Invertebrate hormones Physiological systems in insects:Marc J.Klowden.Secondedition, ISBN: 978-0-12-369493-5. Insect Endocrinology:LawrenceI. Gilbert.First edition2012, ISBN: 978-0-12-384749-2. Bi1100 Hormones – Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms The most developed endocrine system among invertebrates can be found in crustaceans and insects. Differences: ▪ unlike vertebrates, invertebrates have many neurohormones ▪ invertebrates produce few classical hormones Similarities: ▪ both groups synthesize many peptide hormones ▪ the same structural types of hormones ▪ similar hormones can have similar function (hormones can also affect individuals in another animal group) Hormones of invertebrates and vertebrates Nerves - neurotransmitters Neurosecretory cells - neurohormones Endocrine glands - clasical hormones 1) Steroid hormones (ecdysteroids - ecdysone, 20-hydroxyecdysone, makisteron A etc.) 2) Sesquiterpenes / terpenoids (juvenile hormones) 3) Peptide hormones (MIH, RPCH, AKH) 4) Biogenic amines (octopamine, tyramine, serotonin) 5) Eicosanoids (prostaglandins and others) Modulation of activity: synthesis, secretion, degradation, number and specificity of receptors Groups of invertebrate hormones Endocrine system of crustaceans Endocrine system of crustaceans 1) Neurosecretory complex of the eye: ▪ X-organ (neurosecretory cells) > axonal transport > sinus gland (neurohemal) > hemolymph 2) Suboesophageal-postcommissural system: ▪ suboesophageal ganglion > axons > postcommissural organ (neurohemal) > hemolymph 3) Pericardial system: ▪ pericardium > pericardial organ (neurohemal) 4) Paired Y-organ ▪ 20-hydroxyecdysone 5) Androgenic gland ▪ males ▪ Y-organ: 20-hydroxyecdysone (the same function as in insects) ▪ X-organ: moult inhibiting hormone (MIH) > inhibition of Y-organ androgen gland inhibiting hormone > inhibition of spermatogenesis and development of male characteristics ▪ X-organ + postcommissural system: chromatophorotropins (e.g. red pigment-concentrating hormone belonging to RPCH/AKH family > pigment relocation in omatidia, ovarian maturation, vitellogenesis and other functions) Endocrine system of crustaceans Endocrine system of insects Endocrine system of insects 1) Retrocerebral complex ▪ neurosecretory brain cells, corpora cardiaca, corpora allata ▪ sometimes connected with prothoracic gland forming the so-called ring gland (Weismann‘s ring) ▪ monopolar neurons produce hormones in their bodies > association with proteins > axonal transport > formation of membranebound secretory granules > exocytosis (synaptoids) > release at the site of synthesis or in neurohemal organs 2) Prothoracic gland (PG) ▪ paired, located in prothorax and head ▪ usually not in adult stages 3) Neurosecretory cells of other ganglia 4) Intestinal endocrine cells 5) Epitracheal cells (ecdysis triggering hormone) Endocrine system of insects - brain dissection in Galleria mellonella Endocrine system of insectsEndocrine system of insects - brain dissection in Galleria mellonella Corpus cardiacum (corpora cardiaca) ▪ main neurohemal organ derived from ectoderm ▪ posteriorly from the brain, in the contact with dorsal vein ▪ axons of central (part intercerebralis) and lateral (variable location) neurosecretory cells in the brain ▪ storage lobe (storage of neurosecretory products) ▪ glandular lobe (synthesis of hormones) Releases and synthesises: ▪ prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH) ▪ adipokinetic hormones (AKH) ▪ ovarian ecdysteroidogenic hormone ▪ neuroparsins ▪ myotropins ▪ pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (PBAN) Insect neurohemal organs Corpus allatum (corpora allata) ▪ posterior area of ​​the head near the pharynx ▪ sometimes merges with prothoracic gland and forms ring gland (Diptera, Hemiptera) ▪ ectodermal origin ▪ cells with smooth endoplasmic reticulum (cholesterol, terpenoids) Synthesizes: ▪ juvenile hormones (JH) Insect neurohemal organs Steroids: ▪ ecdysteroids (prothoracic gland, gonads, epidermis) Terpenoids: ▪ juvenile hormones (corpora allata) Peptides and proteins: ▪ prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH; brain) ▪ eclosion hormone (EH; brain) ▪ pre-ecdysis triggering hormone (PETH; Inka cells) ▪ ecdysis triggering hormone (ETH; Inka cells) ▪ bursikon (brain and ventral nerve cord) ▪ pheromone biosynthesis activating neurohormone (PBAN) ▪ adipokinetic hormones (AKH; corpora cardiaca) ▪ crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP) ▪ and many more (hundreds of them is described) Insect endocrine system: Summary of the main hormones Groups of neuropeptides by genome coding: 1) Preprohormones containing signal peptide and neuropeptide (eclosion hormone, neuroparsins) 2) Preprohormones containing signal peptide, neuropeptide and other structurally unrelated peptides (AKH + bombyxins) 3) Preprohormones containing signal peptide and a number of copies of the same or a similar neuropeptide (isoforms; e.g. allatostatins) Groups of neurohormones by function: ▪ adenotropic (glandotropic), gonadotropic, morphogenetic, chromotropic, metabolic and homeostatic, myotropic, etotropic etc. ▪ usually pleiotropic effect Insect endocrine system: General characteristics of neuropeptides Insect metamorphosis terpenoids peptide steroids Insect metamorphosis ▪ the first insect hormone that was discovered ▪ insulin-like peptide (homodimer consisting of two identical amino acid chains interconnected with disulfide bonds) ▪ synthetised by neurosecretory cells in the brain ▪ axonal transport and release in neurohemal organs (corpora cardiaca/allata) ▪ development and control of metamorphosis ▪ photoperiod (Manduca sexta), temperature (Hyalophora cecropia), nerve stimulus (blood-sucking bug Rhodnius: blood volume is the primary stimul > enlarged abdomen > receptor signal > PTTH synthetised in the brain) ▪ activates prothoracic gland and synthesis of ecdysteroids through cAMP, Ca2+, calmodulin and phosphorylation of specific proteins (exact mechanism still unknown) Insect metamorphosis: Prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH) Insect metamorphosis: Prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH) Insect metamorphosis: Prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH) What can one brain do? (Williams1952) The transformation (B) was induced by the implantation of one brain into the first pupa without the brain (A). ▪ non-polar ▪ derived from cholesterol or plant sterols (zoophagous x phytophagous: ecdysone, makisteron A, 20-hydroxyecdysone and others) ▪ controls the metamorphosis, molting of embryos, larvae, nymphs and reproduction of adults Insect metamorphosis: Ecdysteroids (molting hormones) ▪ ecdysone (E) keto group on the B ring and five OH groups ▪ 20-E (main molting hormone; six OH groups) ▪ makisterone A (24-methyl-20-hydroxyecdysone; e.g. Heteroptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera) ▪ synthesis in larvae: prothoracic gland vs. adults: accessory glands (main source of ecdysteroids), epithelial cells and ovarian follicles ▪ regulated by PTTH, ovarian ecdysteroidogenic hormone, prothoracicostatin described in some insect species, excretion by Malpighian tubes ▪ transported in hemolymph by carriers or freely (↑OH > sufficiently soluble) ▪ conversion of E to 20-E in target tissues (epidermis, fat body, intestine, ovaries…) ▪ nuclear receptors (ecdysteroid receptor); non-covalent dimers EcR/USP (ultraspiracle protein, RXR homolog) Insect metamorphosis: Ecdysteroids – synthesis and release makisteron Aecdysone Metamorphosis: ▪ ecdysteroids control the expression of hundreds of genes (e.g. DOPA decarboxylase), circadian fluctuations of E are related to PTTH level ▪ in larvae, the titer increases before apolysis of old cuticle ▪ larva-imago: Hemimetabola - large dose of ecdysteroids neccessary Lepidoptera - often two doses of ecdysteroids E : 20-E = 1 : 1 > reprogaming of larval development and behavior change E : 20-E = 1 : 5 > triggers larval molting and transformation into pupa ▪ delayed secretion during the