Environmental aspects of Energetics Energetic trilemma \- What energy we want (what we expect from the energy)? Nobody has responded yet. Hang tight! Responses are coming in. Start the presentation to see live content. For screen share software, share the entire screen. Gethelpatpollev.com/app Energetic trilemma Cheap Energetic trilemma Cheap x clean Energetic trilemma Cheap x clean x reliable Energetic trilemma Win-win strategy ? support ^3 = ? support Li support ? ? Energetic trilemma Win-win strategy ? support = ? support < - 9 support ? Scissors beats paper Energy use - consequences - non-renewable E - coal, gas, oil, uranium —> significant env. consequences, but reliable source - renewable E - sun, wind, heat-pumps, biomass, etc. —> significant env. consequences, non-reliable source Steep increase of E demand: - 1925 - 1,485 mil. coal (equiv.) - 1970-6,821 mil. coal (equiv.) - 2000 - 15 000 mil. coal (equiv.) ~ 3.2% increase per year 14 000 I I Coal/peat □ Hydr 1980 1985 n on 990 1995 □ Natural Biofuels and waste gas Nuclear □ Other* World E production 1971-2010. * incl. geothermal, solar, wind, etc. 1973 Biofuels 6 T07 Mtoe Share of sources on total E production (1973) iui When poll is active, respond at pollev.com/Undan443 A share of renewable sources of energy are today - compared to 1973 Higher Almost Lower the same Start the presentation to see live content. For screen share software, share the entire screen. Get help at pollev.com/app 1973 Biofuels Hydro and waste Other* 1.8% 10,5% ^01% Nuclear \ ' C°°l¥°* 0.9%' 2010 Biofueb Hydro and waste ^ + Natural gas 16m Nuclear 5.7% \ \gvü gas 21.4% Cc a l/peat 27.3% 6 107 Mtoe Share of sources on total E production 1973 and 2010. * incl. geothermal, solar, wind, etc. ia c S Ol o 'S World Energy Balance Other0.26W (Solar GeothemialC-S7K water heaters, tidal etc)- Wood 5% Solar PV 0.19% Wind 0.61« Biomass5% Hydro 2,5% Nuclear 5% Gas 22% Oil 32% Coal 27% Wind Turbines & Solar Panels make 0.8% of World Energy For 2016, newest year available. DrjKn't sum lü 10096 due to rounding. Data for Total Primary Energy Supply From World Energy Outlook 2017, published by International Energy Agency November 2017, http://blt.ly/2CtFtLs facebook.com/bjQrnlom borg 2016 Dependency on fossil E fossil fuels —> 81 % world E consumption - according to the etimates of world E reserves, they will be depleted till the half of 21. century Oil crisis - OPEC sharply increases oil prices in the 197us - price of oil from Abu Dhabi - $ 2.54 (1972) x $ 36.56 (1981) per barrel - sharp price increases and supply constraints as a result of support of western countries to Israel in the Arab-Israeli conflict Consequences - queues at petrol stations, - panic among business investors - recession and uncontrollable inflation - USA severely affected 1977 - 70% of oil imports from OPEC Lesson from oil crisis? - to ensure own E resources in general - to increase the extraction of large oil reserves in Alaska, Prudhoe Bay - however, the ecosystems of this territory are very vulnerable - threat - failure and sabotage of the Trans-Alaskan oil pipeline leading to the non-freezing port of Valdez - dependency on non-renewable resources - real E-crisis solution? What is an advantage of low oil/coal prices (<50 US$/barrel or ton). Nobody has responded yet. Hang tight! Responses are coming in. Start the presentation to see live content. For screen share software, share the entire screen. Gethelpatpollev.com/app Frackina - extraction of shale gas Roughly 200 tanker trucks deliver water for the fracturing process. A pumper truck injects a mix of sand, water and chemicals into the well. off—OQ • FV,.........*- r^Tft^ bot_kr^&s^ Natural gas flows out of well, ...........................................................