Facies (2004) 50:77­105 DOI 10.1007/s10347-004-0004-y O R I G I N A L A R T I C L E Adam Tomaovch Microfacies and depositional environment of an Upper Triassic intra-platform carbonate basin: the Fatric Unit of the West Carpathians (Slovakia) Received: 4 April 2003 / Accepted: 18 January 2004 / Published online: 12 March 2004 Springer-Verlag 2004 Abstract Facies associations of the Rhaetian Fatra For- mation from the Vel·k Fatra Mts. (West Carpathians) were deposited in a storm-dominated, shallow, intra- platform basin with dominant carbonate deposition and variable onshore peritidal and subtidal deposits, with 21 microfacies types supported by a cluster analysis. The deposits are formed by bivalves, gastropods, brachiopods, echinoderms, corals, foraminifers and red algae, ooids, intraclasts and peloids. A typical feature is the consider- able variation in horizontal direction. The relative abun- dance and state of preservation of components as well as the fabric and geometric criteria of deposits can be correlated with depth/water energy-related environmental gradients. Four facies associations corresponding to four types of depositional settings were distinguished: a) peritidal, b) shoreface, above fair-weather wave base (FWWB), c) shallow subtidal, above normal storm wave base and d) above maximum storm wave base. The depositional environment can be characterized as a mo- saic of low-relief peritidal flats and islands, shoreface banks and bars, and shallow subtidal depressions. The distribution and preservation of components were mainly controlled by the position of base level (FWWB), storm activity and differences in carbonate production between settings. Poorly or moderately diverse level-bottom mac- robenthic assemblages are dominated by molluscs and brachiopods. The main site of patch-reef/biostrome car- bonate production was located below the fair-weather wave base. Patch-reef/biostrome assemblages are poorly diverse and dominated by the branched scleractinian coral Retiophyllia, forming locally dm-scale autochthonous ag- gregations or more commonly parautochthonous assem- blages with evidence of storm-reworking and substantial bioerosion by microborings and boring bivalves. Facies types and assemblages are comparable in some aspects to those known from the Upper Triassic of the Eastern and Southern Alps (Hochalm member of the Kössen Formation or Calcare di Zu Formation), pointing to similar intra-platform depositional conditions. The absence of large-scale patch-reefs and poor diversity of level-bottom and patch-reef/biostrome assemblages with abundance of eurytopic taxa indicate high-stress/unstable ecological conditions and more restricted position of the Fatric intra-platform setting from the open ocean than the intra-platform habitats in the Eastern or Southern Alps. Key words Upper Triassic Rhaetian West Carpathians carbonate sedimentology facies analysis benthic assemblages coral patch-reefs Introduction The Upper Triassic epoch represents the start of the modern coral-reef community type (Wood 1999) and the onset of coral-zooxanthellae symbiosis (Stanley 1988; Stanley and Swart 1995), the establishment of first Meso- zoic epibiont communities (Lescinsky 2001), the ap- pearance of abundant bivalve macroborers (Perry and Bertling 2000), and the Norian and Rhaetian stages cor- respond to the global reef bloom (Flügel 2002). However, the end-Triassic mass extinction event represents a peri- od of significant paleobiological and paleoenvironmental change, when nearly 40% of invertebrate genera did not survive into the Jurassic (Raup and Sep-koski 1982, 1986) and reef ecosystems were affected by a significant drop in the global carbonate production (Flügel and Kiessling 2002). In the Fatric Unit of the West Carpathians, relatively well-preserved Rhaetian-Hettangian marine successions occur (Gadzicki et al. 1979; Michalík and Gadzicki 1983). Although the precise position of the Rhaetian-Hettangian boundary is questionable in these sections due to absence of biostratigraphic-valuable taxa, the reconstruction of the Rhaetian depositional environment of the Fatric Unit can A. Tomaovch ()) Institut für Paläontologie, Würzburg Universität, Pleicherwall 1, 97070 Würzburg, Germany e-mail: adam.tomasovych@mail.uni-wuerzburg.de Tel.: +49-931-312512 Fax: +49-931-31 25 04 be very useful in understanding the nature of pre-ex- tinction benthic associations on local and regional scales. Sedimentological features and paleontologic content of the uppermost Triassic strata of the Fatric Unit are rel- atively well-documented (Michalík 1973, 1974, 1977, 1979, 1980, 1982; Michalík and Jendrejkov 1978; Gadzicki 1974, 1983), with some detailed information on brachiopods (Michalík 1975), corals (Roniewicz and Michalík 1991a, 1991 b, 1998), bivalves (Kochanov 1967; Gadzicki 1971) and vertebrates (Duffin and Gadz- icki 1977). The results of these studies show a high variation in the composition and preservation of the deposits. However, detailed microfacies and paleoenvi- ronmental analyses on a small-scale level are rare and depositional models are mostly absent. Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the whole depo- sitional setting of the Fatric Unit was performed by Michalík (1977) who recognized ten facies areas on an approximately 300-km-long transect through the West Carpathians. The scale of observation in this study in- cludes only a small portion of this intra-platform depo- sitional setting, which is now preserved in a 25-km-long transect in the Vel·k Fatra Mountains (central Slovakia). This area is characterized by the presence of relatively well-exposed sections and was therefore chosen for this study. The goals of this study are a) to define particular microfacies types, based on 5 lithologic sections, their spatial and temporal distribution and the relationship between components, and b) to interpret of the deposi- tional setting and its comparison with coeval settings on the NW-Tethyan carbonate platforms. The first aspect is necessary as it provides high-resolution framework for understanding the horizontal facies variation. These de- posits contain fossil assemblages with abundant taxa like corals, bivalves and brachiopods that were substantially affected by the end-Triassic extinction (Hallam 1996, 2002; Hallam and Wignall 1997) and can therefore provide important information about distribution patterns and habitats of these fossil groups at the end of the Triassic. Geologic Setting During the Upper Triassic, the West Carpathians were situated on the extensive epeiric carbonate platform on the northwestern margin of the Tethys Ocean in the subtropical climatic belt (Michalík 1994; Gawlick 2000) (Fig. 1). The Upper Triassic carbonate platform of the West Carpathians had been subdivided into several shore- parallel depositional settings, now preserved in various paleotectonic units. In a simplified scheme, the most proximal nearshore zone was formed by extremely shallow or continental deposits, followed seaward by intra-platform mixed carbonate-siliciclastic or predomi- nantly carbonate basins (this is the position of the Fatric Unit), a Dachstein carbonate platform and finally rim- ming Dachstein-reefs (Haas et al. 1995). The Rhaetian Fatra Formation was deposited in a shallow-water intra- platform, marine, predominantly carbonate setting of the Fatric Unit (West Carpathians) (Michalík 1982) (Fig. 2). Only in the southernmost part of the Fatric Unit de- positional area, restricted peloidal bars/shoals of the Svät Jakub Formation were deposited (Tomaovch and Michalík 2000). In the Fatra Formation, the Rhaetian age is confirmed by the first appearance of foraminifers Triasina hantkeni and Glomospirella friedli (Gaz´dzicki 1983) and brachiopod Austrirhynchia cornigera. Carbonate deposition took place under a low subsi- dence regime. The proportion of siliciclastic admixture is mostly very limited. The studied area of the Fatric Unit was most probably connected with the Tethys Ocean either via the shallow Dachstein platform top, or perhaps through a system of deeper intra-platform basins formed by the depositional settings of the Hronic (West Car- pathians), Bajuvaric and Tirolic Unit (Eastern Alps). At the beginning of the Jurassic, the depositional regime in the Fatric Unit was abruptly replaced by the terrigenous sedimentation of the Kopienec Formation (Hettangian- Early Sinemurian, Fig. 2). In the overlie of the basal clastic member of the Kopienec Formation, ammonites Psiloceras psilonotum (Quenstedt) and Caloceras cf. torus (d'Orbigny), equivalent to the Early Hettangian Psiloceras planorbis Zone, were documented (Rakffls 1993). There- fore, the age of lowermost part of the Kopienec Formation, Fig. 1 General paleogeographic position of the Fatric Unit (Central West Carpathians) in the Upper Triassic (Norian/Rhaetian). After Michalík (1994), modified 78 formed by approximately 5- to 20-m-thick barren silt- stones/claystones, is unknown. Methods The database includes 5 stratigraphic key sections of the Fatra Formation (Figs. 3, 4, 7, 10). In addition, 8 sections exposing only parts of the Fatra Formation were studied for comparative purposes (Fig. 3). Sedimentologic, taphonomic and paleobiologic features at the bed level were described in the field. Sections have been measured bed-by-bed and numbered from bottom to top. Samples for thin sections have been obtained from 2-m-distant intervals. In addition, denser sampling of up to 20-cm-distant intervals was performed in segments which exhibit high facies variation. In the lower part of Dedoova ­ Frèkov locality, several parallel sections were measured in horizontal direction in order to map a spatial variation of the patch reef/biostrome facies (Fig. 15A). The textural classification of Dunham (1962) and Embry and Klovan (1972) was used with modifications for the description of microfacies types. The term "biostrome" is used for dm-scale, sheet-like autoch- thonous or parautochthonous deposits with relatively high propor- tion of constructors, bafflers and binders (corals, algae and/or sponges). The term "patch-reef" is used for meter-scale, mound- Fig. 2 Basic lithostratigraphic scheme of the uppermost Triassic- lowermost Jurassic strata in the Fatric Unit, Central West Carpathi- ans. The subdivision of the Fatra Formation into four intervals corresponds to four large-scale sequences bounded by three unconformities Fig. 3 A. Overview map with the study area. B. Geographic location of studied lithologic sections of the Fatra Formation in the Vel·k Fatra Mts., Slovakia. 