® .Geomorphology 40 2001 57­90 www.elsevier.comrlocatergeomorph Peak discharge estimates of glacial-lake outburst floods and AnormalB climatic floods in the Mount Everest region, Nepal Daniel A. Cenderelli) , Ellen E. Wohl Department of Earth Resources, Colorado State Uniersity, Fort Collins, CO 80225, USA Received 9 March 2000; received in revised form 8 January 2001; accepted 13 January 2001 Abstract ® .Glacial-lake outburst floods GLOFs in the Mount Everest region of Nepal on 3 September 1977 and 4 August 1985 dramatically modified channels and valleys in the region by eroding, transporting, and depositing large quantities of sediment for tens of kilometers along their flood routes. Prior to this research, the GLOF discharges had not been determined ® .and the hydrology of AnormalB climatic floods SHFFs: seasonal high flow floods was not known. A one-dimensional step-backwater flow model was utilized, in conjunction with paleostage indicators, to estimate the peak discharges of the GLOFs and SHFFs and to reconstruct the hydrology and hydraulic conditions of the GLOFs at 10 reaches and SHFFs at 18 reaches. The most reliable GLOF and SHFF peak discharge estimates were upstream from constrictions where there was critical-depth control. The peak discharge of the 1977 GLOF at 8.6 km from the breached moraine was approximately 1900 m3 rs. At 7.1 km downstream from the breached moraine, the 1985 GLOF discharge was estimated at 2350 m3 rs. At 27 km downstream from the breached moraine, the 1985 GLOF attenuated to an estimated discharge of 1375 m3 rs. The peak discharges of SHFFs ranged from 7 to 205 m3 rs and were positively correlated with increasing drainage area. The GLOF discharges were 7 to 60 times greater than the SHFF discharges with the greatest ratios occurring near the breached moraines. The downstream decline in the ratio between the GLOF discharge and SHFF discharge is the result of the downstream attenuation of the GLOF and the increased discharge of the SHFF because of increased contributing drainage area and the increased effects of monsoonal precipitation at lower elevations. q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Glacial-lake outburst floods; Seasonal high flow floods; Paleoflood hydrology; Step-backwater modeling; Peak discharge estimates; Mount Everest 1. Introduction The Mount Everest region of Nepal experienced two extraordinary floods on 3 September 1977 and 4 ) Corresponding author. Department of Geological Sciences, University of Alabama, Box 870338, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0338, USA. August 1985 when glacial lakes, situated immedi- ately downstream from alpine glaciers, breached their moraine dams. Both glacial-lake outburst floods ® .GLOFs dramatically modified channel and valley morphology for tens of kilometers downstream from ® .the source area Fig. 1 . Although the discharges of both GLOFs have been described as several orders of magnitude larger than typical annual floods in the region, the peak discharges of the 1977 and 1985 0169-555Xr01r$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. ® .PII: S0169-555X 01 00037-X ( )D.A. Cenderelli, E.E. WohlrGeomorphology 40 2001 57­9058 GLOFs along the upper segments of their flood route had not been systematically quantified prior to the research described in this paper. In the Mount Ever- est region, annual peak discharges are caused by the ( )D.A. Cenderelli, E.E. WohlrGeomorphology 40 2001 57­90 59 combination of seasonal snowmelt, glacier meltwa- ®ter, and monsoonal precipitation in this paper, these floods are referred to as seasonal high flow floods, .SHFFs . However, the magnitude, duration, and tim- ing of SHFFs are poorly understood because streams in the region have never been gaged. In the absence of gaging stations or direct stream measurements, paleoflood hydrology techniques can be used to estimate the peak discharge of floods. Paleoflood hydrology is the study of floods that occurred in the absence of direct measurements or prior to when hydrological records were collected ® .from a given stream Baker, 1987; Jarrett, 1990 . Paleoflood hydrology studies in ungaged watersheds can provide invaluable information for water-re- source managers, hydrologists, and fluvial geomor- phologists concerned with past and potential flood- ing in an area. Additionally, geomorphologists assessing fluvial processes and the geomorphic ef- fects of extreme floods require accurate discharge estimates in order to calculate local flow hydraulics. Paleoflood hydrology identifies and uses erosional and depositional features produced by past floods to delineate the probable water-surface elevation of the floods and to estimate the magnitude of those floods. Evidence left by a flood is referred to as paleostage ® .indicators PSIs and includes scour lines, scars on vegetation, silt lines, debris accumulations, slackwa- ter sediments, and boulder bars. Nonflooded surfaces along the flood route can also be considered paleo- stage indicators. Where there are PSIs along a given channel reach, the flood discharge can be recon- structed by calculating water-surface profiles using the step-backwater method in conjunction with the PSIs. Numerous studies in a variety of environments have effectively demonstrated the use of the step- backwater method to estimate the peak discharges ®and flow hydraulics of ungaged floods e.g., Ely and Baker, 1985; Jarrett and Malde, 1987; Webb et al., 1988; Wohl, 1992a, 1992b, 1995; O'Connor, 1993; O'Connor and Baker, 1992; O'Connor et al., 1986; Rathburn, 1993; Grimm et al., 1995; House and Pearthree, 1995; Waythomas et al., 1996; Benito, .1997 . Of these studies, several