Changes in the geo-information infrastructure in the Netherlands 1980-2005 Ferjan Ormeling Cartography Section, Fac. Geosciences Utrecht University Large-scale basic building block: n Large scale digital basic map of the Netherlands -("Grootschalige BasisKaart Nederland - GBKN") -scales: 1:1000 -- 1:2000 -production 1976-2001 -continuous updating -project-based realisation >differences in contents 1:1000 Fragmentation, no standardi- sation, difficult to procure larger areas Line map Area map . Base map for conduits Comb. with cadastral map Digital Cadastral maps (AKI) Core file 1:10 000 Topographic map Core file 1:10 000 plus Core file 1:10 000 with buildings DTB nat Drainage information system WIS Planning Information System De Nieuwe Kaart van Nederland AHN -- hypsometric file: 1 measurement per 16m^2 AHN -- hypsometric file: 1 measurement per 16m^2 LGN - Land use information system Soil statistics (functional land use) Situation in 2005 n GBKN:1:1000 digital base map n Topographic map series: paper and digital =< 1:10 000 n LKI: digital Cadastral maps n DTBnat: Coastal and river zone information system n AHN: Hypsometric information System n BIS: Soil information system n Geological information system n WIS: Water management information system n LGN: Land use information system n CBS: Soil statistics and Socio-economic n Nieuwe Kaart: planning information system n Municipal digital files (large cities) situation in1980 paper mapseries National Clearinghouse GeoInformation: Socio-economic data per district or ward for each municipality: Waterland : water capacity and velocity Waterland Waterland Waterland National atlas website: Geoparty: Integration of planning information at provincial level What is planned for the immediate future? -Large-scale base map (GBKN) Core file 1:10 000 with buildings and link to buildings data file Current ideas/issues for the next 5 years n DataLand n Law for producing 1:10 000 core file, to which other databases can be linked n 1:10 000 to be updated from GBKN 1:1000 n 1:10 000 to have a broader, more aggregated land use legend (additional detail to come from linking with other databases) n Maps to be provided at distribution costs? n Digital exchange of planning maps But..... n Digibetes are further marginalised Production of topographic map series, Netherlands Generalization from 1:25.000 to 1:500.000 Current selection possibilities at TDN Object-oriented data Objects with attributes (1) User-specifications TOP10-21st century (1) in the Netherlands User-specifications TOP10-21st century (2) Analogue products from TOPvector