1 ­ Dedoova, 2 ­ Sviniarka, 3 ­ Belianska-Boriov, 4 - Bystr potok, 5 ­ Rztoky, 6 ­ Krína, 7 ­ Revfflcky Mlyn, 8 - Balcierovo, 9 ­ Boriov-farm, 10 ­ Mal Ramin, 11 ­ arnovka, 12 - Zelen-Brnovsk, 13 ­ oproò 79 like or flat-topped deposits consisting of autochthonous or pa- rautochthonous remains of constructors, bafflers and binders that can be composed of several stacked biostromes. All together, 209 thin sections were studied. Relative abundance of 14 components (bivalves, gastropods, brachiopods, echinoderms, ostracods, corals, calcareous sponges, red algae, green algae, foraminifers, sessile foraminifers, ooids, intraclasts, and peloids) was estimated using comparative chart method of Bacelle and Bosellini (1965) and Schäfer (1969). These quantitative data formed the basis of a data matrix for a Q-mode cluster analysis using the squared Euclidean distance and the Ward method as the clustering technique (see Appendix). Individual clusters were named after the dominating components. As the composition of samples is described by percentage values that represent dependent parts (Reyment and Savazzi 1999), standard exploratory multivariate techniques prone to the unit-sum constraint (e.g. PCA) cannot be used. In order to reduce the overall complexity of the data by extracting hypothetical variables (di- mensions) accounting for the maximum correlation between sample and component scores, correspondence analysis can be used for percentage data (Kowalewski et al. 2002). Correspondence analysis allows observing the simultaneous representation of samples and taxa within the same system of coordinate axes. The arch effect and compression of the ends of the gradient were eliminated by applying a detrended correspondence analysis (DCA, Hill and Gauch 1980). In order to decrease data heterogeneity and exclude outliers, samples with allochem content below 10% were excluded from data analysis. This data matrix (exhaustive data set) for DCA comprises 14 components as variables and 152 thin sections as objects. In order to see a primary ecological relationship between individual organism groups, the data matrix was minimized by excluding microfacies types with evidence of high alteration (high- proportion fragmentation, disarticulation and abrasion) and trans- port/reworking (good sorting, presence of intraclast and ooids). This data matrix (reduced data set) for DCA contains 11 bioclast types and 78 thin sections as the objects. The reduced data set contains seven microfacies types (MF 4 - bio-wackestone, MF 5 - brachiopod floatstone, MF 6 - gastropod floatstones/packstone, MF 7 - solenoporacean framestone, MF 8 - coral framestone, MF 9 - bio-floatstone with micritized corals and MF 18 - bivalve float- stone). Results Sections Five lithologic sections of the Fatra Formation are presented in Figures 4, 7­10. The meter-scale spatial variation in coral patch-reef/biostrome facies types in Dedoova-Frèkov section is shown in Fig. 15A. As the Fatra Formation in the Vel·k Fatra Mts. can be subdi- vided into four main intervals (large-scale sequences) bounded by laterally extensive unconformities (Tomao- Fig. 4 Lithologic section of the Fatra Formation in Dedoova - Frèkov. Explanations: See Fig. 8 Fig. 5 Coral patch-reef/biostrome facies types: 1. Massive coral Astraeomorpha sp., strongly bored with bivalves (1), and encrusted by oysters (2). Some free spaces are occupied by small terebratulids (3). Sample DD4.4. Scale: 1 cm 2. Coral colony of Retiophyllia paraclathrata, with terebratulid Rhaetina gregaria (arrow) between corallites. Sample S82. Scale: 1 cm 3. Small branching bush-shaped solenoporacean alga, bored with bivalves (arrow). Sample DD5.2. Scale: 1 cm 4. Stacked, 10­20 cm thick coral colonies of Retiophyllia gosaviensis. Dedoova ­ Frèkov A (beds 4.15­4.18). Scale: 10 cm 5. Toppled coral colony of Retiophyllia gosaviensis. Dedoova ­ Frèkov E (bed 5). Scale: 10 cm 80 81 82 vch 2002), the following description of the sections is based on this subdivision. The correlation of the first large-scale sequence and spatial variation of coral-patch reef/biostrome facies types on km-scale is presented in Figure 15B. 1. Dedoova ­ Frèkov (Fig. 4) represent outcrops in the forest which are situated on the steep SW slope of the Frèkov hill (1585 m), in the closure of the Dedoova dolina valley, NW of the Krína (1574 m). The Fatra Formation is completely exposed together with upper- most part of the underlying "Carpathian Keuper Formation". The upper boundary is observable only at some places because of tectonization and weathering of the basal siltstones and claystones of the Kopienec Formation. In the lowermost 11.5 m thick interval of the Fa- tra Formation (1st large-scale sequence), small-scale coarsening-upward sequences are preserved (beds 1­ 3). Limestones are characterized by a complex internal structure formed by cm-scale alternation of poorly sorted floatstones with well-preserved bivalves (Pla- cunopsis alpina, Atreta intusstriata, Chlamys valonien- sis) and well-sorted packstones/grainstones with ero- sional bases and poorly preserved bioclasts. These beds are abruptly replaced by brachiopod floatstones with Rhaetina gregaria and bioclastic packstones with bivalve, echinoderm, brachiopod and coral fragments (bed 4). In detail, horizontal and vertical distribution of individual facies types and benthic taxa is variable in this part of the section (Fig. 4). Locally, isolated coral colonies of massive (Astraeomorpha) and branching (Retiophyllia) corals or solenoporacean algae are present in life or overturned/toppled position (Fig.5­ 5) and form meter-scale aggregations. Both massive and branching corals and algae in these beds are strongly encrusted with oysters (Atreta) and bored by bivalves (Fig.5­1, 3, Fig.6­6, 7). Upwards, they are replaced by a 2-m-thick patch-reef/biostrome complex formed by coral framestones with complete colonies of Retiophyllia gosaviensis (beds 5­6) with rare interca- lations of intraclastic limestones. 10­50 cm high fan or dome-shaped Retiophyllia coral colonies, with diam- eters between 20 and 100 cm (Fig. 5­4), are still preserved in growth position, with corallites (5­10 mm in diameter) radiating in upward direction. The pro- portion of borings and encrustations is relatively low. Fig. 7 Lithologic section of the Fatra Formation in Sviniarka ­ Mal Zvolen valley. The section is tectonically disrupted. Expla- nations: See Fig. 8 Fig. 6 Shallow subtidal facies types, above normal storm wave base: 1. Gastropod packstone with foraminifers and algae (MF 6). Sample DD7.7. Scale: 5 mm 2. Framestone with solenoporaceans (MF 7). Sample DD5.2. Scale: 5 mm 3. Coral framestone (MF 8) with Retiophyllia gosaviensis (corallites with local dark automi- critic coatings and encrusting bivalve - arrow). Sample DD5.12. Scale: 5 mm 4. Floatstone with micritized corals (MF 9) containg R. paraclathrata and abundant involutinid foraminifers. Sample DD19.2. Scale: 5 mm 5. Floatstone with micritized corals (MF 9) (R. paraclathrata with bioerosions and encrustations of Baccinella sp. and Lithocodium sp. and calcareous sponge). Sample DD18.10. Scale: 5 mm 6. Bivalve macroboring with recrystallized valves in the retiophyllid coral (MF 9). Sample DD5.8. Scale: 1 mm 7. Bivalve macroboring in solenoporacean alga (MF 7). Sample DD5.2. Scale: 1 mm 8. Bacinella sp., boring and encrusting recrystallized coral fragment (MF 9). Sample DD18.10. Scale: 1 mm 83 Coral framestones are capped by laminated bindstones with an erosional unconformity at the top. In the middle 9.7-m-thick interval (2nd large-scale sequence), thick packstones with intraclasts occur (bed 7), passing upwards into gastropod floatstones (bed 8) and capped by laminated bindstones (bed 11), at the top with an erosional unconformity with well sorted grainstone (bed 12). Above this unconformity, a 14.7-m-thick interval (3rd large-scale sequence) con- sisting of dolomites with fenestral pores and sheet cracks and well- or bimodally sorted grainstones, packstones and rudstones with brachiopods, bivalves and gastropods is preserved (beds 14­18), passing into brachiopod floatstones (bed 16), ooidic packstones (bed 17) and well-sorted intraclastic grainstone (bed 18). Upwards, bioclastic floatstones with Retiophyllia coral fragments (beds 19­20) are capped by laminated bindstones (bed 24). In the uppermost 2.7 m thick interval of the Fatra Formation (4th large-scale sequence), bioclastic pack- stones and rudstones with bivalves (Rhaetavicula con- torta, Placunopsis alpina, Chlamys sp., Modiolus min- utus, Palaeocardita austriaca) and bioclastic-oolitic limestones with calcitic, chamositic and ferrigenous ooids, and coral, echinoderm, bivalve and brachiopod (Rhaetina gregaria) fragments are preserved. Isolated coral colonies (Retiophyllia sp.) are locally present. 