -2Nobel Laureates in Chemistry 2013 http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/chemistry/laureates/2013/ University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods -3Essential Works Lifson, S.; Warshel, A. Consistent Force Field for Calculations of Conformations Vibrational Spectra and Enthalpies of Cycloalkane and N-Alkane Molecules. J. Chem. Phys. 1968, 49, 5116–&. Levitt, M.; Lifson, S. Refinement of Protein Conformations Using a Macromolecular Energy Minimization Procedure. J. Mol. Biol. 1969, 46, 269–&. Honig, B.; Karplus, M. Implications of Torsional Potential of Retinal Isomers for Visual Excitation. Nature 1971, 229, 558–&. Warshel, A.; Karplus, M. Calculation of Ground and Excited-State Potential Surfaces of Conjugated Molecules .1. Formulation and Parametrization. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1972, 94, 5612–&. Levitt, M.; Warshel, A. Computer-Simulation of Protein Folding. Nature 1975, 253, 694–698. Levitt, M. Simplified Representation of Protein Conformations for Rapid Simulation. J. Mol. Biol. 1976, 104, 59–107. Warshel, A.; Levitt, M. Theoretical Studies of Enzymic Reactions - Dielectric, Electrostatic and Steric Stabilization of Carbonium-Ion in Reaction of Lysozyme. J. Mol. Biol. 1976, 103, 227–249. C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods -4Foundation of Methods Newtonian (classical) mechanics Quantum Mechanics (QM) Molecular Mechanics (MM) Coarse-grained Mechanics (CG) Continuum (polarizable) environment(water) coarse-graining level C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods -5Multiscale Methods Quantum Mechanics (QM) Molecular Mechanics (MM) Coarse-grained Mechanics (CG) Continuum (polarizable) environment(water) coarse-graining level QM/MM methods C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods -6Multiscale Methods Quantum Mechanics (QM) Molecular Mechanics (MM) Coarse-grained Mechanics (CG) Continuum (polarizable) environment(water) coarse-graining level Valence state for EVB protein or reference system and a few solvation layers rest of water environment C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods -7Enzymatic Reactions MM QM active site only tens to hundreds atoms QM MM rest of enzyme solvent (water) Catalyzed reaction – hydrolysis of phosphodiester bond SN2 C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods -8Enzymatic Reactions Enzyme: ~4,300 atoms Water: ~42,000 atoms Total: ~46,500 atoms MutH C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods -9Enzymatic Reactions Enzyme: ~4,300 atoms Water: ~42,000 atoms Total: ~46,500 atoms MutH Beyond any QM method! C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods -10Boundary Problems Active site of MutH (hydrogen atoms are not shown for clarity) • How to cut covalent bonds? • There is an unphysical tension at boundary due to incompatible precision of QM and MM potentials. • MM atoms cannot be polarized by QM zone • QM atoms can be (over)polarized by MM atoms e- eTwo electrons formally contribute to s-bond (single bond). C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods -11Quantum Mechanics ),()(),(ˆ RrRRr mmme EH = How to describe wave function (WF) of many-body systems? ➢ Molecular Orbital (MO) Theory ➢ Valence Bond (VB) Theory MO is now prevalent because MO was simpler to implement than VB in early stages of QM development. C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods -12Molecular Orbital Theory )()( 1 i m j jijii c rr = =  One-electron functions expressed using basis functions: Molecular Orbital (MO) theory is about construction of many-body system wavefunction (WF). MO-LCAO - molecular orbital as linear combination of atomic orbitals )}()()...()()()(){()...,,,,...,,( 22221111,2121 nnnn P nn rrrPsignrrr ssssss = One-electron approximation: C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods -13Valence Bond Theory Shurki, A.; Derat, E.; Barrozo, A.; Kamerlin, S. C. L. How Valence Bond Theory Can Help You Understand Your (Bio)Chemical Reaction. Chem. Soc. Rev. 2015, 44 (5), 1037–1052. https://doi.org/10.1039/C4CS00241E. Valence Bond (VB) theory is about construction of many-body system wavefunction (WF). C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods -14EVB vs hybrid QM/MM reactants (MM) products (MM) EVB (QM) MM EVB QM Empirical Valence Bond (EVB) Hybrid QM/MM • no boundary problems • simulation on mapping potentials • reference reaction for calibration Warshel, A.; Weiss, R. An Empirical Valence Bond Approach for Comparing Reactions in Solutions and in Enzymes. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1980, 102 (20), 6218–6226. https://doi.org/10.1021/ja00540a008. • boundary problems • any QM theory (DFT, semiempirics, etc.) C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods -15Reactants and products as VB states 𝐻11 = 𝜀1 𝐻22 = 𝜀2 + 𝛼 valence states described by MM a constant, which is a correction to different MM reference states 𝐻11 𝐻22 reactant state product state C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods -16Reactants and products as VB states 𝐻11 = 𝜀1 𝐻22 = 𝜀2 + 𝛼 valence states described by MM a constant, which is a correction to different MM reference states 𝐻11 𝐻22 reactant state product state what about transition state? C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods -17Empirical Valence Bond 111 =H  += 222H 𝐻12 = 𝐻21 =? 