¥- Recovered water is stored in open pits, then taken to a treatment plant. Natural gas is piped to market. Fest 1,000 S.OQ0 Water table Hydraulic Fracturing Hydraulic fracturing, or "tracing," involves the injection of more than a million gallons of water, sand and chemicals at high pressure down and across into horizontally drilled wells as far as 10,000 feet below the surface- The pressurized mixture causes the rock layer, in this case the Marcellus Shale, to crack. These fissures are held open by the sand particles so that natural gas from the shale can flow up the well. Well turns horizontal The shale is fractured by the pressure inside the well. Graphic by Al Granberg Frackina - consequences of CH,, extraction Domu > Regiony Na Náchodsku se břidlicový plyn těžit nebude, MZP zastavilo řízení 7, 2, 2014 15:34, autor: CT24 Velikost textu: O Doporučit ^102| *Tweet 1 Náchod - Cesta k těžbě břidlicového plynu na severovýchodě Čech se zavírá. Těžaři měli zájem o těžbu na Trutnovsku a Náchodsku a požádali ministerstvo životního prostředí o povolení průzkumu. Ministerstvo nyní zastavilo řízení o stanovení průzkumného území, Těžební společnosti Basgas Energia Czech požádala nejprve o povolení k průzkumu na rozsáhlém území na pomezí Náchodská a Trutnovská, později průzkumné území zmenšila, aby Methane gas escapes during the mining process. Water recovery tanks Polluted tlowback water may be injected into a deep storage well, recycled or sent to a treatment plant. Blowouts are possible Water table Frackina - COo emissions decrease ? Where there's a well... Shale gas production from fields across the US has skyrocketed in recent years... US NATURAL CAS PRODUCTION 1000 800 600 iL E u JD =1 C O US natural gas consumption (2012) 720 billion m3 400 200 Alaska Offshore Coal bed methane Cas associated with oil production Onshore ...and, as it has replaced coal burning for electricity generation, has already helped reduce C02 emissions US SHALE CAS PRODUCTION 300 ANNUAL US C02 EMISSIONS 8 Gas fields Other Bakken Eagle Ford Marcellus Haynesville Woodford Fayetteville Barnett Antrim in u c 1= 4 o E 2 2000 2004 2008 2012 MAJOR AREAS OF SHALE GAS PRODUCTION 1980 «r— Total Petroleum Natural gas 1988 1996 2004 2012 Gas fields Bakken, North Dakota Antrim, Michigan/Indiana/Ohio Marcellus, Pennsylvania/ West Virginia/New York/Ohio Fayetteville, Arkansas Woodford, Oklahoma Haynesville, Louisiana/Texas Barnett, Texas Eagle Ford, Texas 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 Per capita CO2 emissions Ca rbo n d ioxi de [CO;) e m iss io n s f ro m t he b u r n i ng of fossi I f ue Is for ene rgy a nd ce m e nt prod uction. Land use change is not included. Our World in Data 1 Add country □ Relative charge 201 151 10 t 0t« 1898 United States Czechia China India 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2017 Source: Our World in Data based on the Global Carbon Project; Gapminder& UN Note: CO: emissions are measured on a production basis, meaning they do not correct for emissions embedded in traded goods. OurWorldlnData.org/co2-and-other-greenhou5e-gas-emissions/ • CC BY P> 1800 o O 2019 CHART MAP TABLE SOURCES i DOWNLOAD < Related: Where in the world do people emit the most COi? ■- What is your first thought when you hear "A Nuclear Energy"? Nobody has responded yet. Hang tight! Responses are coming in. Start the presentation to see live content. For screen share software, share the entire screen. Gethelpatpollev.com/app Nuclear E - soluion of global warming? - reliable, but very expensive and controversial E resource Generation of nuclear power rwh, 2010 Average annual growth in nudear capacity.. ZDOQ-lO, World Nuclear E Bin in, sink it, bury it - we still don't know what to do with our radioactive waste. Is Finland offering an answer with the world's first deep repository? Nuclear waster