used the step-back- water method to reconstruct floods from dam fail- ures, such as the Pleistocene Lake Missoula glacier- ® . ®dam failure flood s O'Connor and Baker, 1992; .Benito, 1997 , the Pleistocene Lake Bonneville flood ® .Jarrett and Malde, 1987; O'Connor, 1993 , and ® .Aniakchak Caldera flood Waythomas et al., 1996 . Prior to the work described here, no studies have quantified the annual peak discharges of SHFFs on streams in the Mount Everest region or systemati- cally quantified the peak discharges of the 1977 and 1985 GLOFs along their flood routes. The purposes ® .of this paper are to i demonstrate the application of the step-backwater method, used in conjunction with geomorphic evidence, in estimating the magnitude of previously unquantified GLOFs and SHFFs in the ® .Mount Everest region of Nepal and ii improve the understanding of flood hydrology in this remote, mountainous region. For the 1977 and 1985 GLOFs, multiple reaches along the GLOF were selected to assess the downstream changes in the discharge magnitude of the flood wave. The SHFFs character- ize the hydrology of AnormalB climatic floods in the region and provide a baseline to which the GLOF discharges can be compared. 2. Study area 2.1. Geology and geomorphology The Mount Everest region is located in eastern ® .Nepal Fig. 2 . The area is underlain primarily by ® .Precambrian gneiss and granite Vuichard, 1986 , lies within the High Himalaya Physiographic Province, and is characterized by extremely high relief. The four major valleys in the area, Bhoti Kosi, ® . ® . ® .Fig. 1. a Upstream view of the Imja Khola valley foreground and the Nare Khola valley arrow showing the erosional and depositional effects of the 1977 GLOF. The river valley bottom in the foreground is approximately 50 to 70 m wide. The stone wall pastures on the right ® . ® .valley margin A are the lower outskirts of the village Pangboche and the mountain in the background is Ama Dablam. b Upstream view of the Bhoti Kosi valley showing the erosional and depositional effects of the 1985 GLOF. This segment of the river valley is approximately ® .16 km downstream from the breached moraine. The village of Thamo A is located on a glaciofluvial terrace along the left valley margin. ® .A nearly completed hydroelectric dam B that was located on the fan was destroyed by the 1985 GLOF. ( )D.A. Cenderelli, E.E. WohlrGeomorphology 40 2001 57­9060 Fig. 2. Map of the study area showing the locations of study reaches for the 1977 GLOF, 1985 GLOF, older GLOFs, and tributaries. N designates 1977 study reaches, L designates 1985 study reaches. For the older GLOF study reaches: UBKsupper Bhoti Kosi and UDKsupper Dudh Kosi. For the tributary study reaches: IKsImja Khola, KJKsKyajo Khola, KKsKyashar Khola, and TKsThame Khola. Dudh Kosi, Imja Khola, and Khumbu Khola, are deeply incised with valley floors 4000 m lower than ® .the surrounding mountains Fig. 1 . The Nepalese term AKosiB indicates a major stream or large river, whereas the term AKholaB indicates a smaller stream. Valleys at elevations higher than 3400 to 3600 m ( )D.A. Cenderelli, E.E. WohlrGeomorphology 40 2001 57­90 61 ®were glaciated during the Pleistocene Fushimi, 1977, .1978 , are distinctly U-shaped, and have boundaries consisting of bedrock, coarse-grained colluvium, or coarse-grained glaciofluvial sediment. Below 3400 to 3600 m, valleys are V-shaped and have boundaries consisting primarily of bedrock and secondarily ter- races comprised of coarse-grained sediment. Alpine glaciers are typically present at elevations above 4500 m and have been, for the most part, in retreat from their Little Ice Age maximum positions, creat- ing numerous moraine-and glacier-dammed lakes ® .Mayewski and Jeschke, 1979; Fushimi et al., 1985 . 2.2. Climate and hydrology Hydrology in the study area is strongly influenced by monsoonal precipitation and late springrearly summer snowmelt. Eighty percent of the total annual precipitation occurs between June and September with the most intense precipitation typically occur- ®ring from mid-July to mid-August Ageta, 1976; .Brower, 1991 . The high mountain topography, how- ever, creates a rain-shadow effect that reduces the intensity and amount of monsoonal precipitation with ®increasing elevation Ageta, 1976; Zimmermann et .al., 1986 . For example, from June to September 1974 in the Mount Everest region, the total precipita- tion was 1100 mm at 2700 m, 685 mm at 3900 m, ® .and 428 mm at 4400 m Ageta, 1976 . Although not quantified, discharge in the study area is character- ized by low flow from late fall to early spring and high flow from late spring to early fall because of the combined runoff produced by snowmelt, glacier meltwater, and monsoonal precipitation. 2.3. The 1977 and 1985 glacial-lake outburst floods On 3 September 1977, a series of ice-cored moraine dams failed below the Nare Glacier, sending a flood surge down the Nare Khola, Imja Khola, and ® . ®Dudh Kosi valleys Fig. 2 Buchroithner et al., 1982; Fushimi et al., 1985; Zimmermann et al., .1986 . This flood caused extensive erosion and depo- sition for 35 km downstream from the source area, destabilized valley side slopes, and destroyed bridges ® . ®and trails Fig. 1a Ives, 1986; Zimmermann et al., .1986 . Based on a field survey, the volume of water released by the lake was estimated to be 500,000 m3 ® .Fushimi et al., 1985 , although Buchroithner et al. ® . 