𝐸 𝐸𝑉𝐵 valence states described by MM off-diagonal mixing terms 𝐻11 𝐻22 kkk E  =H Secular problem Hamiltonian matrix       = 2221 1211 HH HH H Secular problem has two solutions: E2 > E1 = EEVB ground state energy = EVB potential C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods -18Empirical Valence Bond 111 =H  += 222H 𝐻12 = 𝐻21 =? 𝐸 𝐸𝑉𝐵 valence states described by MM off-diagonal mixing terms 𝐻11 𝐻22 kkk E  =H Secular problem Hamiltonian matrix       = 2221 1211 HH HH H WF describes contributions of individual valence states to the total system description. C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods -19EVB Assumption The empirical valence bond (EVB) model provides an extremely powerful way for modeling and analyzing chemical reactions in solutions and proteins. However, this model is based on the unverified assumption that the off diagonal elements of the EVB Hamiltonian do not change significantly upon transfer of the reacting system from one phase to another. This ad hoc assumption has been rationalized by its consistency with empirically observed linear free energy relationships, as well as by other qualitative considerations. Nevertheless, this assumption has not been rigorously established. The present work explores the validity of the above EVB key assumption by a rigorous numerical approach. This is done by exploiting the ability of the frozen density functional theory (FDFT) and the constrained density functional theory (CDFT) models to generate convenient diabatic states for QM/MM treatments, and thus to examine the relationship between the diabatic and adiabatic surfaces, as well as the corresponding effective off diagonal elements. It is found that, at least for the test case of SN2 reactions, the off diagonal element does not change significantly upon moving from the gas phase to solutions and thus the EVB assumption is valid and extremely useful. Hong, G.; Rosta, E.; Warshel, A. Using the Constrained DFT Approach in Generating Diabatic Surfaces and Off Diagonal Empirical Valence Bond Terms for Modeling Reactions in Condensed Phases. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2006, 110 (39), 19570–19574. https://doi.org/10.1021/jp0625199. C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods -20EVB Assumption Hong, G.; Rosta, E.; Warshel, A. Using the Constrained DFT Approach in Generating Diabatic Surfaces and Off Diagonal Empirical Valence Bond Terms for Modeling Reactions in Condensed Phases. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2006, 110 (39), 19570–19574. https://doi.org/10.1021/jp0625199. Warshel, A.; Weiss, R. An Empirical Valence Bond Approach for Comparing Reactions in Solutions and in Enzymes. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1980, 102 (20), 6218–6226. https://doi.org/10.1021/ja00540a008. 26 years !!!!! 𝐻12 = 𝐻21 = 𝐴𝑒−𝜇(𝑟 𝑖𝑗−𝑟 𝑜) off-diagonal mixing terms empirical parameters 𝐻12 = 𝐻21 = 𝐴 off-diagonal mixing terms - typical form some characteristic geometry parameter (broaken/formed bond) C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods -21EVB Parameters 111 =H  += 222H 𝐻12 = 𝐻21 = 𝐴 EVB in its simplest form has only two parameters, which are characteristic for given reaction but independent on environment (water, protein interior). off-diagonal mixing termsvalence states described by MM empirical parameters C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods -22Reaction coordinate How to promote the reaction, i.e., the transition between reactant and product states? 𝐸𝑔𝑎𝑝𝐸𝑔𝑎𝑝 𝜉 = 𝐸 𝑔𝑎𝑝 = 𝐻22 − 𝐻11 = (𝜀2+𝛼) − 𝜀1 Suitable reaction coordinate is the energy gap between two valence states: 𝜉 = 𝐸 𝑔𝑎𝑝 it can be omitted transition state at 𝐸𝑔𝑎𝑝 = 0 reactants products C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods -23Simulations on EVB potential ➢ It is possible to run MD simulations on EVB potential. ➢ However, the EVB parameters need to be provided before the simulation. ➢ Free energies (reaction and activation free energies) can be calculated using any biasing techniques: ➢ Metadynamics ➢ Umbrella Sampling ➢ Adaptive Biasing Force method ➢ etc. kinetics RT G B e h Tk k   − = Eyring equation (theoretical model) standard activation Gibbs energy rate constant (experiment) C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods -24Simulations on EVB potential → the EVB parametrization is thus tedious and computationally demanding …. Reaction in water (reference system) Reaction catalyzed by enzyme tune EVB parameters biased simulation determine Δ𝐺𝑟 Δ𝐺≠ agree with exp? no yes biased simulation determine Δ𝐺𝑟 Δ𝐺≠ prediction training initial prms any