stored at the Asse II salt cavern is threatened by water leaking into the mine (Image: Helmholtz Zentrvm Muenchen/Dapd) Jime bomb Fission surge Nuclear energy produces about one-seventh of the world's electricity, but with new fission reactors due online in China, India and Russia, total capacity could double by 2030 ZJ o 6000 5000 785 upper estimate 5 4000 ra dl ra i_ QJ OJ cn i_ O) § o Q- 3000 2000 1000 0 525 minimum 434 Number of nuclear plants generating power 2011 2030 Global energy generation 2008: 20,260 TWh Nuclear 40.8% 16.2% Coal Gas Hydro Oil since 1988, salt water leaks to the cavern, contamination, water drained out 105 radioactive barrels, what to do, displace or let it be? (ground water...) Nuclear E Yuca mountains repository -11 bil. US$ spent for the project untill 2010 unexpectedly strong resistance of the locals led to the abandonment why? - Nevada has no nuclear plant, but store it here? - People faced with the finished thing, no discussion. Going underground Storage facilities are full-to-bursting with long-lived nuclear waste. Is underground burial the safest way to deal with this dangerous legacy? Main long-lived radionuclides in spent fuel CL I/I E u TO 800 700 ....................................... 500 500 400 " 300 Americium-241 200* ►Technetium-99 ^Zirconium-93 ^ Neptunium-237 ^• Caesium-135 6,500,000 —• Palladium-107 E5 100 •Americium-243 < o ^•Tin-126 ' Selenium-79 _„ „„ 0 500,000 lodine-129 15,700,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 Half-life (years) 2,000,000 2,500,000 Global spent fuel 800 600 m c o +-> c o 400 200 2011 2020 2030 How to store waste for 100,000 years? In a hot, humid, and corrosive environment... Nobody has responded yet. Hang tight! Responses are coming in. Start the presentation to see live content. For screen share software, share the entire screen. Gethelpatpollev.com/app IEEE Spectrum Nuclear Waste Deep Storage Plans Approved Q Tyce to search NEHS ENER4* Nuclear Waste Deep Storage Plans Approved > Finland issues first permit for long-term nuclear waste repository BV LUCAS LftURSEH | 17 NOV 28« | 2 HIN READ | Q Finland may be the first to build a long-tarn nuclear naate repository. PH07D ILLUSTRATION: PQSIYA OY SHARE THIS STORY m / V f in Finland's government issued a construction license to nuclear disposal consortium Posiva last week, Reuters reported. The license gives the group approval to build a storage facility on Olkiluoto Island, Finland, designed to last 100,000 years. Renewable E (RES) - solution of E trilemma ? - sustainable source -> in the long term, probably the only way out - as in the whole age of history, except for the last 300 years Causes of low RES utilization - easy availability of non-renewables in the last 300 years -> shutdown of RES - world energy consumption increased 170x, population "only" 10x - infrastructure adapted to non-renewables 90% of public aid channeled funds and resources for R&D in the energy sector - the energy „density" of RES is much lower than that of fossil fuels - RES require different handling and change of mindset Share of RES in EU Overall share of energy from renewable sources (% of gross final energy consumption, 2019) ec.europa.eu/eurostatB Start the presentation to see live content. Farscreen share software, share the entire screen. Get help atpollev.com/app Share of RES in the World Consequences of RES utilization - use of RES should be in synergy with the E savings, resp. with energy efficiency —> the advantages of using RES become more apparent Displaced emissions .v - type and amount of displaced emissions (Part., S02, C02, m ^t™** NOx, CxHy), depends on the type of RES - an essential contribution to climate protection by jif eliminating GHG emissions in the order of 10 mil. t of C02 yearly (2010) VÍNIK UÍÍLVNÍI (O