diapause Insect metamorphosis: Ecdysteroids – function Reproduction: ▪ synthetised also in ovaries and stored conjugated in eggs > embryonic molts ▪ increase vitellogenin synthesis in the fat body and its secretion into the hemolymph (20-E; Diptera) ▪ stimulation of meiosis, maturation of oocytes and oviposition ▪ spermatogenesis and formation of spermatophore Metabolism and diapause: ▪ stimulation of proteosynthesis, etc. ▪ in relation to the above mentioned functions Insect metamorphosis: Ecdysteroids – function Insect metamorphosis: Juvenile hormones (JH) ▪ formerly known as neotenin ▪ structurally terpenoids (sesquiterpenes, derivatives of farnesol): methyl ester group + epoxy group ▪ non-polar (enter cells and bind to nuclear receptors) ▪ JH-I, JH-II, JH-III, JH-0, 4-methyl-JH-I, juvenile hormone acid, methyl farnesoate (their use is species specific) Insect metamorphosis: Juvenile hormones (JH) ▪ produced in corpora allata ▪ cholesterol synthesis-like biosynthesis ▪ not stored, released into the hemolymph immediately after synthesis (the mechanism is not yet known) ▪ lipophorine juvenile hormone binding/carrier protein (JHBP/JHCP) ▪ regulated by allatostatin, allatotropin, negative feedback loop ▪ degradation by specific enzymes (JH esterases and epoxide hydrolases), excretion by Malphigian tubes ▪ mode of action is assumed similar to steroid hormones ▪ receptors for JH in target cells have not yet been precisely identified (intracellular proteins methoprene-tolerant / germ cell expressed) Insect metamorphosis: Juvenile hormones (JH) – function Metamorphosis: ▪ embryogenesis, larval molting, metamorphosis, ending of larval and adult diapause ▪ JH protects larval brain from reprograming and thus the onset of metamorphosis, keeps the insect in the larval stage ▪ presence of JH at critical time points in the development or reaching the threshold concentration ▪ critical body size > JH titer reduction Insect metamorphosis: Juvenile hormones (JH) – function Reproduction: ▪ inhibitory during the larval stage, stimulates gene expression in adults ▪ synthesis of vitellogenins, development of ovaries and oocytes ▪ stimulation of the accessory glands in adult males to growth and secrete ▪ pheromone production in males and reproductive behavior of both sexes ▪ aging (D. melanogaster) Polymorphism: ▪ social-caste: higher titer drives development of dominant individuals (queen bees) ▪ phase: solitary vs. gregarious locusts (different color or size of ovaries); development of parthenogenetic female aphids ↓ JH gregarious ↑ JH solitary Insect metamorphosis: Juvenile hormones (JH) – function ▪ synthesis of vitellogenins in Aedes aegypti ▪ polar peptides, homologues of cardioactive peptides (CAPs) ▪ synthesis in endocrine epitracheal glands close to spiracles (Inka cells) ▪ etotropic effect, acts directly on the CNS ▪ coordinate the molting and abandoning of the old cuticle Ecdysis triggerign hormone (ETH) Pre-ecdysis triggering hormone (PETH) Eclosion hormone ▪ polar peptide ▪ synthesis in the brain and abdominal ganglia; in part secreted in hindgut ▪ its synthesis is induced by ecdysteroids ▪ acts in the CNS through cGMP ▪ supports the secretion of ETH, PETH, bursicon and others ▪ mediates positive feedback during ecdysis ▪ stimulates molting, hatching (eclosion) and supporting behaviour Bursicon ▪ large polar protein (approx. 30 kDa) ▪ produced by ganglia and stored in corpora cardiaca ▪ acts on the cuticle and epidermis ▪ wing formation, coloring and hardening of the new cuticle ▪ hatching of adult Glossina morsitans morsitans (tse-tse) Eclosion hormone (EH) Bursicon Hormones regulating metabolism Adipokinetic hormones (AKH) ▪ RPCH/AKH family of peptide hormones ▪ homologs of vertebrate glucagon ▪ mediate stress reactions, activate metabolism for energy release (inhibit synthesis), stimulate flight, movement and immune response Synthesis and transport: ▪ okta- to decapeptides ▪ glandular lobe of corpora cardiaca, in part neurosecretory brain cells ▪ stored in the