2. Svinarka - Mal Zvolen (Fig. 7) represent outcrops in the creek in the Svinarka valley and smaller exposures in the forest east of the creek, SE of the Mal Zvolen hill (1372 m). In the creek, the lower and upper boundary of the Fatra Formation is exposed; the middle part is tectonically disrupted. The correlation with the forest exposures allowed to discern a com- plete stratigraphic column of the Fatra Formation at this locality. In the lowermost, 9.4-m-thick interval of the Fatra Formation (1st large-scale sequence), metre- scale coarsening-upward sequences prevail, consisting of dark claystones, coquinal floatstones with bivalves (Rhaetavicula contorta, Placunopsis alpina) and well- sorted packstones/grainstones (beds 77­79). These beds pass into coquinal floatstones with abundant brachiopods (Rhaetina gregaria, Zugmayerella unci- nata) and bivalves (Plagiostoma punctatum, Modiolus minutus, Pteria sp., Antiquilima sp., Atreta intusstri- ata, Chlamys sp.) (beds 80­81) and small dm-scale coral framestones with Retiophyllia paraclathrata (bed 82, Fig. 5­2). Here, 30- to 40-cm-high coral colonies with corallites 5 mm in diameter are mostly toppled. These beds are overlain by fenestral and cryptalgal bindstones with a capping erosional unconformity. In the middle 12-m-thick interval of the Fatra Formation (2nd large-scale sequence), thick-bedded bioclastic and gastropod limestones are preserved, capped by lami- nated limestone with rip-up clasts, fenestral pores and sheet cracks (bed 87). In the upper 11.5-m-thick interval (3rd large-scale sequence) consisting of ooidic grainstones and packstones, bio-rudstones and crinoid floatstones is present (beds 88­96), capped by mud- stones and dolomudstones (beds 97­98) with an un- conformity at the top. In the uppermost, about 3-m- thick interval of the Fatra Formation (4th large-scale sequence), rudstones, grainstones and packstones with micritized bivalves, echinoderms and coral fragments are preserved. Biomicritic wackestone with in-situ corals is present as a 15-cm-thick interbed. The up- permost bed of the Fatra Formation is formed by well- sorted grainstone with strongly micritized bivalves and crinoids. 3. Belianska ­ Boriov (Fig. 8) represent exposures in the forest pathway leading from the Havranovo to the cottage below Boriov hill, 300 m below the cottage, east of the Boriov hill (1509 m). The upper part of the "Carpathian Keuper Formation" and lower and middle parts of the Fatra Formation are exposed here. The uppermost part of the "Carpathian Keuper Formation" is formed by light grey thick-bedded dolomudstones. In the first large-scale sequence of the Fatra Formation (12 m), small-scale shallowing-upward sequences occur (beds 1­11). In their lower part, they are formed by bioclastic limestones with complex internal strat- ification (mm- or cm-scale alternation of floatstones with packstones) and bivalves (Bakevellia praecursor, Placunopsis alpina) and laminated mudstones (beds 1­6). In their upper part, bioclastic floatstones are replaced by well-sorted packstones/grainstones (beds 7­10). Upwards, these beds pass into bioclastic wacke- stones/floatstones with brachiopods (beds 13­15) and higher-up into well sorted packstones and grainstones with erosional boundaries (beds 16­17). These are overlain by thick packstones/floatstone with coral fragments and intraclasts (bed 18). In the middle 6-m-thick interval (2nd large-scale sequence), laminat- ed dolomites are capped by an erosional unconformity, with well sorted packstones (bed 23). Up-section, brachiopod floatstones with internal stratification, well-sorted packstones and oo-grainstones are pre- served (beds 27­30). 4. 4. Bystr potok ­ Ruomberok (Fig. 9) represent ex- posures in the road cut from Ruomberok to Martin, between the village È ernov and Hubov, near the entry of the Bystr potok creek into the Vh River. The locality had been mentioned by Stur (1859) and partially described by Michalík (1985) and Tomao- vch (2000). The middle and upper part of the Fatra Formation are exposed. In the lower part of the section (7.5 m), two shallowing-upward sequences capped by laminated mudstones/bindstones are preserved (beds 1­6). The second one is capped by an unconformity and overlain by well-sorted packstones with intraclasts and micritized bioclasts. This forms the base of a coarsening-upward sequence and passes upward into thick packstones with megalodonts, brachiopods, al- gae, coral fragments and echinoderms and oobio- grainstones at the top (beds 7­9). In the middle part of the section (4 m), alternation of coquinal lime- stones with marls with abundant brachiopods (Rhae- tina gregaria, Zugmayerella uncinata, Austrirhynchia 84 cornigera, Discinisca suessi) and bivalves (Actinos- treon haidingerianum, Atreta intustriata, Modiolus minutus, Plagiostoma punctatum, Chlamys sp., An- tiquilima sp., Pteria sp., Liostrea sp.) occur (beds 9­ 10). They pass into dm-scale alternations of packstones with mudstones (beds 11­16). In the upper part of the section (3.7 m), packstones and grainstones with ooids, intraclasts and bioclasts prevail (beds 18­23), passing into dolomitic mudstones in the uppermost part of the section. 5. Rztoky ­ Nolèovo (Fig. 10) represents exposures which are situated in the forest pathway on the left slope of the valley above the Rztoky creek, south of the Ostr hill (786 m), above the Nolèovsk dolina valley. This section was described by Michalík and Skora (1979). In the first large-scale sequence of the Fatra Formation (12 m), metre-scale shallowing-up- ward sequences (beds 1­3) are overlain by brachiopod and crinoid floatstones (beds 4­7). Higher, a coral limestone with Retiophyllia (bed 8) passes into thick grainstones and packstones (beds 9­10). In the second large-scale sequence of the Fatra Formation (11.5 m), an alternation of dolomites with bioclastic limestones is preserved, finally capped by laminites with an erosional unconformity at the top (beds 21­22). In the third large-scale sequence (11.5 m), three small-scale shallowing-upward sequences occur (beds 32­40). They consist of laminated limestones with foraminifers and ostracods, well-sorted intraclastic grainstones, co- quinal floatstones with brachiopods (Rhaetina gre- garia, R. pyriformis) and floatstones with bored/en- crusted coral fragments (Retiophyllia paraclathrata) and are capped by a dolomite (bed 40). In the up- permost, fourth large-scale sequence, about 1 m of mudstone interval (bed 45) is overlain by floatstones with abundant megalodonts, gastropods and foramini- Fig. 9 Lithologic section of the Fatra Formation at the Bystr potok locality near Ruomberok. Explanations: See Fig. 8 Fig. 8 Lithologic section of the Fatra Formation in Belianska- Boriov 85 fers. The uppermost bed of the Fatra Formation is formed by coquinal biointra-rudstone with well-sorted, concordantly oriented and strongly micritized frag- ments of bivalves, brachiopods and echinoderms (bed 48). Microfacies types In the Q-mode cluster analysis performed at the sample level and based on relative frequencies of components, 20 cluster types have been recognized (see Appendix). However, the final distinction of microfacies types was also based on fabric criteria (sorting, packing and orien- tation), bed geometry and internal stratification and does not strictly reflect the results of the cluster analysis. Therefore, some clusters were subdivided and all together 21 microfacies types are described in the following part. The samples within the first cluster were subdivided into mudstones (MF 1) and laminated bindstones (MF 3). Clusters 7 and 8 were fused in one MF type (MF 9 - bio- floatstone with micritized corals). Clusters 9­11 were assigned to MF 10 and 12 according to the dominating size of components. In spite of the drawbacks due to subjective assignment of some samples, it is suggested that a cluster analysis can be useful as a first step in microfacies types demarcation in settings with high facies variation. Mean values with standard deviations of rel- ative abundances of components are summarized for each microfacies type in histograms (Fig. 11). The DCA ordination of the exhaustive and reduced data set is shown in Fig. 16. MF 1 ­ Mudstone This type (Fig. 12­2) is represented by light grey, thick- bedded (25­60 cm) dolomudstones and dolomitized mudstones, spatially associated with laminites or intra- clastic limestones. They often display fenestral fabric and internal sediment filling. Fenestral pores form discontin- uous, concordant, irregularly-shaped sparitic laminae, locally passing into continuous sheet cracks. In some beds, agglutinated foraminifers (Glomospirella), ostra- cods and calcarenous green algae (Halicoryne) are com- mon. MF 2 ­ Intraclastic breccia (floatstone) This facies type (Fig. 12­1) is characterized by a bioturbated matrix and dark angular and irregular micritic intraclasts (several mm to 2­3 cm). Fenestral pores with internal sediment may be locally present. Ostracod shells and disarticulated valves may occur, along with small fragments of echinoderms and bivalves. Fig. 10 Lithologic section of the Fatra Formation in Rztoky - Nolèovo. Explanations: See Fig. 8 86 Fig. 11 Histograms of microfacies types showing mean values and standard deviations of individual components. The first three microfacies types are not shown because of rare or absent components. Explanations: 1­Bivalves, 2­Gastropods, 3­Bra- chiopods, 4­Echinoderms, 5­Ostracods, 6­Corals, 7­Calcareous sponges, 8­Ooids, 9­Intraclasts, 10­Peloids, 11­Foraminifers, 12­ Sessile foraminifers, 13­Micritized bioclasts, 14­Green algae, 15­ Red algae, 16­Microbialites 87 Fig. 12 Peritidal facies types: 1. Intraclastic breccia (MF 2). Sample S87. Scale: 5 mm 2. Mudstone with foraminifers (Glomo- spirella) (MF 1). Sample R32. Scale: 1 mm 3. Cryptalgal bind- stone (MF 3). Sample DD11. Scale: 1 mm 4. Pel-packstone with foraminifers (MF 14). Sample BP5. Scale: 1 mm 5. Fenestral bindstone (MF 3). Sample NR8. Scale: 5 mm 6. Fenestral bindstone (MF 3). Sample S11.2. Scale: 5 mm 7. Fenestral bindstone (MF 3). Sample NR8. Scale: 5 cm 88 MF 3 ­ Laminated bindstone 1. Fenestral bindstone (Fig. 12­5­7) with millimetre-scale wavy horizontal lamination formed by micritic laminae and more or less continuous or discontinuous fenestral sparitic laminae with irregular lower and upper bound- aries. 