ODI'ftDU I'h I littl Biomasa pro energii Vlákno — t-----> Materiály Dře vo vína Papir Řezivo" Překližky f Balvlna Odpady z výroby: remy výluh piliny kúra... 1 Odpady z výroby: -baoasa -hnůj... Suroviny Slama Zelená itepka Palivové dřiví Rychlerostouci dřeviny Energetické rostliny Potra-J víny Konzu Tříděný komunálni odpad Dřevo z demolic Odpad z údržby zeleně i I I I Teplo Elektřina Energetické služby —Bioenergie + biopaliva Biopaliva Bionafta Bioplyn Brikety ... Consequences of RES utilization use of RES should be in synergy with the E savings, resp. with energy efficiency —> the advantages of using RES become more apparent Displaced emissions - type and amount of displaced emissions (Part., S02, C02 NOx, CxHy), depends on the type of RES - an essential contribution to climate protection by eliminating GHG emissions in the order of 10 mil. t of C02 yearly (2010) Fuel costs i displaced fuel costs, which does not need to be spent thanks to use of the RES can be estimated in circa CZK 2 bin /year (2010 - the fuel costs incurred on biomass contributes to local development spalování zelená energie fotosyntéza eoto zpracovaní - štěrkovaní TTiT vznik dřevního odpadu PŘI těžbě Biomasa pro energii Vlákno 0 Rostli Di Suro viny Dřevo vma Rkívo—r----> Matena ly^ Překližky t Balvlna Odpady z. výroby: -íerný výluh - pilin y -kůra ... Potra-J viny r Odpady z výroby: - baga&a -hnůj... Sláma Zelená itépka Palivově dřiví Rychlerostouci dřeviny Enc rgctickč rostlin y Konzu Třiděný komunální odpad Dřevo z demolic Odpad z údržby zeleně r i i I i Teplo Elektřina Energetické služby —► Bioenergie + biopaliva Biopaliva Bionafla Bioplyn Brikety ,., Consequences of RES utilization Employment - employment diversified in many fields and qualification levels THE DAILY NEWSLETTER Sign up to our dally email newsletter NewScientist News Technology Space Physics Health Environment Mind Video | Tours Euents Jobs US green economy has 10 times more jobs than the fossil fuel industry oo©®ooo ENVIRONMENT 15 October 2019 By Adam Vaughan A mind farm worker rn California The green economy has grown so much in the US that it employs around 10 times as many people as the fossil fuel industry - despite the past decade's oil and gas boom. The fossil fuel sector, from coal mines to gas power plants, employed around 900,000 people in the US in 2015-16, government figures show. But Lucien Georgeson and Mark Maslin at University College found that mw the same neriod this was vastlv outweighed hv the green pmnninv. whirr- Consequences of RES utilization Employment - employment diversified in many fields and qualification levels Security of supply - RES = diversified, local resources contribute to security and independence supply E security + partial independence today has increasing meaning (political instability, terrorism, natural disasters...) PS Consequences of RES utilization - non-reliable E source Solar and wind power are both highly variable sources of energy, as 2013 data from Germany shows Weaker sunlight and shorter daylight hours suppress winter production.,, u >, cl Cl zj L/l 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 12am Friday 21 June 6am Friday 20 December 12pm 12am 12am 6am 12pm 6pm 12a ...whilethe blows unpredictably from hourto hourand day to day Friday 21 June Friday 20 December u >, Cl Cl zj l/l 12pm 6pm 12am 12am 6am 12pm 6pm 12a 3 ■- At what time is the peak of the highest E consumption in Europe in winter? Nobody has responded yet. Hang tight! Responses are coming in. Start the presentation to see live content. For screen share software, share the entire screen. Gethelpatpollev.com/app Do we have RES when we need it? Power ups and downs As in many countries, UK electricity demand varies thoughout the day and across seasons (2013 figures) 1/1 ■M ■M ro 3 & üz "a ra c jz rc TD E a; cu CT "O oj .