Hou & Han, 2014, A&A, 569, A125 Galactic coordinates Transformation from ecliptic coordinates Galactic coordinates Sun about 20pc “above” (north) of Galactic disk Galactic coordinates Place a (hour) d (degree) l (degree) b (degree) Galactic Center 12h 45.6m -28.94d 0d 0d Galactic Anti-Center 5h 45.6m +28.94d 180d 0d Galactic North Pole 12h 51.4m +27.13d 0d +90d Galactic South Pole 0h 51.4m -27.13d 0d -90d 0 < a < 24h; -90 < d < +90d, 0 < l < 360d, -90 < b < +90d Be careful about the sign/direction of X and U