2. Cryptalgal bindstone (Fig. 12­3) with finely or moderately crinkled horizontal lamination consisting of alternation of calcilutitic laminae and very well-sorted calcisiltic bioclastic-microintraclastic laminae, locally with micrograding. 3. Planar or low-angle cross-stratified, mm-scale lam- ination formed by less regular alternation of micritic laminae with dispersed bioclastic debris and calcisiltic to calcarenitic laminae with densely packed fragments of foraminifers, bivalves and crinoids, often with concordant orientation. MF 4 ­ Bio-wackestone This type shows the presence of moderately sorted, ran-domly oriented, and mostly poorly preserved bi- valve fragments, gastropods, echinoderm ossicles and brachiopods. Complete macroscopic remains are very scarce. Microfossils are represented by ostracods, no- dosariid and glomospirellid foraminifers, globochaetes, dasycladacean algae (Halicoryne) and holothurian scle- rites. MF 5 ­ Brachiopod floatstone/packstone This type (Fig. 13­7) is preserved in dark grey, thin- bedded (5­25 cm) limestone beds. It commonly displays bioturbated and pelletized micritic matrix and contains predominantly well-preserved terebratulid brachiopods (Rhaetina gregaria), with very rare traces of micritization or bioerosion. In some beds, shells with geopetal infillings are frequent. The biofabric is dispersed or loosely packed, less commonly densely packed, with poor sorting and mostly random orientation of brachiopods. Fragments of bivalves, crinoid ossicles, echinoid spines, juvenile gastropods, ostracods and sessile for- aminifers are common. Nodosariid, glomospirellid and trochamminid foraminifers, serpulids, corals, cyanobac- teria (Cayeuxia) and fragments of calcareous red (Soleno- poraceae) or green (Codiaceae) algae may be locally present. In some cases, stratification formed by alterna- tion of brachiopod floatstones with 5­10 mm thick, redeposited, well-sorted, calcarenitic laminae with basal erosional surfaces is recognizable. MF 6 ­ Gastropod floatstone/packstone This type (Fig. 6­1) is dominated by poorly/moderately sorted, non-micritized, well-preserved, complete or frag- mented gastropods (5­30%), usually with geopetal struc- tures. Involutinid (Aulotortus communis and A. tumidus), glomospirellid and nodosariid (Frondicularia woodwardi) foraminifers (2.5­10%), green calcareous algae (Codi- aceae), cyanobacteria (Cayeuxia), bioeroded and mi- critized fragments of megalodonts and other bivalves and fragmented or complete, non-micritized echinoderm ossicles are common. The microfossils are additionally represented by Halicoryne, Globochaete, ostracods and ophiuroid fragments, and microproblematic Earlandia (Flügel 1972; Borza 1975). MF 7 ­ Solenoporacean framestone It forms dark grey, 20­50 cm thick lensoidal patches in the limestone beds in the lower part of the Fatra Formation (Dedoova-Frèkov and Krína). This type (Fig. 5­2, Fig. 6­2) contains predominantly well-preserved solenoporacean algae that are not affected by fragmen- tation and micritization. They are often bored by bivalves and endolithic microborers (Fig. 6­7). Apart from red algae, the diversity of frame builders is very poor, calcareous sponges are only locally present. Brachiopods, bivalves and crinoid ossicles are commonly dispersed in the matrix in the interspaces between algae. MF 8 - Coral framestone This type is characterized by the dominance of branching corals (Retiophyllia gosaviensis, R. paraclathrata, and R. fenestrata) which represent primary framework builders (Fig. 6­3). They are commonly encrusted by oysters (Fig. 6­3), calcareous sponges, sessile foraminifers and ser- pulids. In the micritic matrix, fragments of brachiopods, bivalves, crinoids, algae, ostracods and microbial intra- clasts and peloids are commonly dispersed in spaces between corals. Tabular corals (Astraeomorpha) are rare, forming only locally small-scale, 30­50 cm thick mono- typic aggregations. Two basic types of micritic matrix are present. The more common is gravity-controlled allomi- crite, it has a grey colour and locally unhomogenous structure (pelletized or bioturbated) in thin sections. It forms infillings of cavities and interspaces between com- ponents. The second type is represented by automicrite, which includes gravity-defying deposits in the form of coatings, crusts, layers on the surfaces and in the internal cavities of bioclasts. In the thin sections, automicritic coatings are dark brown to black, homogenous and most- ly structureless. Allochems are absent in these gravity- defying automicritic coatings, in contrast to allomicritic type with diverse assemblage of bioclasts. MF 9 ­ Bio-floatstone with micritized corals This type is characterized by the presence of degraded retiophyllid corals (Fig. 6­4, 5, 6). Bioclasts are randomly 89 Fig. 13 Shallow subtidal facies types, above normal storm wave base: 1. Floatstone with micritized bioclasts (MF 19). Sample DD2.7. Scale: 5 mm 2. Floatstone with micritized bioclasts (MF 19). Sample B12. Scale: 5 mm 3. Packstone/wackestone with micritized bioclasts (MF 20). Sample DD5. Scale: 5 mm 4. Packstone/wackestone with micritized bioclasts (MF 20). Sample DD5.3. Scale: 5 mm 5. Storm-reworked deposit ­ in the basal part with bivalve floatstone (MF 18), in the upper part with bio-rudstone (MF 10). Sample K2.10. Scale: 5 mm 6. Packstone/wackestone with micritized bioclasts (MF 20). Sample DD5a. Scale: 5 mm 7. Brachiopod floatstone (MF 5). Sample DD4.2. Scale: 5 mm 90 oriented and poorly sorted. Fragments of coral colonies or isolated corallites (Retiophyllia paraclathrata) are com- monly strongly destructively micritized, microbored and encrusted (common sessile foraminifers, Thaumatoporel- la sp., Baccinella, Lithocodium, (Fig. 6­8), cf. Ko³odziej 1997) and/or covered with automicritic coatings. Bi- valve macroborings are common (Fig. 5­1, Fig. 6­6). Calcareous (nodosariids, involutinids, Ophthalmidium) and agglutinated (Glomospirella, Trochammina, Tetra- taxis) foraminifers, ostracods, globochaetes, cyanobac- teria (Cayeuxia sp.), sponges, fragments of bivalves, gastropods, brachiopods and echinoderm ossicles are common. MF 10 ­ Well-sorted bio-rudstone with micritized bioclasts 10­40 cm thick beds of this type commonly display good sorting, dense packing and concordant, edgewise/nested or random orientation of bioclasts (Fig. 14­7, 8). Grading in the proportion of matrix and size and density of allochems is locally preserved. High proportions of frag- ments of bivalves, echinoderms, gastropods and bra- chiopods are degraded (abraded, micritized and bioerod- ed). In several cases, certain proportions of bioclasts are, in contrast, relatively well preserved, without traces of bioerosion and abrasion. Encrustations by sessile forami- nifers are rare. MF 11 ­ Bimodally sorted bio-rudstone/grainstone with micritized bioclasts This type (Fig. 14­5, 6) consists of concordantly oriented, convex-up bivalves with drusy sparitic shelters and local mud-infiltrations, and well-sorted calcarenitic debris (up to 2 mm). Rudite-size bivalve fragments with micritic rims are mostly encrusted by sessile foraminifers, bored and abraded. Bio- and oomicritic intraclasts, peloids and radial ooids (with fragments of bivalves, crinoids, foraminifers and peloids as nuclei) are common. MF 12 ­ Bio-grainstone with micritized bioclasts This type (Fig. 14­2) is characterized by well-sorted and densely packed fabric, only locally with micrite, and usually contains abraded, fragmented and strongly bio- eroded bioclasts with micritic rims and sessile foramini- fers (Tolypammina, Planiinvoluta). Debris of bivalves, gastropods with exotic micritic infillings, echinoderm ossicles (locally with syntaxial rims) and brachiopods are abundant. Fragments of corals and calcareous algae can occur locally. Bio- and oomicritic intraclasts, peloids and radial ooids are present. MF 13 ­ Oo-grainstone 10­50 cm thick beds of this type are characterized by good sorting of ooids (approximate diameter: 1­1.5 mm), with oval, circular or elongate outline and radial structure showing several cortical layers (Fig. 14­1). Intraclasts and micritized and abraded bioclasts are less common (2.5­5%). Ooid nuclei consist of recrystallized bivalve fragments, brachiopods, crinoids, foraminifers, micritic and biomicritic intraclasts or peloids. MF 14 ­ Pel-packstone This type (Fig. 12­4) is characterized by the dominant presence of well-sorted peloids (maximum size 1 mm) and agglutinated foraminifers (Glomospirella), and less common fragments of echinoderms, micritized bivalves, and ostracods. MF 15 ­ Intra-packstone This facies type typically occurs in dark grey massive and thick-bedded limestones (50­200 cm) in the middle part of the Fatra Formation. They display bimodal sorting consisting of well-sorted intraclastic-peloidal debris and poorly sorted rudite-size bioclasts, with no preferred orientation. A micritic matrix may be locally absent. Ooids can also be present. Bioclasts are abraded, en- crusted (Tolypammina, Planinvoluta, Thaumatoporella) and bored/micritized (endolithic microborings). Some bioclasts are in contrast relatively well preserved without signs of bioerosion and abrasion. Recrystallized bivalve fragments are dominant, gastropods, corallite fragments or fragments of coral colonies and solenoporacean algae, echinoderm ossicles and brachiopod valves are common. The microfauna is characterized by a relatively diverse assemblage of foraminifers (Triasina hantkeni, Tetra- taxis inflata, Trochammina alpina, Frondicularia wood- wardi, Glomospirella), globochaetes, Earlandia, green algae (Halicoryne), and ostracods. MF 16 ­ Oobio-packstone Beds of this type contain calcarenitic debris with abun- dant well-sorted ooids (0.5­1 mm) with radial structure and oval outline. The ooid nuclei are formed by fragments of bivalves, crinoids, intraclasts or peloids. Micritized bivalve fragments and micritic intraclasts are common; gastropods, brachiopod fragments, echinoderm ossicles and green algae (Halicoryne) are present in varying pro- portions. In general, bioclasts are mostly poorly pre- served. In one subtype, components (1­1.5 mm) com- pletely encrusted by sessile foraminifers (Tolypammina) are very common. 