■= ^ -I-1 u _QJ aj 50 40 30 20 10 Maximum demand (55.5GW) 5-5.30pm, Wednesday 16January Friday 20 December Demand is generally higher in the winter Friday 21 June Industrial and domesticdemand increases during the day Minimum demand (18.6GW) 5-5.30am, Sunday 23June 0 ' ' Midnight Bam 12pm 6pm Domestic heating and lighting boosts demand on dark winter evenings S F= Midnight 51 Maximum demand (55.5CW). 5-530pm, Wednesday lSJanuary 50 Friday 20 December Domestic heating and lighting boost? demand on dark winter evenings Maximum demand (5S.SCW) 5-5.30pm, Wednesday 16 January riday 21 June Industrial md domestic demand increases luring the day 5 10 r 0 ■ Midnight Minimum demand (18.6CW) 5-5.30am, Sunday 23jLine bam 12pm 6pm Midnight S 50 40 30 20 10 0 ' Midnight Friday 20 December Demand is generally higherinthe winter ndustrial and domestic demand increases during the day Minimum demand (18.6CW) 5-5.30am, Sunday 23 June bam 12pm Domestic heating and lighting boosts demand on dark winter evenings 5pm Midnight CL Cl ZJ >, QJ 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 12am Friday 21Jui Friday 20 December 6am .while the blow _ Friday 21 June > Cl Cl ZJ l/l > QJ 12pm 6pm 12am 12am 11T""T" 6am I 12pm 6pm 12am unpredictably from hour to hour and day to day Friday 20 December 12am 12am s ft UJ OL 2 12am 8 3 E trilemma Does win-win-win strategy exist ? \- Does the Win-Win-Win solution exist? Nobody has responded yet. Hang tight! Responses are coming in. Start the presentation to see live content. For screen share software, share the entire screen. Gethelpatpollev.com/app E trilemma Does win-win-win strategy exist ? Economically efficient E savings while maintaining ^reliable" supply - C02 emmisions decreases, peaks of consumption will also drop and we will save even more - it is not so "sexy", E-producers will reduce profits, but it works! TIPS TO SAVE MONEY ON YOUR ELECTRIC BILL {□oil ) USE ENERGY STAR APPLIANCES (•) f PREFER ENERGY EFFICIENT LEDS CHANGING FILTER OF YOUR A/C ON TIMELY BASIS GO SOLAR TIPS rOCy INSULATED ROOFS 1 I KEEP THE TEMPERATURE STEADY TURN OFF THE HEATERS AND COOLERS REMOVE THE PLUG FROM SOCKET „California is 40% more energy efficient than the rest of the US. If the US were as energy efficient as California, 75% of all coal-fired power plants could be shut down in the US. "A. Schwarzenegger, 2013 E-conservation + E-efficiencv + RES The Energy Pyramid i-:u«ui ~, , s r c o/,/.'J j» 11 ■1 * E\E=iGr STAfl Energetically efficient houses domy běžné ve 70.-80. letech současná novostavba nízkoenergetický dům pasivní dům nulový dům, dům s přebytkem tepla charakteristika zastaralá otopné soustava, zdroj teplaje velkým zdrojem emisí; větrá se pouhým otevřením oken, nezateplené, špatně izolující konstrukce, přetápí se klasické vytápění] pomocí plynového kotle o vysokém výkonu, větrání otevřením okna, konstrukce na úrovni požadavků normy otopná soustava o nižním výkonu, využití obnovitelných zdrojů, dobře zateplené konstrukce, řízené větrání pouze teplovzdušné vytápění s rekuperací tepla, vynikající parametry tepelné izolace, velmi těsné konstrukce parametry min. na úrovni pasivního domu, velká plocha fotavoltaickych panelů potřeba tepla na vytápění [kWh/(m2a)] většinou nad 200 80-140 méně než 50 méně než 15 méně než 5^ nízká spotřeba energie R bažné ■ njizkog rierg etická ': pasivní colkovš roční spottaba eo«rgl« hodnota investic by nemela být by nemela být navýšena o vice než f 5% Passive house Heat exchanger for the ventilation air Fresh air is heated by the used air, Fresh air Exhaust air The roof The insulation in the roof is at least 50 cm. / / The wall is well insulated with a U-value of about 0.1. It is important to make sure that the construction is frost and damp sealed. The surfaces in the passive house