3 1982 reported a lake volume of 5,000,000 m based on remote sensing imagery. At a gaging sta- tion located 90 km from the breached moraine, the 1977 GLOF had an estimated peak discharge of 800 m3 rs that lasted about 1 h and a total flood duration ® .of approximately 6 h Fig. 3 . On 4 August 1985, a moraine-dammed lake lo- cated below the Langmoche Glacier failed when an ice avalanche from the glacier plunged into the lake, triggering a surge wave that breached the moraine ®Vuichard and Zimmermann, 1986, 1987; Ives, Fig. 3. Discharge hydrograph of the Dudh Kosi at the Rabuwa Bazar gaging station from 26 August 1977 to 4 September 1977. The increase in discharge of the Dudh Kosi on 3 September 1977 is due to the 1977 GLOF that originated 90 km upstream from the gaging station ® .modified from Zimmermann et al., 1986 . ( )D.A. Cenderelli, E.E. WohlrGeomorphology 40 2001 57­9062 .1986 . The volume of water released was estimated 3 ®to be 5,000,000 m Ives, 1986; Vuichard and Zim- .mermann, 1986, 1987 . The gaging station that recorded the discharge of the 1977 GLOF was not in operation at the time of the 1985 GLOF. Vuichard ® .and Zimmermann 1987 estimated that the 1985 outburst flood had a peak discharge of 1600 m3 rs at a distance of 2 km from the breached moraine. Based ® .Fig. 4. a Downstream view of reaches N2 and N1, located about 8.3 km downstream from the breached moraine, showing the geomorphic ® .effects of the 1977 GLOF. Reach N1 is located on the Imja Khola background , approximately 500 m downstream from reach N2. Note the extensive erosion of the coarse-grained glaciofluvial terraces along the valley side margins and deposition of cobbles and boulders across the ® .valley bottom. Valley in the background is approximately 125 m wide and the valley in the foreground is approximately 60 m wide. b Upstream view of reach N3 showing the geomorphic effects of the 1977 GLOF. Reach N3 is located on the Imja Khola at approximately 11.5 km downstream from the breached moraine. The valley is relatively narrow, ranging in width between 30 and 45 m, with valley boundaries consisting primarily of bedrock and coarse-grained glaciofluvial terraces or colluvium. ( )D.A. Cenderelli, E.E. WohlrGeomorphology 40 2001 57­90 63 on discussions with residents at various villages along ® .the GLOF route, Vuichard and Zimmermann 1987 estimated that the GLOF peak discharge had a dura- tion of approximately 1 h and that the total GLOF duration was between 6 and 8 h. The resulting flood caused considerable erosion and deposition for 40 km along the Langmoche Khola, Bhoti Kosi, and ® .Dudh Kosi Figs. 1b and 2 resulting in the destruc- tion of several bridges, tens of houses, and a nearly ®completed hydroelectric power plant Ives, 1986; .Vuichard and Zimmermann, 1987 . Using pho- tographs taken before and after the flood, Vuichard ® .and Zimmermann 1987 estimated that approxi- mately 3,000,000 m3 of sediment were eroded and deposited along the flood route; approximately 70% of this total occurred in the first 16 km of the flood route. The 1977 and 1985 GLOFs produced an assort- ment of erosional and depositional features along ® .their flood routes Figs. 4 and 5 . Erosion of valley slopes and valley bottoms was the predominant geo- morphic process in narrow, steep valleys with boundaries comprised of coarse, unconsolidated sedi- ® .ment Figs. 6 and 7 . Deposition was dominated by ®coarse sediment primarily boulder-, cobble-, and .pebble-size particles and typically occurred in wider, less steep reaches across the entire valley bottom where flow energy was reduced and flow was di- verging. Deposition typically occurred at locations where the channel andror valley widened, upstream and downstream of obstructions, and along the mar- ® .gins of channel bends Figs. 6 and 7 . The deposits produced by the 1977 and 1985 GLOFs were deposi- ®tional macroforms Baker, 1978, 1984; Church and .Jones, 1982 and consisted primarily of expansion bars and longitudinal bars and secondarily of point ®bars, pendant bars, and imbricate clusters Figs. 6 .and 7 . Fine-grained sedimentation was minimal along the 1977 and 1985 GLOF routes, but did occur in areas upstream of constrictions where ponding occurred or along channel and valley margins where ®flow energy was reduced andror recirculating Fig. .7A, C and F . The sedimentologic characteristics of the 1977 and 1985 GLOF deposits have been de- ® .scribed elsewhere by Cenderelli 1998 , Cenderelli ® . ® .and Cluer 1998 , and Cenderelli and Wohl 1998 . In general, along the upper 10 km of the 1977 GLOF route and the upper 16 km of the 1985 GLOF route, erosion and deposition were more pronounced than below these distances from the breached moraines ®compare Fig. 4a to b, Fig. 5a and b to 5c and d, Fig. .6a to b and Fig. 7A­C to D­F . 2.4. Eidence of older, preiously undocumented glacial-lake outburst floods During field reconnaissance of the upper Bhoti Kosi and upper Dudh Kosi drainages, cobble-boulder deposits located adjacent to and 3 to 5 m above the present-day channel on the surface of lower ® .glaciofluvial terraces were identified Figs. 2 and 8 . These deposits were interpreted to have been de- posited by GLOFs of an unknown age; however, the heavily lichen-encrusted cobbles and boulders indi- cate that these deposits are considerably older than the 1977 and 1985 GLOFs. The upper Bhoti Kosi GLOF deposits appear to be younger than the upper ® .Dudh Kosi GLOF deposits compare Fig. 8a to b , but considerably older than the 1977 and 1985 GLOFs. The older GLOF deposits are clast-sup- ported and composed primarily of cobbles and boul- ders that are moderately imbricated. No attempt was made to trace the GLOF deposits to the source area. 3. Methods 3.1. Selection of study reaches Ten reaches along various streams in the study area were selected to estimate the peak discharges of both GLOFs and SHFFs using the step-backwater ® .method Fig. 2 . Two