7.4 Plasma Surface Modification What can happen after surface modification? • change of surface roughness • change of surface chemistry What these changes are used for? • change of surface free energy, i.e. wettability • improved adhesion of further coatings • immobilization of biomolecules Plasma Treatment In contrary to depositions the changes are limited to a very thin surface layer (in the order of nm) but please note that the term “surface” is a matter of definition! combination of various processes (chemistry, ions, UV) results in:  removal of material  modification of original material (especially important for polymers)  grafting of new functional groups ageing of treated surfaces important issue of any surface treatment processes Effect of UV Radiation on Polycarbonate suggested mechanism of carbonate bond breakage due to UV radiation: Plasma generates also UV photons and this effect is often forgotten! Plasma modifications of polymers in inert gas  discharge in argon, helium: chemical bonds, such as C-H, C-C, C=C, are broken  generation of free radicals at or near the surface  radicals react with each other either directly (if polymer chain is flexible enough) or due to migration along polymer chain („chain-transfer“)  cross-linking, branching, removal of low molecular weight material or its conversion into high molecular weight one (no new functional groups) CASING (cross-linking by activated species of inert gas) R. H. Hansen, H. Schonhorn, J. Polym. Sci. B 4 (1966) 203 H. Schonhorn, R. H. Hansen, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 11 (1967) 1461 increase of surface hardness, improvement of adhesive forces at the interface Additionally, changes of surface roughness Plasma treatment in reactive gases gases  plasma containing oxygen (O2, H2O, CO2 …) • etching of surface carbon radicals by atomic oxygen • new functional groups, e.g. C-O, C=O, O-C=O, C-O-O, CO3, OH hydrophilic surface, change of roughness  plasma containing nitrogen (N2, NH3 …) • new functional groups such amine (N-C), imine (N=C), nitrile (NC), amide (N-C=O) • incorporation of oxygen and its functional groups • grafting of amine groups –NH2 hydrophilization, biocompatibility, imobilization of biomolecules  plasma containing fluorine (SF6, CF4, C2F6 …) F and CFx radicals react with surface and two different processes compete: • etching • grafting and deposition hydrophobization, change of roughness Why Plasma Modification of Polycarbonate? Properties  excellent breakage resistance (15-20x than acrylate, 250x than glass)  good transparency (3 mm thick – 90 %)  low inflammability, good workability, lighter than glass replace glass and metals in: • automobile headlamps, stoplight lenses, • corrective lenses, • safety shields in windows, architectural glazing can be applied to: • plastics vessels, parts of machines • in optical grades for compact discs (CDs, CDROMs and DVDs), optical fibers  low hardness (0.2 GPa)  low scratch resistance  degradation by ultraviolet light modification of PC surface properties is necessary Polycarbonates are attractive business article, the most important PCs are based on on bisphenol A (Diflon®, Macrolon®, Lexan®) deposition of functional films (scratch resistant, reflective, ...) surface treatment for improved film adhesion Plasma treatment of polycarbonate in Ar or O2 discharges (CCP)  f = 13.56 MHz  inner diameter of reactor 490 mm  r.f. driven bottom electrode (420 mm)  Ar, O2: Q = 5.7 sccm , p = 1.5 Pa  r.f. power P = 100 and 400 W External plasma parameters: r.f. electrode grounded showerhead el. 55 mm Plasma treatment of polycarbonate – etching rate and surface free energy 0 5 10 15 20 25 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 g g p g d g[mJ/m 2 ] treatment time [min] P = 100 W, Ubias = -115 V, Qar = 5.7 sccm, p = 1.5 Pa Plasma treatment of polycarbonate – surface chemistry by XPS gas power [W] C [at. %] O [at. %] Si [at. %] N [at. %] untreated 84.3 15.7 0 0 Ar 100 76.4 20.3 0.4 2.2 Ar 400 76.0 19.9 1.3 2.8 O2 100 74.0 24.0 0.4 1.7 O2 400 72.6 24.7 1.6 1.2 position [eV] assigment C1 285.0 C-C, C-H C2 286.6 C-O C3 288/289 C-C(=O)-C / O-C(=O)-O C4 290.9 C-C(=O)-O C5 292.1 shake up 7.5 Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition 7.5.1 Introduction to PECVD Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) thermally driven chemical deposition from gas phase: R1 R2 R3 R4 R5R6R7 gas phase solid surface 1. transport of reactants to the deposition space 2. diffusion of reactants to the substrate surface 3. adsorption of reactants 4. phys.