new EVB parameters require to run a new simulation 1. training/parametrization model the reaction in water environment (reference system) until the reaction and activation free energies are the same as obtained by experiments 2. prediction use the optimized EVB parameters to predict impact of the enzyme on the reaction and activation free energies (determine the catalytic effect of the enzyme) C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods -25Simulations on EVB potential → the EVB parametrization is thus tedious and computationally demanding …. Reaction in water (reference system) Reaction catalyzed by enzyme tune EVB parameters biased simulation determine Δ𝐺𝑟 Δ𝐺≠ agree with exp? no yes biased simulation determine Δ𝐺𝑟 Δ𝐺≠ prediction training initial prms any new EVB parameters require to run a new simulation 1. training/parametrization model the reaction in water environment (reference system) until the reaction and activation free energies are the same as obtained by experiments 2. prediction use the optimized EVB parameters to predict impact of the enzyme on the reaction and activation free energies (determine the catalytic effect of the enzyme) C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods -26Mapping Potential and Reference Reaction Reaction in water (reference system) Reaction catalyzed by enzyme Simulation on mapping potential Simulation on mapping potential computationally demanding but no EVB parameters are needed virtually describe all possible reactions 21)1(  +−=mapE no EVB parameters are required to run simulations on the mapping potential both simulations are thus independent; they can be run in a parallel C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods -27Mapping Potential and Reference Reaction Reaction in water (reference system) Reaction catalyzed by enzyme Simulation on mapping potential Simulation on mapping potential computationally demanding but no parameters are needed virtually describe all possible reactions EVB parameters that reproduces experimental reaction and activation Gibbs free energies. computationally cheap EVB reconstruction via FEP/US (repeat) 21)1(  +−=mapE FEP/US – Free Energy Perturbation/Umbrella Sampling training C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods -28Mapping Potential and Reference Reaction Reaction in water (reference system) Reaction catalyzed by enzyme Simulation on mapping potential Simulation on mapping potential EVB parameters that reproduces experimental reaction and activation Gibbs free energies. EVB reconstruction via FEP/US Predicted reaction and activation Gibbs free energies for catalyzed reaction. computationally demanding but no parameters are needed virtually describe all possible reactions computationally cheap EVB reconstruction via FEP/US (repeat) 21)1(  +−=mapE FEP/US – Free Energy Perturbation/Umbrella Sampling prediction C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods -29- Results Fig. 3 A comparison of schematic EVB free energy profiles for the reaction catalysed by haloalkane dehalogenase (DhlA, Fig. 2), obtained in the gas-phase (g), aqueous solution (w) and in the enzyme active site (p). https://doi.org/10.1039/C4CS00241E C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods -30Technical Notes https://doi.org/10.1039/C4CS00241E ➢ Breaking and forming bonds must be described by a Morse potential? Why? ➢ LJ interaction for atoms involved in breaking and forming bonds must be softened in the repulsive region. C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods -31EVB Pros & Cons Pros: ➢ it is computationally cheap in comparison to hybrid QM/MM method (no expensive QM calculations are preformed) ➢ it can be very accurate (all errors related to models used can be suppressed by tuned empirical parameters) ➢ Egap as reaction coordinate (non-local but simple to calculate) ➢ Simulations on mapping potential simplify the EVB parametrization and prediction. Cons: ➢ it cannot be used if mechanism of reaction in reference system and enzyme differs (empirical parameters are not then transferable) ➢ it cannot go beyond valence state setup (it cannot reveal new reaction pathways) C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods -32- Questions • Is EVB still used in research? C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods -33Further Readings Mones, L.; Kulhanek, P.; Simon, I.; Laio, A.; Fuxreiter, M. The Energy Gap as a Universal Reaction Coordinate for the Simulation of Chemical Reactions. J. Phys. Chem. B 2009, 113 (22), 7867–7873. https://doi.org/10.1021/jp9000576. Mones, L.; Kulhanek, P.; Florian, J.; Simon, I.; Fuxreiter, M. Probing the Two-Metal Ion Mechanism in the Restriction Endonuclease BamHI. Biochemistry 2007, 46 (50), 14514– 14523. https://doi.org/10.1021/bi701630s. Shurki, A.; Derat, E.; Barrozo, A.; Kamerlin, S. C. L. How Valence Bond Theory Can Help You Understand Your (Bio)Chemical Reaction. Chem. Soc. Rev. 2015, 44 (5), 1037–1052. https://doi.org/10.1039/C4CS00241E.