Condensed Matter II Problem set #9 Spring 2023 Hall effect Isotropic semiconductor In this section, we study the Hall coefficient in a semiconductor in the presence of both hole and electron charge carriers: • electron density ne • hole density nh • electron mobility µe • hole mobility µh (i) Recall the expression of the mobility as a function of relaxation time and effective mass, as well as the expression of the cyclotron frequency. (ii) Assuming B = 0.1 T and m∗ = m0, What is the critical relaxation time τc below which the weak magnetic field approximation is valid? (iii) Assuming µe = 1000 cm2 V−1 s−1, is this approximation valid? (iv) Derive the expression of the resistivity matrix, considering a single carrier species. (v) Take into account the presence of electrons and holes, and deduce the expression for the Hall coefficient in the material. Anisotropic case In this section a single kind of charge carriers (electrons) is present, but its effective mass tensor is anisotropic. Consider a degenerate n-type material with 1017 electron carriers per cm3 in the conduction band. The electrons occupy conduction states associated with the 6 electron carrier pockets of Si. Such carrier pockets are characterized by the mass components mt = 0.19m0 and ml = 0.98m0. ⃗B is along the z axis, ⃗j is along the x axis, and the relaxation time is τ. (i) By analogy with the derivation in the isotropic case, establish the expression of the contribution of one electron pocket to the conductivity tensor. 1 (ii) Deduce from the result of the previous question, the expression for the total conductivity tensor. (iii) Express the Hall coefficient as a function of the components of the total conductivity tensor, and B. (iv) Assume the weak field approximation is valid, and deduce the expression of the Hall coefficient as a function of the effective masses, and of the isotropic Hall coefficient. (v) Derive the expression of the transverse magnetoresistance, and comment on its mag- nitude. 2