91 92 MF 17 ­ Intrabio-packstone/grainstone Beds of this type usually display a basal erosional surface, good sorting (below 1 mm) and dense packing of angular or oval microintraclasts and micritized/bored or abraded bioclasts (bivalves, echinoderms). Calcareous (Triasina, Aulotortus) and agglutinated (Glomospirella) foramini- fers, globochaetes, green algae (Halicoryne) and thick- shelled ostracods are locally abundant. Mostly they occur in the direct overlie of mudstones (MF 1) or laminites (MF 3). MF 18 ­ Bivalve floatstone Dark grey, 5­10 cm thick beds of this type (Fig. 13­5) commonly alternate with 1­10 cm thick bio-floatstones (MF 19) or bio-wackestones/packstones with micritized bioclasts (MF 20). They contain poorly sorted and dis- persed/loosely packed, complete or fragmented bivalves (Placunopsis alpina, Rhaetavicula contorta, Bakevel- lia praecursor, Gervillaria inflata, Chlamys valoniensis), mostly randomly or less commonly concordantly oriented/ nested. Sparitic shelters or geopetal textures are scarce or absent. Valves are commonly encrusted by sessile for- aminifers. However, the proportion of bioerosion and mi- critization due to activity of microborers is much lower in comparison to floatstones and wackestones/packstones of the MF 22 and 23. MF 19 ­ Bio-floatstone with micritized bioclasts 5­20 cm thick beds of this type are characterized by the abundance of bivalves and high degree of destructive micritization and bioerosion (Fig. 13­1, 2). They are usually associated with a complex internal structure consisting of alternation of thin cm-scale intervals with different sorting and packing density. Internal erosional surfaces are locally present. The typical feature is a loosely/densely packed bio-fabric, poor or moderate sorting (with maximum size mostly not exceeding 10­ 20 mm), and concordant (both convex-up and down), nested or random orientation of bivalves, locally with sparitic shelters under convex-up valves. Other compo- nents are represented by micritic intraclasts and radial ooids. Ooids are frequently encrusted by sessile forami- nifers. MF 20 ­ Bio-wackestone/packstone with micritized bioclasts This type is characterized by moderate or good sorting and loose/dense packing of bioclasts, mostly dominated by bivalves (Fig. 13­3, 4, 6, Fig. 14­3, 4) and by a complex internal microstratigraphy. In the fossil assem- blages characterized by high degree of taphonomic alternation, fragments of recrystallized bivalves, echino- derm ossicles (sometimes with syntaxial rims), juvenile gastropods, corals, solenoporacean red algae and bra- chiopods are abundant. In general, micritic rims are very common. The microfauna is represented by sessile (Toly- pammina), nodosariid or glomospirellid foraminifers, serpulids, green algae (Acicularia), globochaetes (Globo- chaete alpina, G. tatrica) and ostracods. MF 21 ­ Crinoid wackestone/packstone This type is characterized by the abundance of complete or fragmented crinoid ossicles, locally still articulated, with microborings and locally with micritic envelopes. The biofabric is densely/loosely packed and moderately sorted. Fragments of brachiopods, bivalves, ostracods, echinoid spines are less common. Discussion Facies interpretation In the following discussion , particular microfacies types are interpreted in terms of paleoenvironment and com- pared with coeval facies types known from other Upper Triassic Tethyan carbonate settings. Fenestral and cryptalgal bindstones (MF 3) can be interpreted as algal or microbial mat deposits that are typical mainly of peritidal flats (Shinn 1983). In the Upper Triassic car- bonate environments, they typically represent an intertidal member of the Lofer sequences (Schwarzacher 1948; Fischer 1964; Flügel 1981; Enos and Samankassou 1998). In addition, they commonly occur in shallow restricted lagoonal settings of the Kössen and Calcare di Zu Formation (Kuss 1983; Lakew 1990). Fenestral fabric is mainly formed by desiccation and shrinkage or air and gas bubble formation, and is often preserved within stromatolites due to irregular growth processes (Shinn 1968). Algal mat lamination is not limited only to supra- intertidal environment, but it is mostly not preserved due to bioturbation and gastropod grazing in subtidal envi- ronments (Garrett 1970), although it may be preserved in a hypersaline environment. The absence of bioturbation and body fossil fauna thus indicates unfavourable condi- tions for metazoan life. Regular, mm-scale alternation of Fig. 14 Shallow subtidal - nearshore facies types (above fair- weather wave base): 1. Oo-grainstone (MF 13). Sample S92.3. Scale: 1 mm 2. Bio-grainstone with micritized bioclasts (MF 12). Sample DD5.1. Scale: 5 mm 3. Bio-packstone with micritized bioclasts (MF 20). Sample DD 13.5. Scale: 5 mm 4. Bio-packstone with micritized bioclasts (MF 20). Sample DD17.2. Scale: 5 mm 5. Bimodally sorted rudstone/grainstone with micritized bioclasts (MF 11). Sample B7.3. Scale: 5 mm 6. Bimodally sorted rudstone/ grainstone with micritized bioclasts (MF 11). Sample DD15.5. Scale: 5 mm 7. Bio-rudstone with micritized bioclasts (MF 10). Sample DD26.3. Scale: 5 mm 8. Bio-rudstone with micritized bioclasts (MF 10). Sample DD14.5. Scale: 5 mm 93 micritic and calcisiltic laminae in MF 3c indicates alternating bedload and suspension transport. Micritic intraclasts in breccia (MF 2) have been probably derived from disrupted stromatolitic laminae, which were ex- humed and buried again in the same type of sediment. Mudstones (MF 1) often occur in the upper part of shallowing upward, lagoonal-peritidal sequences and have comparable equivalents in the Kössen Formation (Kuss 1983; Ehses and Leinfelder 1988; Stanton and Flügel 1989). The fenestral fabric and close association with laminated types indicate a peritidal origin (Bystr potok and Rztoky sections). A low diverse fauna of agglutinated foraminifers (Glomospirella) (Gadzicki 1983) and ostracods indicates high-stress habitat in a very shallow restricted environment, where great fluctu- ations in salinity and temperature are probable. Good taphonomic preservation of brachiopods in brachiopod floatstones/packstones (MF 5) and associated sedimentologic data (micritic matrix, absence of ooids or intraclasts) point to an environment below the fair- weather wave base with low-energy background condi- tions. Complex internal structure formed by the alterna- tion of interbeds with different packing density, various proportions of disarticulated valves and different orien- tations (nested or concordant) suggests episodic high- energy influence of storm wave and currents (Aigner et al. 1978; Török 1993). The deposition of gastropod float- stones/packstones (MF 6) probably took place in a low- energy photic environment with a low net rate of sedimentation and low turbidity, with good conditions for algal growth and herbivorous gastropods. Solenopo- racean framestones (MF 7) are characterized by preser- vation of autochthonous small-scale algal banks, deposit- ed in a setting below the fair-weather wave base. It is interesting to note that benthic assemblages dominated by solenoporaceans in the Eastern Alps (Stanton and Flügel 1987) are characterized by a different type of matrix fabric (packstones/grainstones). Coral framestones (MF 8) represent in-situ preserved coral colonies. Automicritic deposits have probably been produced by microbial processes (Kazmierczak et al. 1996). The main evidence is formed by a) gravity-defying orientation (mucus matrix allows the accumulation), b) differences in the comparison with the second type of micrite (absence of other bioclasts, colour, structure) and c) common presence in cavities. In the "Oberrhätkalk" in the Eastern and "Calcare di Zu" in the Southern Alps, dark homogenous microbial coatings similarly occur and are limited mainly to the interspaces between the branch- es of retiophyllid corals and sponges (Stanton and Flügel 1989; Lakew 1990). Comparable poorly diverse coral assemblages dominated by high-growing Retiophyllia are well known from the intra-platform Kössen basin and marginal parts of the Dachstein platform (Schäfer 1979; Piller 1981; Kuss 1983; Stanton and Flügel 1987). According to Roniewicz & Stolarski (1999), life strategy of epithecal phaceloid growth forms, to which Retiophyl- lia belongs, is comparable to the mudsticker strategy of secondary soft-bottom dwelling bivalves (Seilacher 1984). Such growth forms were well-adapted for life in an environment with a relatively high rate of sedimentation and turbidity. Growth forms of retiophyllid corals are correlatable with water energy (Stanton and Flgel 1987). In analogy to the distribution of R. clathrata A and B morphotypes in the Eastern Alps, recognized according to corallite diameter and robustness of colonies, branched corals in the samples are mostly robust and closely packed, although variation in morphotypes is high in some cases. This can partially point to a less protected habitat of the Retiophyllia assemblage in the Fatra Formation with relatively higher water energy. However, as interstices between coral branches are filled with micrite and the proportion of sparite cement and bioclas- tic debris is low, their habitat was probably situated below the fair-weather wave base. Low species diversity of patch-reef/biostrome assemblages, in contrast to some highly diverse assemblages with corals, sponges, hydro- zoans and