Physiology and Cultivation of Algae and Cyanobacteria 5. Overview • Collection of the samples • Isolation & purification of algal culture • Culturing – Methods – Equipments & material – Conditions – Culturing media Collection of the samples • purpose specific • sample specifics (nature & environment) • time • concentration • type of vessel/container • removal of the unwanted organisms (filter) • transfer conditions & storing Isolation & purification of algal culture • Equipments & suplies – Microscopes – Filters & sieves – Glassware, Plasticware, Utensils • Methods – Sterile manipulation – Isolation techniques Equipments & suplies • Microscopes – dissecting (80x,..) – inverted – lighting • dark-field • fiber optic light source • fluorescent lamp • epifluorescence • Filters & sieves – woven screens – nylon netting – membrane filters (material) – differential filtration • Flow-box Glassware, Plasticware, Utensils • borosicate glassware • plasticware (ready-to-use, culture-grade) • sterilization technique & sterility • dust-proof cabinet / clean containers • caps & splips • sterile filtration apparatus • sterile spatula • pens, labels • parafilm • growth chambers – test tubes, flask, culture flask, Erlenmeyer flask, Petri dish, plugs, two-steps screw – cultivator, tank, bioreactor Sterilization & sterile manipulation Laminar flow-box Example of tool arrangement and handling to avoid mistakes and contamination. Sterilization types, applicability and limits Methods of isolation & purification • Enrichment culture • Single-cell isolation • Size separation >> filtering • Density separation >> centrifugation • Dilution • Isolation with use of agar – streaking – spray • Isolation with use of phototaxis • Automatization (flowcytometer) purification steps of singlecell algae (after Guillard and Morton 2003) purification steps for attached or colonial algae Phototaxis apparatuses (A) Schematic diagram of droplet cell sorting, showing the joining of the sample stream and sheath fluid stream in the flow cell, forming the jet-in-air flow stream with the cells in single file. The laser intercepts the cells at the interrogation point, where measurements are made. If a cell meets the criteria of the sort logic, then the flow stream is charged just before the break-off point of the droplet containing the target cell. The droplet retains the charge and is deflected by the charge plates toward the collection tube or plate. (B) Image of flow stream at the droplet break-off point with use of a 70-mm tip. Culturing techniques • chemicals • equipment – balances, ph-meter, autoclave, filtration, ultrasonic washer, refrigerator, cultivator • conditions – ph, temp, irradiation, photoperiode,.. • glasware – E. flask, reagent bottles, pipetes, flask, tubes, P. dishes, spatulas, funels, filter holder, syringe, .. • water • agar • soil Media • stock solutions – macronutrients – trace elements – vitamins – chelators – soil extracts • preparation of media • synthetic media • enriched media • soil water media • solidified media – agar • Freshwater media • Seawater media • natural & artificial