reaches were studied along the ® .1977 GLOF route reaches N1 and N3 , six reaches ®were studied along the 1985 GLOF route reaches .L2, L1, L4, L5, L7, and L8 , and two reaches were studied where evidence of older GLOFs were identi- ® .fied reaches UDK and UBK . Eight other reaches ® .TK, IK, KYK, KJ, L3, L6, N2, and N4 were selected to estimate the peak discharge of SHFFs for ® .comparative purposes Fig. 2 . The physical charac- teristics of the study reaches are summarized in Table 1. The criteria used to select these reaches ® . ® .were i accessibility to the stream, ii relatively straight and uniform or gradually narrowing reaches ( )D.A. Cenderelli, E.E. WohlrGeomorphology 40 2001 57­9064 ( )D.A. Cenderelli, E.E. WohlrGeomorphology 40 2001 57­90 65 so that the floods could be accurately modeled using ® .the step-backwater method, and iii the presence of multiple paleostage indicators produced by the GLOF and SHFF to delineate the water-surface elevation of the floods. Although reaches N2, N4, L3, and L6 are located along the 1977 or 1985 GLOF routes, the GLOF peak discharges were not calculated at these reaches because they were not appropriate for model- ing using the step-backwater method. At reach N2, GLOF deposits were interpreted to be fluvially re- worked, noncohesive, sediment gravity-flow de- posits. At reach N4, there was no geomorphic evi- dence of the 1977 GLOF. Reaches L3 and L6 are located in hydraulic settings that caused flow during the GLOF to be rapidly varied. Although reaches N2, N4, L2, and L6 were not well suited for model- ing the GLOF using the step-backwater model, they were appropriate for modeling the SHFFs. 3.2. Characterizing channel and alley geometry To accurately estimate discharge using the step- backwater method, the channelrvalley geometry must be adequately characterized and representative of the channelrvalley conditions at the time of the ®flood Bailey and Ray, 1966; O'Connor and Webb, .1988 . In this study, reaches were surveyed using standard transit-stadia rod techniques to characterize the channel and valley geometry. Depositional fea- tures, erosional features, andror nonflooded surfaces were identified, surveyed, and mapped at each cross-section to constrain the flood stage of the GLOFs and SHFFs. Cross-sections were surveyed perpendicular to the assumed flow direction, placed at locations that best characterized the channel ge- ometry of the modeled reaches, and placed at loca- tions so that channel geometry changes between successive cross-sections were relatively gradual ® .Figs. 6 and 7 . Along the 1977 and 1985 outburst- flood routes, the surveyed channel and valley geome- try were assumed to represent the geometry of the channel and valley during peak flow. Although seg- ments of the modeled reaches experienced consider- ®able erosion and deposition during the GLOFs in .particular, reaches N1, L2, L3, L1, and L4 , these geomorphic processes are assumed to have occurred in close proximity to peak flow and were minimal during the receding limb of the GLOFs. Large quan- tities of coarse-grained sediment introduced to the channel by the GLOFs, and SHFFs are incapable of reworking that sediment and modifying the geometry ®of the main channel Cenderelli and Wohl, in re- .view . 3.3. Paleostage indicators used in this study At all of the study sites, multiple paleostage indi- cators of the GLOFs and SHFFs were identified and surveyed at numerous cross-sections along a given modeled reach. Upper surfaces of boulder and cobble bars, scour lines, and the lowest elevation of non- flooded surfaces were used to define the peak stages of the 1977 and 1985 GLOFs, as well as the older GLOFs identified in the study area. Upper surfaces of boulder and cobble bars were assumed to repre- sent a minimum peak stage of the outburst floods. ® .Fig. 5. a Cross valley view of the middle portion of reach L2 showing the geomorphic effects of the 1985 GLOF. The valley in the center of the photo is approximately 110 m wide and the flow direction is from left to right. Reach L2 is located on the Langmoche Khola, ® .approximately 7.1 km downstream from the breached moraine. b Downstream view of middle segment of reach L1, which is located on the Bhoti Kosi approximately 11 km downstream from the moraine breached in 1985, showing the geomorphic effects of the GLOF. In the foreground the valley width ranges from 150 to 225 m. Deposition was the primary geomorphic process as expansion bars comprised ® .primarily of cobbles and boulders were deposited across the valley bottom. c Downstream view of reach L5, which is located approximately 22.1 km downstream from the moraine breached in 1985 along the Dudh Kosi near the village of Jorsale. The valley slopes consist of near vertical bedrock walls, coarse-grained colluvium, or coarse-grained glaciofluvial terraces. In the foreground on the right bank ® .and background on the left bank arrow , note the bank erosion and deposition of cobbles and boulders on the surface of the lower ® .Glaciofluvial terraces. The foot bridge extending across the valley is approximately 70 m long. d Upstream view of reach L8 along the 1985 GLOF route, which is located on the Dudh Kosi near the village of Phakding approximately 26.7 km downstream from the breached moraine. The foot bridge extending across the valley is approximately 80 m long. The valley slopes consist of near vertical bedrock walls, coarse-grained colluvium, or coarse-grained glaciofluvial terraces. Erosion of valley side slopes was minimal, but the surfaces of the glaciofluvial terrace were eroded. Deposition was minimal and consisted primarily of longitudinal bars comprised of cobbles