tabuluzoans from the Northern Calcareous Alps (Zankl 1969; Schäfer 1979; Dullo 1980; Wurm 1982; Stanton and Flügel 1987, Turnek et al. 1999) or Western North America (Stanley 1979) can be most likely related to the short-term environmental instability of habitats in a very shallow, intra-platform setting (Stanton and Flügel 1987). An uneven patchy distribution of coral aggrega- tions can point to a high spatial variation in environmental conditions or chance aspects of larval dispersion, first recruitment and subsequent success (e.g. competition exclusion) in survival. Bio-floatstones with micritized corals (MF 9) are characterized by higher alteration in comparison to coral framestones, due to higher intensity of bioerosion/mi- critization and episodic influence of high-energy storm events (intraclasts, packing, thin well-sorted interlayers). It represents a parautochthonous fossil assemblage. Pri- mary sparitic cement is lacking, indicating primarily a low-energy environment between the fair-weather and normal-storm wave base. Fabric criteria of rudstones with micritized bioclasts (MF 10) indicate an environment above the fair-weather wave base, with a long-term high-energy current (con- cordant orientations) or wave activity (edgewise orienta- tions). High degrees of taphonomic damage point to a prolonged exposure time on the sediment/water interface (Kidwell and Bosence 1991; Perry 1998). However, variation in preservation and the presence of grains of different origin (peloids, ooids, intraclasts) indicate a complex burial/exhumation history. In some cases, episodically storm-reworked, rapidly deposited beds can mimic fabric pattern indicative of a long-term high- energy environment. The biofabric of bimodally-sorted rudstones/grainstones (MF 11) indicates that the most important process was probably a high-energy current event which controlled the preferred orientation of bi- valves. High levels of taphonomic alteration were prob- ably mainly influenced by former long-term depositional history. Bio-grainstones (MF 12) occur in the uppermost part of the coarsening-upward cycles, or they form intercalations in the successions with low-energy de- 94 posits. Fabric criteria point to the deposition of small- scale skeletal banks/shoals under long-term high-energy conditions caused by fair-weather wave activity or fre- quent episodic storm activity (Ball 1967; Hine et al. 1981). A high proportion of abrasion indicates influence of wave activity and a high degree of micritization and encrustation indicates long residence time on the sea-floor and, therefore, reduced net rate of sedimentation (Kobluk and Risk 1977). The sedimentary features typical of inter- or subtidal oolite shoals, beaches or bars such as large bed thickness and cross-bedding (Wilson 1975; Hine 1977; Inden and Moore 1983) are lacking in oo-grainstones (MF 13). In the recent, aragonitic radial ooids were reported from relatively lower-energy environments, while in the high- est-energy conditions (the crests of bars) the crystals become flattened and are broken into a tangential orien- tation (Simone 1981; Gaffey 1983; Strasser 1986; Tucker and Wright 1990). Ooids with comparable microstructure from Purbeckian limestones originated in intermittently agitated water (Strasser 1986). Low-Mg calcitic radial delicate microstructure is probably primary (Kuss 1983; Miík 1997) Although it is assumed that the "aragonite sea" was typical of the whole Triassic (Sandberg 1983; Hardie 1996; Stanley and Hardie 1998), the Late Triassic is characterized by the dominance of originally calcite ooids, in contrast to the Early and Middle Triassic (Wilkinson et al. 1985). In pel-packstones (MF 14), restricted diversity of bioclasts and dominance of peloids indicate deposition in a low-energy, perhaps peritidal, environment with poor connection with the open basin. Intra-packstone type (MF 15) is comparable to the coated-grain facies from the Kössen Formation (Kuss 1983), which passes laterally into the coral biostrome and mound facies. The same situation is also preserved in the Fatra Formation, where this type (e.g. Dedoova, Boriov) laterally passes into the coral limestones with autochthonous coral thickets (Re- vfflcky Mlyn section). In general, this type has been attributed to the "reef-detritus mud facies" by Flügel (1981), typical of a protected reef-slope. On the basis of the sedimentologic (well-sorted bioclastic-intraclastic matrix, local winnowing of micrite, absence of primary sedimentary structures) and high variation in taphonomic alteration, it is possible to imagine an unstable exposed shallow subtidal environment above the storm wave base with higher rates of environmental changes (with periods with higher water energy) leading to a complex burial/ exhumation history of particles. The particles are pre- dominantly derived from the patch-reef/biostrome facies. Poor sorting of ruditic shell material, variations in taxonomic composition in the horizontal direction and presence of large coral colonies indicate a local pa- rautochthonous origin affected by storm activity, exclud- ing extensive lateral transport. The composition and preservation of components in oobio-packstones (MF 16) indicate a complex origin, probably related both to out-of-habitat transport and time- averaging. Ooids can be deposited in depressions adjacent to oolithic banks/bars or can represent residual in-situ components when local setting changes from high- to low-energy conditions. Subtypes with a high proportion of components encrusted by foraminifers are mostly typical of relatively protected back-barrier areas with moderate water energy. A high degree of taphonomic alteration, fabric criteria and stratigraphic position immediately above peritidal deposits indicate that intrabio-packstones/grainstones (MF 17) represent a lag deposit originating under a much reduced rate of sedimentation related to long-term win- nowing and particle reworking. The relatively good taphonomic preservation of bi- valves in bivalve floatstones (MF 18), low proportion of bioclastic debris and absence or scarcity of microintra- clasts and ooids indicate a protected low-energy environ- ment with poor storm reworking. Macrobenthic assem- blages dominated by bivalves are preserved in-situ and are comparable to those from the lower part of the Kössen Formation (Placunopsis-Bakevellia biofacies, Golebiows- ki 1991). Bio-floatstones (MF 19) and bio-wackestones/pack- stones (MF 20) with micritized bioclasts are typically associated with an internal complex stratification, indi- cating high-energy episodic storm-reworking and com- plex taphonomic pathways. The two types differ basically in the degree of sorting and packing, suggesting different degrees of storm overprint. A high degree of micrization/ bioerosion on both external and internal surfaces suggests a long post-mortem residence time on the sediment/water interface. The presence of encrusted and coated, locally also fragmented, ooids, the occurrence of similar-sized allochems without ooidic layers, and the variable preser- vation of co-occuring bioclasts points to their complex origin caused by transport or by environmental conden- sation due to rapid changes in environmental factors. Higher water energy could have been caused by episodic storm events or long-term fair-weather wave activity, which led to the accumulation and sorting of al- lochthonous material together with carbonate mud in an adjacent depression near the subtidal skeletal banks. Crinoid wackestones/packstones (MF 21) were deposited in the environment around the storm wave base. Crinoid ossicles are probably parautochthonous. Facies associations Facies types were subdivided according to their environ- mental interpretation, vertical and lateral transitions into four basic types of facies associations (facies groups deposited in the same general environment with local differences): 1. peritidal (or perimarine) environment, 2. shallow subtidal environment, above fair-weather wave base, 3. above normal storm wave base and 4. above maximum storm wave base. The peritidal environment includes supratidal and intertidal flats, tidal islands and restricted depressions. These deposits are characterized by the presence of 95 96 biolaminites, the scarcity and poor diversity of benthic fauna, evidence of dessication or shrinkage and short- term high-energy events. This facies association com- prises 4 basic microfacies types: mudstones (MF 1), breccias (MF 2), laminated bindstones (MF 3) and pel- packstones (MF 14). The shallow subtidal environment above the fair- weather wave base is characterized by the presence of a facies association showing signs of long-term water agitation (packing, sorting, poor taphonomic preservation, ooids). They were deposited in subtidal skeletal and oolithic banks, incipient shoals and bars and adjacent back-barrier depressions. 