Homework problems #2 1. Determine the density of states of free relativistic particle with mass m in 3D. 2. For a system of N quantum harmonic oscillators (each of them has energy levels En = (n + j)ha, n £ AO determine heat capacity at constant pressure and prove that lim Cy = 0. 3. Computer problem: Plot the internal partition function corresponding of excitation of Si IV ion for temperatures T £ [103, 108] K (use logaritmic scaling for temperature axis). Explain behaviour of a function. Take into account first 15 levels of the ion according to data from NIST https://www.nist.gov/pml/atomic-spectra-database: Configuration Term J 8 Energy [eV] 2p6.3s 2S 1/2 2 0.000000 2p6.3p 2P 1/2 2 8.838528 3/2 4 8.895698 2p6.3d 2D 5/2 6 19.883893 3/2 4 19.884040 2p6.4s 2S 1/2 2 24.050317 2p6.4p 2P 1/2 2 27.061641 3/2 4 27.081703 2p6.4d 2D 5/2 6 30.997044 3/2 4 30.997059 2p6.4f 2F 5/2 6 31.507742 7/2 8 31.507984 2p6.5s 2S 1/2 2 32.907632 2p6.5p 2P 1/2 2 34.282086 3/2 4 34.291429 The solution should be submitted not later than on March 30th. 1