-chem. processes  film growth and by-products 5. desorption of by-products 6. diffusion of by-products in gas flow 7. transport of by-products from deposition space Low Pressure CVD (LPCVD) is often used in microelectronics or in applications requiring excellent control over impurities Plasma Enhanced (or Assisted) CVD (PECVD or PACVD) CVD method in which discharge is ignited in the gas mixture:  collisions of energetic electrons with heavy gas particles  production of highy reactive species  more competing processes take place, deposition can be generally divided into thermal and plasma branches R1 R2 R3 R4 R5R6R7 gas phase solid surface R2 * R3 * R5 *R6 * R4 * PECVD x CVD plasma reaction branch at PECVD is much more important because:  sticking coefficient is much higher for reactive radicals and activated surface  activation energies of chemical reactions are lower for excited reactants BA    eAeA * '* BA  thermal plasma reaction branch: PECVD – lower deposition temperature, novel reaction schemes leading to new materials, replacement of toxic and dangerous reactants but high complexity of chemical reactions and processes, worse selectivity and reaction control, possibility of damages by energetic ions, UV radiation or electrostaticaly (charge accumulation) 24334 H12NSiNH4SiH3  ,H3SiNHNHSiH 234  700-900oC 250-350oC 7.5.2 PECVD of materials with silicon  dielectric films for microelectronics silicon nitride: SiH4+NH3 or SiH4+N2 T=250-400 oC silicon oxide: (final protective passivation for integrated circuit) (insulating film – el. separation) SiH4+N2O/NO/CO2/O2 T=200-400 oC Si(OC2H5)4 + O2 tetraetoxysilane (TEOS) PECVD of materials with silicon low-k dielektrics: (el. separation for ULSI) organosilicons + O2/… + …  semiconducting films for microelectronics organosilicon glass (OSG) epitaxial silicon: SiH4+H2 T=800 oC polycrystalline silicon: SiH4/SiH2Cl2+H2/Ar T=450-700 oC (gate electrode, connections in MOS i.c., solar energy pannels)  more dielectric films for microelectronics  SiOx and SiOxCyHz for many other applications scratch resistant films for plastics, anticorrosion films for metals, barrier films for packaging and pharmacy, biocompatible films mixtures with organosilicons (TEOS, HMDSO, HMDSZ) (hexamethyldisiloxane) SiCH3 CH3 CH3 O Si CH3 CH3 CH3 source of Si-O-Si bonds SiO2-like films source of CH3 groups SiOxCyHz plasma polymers • concentration of HMDSO in the gas feed, especially oxygen • power • bias voltage / ion energy • pressure • pulsing PECVD of films using HMDSO  Qhmdso = 4 sccm, Qo2 = 0 – 80 sccm  pressure 1 - 40 Pa  rf power 100 - 450 W  dc self-bias from –20 and –335 V PECVD from HMDSO/O2 in CCP and ICP (13.56 MHz) SOURCE O2/CH4 P L A S M A DIFFUSION External Antenna ELLIPSOMETER OPTICAL FIBER / LANGMUIR PROBE Matching box Power supply 13.56 MHz Modulator/polarizer Analyser HMDSO  pressure 0.4 Pa  rf power 300 W  substrate at ground 5-100 % HMDSO in O2 CCP: helical antenna in ICP mode: Variation of film composition  0.4 Pa: SiO2 structure, almost no impurities  2.5 Pa: SiO2 structure, OH groups and H2O  40 Pa: organosilicon films 1000 2000 3000 4000 norm.absorbance CCP 40 Pa CCP 2.5 Pa ICP 0.4 Pa ### wavenumber [cm -1 ] 600 800 1000 1200 1400 CCP 2.5Pa, 0ms CCP 2.5Pa, 15ms CCP 40Pa, 0ms CCP 40Pa, 15ms norm.absorbance wavenumber [cm -1 ] Si-O-Si Si-OHH2O Si-OH CH3 Si-(CH3)x Si-(CH3)x 5 % HMDSO in O2 Domains of stresses without treatment QHMDSO = 4 sccm two different coatings choosen for treatment testing:  P = 100 W, QO2 = 45 sccm, d = 0.5 mm  P = 400 W, QO2 = 10 sccm, d = 1.2 mm 0 5 10 15 20 100 200 300 400 500 high compressive stress P[W] QO2 / QHMDSO deposition conditions suitable for preparation of intermediate layers high tensile stress spontaneous delamination spontaneous cracking for CCP 40 Pa Film microstructure 15 ms off 0.5 ms off cw 7.5.3 Carbon materials Diamond, graphite and much more Besides well known materials such as crystalline diamond or graphite carbon can form many other interesting nanomaterials such as fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, graphene.. sp3 C - diamond sp2 C - graphite C60 - Buckminsterfullerene carbon nanotube graphene PECVD of carbon based materials  amorphous diamond like carbon (DLC) films  crystalline diamond films  polymer hydrogenated carbon films (a-C:H) CH4/C2H2/… + (Ar/H2), T < 300 oC 0.1 - 5% CH4/C2H2/… in H2 RF plasma p=0.01-4kPa, Tgas=1000-1500oC, P=0.5-3kW MW plasma p=2-10kPa, Tgas=2000-2500oC, P=0.5-2kW T=700-1000oC !! ion bombardment 1.2% of CH4 6% of CH4 Classification of carbon films Classification of amorphous hydrogenated carbon films