5 microfacies types involve bio- rudstones (MF 10), bio-rudstones/grainstones (MF 11) and grainstones with micritized bioclasts (MF 12), oo- grainstones (MF 13) and oobio-packstones (MF 16). An environment above the normal storm wave base can be compared to open lagoons with normal salinity and coral patch-reef/biostrome development, or restricted lagoons with abnormal salinity. This facies association is characterized by features pointing to low-energy back- ground conditions (micritic matrix-supported fabric, rel- atively good preservation of bioclasts) and by presence of poorly or moderately diverse level-bottom and patch-reef macrobenthic assemblages with bivalves, gastropods, brachiopods, echinoderms, corals, sponges and red algae (Fig. 15A). Typically, facies types are characterized by a complex internal stratification on the bed scale and show evidence of short-term high-energy overprint, which is attributable to episodic storm events. This facies associ- ation includes floatstones/packstones with brachiopods (MF 5), gastropods (MF 6), floatstones with micritized corals (MF 9), micritized bioclasts (MF 19) and wacke- stones/packstones with micritized bioclasts (MF 20). Below the normal storm wave base, deposits show no evidence of substantial reworking or erosion, although traces of storm-induced winnowing (pavements with skeletal concentrations) or deposition from seaward flowing storm-surge currents (thin packstone interbeds) were preserved. Benthic assemblages are typically au- tochthonous. Microfacies types can overlap with those from the preceding facies association, with definitive assignment based mostly on subtle taphonomic differ- ences in the degree of storm-reworking (MF 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 18, and 21). Environmental gradients Although the DCA ordination of the exhaustive data set (Fig. 16A) is obviously affected by data heterogeneity (Shi 1993), a continuous variation between microfacies types is apparent and some basic trends are visible. Along the first dimension, the samples representing shallow subtidal setting below the fair-weather wave base, repre- sented by framestones and floatstones with corals (MF 8 and 9) on the right, pass into the mixture of samples with various degrees of high-energy overprint. However, oobio-packstones (MF 16) and oo-grainstones (MF 13) are situated on the left and are isolated from the rest. Therefore, the first dimension can be possibly correlated with the long-term wave activity gradient. Ordination of the reduced data set in the coordinate system of the first two dimensions shows relatively distinct separation of facies types (Fig. 16B). In this data set, including only microfacies types with benthic assemblages unaffected by transport or strong condensation (Fig. 15B), there is a gradational relationship among microfacies types which are well-defined and mostly non-overlapping. The first dimension can perhaps be related to a gradient in the substrate stability/water turbidity, with coral thickets living in a generally muddy environment (cf. Roniewicz and Stolarski 1999). Although the interpretation of the second axis in DCA is less clear (Kenkel and Orloci 1986), along the second dimension, there is a continuous gradation from poorly diverse bivalve- and gastropod- dominated microfacies with rare euhaline taxa in the lower part, to facies types with red algae, echinoderms, corals in the middle part, and brachiopod floatstones (MF 5) in the upper part of the plot. This dimension may reflect a salinity gradient. Based on the correlation of the individual sections (Tomaovch 2002, see above), there are three relatively well-defined unconformities, subdividing the stratigraphic column of the Fatra Formation in four large-scale depositional sequences (see description of sections above, Fig. 4, 7­10). Although an interpretation of the sequence stratigraphy is beyond the scope of this paper, in order to interpret and understand spatial facies relationships, a preliminary assessment of their temporal distribution patterns is discussed here. Within the depositional se- quences that are defined according to these unconformi- ties, vertical distribution of facies associations show a characteristic repetitive pattern. Therefore, in a simplified scheme, the distribution of microfacies types/facies asso- ciations in the lowermost large-scale sequence (Fig. 15B) of the Fatra Formation is used as the reference for reconstruction of the depositional environment (Fig. 17) here. Vertical changes in facies types enable us to interpret lateral shifts in the depositional environment (Walther`s Law). It is important to note that this recon- struction does not include the complicated bottom topo- graphy, but is primarily focused on lateral relationship of facies types (Fig. 17). 1. In the lower part of the large-scale depositional sequence, MF types 18 (bivalve floatstones), 19 (bio- floatstones with micritized bioclasts) and 20 (bio- packstones/wackestones with micritized bioclasts) al- ternate with grainstones and bivalve rudstones (MF 10- Fig. 15 A Spatial variation in the facies development of coral patch-reef/biostrome facies in Dedoova ­ Frèkov. The distance between A and E section is 30 m. B. The correlation of the first large-scale sequence with coral patch-reef/biostrome facies (lower part of the Fatra Formation). The distance between Rztoky- Nolèovo (NW part) and Sviniarka-Mal Zvolen (SE part) is about 25 km 97 12), often forming shallowing-upward lagoonal-skele- tal bank sequences. One of the most typical features is the presence of small-scale structures related to storm- reworking in MF 19 and 20, which are therefore usually characterized by a complex small-scale strati- graphic architecture. Although DCA based on compo- nent frequencies in microfacies types revealed an environmental gradient related to wave/water energy, incorporation of fabric/geometric and taphonomic criteria allows recognizing a depth-related environ- mental gradient with higher confidence (Fig. 17A). Areas lying above the fair-weather wave base subject- ed to long-term high-energy influence or multiple storm events are characterised by the presence of well- sorted bio-grainstones, oo-grainstones and bivalve rudstones, commonly with amalgamation. Below the fair-weather wave base, simple or multiple-event storm-reworked deposits occur, with a bivalve-domi- nated assemblage. Variation in the degree of bioero- sion/micritization points to the complex history related to the rate of burial/residence time on the sea-floor. Towards the more protected environment below nor- mal storm wave base, intensity of storm event de- creases and relatively undisturbed bivalve floatstones are preserved. In depressions lying in adjacent posi- tions to high-energy ooid-skeletal banks, oobio-pack- stones were deposited. In landward direction, low- energy peritidal flats have been formed. In summary, Fig. 16 A Detrended corre- spondence analysis of all sam- ples showing ordination of samples and components using dimensions 1 and 2. B. De- trended correspondence analy- sis of reduced data matrix showing ordination of samples and bioclasts using dimensions 1 and 2. Numbered points re- present individual samples. Ex- planations: Biv--bivalves, Gpd--gastropods, Bpd--bra- chiopods, Ech--echinoderms, Ost--ostracods, Cor--corals, Spo--calcareous sponges, For--foraminifers, Ssf--sessile foraminifers, Ral ­ red algae, Gal ­ green algae, Oo ­ ooids, Int ­ intraclasts, Pel ­ peloids 98 this stage can be termed as a shallow lagoon with tidal flats and skeletal banks and poorly diverse bivalve- dominated assemblages. 2. In the middle part of the large-scale sequence, float- stones, packstones and framestones with poorly or moderately diverse macrobenthic assemblages (MF 5, 7, 8, 9) are dominant. Coral assemblages are repre- sented by dm-scale biostromes or by small-scale, 2-m thick patch-reefs composed of several stacked coral colony aggregations (Fig. 15A, Fig. 5). The dominance of a matrix-supported fabric and the presence of stenohaline taxa indicate the deposition in an open Fig. 17 Schematic reconstruction of lateral facies relationship in an environmental gradient in three different stages, developed within one large-scale sequence. A. Shallow lagoon with tidal flats/ skeletal banks and poorly diverse bivalve-dominated assemblages B. Deeper lagoon below FWWB with euhaline assemblages C. Restricted peritidal environment 99 lagoon below the fair-weather wave base (Fig. 17B). The horizontal dimension of 1 to 2-m-thick coral patch-reef/biostrome between Dedoova-Frèkov and Mal Zvolen-Sviniarka attains about 10 km (Fig. 15B). In the marginal, NW part, high-energy skeletal banks were deposited. The evidence of storm-reworking points to a relatively shallow environment above normal storm wave base. Most exposed habitats are represented by bio-wackestones/packstones with mi- critized bioclasts (MF 20) and bio-floatstones with micritized corals (MF 9). In areas characterized by lower intensity of storm activity and/or lower inten- sity of taphonomic alteration, undisturbed brachiopod floatstones and monotypic coral aggregations (Retio- phyllia framestones) were preserved. This stage is termed as a deeper lagoon below FWWB with benthic assemblages dominated by stenohaline taxa. Patch-reef and biostrome-like areas played several roles in the carbonate production. They trapped and/or stabilized mostly fine-grained sediments, formed the sites of automicrite precipitation, and hosted a rela- tively diverse spectrum of carbonate-secreting organ- isms. On the one hand, taphonomic processes leading to precipitation of automicritic crusts probably stabi- lized and enhanced preservation potential of coral colonies. The presence of automicrite and encrusta- tions (foraminifers) in intra-skeletal coral cavities indicates their post-mortem origin. On the other hand, corals are commonly preserved in parautochthon- ous deposits (MF 9) with signs of storm reworking (Fig. 175) and substantial bioerosion. It is not easy to distinguish between these two interrelated destruction- al factors and evaluate which was more important in destroying coral thickets. In some beds, there is evidence of extensive degradation of in-situ corals by bivalve macroborings (Fig. 51, Fig. 66). There is a positive correlation between the intensity of bioerosion and the degree of fragmentation of corals. In frame- stones (MF 8) with a low proportion of fragmented corals, the intensity of bioerosion is low in contrast to bio-floatstones with micritized corals (MF 9). It is possible that the higher activity of bioeroders related to local fluctuations in nutrient supply or turbidity made corals more susceptible to the destruction by storm activity (Hallock and Schlager 1986; Hallock 1988; Perry 1999). This can be confirmed by the fact that the regeneration potential of epithecate corals (Roniewicz and Stolarski 1999) is relatively low due to a lack of an edge-zone (tissue covering the external surface and repairing injuries). 