The Earth´s Fresh Water -- Revision test Translate: Čím je vyšší propustnost, tím rychleji může tekutina procházet horninou. The higher the permeability, the faster a liquid can pass through the material. Přehřátá voda se mění na páru, která žene vodu spočívající na ní ven otvory v hornině. The superheated water changes to steam which forces the water resting on it out through openings in the rock above. V pouštní oblast dochází k odpařování brzy po té, co se přežene bouřka. In a desert area, evaporation from the soil occurs soon after the storm passes. Odhaduje se, že Velká jezera obsahují dohromady téměř dvakrát více vody než je jí v atmosféře. It is estimated that together the Great Lakes contain almost twice as much as all the water contained in the earth's atmosphere. Domníváme se, že Velká jezera se vytvořila asi pře 250 000 lety. The Great Lakes ...are thought to have been formed about 250 000 years ago. Sumerové zvýšili obsah soli v půdě do takové miry, že se již nedaly pěstovat plodiny. Sumerians increased the salt content of the soil to a point where crops could no longer be raised. Add suitable nouns... Permeable rock, layer, sand loose soil, clothes Recycling process irregular shape, particles, verbs Invisible vapor cemented particles Melting snow, ice capillary action, fringe Sheet runoff inactive volcano Give synonyms of: sink into -- soak into, infiltrate dig out -- scoop out, gouge moist -- damp cling to - adhere rapid -- fast, quick flow into -- empty into, enter Underline the words with the same form of both a noun and a verb: Estimate, force, fall, contain, evidence, pile, cause, shape, supply, store, depth, hollow, dam, flow, divide, empty, moisture Say the different forms: contain -- content, evidence -- prove, depth -- deepen, hollow -- h. out, empty -- emptiness, moisture - moisten Give the forms of these verbs: Cling -- clung, clung raise -- raised, raised Sink -- sunk, sunk rise -- rose, risen Soak -- soaked, soaked flow -- flowed, flowed feed -- fed, fed fly -- flew, flown