and boulders deposited on the surfaces of lower glaciofluvial terraces. ( )D.A. Cenderelli, E.E. WohlrGeomorphology 40 2001 57­9066 ® . ® .Fig. 6. Geomorphic maps of reach N1 A and reach N3 B showing the distribution of erosional and depositional features produced by the 1977 GLOF. ® .However, Stewart and LaMarche 1967 , Costa ® . ® .1983 , and Carling 1987 documented the surface of longitudinal bars at the flood-water surface or just ®below the water surface. Additionally, Jarrett in .review conducted a systematic study of floods in the western USA, showing that the top of boulder bars may be just below the water surface, at the water surface, or protrude above the water in some cases. Thus, the top of cobble-boulder bars in this study may also represent the maximum peak stage of the GLOFs or, in some instances, slightly overestimate the peak stage of the GLOFs. Scour lines and nonflooded surfaces identified along the study reaches were considered to represent the maximum peak stage of the outburst flood. Scour lines may be considerably higher than the actual water surface if undercutting of the side slope caused the surface above the water surface to fail, so caution should be exercised when using this type of PSI. Nonflooded surfaces, such as alluvial fans and glaciofluvial terraces, were identified as such if sedi- ment was not deposited on these surfaces and the surfaces were not eroded during the GLOF. How- ever, water can overtop a surface without depositing sediment or eroding that surface. Thus, nonflooded surfaces do not absolutely delineate the maximum elevation of a given flood, but were probably a reasonable assumption in most situations. Streams in the study area have relatively high concentrations of sediment in suspension because the ( )D.A. Cenderelli, E.E. WohlrGeomorphology 40 2001 57­90 67 headwaters of most streams are occupied by glaciers ® .and underlain by glacial sediment Fig. 2 . During the field season, the streams had a distinct, milky- white-gray color. Along the cobble-boulder margins of the main channel, a well-defined powdery-white- gray colored silt-clay line is present and was used to delineate the water-surface elevation of the SHFFs. The silt-clay PSIs identified at reaches N1, N2, N3, and N4 represent the largest SHFF that has occurred since the GLOF in 1977, whereas the silt-clay PSIs identified at reaches L2, L3, L1, L4, L6, L5, L7, and L8 represent the largest SHFF that has occurred since the GLOF in 1985. For the older GLOF and tributary study reaches, the ages of the SHFFs that produced the silt-clay PSIs are unknown. 3.4. Discharge calculations 3.4.1. Step-backwater modeling ®The computer program HEC-RAS Hydrologic .Engineering Center-River Analysis System , devel- oped by the Hydrologic Engineering Center of the ® .U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1995 , was used to perform the step-backwater calculations and estimate the peak discharges of the SHFFs and GLOFs. The hydraulic theory of step-backwater analysis and its application to natural channels have been discussed ® . ® .in detail by Chow 1959 , Bailey and Ray 1966 , ® . ® . ® .Davidian 1984 , Hoggan 1989 , O'Connor 1993 ® .and O'Connor and Webb 1988 and will only be briefly reviewed here. The step-backwater method calculates a one-di- mensional, energy-balanced, water-surface profile that is a function of discharge, channel roughness, ®and channel geometry Chow, 1959; Bailey and Ray, 1966; Davidian, 1984; Hoggan, 1989; O'Connor, 1993; O'Connor and Webb, 1988; Hydrologic Engi- .neering Center, 1995 . Flow can be modeled as subcritical, supercritical, or both subcritical and su- ® .percritical mixed flow regime . For subcritical flow, the step-backwater calculations begin at the furthest downstream cross-section and proceed upstream; whereas for supercritical flow, step-backwater calcu- lations begin at the furthest upstream cross-section and proceed downstream. To perform the step-back- water calculations for subcritical flow, a starting water-surface elevation needs to be estimated at the furthest downstream cross-section by assuming ei- ® .ther i a known water-surface elevation defined by a ® . ®PSI, ii critical depth which is calculated by itera- tively determining the water-surface elevation at the cross-section so that the specific energy is at a . ® . ®minimum , or iii normal depth in which the energy slope should be entered; however, bed slope can be substituted for energy slope because these slopes are .equal for normal depth or uniform flow conditions . A known water-surface elevation is selected if a PSI has been identified at the furthest downstream cross-section. Critical depth is selected at channel transitions, such as abrupt steepening in slope or narrowing of the channelrvalley that causes flow to change from subcritical to supercritical flow. Imme- diately upstream from the channel transition, flow is critical and the total energy head is at a minimum. The critical depth or critical water-surface elevation can be determined by the equation: HsWSqa 2 r2 g, 1® .2 2 where H is the total energy head, WS is the water surface elevation, and a 2 r2 g is the velocity head.2 2 ® . ®Solving Eq. 1 is an iterative procedure calculated .in the HEC-RAS program in which WS values are assumed and changed until a minimum H value is obtained. Normal depth is selected if the known water-surface elevation or critical depth criteria are not met. Normal depth is calculated using Manning's equation. If normal depth is selected, the user must enter the energy slope, which can be approximated by entering the channel slope at the furthest down- stream cross-section. Regardless of the