3. In the upper part of the large-scale sequence, imme- diately below the terminal unconformity, mudstones and stromatolitic mudstones are dominant among various facies types (Fig. 15B). At this time, over most of the area, mudstones, laminated mudstones and mudstones with poorly diverse microfauna (ostracods, foraminifers) prevailed (Fig. 17C). However, it has been established that typical peritidal features (e.g. fenestrae, desiccation, evaporates) can also develop in non-tidally influenced environments, e.g. fluctuations in sea level may be caused by wind activity or seepages in back-barrier lagoons (Tucker and Wright 1990). Depositional environment The spatial arrangement of facies types along the depth- related environmental gradients points to the importance of water energy as one of the main control factors influencing their distribution patterns. Long-term wave energy and possibly tidal currents influenced sediment composition and fabric in skeletal and oolithic banks above the fair-weather wave base. However, the absence of large-scale barrier-bank complexes and small thick- nesses are indicative of a relatively shallow depth level of the FWWB. During episodic storm events, in addition of substantial overprint of shoreface setting, areas below the fair-weather wave base were influenced by erosion, rapid burial and redeposition of sediment by storm waves and currents. The main biologic carbonate production took place below the fair-weather wave base, where coral patch-reef/biostrome assemblages and level-bottom bent- hic assemblages were living. The distribution of macro- benthic taxa can be correlated similarly with depth in a simplified scheme. This pattern is visible in the ordination of samples and taxa in the DCA, where trends related to water energy level, substrate stability and salinity can be inferred. This view about the position of coral-patch reefs differs from that in the depositional model of Michalik (1982), where coral patch-reefs are situated in the area of main wave activity. However, phaceloid growth mor- phology, sedimentologic (mud baffling, structures indi- cating storm activity) and taphonomic data (preservation state) are indicative that low-energy conditions in the vicinity of the storm wave base were their main preferred habitat. On this spatial scale of analysis, facies patterns are therefore typical of ramp morphologies, where energy gradients are a consequence of gradual depth changes and higher production is limited to low-energy setting below FWWB in mid-ramp position (Burchette and Wright 1992). This can be a consequence of several factors related to the dominance of destructive taphonomic processes (high rate of degradation due to bioerosion and storm activity, e.g. Kuss 1983; Bernecker et al. 1999), perhaps the ecology of frame-building organisms (ac- cording to Stanton and Flügel 1987, branching retiophyl- lid corals mostly did not build rigid wave-resistant framework that could withstand the highest wave activity, but there are contradictory opinions, see Piller 1981; Schäfer 1984; Schäfer and Senowbari-Daryan 1981), environmental restriction/instability of Fatric intra-shelf setting leading to poor species richness (Michalík 1982), and/or slow subsidence or slow eustatic sea level rise (limited accommodation space). A comparable deposi- tional model was developed for the lower part of the Kössen Formation (Kuss 1983). However, due to the 100 increase of the accommodation potential with relative sea level rise in the Upper Rhaetian, large-scale patch-reefs developed at distally-steepened ramps at the Kössen Basin margin or formed isolated structures within the Kössen Basin (Stanton and Flügel 1995). This is in contrast to the Fatric Unit, where the thickness of coral patch-reefs/biostromes attains maximally 4­5 m. Given the abundant evidence of storm-reworking in the Fatra Formation, this intra-platform setting can be interpreted as storm-dominated. Although a typical tem- pestitic succession (Aigner 1982, 1985), including hori- zontal, hummocky-cross and ripple stratification, is most- ly not preserved, several consistent features, such as erosional boundaries and grading associated with micritic fabric are indicative of storm origin. The evaluation of tidal activity is problematic and remains inconclusive at this point. Due to well-known low preservation potential of inter-supratidal deposits in modern seas, the absence of some typical tidal structures (e.g. herringbone cross- stratification) cannot be directly taken at face value. In a traditional model, the depositional setting of shallow epeiric seas is supposed to be essentially tideless due to bottom friction dampening tidal range. However, Pratt and James (1986) developed a model of a tide-dominated carbonate platform, based on assumptions that tidal height increases with increasing continental shelf area (Klein and Ryer 1978; Cram 1979); bottom friction is important only if there is substantial turbulence in the bottom layer and tidal currents themselves directly create the sea-floor topography. In general, high variation in distribution of shallow water facies types and paleogeographic data (relatively restricted intra-shelf position) indicate that environmental conditions in respect to water energy, salinity or water turbidity were relatively unstable and ecologically re- stricted. This is supported by low or moderate diversity of both level-bottom and patch-reef/biostrome assemblages in comparison to those in the Eastern Alps (Golebiowski 1991) or dominance of eurytopic taxa (Michalík 1979, 1982). Conclusions 21 microfacies types of the Rhaetian Fatra Formation supported by a cluster analysis represent a storm-domi- nated shallow environment. Main components are bi- valves, gastropods, brachiopods, echinoderms, corals, foraminifers and red algae, ooids, intraclasts and peloids. The typical feature is the considerable lateral facies variation. Thus the depositional environment consisted of a wide spectrum of facies types, from peritidal flats/ islands with algal or microbial mats, skeletal and oolitic banks and bars, open or restricted lagoons to small-scale coral biostromes and patch-reefs. Along the depth-related environmental gradient primarily linked to water energy, they form 4 facies associations corresponding to a peri- tidal setting, high-energy shoreface (above fair-weather wave base), shallow subtidal setting above normal storm wave base and shallow subtidal setting above maximum storm wave base. The distribution and preservation of components were mainly influenced by the position of base level (FWWB), storm activity and differences in rate of biogenic carbon- ate production between individual settings. Water depths obviously remained very shallow throughout the deposi- tion of the Fatra Formation. The main site of coral patch- reef/biostrome carbonate production was situated below the fair-weather wave base. Poorly diverse Retiophyllia- dominated coral assemblages form locally autochthonous several dm-thick colony aggregations or more commonly parautochthonous assemblages with evidence of the storm-reworking and substantial bioerosion by boring bivalves and microborings. Ordination methods indicate that changes in water energy, substrate stability/turbidity and salinity had substantial effects on the distribution of benthic groups. The reconstruction of the depositional environment involves three stages, differing in the position of relative sea level, namely a) shallow lagoon with tidal flats/ skeletal banks and poorly diverse bivalve-dominated assemblages, b) deeper lagoon below FWWB with euhaline level-bottom and patch-reef/biostrome assem- blages and c) restricted peritidal environment. Facies types and assemblages are closely comparable to those known from the uppermost Triassic of the Eastern and Southern Alps (Hochalm Member of the Kössen Formation or Calcare di Zu Formation), pointing to similar intra-shelf depositional conditions. The absence of large-scale patch-reefs and the poor diversity of level- bottom and patch-reef/biostrome assemblages indicate the Fatric intra-platform setting was more restricted from the open ocean than intra-shelf habitats in the Eastern or Southern Alps at the end of the Triassic. Acknowledgements This project had started at the Department of Geology and Paleontology of the Comenius University (Bratislava) and Geological Institute of Slovak Academy of Sciences (Bratisla- va). I am very indebted to J. Michalík and R. Aubrecht for their supervising. I thank also M. Miík, M. Kovè, M. Rakffls, J. Schlögl (Bratislava), J. Sotk, A. Bendík (Bansk Bystrica) and J. Farka (Ottawa) for their help and encouragement. I am indebted to W. Kiessling (Berlin) and W. Piller (Graz) for critical reviews. I thank F. T. Fürsich and M. Wilmsen (Würzburg) for discussions and critical comments on the manuscript and E. Roniewicz (Warszawa) for help with determination of corals. This study has been funded by the AAPG Grant in Aid 2001 and is a contribution to the IGCP Project 458 - Triassic-Jurassic boundary events. Appendix The appendix consists of Fig. 18. 101 102 References Aigner T (1982) Calcareous tempestites: storm-dominated stratifi- cation in Upper Muschelkalk limestones (Middle Trias, SW- Germany). In: Einsele G, Seilacher A (eds) Cyclic and event stratification. Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, pp 180­198 Aigner T (1985) Storm depositional systems. Dynamic stratigraphy in modern and ancient shallow marine sequences. Lecture Notes Earth Sc 3: 1-174 Aigner T, Hagdorn H, Mundlos R (1978) Biohermal, biostromal and storm-generated coquinas in the Upper Muschelkalk. 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