©1894 Nature Publishing Group 300 NATURE make known to us. Indian shooting is well treated by Colonel Percy, who goes verY fully into the subject. It is, indeed, an ample one, and Colonel Percy enumerates no less than fifty-threeanimals to be included in the category of big game by the fortunate sportsmen of India. The second volume concludes with good advice about camps, transport, rifles, and ammunition, and with a few hints on taxidermy, showing the way in which the larger animals should be skinned and their heads set up as sportsmen's trophies. In concluding our notice of this attractive work, we may be permitted again to call notice to the illustrations, which, with few exceptions, are of a high degree of excellence. Two of these, by the kind permission of the publishers, we reproduce on the present occasion. The first of them represents a scene in British East Africa, between Teita and Taveta, in the Kilima-njaro district, where (in September I 886) the country was "literally crawling" with zebra, hartebeest, impala, oryx, and Grant's antelope, besides eland and giraffe, and an occasional steinbok and wart-hog." In those days Taveta was correctly designated the " Hunters' Paradisc." The second illustration shows us the haunt of the Spanish ibex, of which we have already spoken. Before concluding our notice of what will no doubt quickly and deservedly become the big-game-shooters' favourite handbook, we venture to call attention to what is probably a slight slip on the part of l\lr. Phillipps·\Valley. General Richard Dashwood, than whom there can be no better authority on the subject, has commented, in an article in La11d and fVater (l\larch 24, 1894), rather severely on some of l\lr. Phillipps-Walley's statements regarding the caribou and moose of North America. It is no doubt incorrect to say that caribon and moose feed upon the same food. As explained by General Dashwood, their tastes are very different. It is also an error to describe the "call-cry" of the female moose as a roar. General Dashwood's experienced ear teaches him to describe it as a "beautiful clear note, rising and falling with a sort of entreaty in the tone and a soft grunt at the end.'' POPULAR/SING SCIENCE. "poPULAR science,'' it is to be feared, is a phrase that conveys a certain flavour of contempt to many a scientific worker. It may be that this contempt is not altogether undeserved, and that a considerable proportion of the science of our magazines, school text-books, and books for the general reader, is the mere obvious tinctured by inaccurate compilation. But this in itself scarcely justifies a sweeping condemnation, though the editorial incapacity thus evinced must be a source of grave regret to all specialists with literary leanings and with the welfare of science at heart. The fact remains that in an age when the endowment of research is rapidly passing out of the hands of private or quasi-private organisations into those of the State, the maintenance of an intelligent exterior interest in current investigation becomes of almost vital importance to continual progress. Let that adjective " intelligent" be insisted upon. Time was when inquiry could go on unaffected even by the scornful misrepresentations of such a as Swift, because it was mainly the occupation of men of considerable means. But now that our growing edifice of knowledge spreads more and more over a substructure of grants and votes, and the appliances needed for instruction and further research increase steadily in cost, even the affectation of a contempt for popular opinion becomes unwise. There is not only the danger of supplies heing cut off, but of their being misapplied by a public whose scientific education is neglected, of their being deflected from investigations of certain, to NO. 1291, VOL. 50] those of doubtful value. For instance, the public endowment of the Zetetic Society, the discovery of Dr. Platt's polar and central suns, or the rotation of Dr. Owen's Bacon-cryptogram wheel, at the expense of saner inquiries might conceivably and very appropriately result from the specialisation of science to the supercilious pitch. It should also go far to reconcile even the youngest and most promising of specialists to the serious consideration of popular science, to reflect that the acknowledged leaders of the great generation that is now passing·away, Darwin notablr, addressed themselves in many cases to the general reader, rather than to their colleagues. But instead of the current of popular and yet philosophical books increasing, its volume appears if anything to dwindle, and many works ostensibly addressed to the public by distinguished investigators, succeed in no nptable degree, or fail to meet with appreciation altogether. There is still a considerable demand for popular works, but it is met in many cases by a new class of publication from which philosophical quality is largely eliminated. At the risk of appearing impertinent, I may perhaps, as a mere general reader, say a little concerning the defects of very much of what is proffered to the public as scientific literature. As a reviewer for one or two publications, I have necessarily given some special attention to the matter. As a general principle, one may say that a book should be written in the language of its readers, but a very considerable number of scientific writers fail to realise this. A fc1v write boldly in the dialect of their science, and there is certainly a considerable pleasure in a skilful and compact handling of technicalities; but such writers do not appreciate the fact that this is an acquired taste, and that the public has not acquired it. \Vorse sometimes results from the persistent avoidance of technicality. Except in the cases of the meteorologist, arch::eologist, and astronomer, who are relatively free from a special terminology, a scientific man finds himself at a great disadvantage in writing literary English when compared with a man who is not a specialist. To express his thought precisely he gravitates towards the all too convenient technicality, and forbidden that, too often rests contented with vague, ambiguous, or misleading phrases. It does not follow that, because, what from a literary standpoint must be called "slang," is not to be used, that the writer is justified in "writing down" as if to his intellectual inferiors. The evil often goes further than a lack of precision. Out of a quite unwarrantable feeling of pity and condescension for the weak minds that have to wrestle with the elements of his thought, the scientific writer will go out of his way to jest jests of a carefully selected and most obvious description, forgetting that whatever status his special knowledge may give him in his subject, the subtlety of his humour is probably not greatly superior, and may even be inferior to that of the average man, and that what he assumes as inferiority in his hearers or readers is simply the absence of what is, after all, his own intellectual parochialism. The villager thought the tourist a fool because. he did not know "Owd Smith." Occasionally scientific people are guilty of much the same fallacy. In this matter of writing or lecturing "down," one may even go so far as to object altogether to the facetious adornment of popular scientific statements. \Vriting as one of the reading public, I may testify that to the common man who opens a book or attends a lecture, this clowning is either very irritating or very depressing. \Ve respect science and scientific men hugely, and we had far rather they took themselves seriously. The taste for formal jesting is sufficiently provided for in periodic