initial starting water-surface elevation, the water-surface profile will typically converge to a single profile for a specified discharge if the step-backwater calculations are car- ried upstream for an adequate distance, typically ®three or four cross-sections Bailey and Ray, 1966; .O'Connor and Webb, 1988 . For a specified discharge and assumed friction and form energy losses, the step-backwater method iteratively calculates an energy-balanced, water- surface elevation between the surveyed cross-sec- tions. The elevation of the PSIs at cross-sections along a surveyed reach are then compared to the computed water-surface elevation at the respective cross-sections. The water-surface profile is adjusted ( )D.A. Cenderelli, E.E. WohlrGeomorphology 40 2001 57­9068 ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® .Fig. 7. Geomorphic maps of reach L2 A , reach L1 B , reach L4 C , reach L5 D , reach L7 E , and reach L8 F showing the distribution of erosional and depositional features produced by the 1985 GLOF. ( )D.A. Cenderelli, E.E. WohlrGeomorphology 40 2001 57­90 69 ® .Fig. 7 continued . ( )D.A. Cenderelli, E.E. WohlrGeomorphology 40 2001 57­9070 ® . ® .Fig. 8. a Downstream view of the older GLOF deposits identified along the upper Bhoti Kosi reach UBK . The valley width ranges ® .between 50 and 70 m. Although not easily seen in the photograph, the cobbles and boulders are encrusted by lichens. b Side view of an ® .older GLOF deposit identified along the upper Dudh Kosi reach UDK . Field of view is 60 m wide. by varying discharge until the computed water- surface profile best matches the PSIs at the modeled reach. When applying the step-backwater method to nat- ® .ural channels, the basic assumptions are that i flow is relatively steady or constant along the surveyed ® .reach, ii flow is gradually varied between succes- ® . ® .sive cross-sections, iii flow is one dimensional, iv ® .slopes are less than 10%, and v the energy slope between successive cross-sections is constant across ®the cross-section Bailey and Ray, 1966; Davidian, 1984; O'Connor and Webb, 1988; Hoggan, 1989; ( )D.A. Cenderelli, E.E. WohlrGeomorphology 40 2001 57­90 71 Table 1 Summary of survey parameters and Manning's n coefficients for the study reaches of the GLOFs and SHFFs Study Distance from Reach Drainage Reach Number Average Initial Adjusted Initial Channel n a c reach breached elevation area length of cross gradient channel n channel n overbank n for SHFF 2 b b® . ® . ® .moraine m km m sections for GLOF for GLOF for GLOF ® .km 1977 GLOF N1 8.6 3840 339 385 8 0.070 0.100 0.160 0.300 0.110 N3 11.5 3790 365 340 10 0.087 0.100 0.140 0.200 0.120 1985 GLOF L2 7.1 4080 41 1000 10 0.053 0.100 0.125 0.300 0.105 L1 10.9 3710 295 1565 19 0.060 0.100 0.140 0.300 0.105 L4 15.6 3440 356 775 9 0.071 0.100 0.140 0.300 0.110 L5 22.1 2770 1093 490 10 0.033 0.100 0.110 0.200 0.090 L7 24.7 2700 1143 270 9 0.030 0.100 0.100 0.200 0.085 L8 26.7 2580 1151 750 16 0.027 0.100 0.100 0.200 0.075 Older GLOFs UBK 4040 211 290 8 0.039 0.100 0.100 0.200 0.090 UDK 3340 271 130 7 0.056 0.100 0.110 0.200 0.100 Other reaches KJK 3360 20 35 5 0.061 0.085 d N2 8.2 3940 33 245 10 0.115 na na na 0.150 KK 2840 44 45 6 0.052 0.105 TK 3590 45 70 7 0.080 0.115 d L3 9.4 3790 221 335 6 0.056 na na na 0.100 IK 3340 306 115 8 0.056 0.110 d L6 20.7 2840 402 65 6 0.055 na na na 0.105 d N4 2840 685 55 5 0.020 0.080 a Nsreaches along 1977 GLOF route; Lsreaches along the 1985 GLOF route; UBKsUpper Bhoti Kosi; UDKsUpper Dudh Kosi; MDKsMiddle Dudh Kosi; IKsImja Khola; KJKsKyajo Khola; KKsKyashar Khola; TKsThame Khola. Refer to Fig. 2 for reach locations. b ® .Determined from method described by Arcement and Schneider 1989 . c ® . 0.38 y0.16 Determined using Jarrett's 1984 equation, ns0.32S R . d Along 1977 or 1985 GLOF route, but reach not appropriate to model the GLOF using the step-backwater method. .Hydrologic Engineering Center, 1995 . The peak discharges of the GLOFs were estimated to have lasted at least 1 hr; and because the length of the reaches modeled were between 270 and 1600 m, the relatively steady flow assumption was probably sat- ® .isfied Table 1 . Cross-sections were selected along a given reach so that the gradually varied flow as- ® .sumption was satisfied Figs. 6 and 7 . Flow at a given cross-section was probably not one dimen- sional for the GLOFs or SHFFs; however, one-di- mensional flow was assumed and was probably the dominant flow direction, satisfying this assumption in the step-backwater model. Seventeen of the eigh- teen reaches modeled had reach-averaged slopes less than 10%. Although the energy slope is probably not uniform across a cross-section or between successive cross-sections in these high-gradient channels, the deviations are assumed to be small. 3.4.2. Selecting energy-loss coefficients Selecting appropriate channel and flood plain ® .roughness coefficients Manning's n and channel expansionrcontraction coefficients are important components to accurately modeling flow conditions along a surveyed reach using the step-backwater method. For extreme floods, such as the 1977 and 1985 GLOFs, considerable energy losses because of turbulence and sediment transport must be taken into account using Manning's n to estimate total energy ® .losses Trieste and Jarrett, 1987 . If the above-men- ( )D.A. Cenderelli, E.E. WohlrGeomorphology 40 2001 57­9072 tioned factors are not considered when selecting Manning's n, total energy losses are typically under- estimated, which in turn causes flood discharges to be overestimated because flow is incorrectly mod- ® .eled as supercritical Trieste and Jarrett, 1987 . As ® . ® .pointed out by Jarrett 1984, 