are warm? Waste heat from househol equipment, home electronics and body heat is the main heating source. Fresh air to living room and bedrooms: Sun screening In order to have a good indoor climate all year round, it is important to shade the sunlight during summer. Winter sun The windows have a low heat loss value U^0,9W/m'K. Condensation and even frost can emerge on the outside of the windows, but only for a few days each year. Grounding The insulation in the ground is at least 30 centimeters. How we can transform our energy system to achieve net-zero emissions Killing fossil fuels to halt global warming is the greatest challenge we face. We now have a masterplan of what we must do when - and there's no time to delay oo©©ooo ENVIRONMENT h August 2021 By Michael Le Page Marcin Wolski Milestones to net zero Now to 2025 (According to International Energy Agency report Net Zero By 20S0: A roadmap for the global energy sector) • No new coal plants without emissions capture approved for development from 2021 • No new oil and gas fields approved for development, and no new coal mines or mine extensions • No new sales of oil or coal boilers by 2025 Milestones to net zero Now to 2025 (According to International Energy Agency report Net Zero By 20S0: A roadmap for the global energy sector) , Milestones to net zero • No new coal plant By 2030 No new oil and ga No new sales of oi • Universal energy access extended to all lower-Income countries • The use of coal without emissions capture phased out In advanced economies • 60 per cent of global car sales are of electric vehicles • All new buildings zero-carbon ready • Most new clean technologies required to decarbonise heavy industry demonstrated at scale Milestones to net zero Now to 2025 (According to International Energy Agency report Net Zero By 2050: A roadmap for the global energy sector) B Milestones to net zero • No new coal plant By 2030 No new oil and ga No new sales of oi . universal energy acces Milestones to net zero • The use of coal withou gy 2035 • 60 per cent of global cs m Eiectridty supply in advanced economies is net-zero emission • All new buildings zero- m ^Q new cars internal combustion engines sold • Most new clean technc . 5Q per cent of heavy sales m eiectric Milestones to net zero Now to 2025 (According to International Energy Agency report Net Zero By 2050: A roadmap for the global energy' sector) Milestones to net zero • No new coal plant By 2030 • No new oil and ga • No new sales of oi • universal energy acces Milestones to net zero • The use of coal withoui gy 2035 • 60 per cent of global cs # Electricity supply in advanced economies is net-zero emission • All new buildings zero- # ^Q new cars internal combustion engines sold Milestones to net zero By 2040 • Net-zero emissions from electricity generation globally • Phase-out of all coal and oil plants without emissions capture • 50 per cent of aviation fuel low emission • 50 per cent of existing buildings retrofitted to be zero-carbon ready Milestones to net zero Now to 2025 {According to International Energy Agency report Net Zero By 2050: A roadmap for the global energy sector) Milestones to net zero • No new coal plant By 2030 No new oil and ga No new sales of oi universal energy acces Milestones to net zero The use of coal withou By 2035 • 60 per cent of global ce m Eiectj-icity supply in advanced economies is net-zero emission • All new buildings zero- m ^Q new cars internal combustion engines sold Milestones to net zero By 2040 • Net-zero emissions from electricity generation globally Milestones to net zero By 2050 • Almost 70 per cent of electricity generation globally from solar photovoltaic and wind • More than 85 per cent of buildings zero-carbon ready • More than 90 per cent of heavy industrial production low-emission