E0321 Sustainable Development - Global Challenges and Aspects Thursday 9:00 - 10:50 a.m. Day Lecture topic 16.2. "Organizational info, Students' projects" 1) Social challenges 23.2. "2) Life in Anthropocene I - Land use, Water extraction, Biodiversity" 2.2. "3) Life in Anthropocene II - Ozone depletion, Acidification, Nitrogen and Phosphorus" 9.3. 4) Ecology and roots of environmental crisis 16.3. 5) Life in Anthropocene III - Climate change 23.3. 6) History of the SD concept 30.3. Work on students' projects - self study (no lecture this week) 6.4. 7) Presentation of students' projects 13.4. 8) Environmental ethics 20.4. 9) Environmental economy 27.4. 10) Consequences of energy production 4.5. 11) Consequences of food production 11.5. MUNI day - no lecture 18.5. 12) Value-based solutions of environmental crisis 19.5. Final examination term 25.5. Final examination term PPT-presentations - will be accessible in IS/Interactive syllabus after the lecture "Attendance - voluntary, but jou can earn 2 extra points if you are a winner (first three places) of the regular initial quiz ;-)" "Examination - written exam, or oral examination (if you preffer it) " Written or Oral Examination - 84 points """39 ways to save the Planet"" - 5 minut presentation (preferably in pairs) - max 16 points " https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000qwt3 Quizes - max. 20 premium points Evaluation: A - 90-124 B - 80-89 C - 70-79 D - 60-69 E - 50-59 Consultations - arrange please a meeting via email: michal.bittner@recetox.muni.cz