1987 , Trieste 1992 ® .and Trieste and Jarrett 1987 , flow is primarily subcritical in natural channels for extreme floods; and supercritical flow only occurs locally with lim- ® .ited spatial extent. Trieste and Jarrett 1987 recom- mended that if flow is computed as being supercriti- cal along a modeled reach, the initially selected Manning's n should be increased until flow is sub- critical and approaching critical along the modeled reach. This adjustment of Manning's n accounts for other energy losses associated with an extreme flood. For the GLOFs modeled in this study, flow was assumed to be subcritical and approaching critical flow. For the GLOFs, initial Manning's n values for ® . ® .the channel n and overbank areas n werec ob determined using the visual method described by ® . ® .Arcement and Schneider 1989 Table 1 . Using these initial Manning's n values to perform the step-backwater calculations for the GLOFs caused the assumption of subcritical flow to be violated at different segments of seven of the ten GLOF reaches modeled. For these seven reaches, the initially se- lected Manning's n values for the main channel were increased until flow conditions were subcritical ®or near critical for the entire modeled reach Table .1 . Manning's n was not adjusted from the initial selected values for overbank areas. For the SHFFs, Manning's n was estimated using ® .Jarrett's 1984 equation, ns0.32 S0.38 Ry0 .16 2® .f ® .where R is hydraulic radius m and S is the energyf slope. In this study, bed slope was substituted for energy slope. Jarrett's equation was developed for discharges ranging from 0.34 to 128 m3 rs, hydraulic radii ranging from 0.15 to 2.10 m, and slopes rang- ® .ing from 0.002 to 0.04 Jarrett, 1984 . Although the slopes and discharges of channels in this study, in most cases, did not fall within the limits for which the equation was designed, the predicted Manning's n from Jarrett's equation are probably reasonable. ® .For example, Marcus et al. 1992 , in a study of high-gradient channels in Alaska in which several channels were not within the data limits of Jarrett's equation, showed that Jarrett's equation only slightly overpredicted Manning's n and provided the best estimate of Manning's n when compared to visual estimates and other equations. Energy losses resulting from channel expansion and contraction are taken into account in the step- backwater method by selecting expansion and con- traction coefficients. Reaches were selected and cross-sections placed so that the assumption of grad- ually varied flow between cross-sections was satis- ® .fied for the most part Figs. 6 and 7 . Contraction and expansion coefficient values were assigned 0.1 and 0.3, respectively, as recommended by the Hydro- ® .logic Engineering Center 1995 for gradual flow transitions. Sensitivity analyses were performed on the se- lected flow-resistance and energy-loss coefficients to assess how variations in the selected values affect the water-surface profiles and estimated peak dis- charges. To assess the influence of the selected energy-loss coefficients on the calculated discharges, the following sensitivity analyses were performed: ® .i the Manning's n values selected using the meth- ods described above were varied by 10% and 25%, ® .ii Manning's n values for the overbank areas were changed to the same value as the main channel ® .Manning's n, and iii contraction and expansion coefficients were changed from 0.1 and 0.3 to 0 and 0.5, 0 and 0, and 0.3 and 0.7, respectively. 4. Step-backwater modeling results 4.1. 1977 Glacial-lake outburst flood 4.1.1. Reach N1 Reach N1 is located 8.6 km downstream from the ® .breached moraine Fig. 2 . The physical character- istics of the reach are summarized in Table 1. The GLOF caused considerable erosion and deposition ® .along this segment of the valley Figs. 4a and 6A . The starting water-surface elevation was determined using the normal-depth method. The initially selected main channel Manning's n was increased 60% to ®obtain subcritical flow for the outburst flood Table ( )D.A. Cenderelli, E.E. WohlrGeomorphology 40 2001 57­90 73 .1 . The reconstructed water-surface profile through reach N1 for the discharge of 1900 m3 rs was rea- sonably well constrained at each of the eight sur- veyed cross-sections by the bar deposit and non- ® .flooded surface PSIs Fig. 9A . The computed criti- cal-depth profile closely matches the boulder PSIs ® .along reach N1 Fig. 9A , suggesting that modeling flow as critical may have been a better assessment of hydraulic conditions at reach N1. Table 2 summa- rizes the reach-averaged hydraulics of the modeled GLOF. 4.1.2. Reach N3 Reach N3 is located 11.5 km downstream from ® .the breached moraine Fig. 2 . Erosion and deposi- tion by the GLOF was minimal along this reach because the bedrock and coarse-grained colluvium valley boundaries resisted erosion for the most part and because the steep, narrow valley produced hy- draulic conditions that transported most of the GLOF ® .sediment through the reach Figs. 4b and 6B . Imme- diately downstream from XS2, the valley narrows ® .and steepens Fig. 6B , providing a critical-depth control for the starting water-surface elevation of the GLOF. Undisturbed, pre-1977-age vegetation and poorly developed soil along the left margin of the bedrock ledge at XS2 were used to delineate the ® .maximum stage of the GLOF Fig. 9B . Using the critical-depth method and the maximum stage PSI at XS2, the GLOF discharge was estimated at 1500 m3 rs. Upstream from the critical-depth control, the initially selected main channel Manning's n value was increased 40% so that flow was subcritical for ® .the modeled reach