Homework problems #5 1. Computer problem: a) Make a function that calculates numerically an integral F3/2(y) = 1 Γ(3/2) ∞ 0 x1/2 ex−y +1 dx. Calculate F3/2(0). b) Using an appropriate numerical metod find ˜µx that fulfills F3/2( ˜µx) = x ≡ Nλ3 T gV for a given x. Calcullate ˜µ80, ˜µ10 a ˜µ0.1. c) Plot a graph of function N(ε, ˜µx) = 1 eε− ˜µx +1 for determined values ˜µ100, ˜µ1, and ˜µ0.01. 2. Evaluate the mean value of free particle hamiltonian from quantum mechanical partition function Z = V λ3 T . (1) Calculate in momentum representation. 3. Density matrix of left-handed and right-handed polarized light in a basis of vectors of linearly polarized light is ˆρL = 1/2 i/2 −i/2 1/2 , ˆρR = 1/2 −i/2 i/2 1/2 . (2) Using ˆρL and ˆρR determine the density matrix of unpolarized light ˆρn and calculate ˆρ2 L, ˆρ2 R a ˆρ2 n . Which matrices correspond to a pure state? 4. Density matrix of a harmonic oscillator with a hamiltonian ˆH = 1 2m ˆp2 + 1 2 mω2 ˆx2 has in a position space form of ρ(x,x′ ,T) = mω π¯h tanh ¯hω 2kT exp − mω 2¯hsinh ¯hω kT x2 +x′2 cosh ¯hω kT −2xx′ . (a) Calculate the mean value of energy E = ˆH . (b) Show that for T → ∞ the equipartition theorem holds for the mean value of energy. 5. Approximately calculate the heat capacity at the constant volume for a gas with interatomic potencial U(r) (the unknownd integral can be denoted appropriatelly). Particles can be considered as point masses. 6. The approximate solution of the Boltzmann equation in a presence of temperature gradient T = T0 +αy is f = f0 +ατvy T0 2(T0 −αy)7/2 p2 mk(T0 −αy) −5 n0 2π¯h2 mk 3/2 e − p2 2mk(T0−αy) , (3) where f0 is equilibrium velocity distribution. Calculate a mean value of momentum flux mvy|vy| ; in a velocity distribution you can approximate T0 −αy ≈ T0. The nonzero momentum flux causes, for example, the motion of a light mill. The solution should be submitted not later than on May 20th and not earlier than on May 16th. 1