storage lobe of corpora cardiaca ▪ specific mRNA > prepro-AKH (signal peptide + AKH sequence + sequence of another peptide) Adipokinetic hormones (AKH) Regulation: ▪ stimulated by movement and stress conditions (e.g. infection with pathogen) ▪ level of metabolites and negative feedback (high lipids > ↓ / low trehalose > ↑) ▪ regulated and degraded by membrane-bound endopeptidases Effect: ▪ specific AKHR (e.g. fat body) > cAMP > Ca2+ > PKC > TAG > DAG activated lipases Adipokinetic hormones (AKH) ▪ activation of glycogen phosphorylase and fat metabolism, stimulation of trehalose release (hypertrehalosemic hormones) from the fat body > switch from carbohydrate metabolism to lipid metabolism ▪ increased heart activity and muscle contraction ▪ support immune response, stimulate antioxidant reactions ▪ inhibition of lipid, protein and RNA synthesis ▪ inhibition of oocyte maturation Insulin-like peptides (ILP) ▪ evolutionarily conserved (structure with disulfide bonds) ▪ neurosecretory cells in the brain and other ganglia ▪ linked to receptor with tyrosine kinase activity > phosphorylation of receptor substrate > signal via PI3K and other pathways ▪ metabolism, growth, immunity, reproduction, aging etc. ▪ glycogen and lipid metabolism (AKH antagonist) IPCs - DILP-producing cells DILP - Drosophila insulin-like peptide Diuretic (DH) and antidiuretic (ADH) hormones Diuretic hormones: ▪ corpora cardiaca, suboesophageal and thoracic ganglia ▪ stimulate diuresis in Malpighian tubules: 1) homologs of corticotropin releasing factor (CRF; vertebrate neuropeptide family) stimulating Na/K transport in Malpighian tubules via cAMP 2) calcitonin-like (CT-like) peptides 3) myokinins acting via Ca2+ and changing the channel throughput for Cl(Na, K) ▪ they are also involved in meconium excretion after adult hatching Antidiuretic hormones: ▪ abdominal nerves ▪ stimulate the reabsorption of water from the intestine into the hemolymph ▪ e.g. neuroparsin (antigonadotropin, antidiuretic activity, increases the concentration of lipids and trehalose in the hemolymph) Diapause hormones ▪ peptide structurally similar to PBAN (pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide) produced in female suboesophageal ganglion and transported to ovaries ▪ moreover, pheromonotropic and myotropic effect ▪ stimulation of embryonic diapause by supporting glycogen storage in oocytes and activation of trehalase Diapause hormones ▪ diapause is also controlled by PTTH, ecdysteroids and JH ▪ diapause mechanisms are connected to molecular clock mechanisms Gonadotropic hormones ▪ ovarian and testes development, vitellogenesis, transport of storage molecules from the fat body to the ovaries and others ▪ key role of ecdysteroids and juvenile hormones, involvement of neuropeptides 1) Stimulatory: ▪ prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH) ▪ ovary maturing parsin (OMP) – stimulates synthesis of ecdysteroids and Vg ▪ folicle cell tropic hormone (FTCH) – synthesis of ecdysteroids in ovaries ▪ egg development neurohormone / ovarian ecdysteroidogenic hormone (EDNH / OEH) - alternates PTTH in adults, produced in brain and stored in corpora cardiaca 2) Inhibitory: ▪ neuroparsin – inhibits corpora allata and the production of juvenile hormones ▪ oostatic hormones and trypsin-modulating oostatic factor (folliclostatins) – inhibits production of ecdysteroids, JH and EDNH Tyramine and octopamine ▪ equivalents of adrenaline and noradrenalin in vertebrates ▪ the only non-peptidic hormones found only in invertebrates ▪ autocrine in prothoracic glands (interacts with PTTH) ▪ flight-or-fight response, energetic metabolism, muscle contraction, learning and memory in bees, sensory neuron sensitivity (synaptic plasticity) Biogenic amines of insects Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) ▪ mainly neurotransmitter ▪ present for instance in the CNS and crustacean gonads ▪ stimulates reproduction (probably via gonads-stimulating hormone, but the exact mechanism is unknown) Biogenic amines of insects