Table 1 . The reconstructed wa- ter-surface profile upstream from the critical-depth control was constrained by deposit and nonflooded ®surface PSIs at five of the nine cross-sections Fig. .9B . Table 2 summarizes the reach-averaged hy- draulics of the modeled GLOF. 4.2. Glacial-lake outburst flood 4.2.1. Reach L2 Reach L2 is located 7 km downstream from the ® .breached moraine Fig. 2 . Reach boundary condi- tions and geomorphic features produced by the GLOF are illustrated in Figs. 5a and 7A. At the furthest downstream cross-section, the valley steepens ® .abruptly providing a critical-depth control Fig. 7A . A small deposit of pebbles and cobbles just below a nonflooded surface at XS10 were used to delineate the maximum stage of the GLOF. Using the critical- depth method and the PSIs at XS10, the GLOF 3 ® .discharge was estimated at 2350 m rs Fig. 10A . Upstream from the critical-depth control, the initially selected main channel Manning's n was increased ®25% so that the modeled flow was subcritical Table .1 . Using this approach, the reconstructed water- surface profile upstream from the critical-depth con- trol section was constrained by the nonflooded PSIs, but was at least 1 m higher than the deposit PSIs ® . ® .Fig. 9. Computed water-surface profile and comparison with PSIs for the 1977 GLOF at reach N1 A and at reach N3 B . ()D.A.Cenderelli,E.E.WohlrGeomorphology40200157­9074 Table 2 ® .Summary of reach-averaged and ranges of in parentheses below the reach average hydraulic variables of the modeled GLOF reaches Study Total Channel discharge Energy slope Total velocity Channel Total flow Channel flow Total hydraulic Channel hydraulic Total Froude Channel Froude a 3® . ® .reach discharge m rs mrs velocity width width radius radius number number 3® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® .m rs m m m m m N1 1900 1624 0.071 3.98 5.30 121 49 3.70 5.79 0.64 0.68 ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® .1401­1856 0.045­0.089 3.28­4.48 4.72­5.73 109­133 40­60 3.41­4.26 5.13­6.71 0.49­0.74 0.56­0.75 N3 1500 1456 0.071 5.85 6.26 44 32 4.93 6.37 0.74 0.77 ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® .1381­1491 0.032­0.118 4.53­7.57 4.77­8.25 34­61 19­39 4.02­5.89 5.61­7.83 0.52­0.94 0.54­1.00 L2 2350 1863 0.049 4.24 6.07 122 45 4.75 6.50 0.60 0.73 ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® .1371­2337 0.033­0.093 2.94­8.29 5.17­8.65 46­180 28­62 3.42­5.56 5.68­7.46 0.40­1.00 0.62­0.97 L1 2250 1914 0.060 4.42 5.92 113 49 4.58 6.36 0.63 0.72 ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® .1615­2249 0.029­0.125 3.27­7.91 4.33­7.96 45­222 29­103 2.99­5.75 4.28­7.84 0.53­1.00 0.51­1.00 L4 2275 1608 0.072 4.07 5.62 146 40 4.43 6.61 0.58 0.66 ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® .986­2252 0.054­0.118 2.49­8.20 3.90­8.55 41­264 25­56 3.33­5.40 4.97­7.93 0.41­1.00 0.52­0.98 L5 1725 1593 0.0330 4.68 5.41 68 43 4.88 6.47 0.63 0.65 ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® .1299­1725 0.008­0.055 3.12­5.94 3.71­6.85 54­80 25­57 3.64­7.18 4.98­9.36 0.38­0.83 0.35­0.94 L7 1575 1499 0.031 4.87 5.53 67 44 4.37 5.73 0.70 0.70 ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® .1370­1535 0.018­0.047 3.58­6.11 4.51­6.62 50­82 37­52 3.65­5.07 5.15­6.22 0.49­0.88 0.56­0.88 L8 1375 1302 0.029 4.57 4.98 66 47 4.16 5.19 0.66 0.66 ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® .1063­1375 0.014­0.057 3.41­5.76 3.69­6.56 41­97 32­61 3.18­5.07 4.28­6.14 0.48­0.83 0.48­0.89 UBK 400 342 0.036 2.93 3.72 64 30 2.04 2.95 0.64 0.67 ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® .261­385 0.011­0.054 2.07­3.81 2.60­4.27 46­77 18­36 1.63­2.57 2.39­3.83 0.42­0.87 0.42­0.89 UDK 700 670 0.056 4.22 4.48 59 42 2.52 3.13 0.76 0.80 ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® .638­684 0.035­0.084 3.31­5.21 3.78­5.27 46­77 26­50 2.05­2.83 2.71­4.24 0.59­0.93 0.60­0.99 Total refers to the entire cross sections modeled and includes the main channel and overbank areas. Channel refers to the main channel of flow. a N refers to reaches modeled along the 1977 GLOF route, L refers to reaches modeled along the 1985 GLOF route, UBK and UDK are older GLOF reaches modeled on the upper Bhoti Kosi and upper Dudh Kosi. ( )D.A. Cenderelli, E.E. WohlrGeomorphology 40 2001 57­90 75 ® . ® . ® .Fig. 10. Computed water-surface profile and comparison with PSIs for the 1985 GLOF at reach L2 A , reach L1 B , reach L4 C , reach ® . ® . ® .L5 D , reach L7 E , and reach L8 F . ® .Fig. 10A . This indicates some uncertainty in the water-surface elevation upstream from the critical- depth control. Table 2 summarizes the reach-aver- aged hydraulics of the modeled GLOF. ( )D.A. Cenderelli, E.E. WohlrGeomorphology 40 2001 57­9076 4.2.2. Reach L1 Reach L1 is located approximately 11 km down- ® .stream from the breached moraine Fig. 2 . Reach boundary conditions and geomorphic features pro- duced by the GLOF are illustrated in Figs. 5b and ®7B. At XS1, the valley narrows and steepens Fig. .7B , providing critical-depth control for the starting water-surface elevation. Upstream from XS1, the crest of a longitudinal bar at XS2 was used to delineate the stage of the GLOF. Using the critical- depth method combined and the PSI at XS2, the estimated GLOF discharge was 2250 m3 rs. Up- stream from the critical-depth control section, the initially selected main channel Manning's n value ® .was increased 40% Table 1 so that the modeled flow was subcritical. For the estimated discharge of 2250 m3 rs, the reconstructed water-surface profile corresponded fairly well with the deposit and non- ® .flooded surface PSIs Figs. 7B and 10B . Table 2 summarizes the reach-averaged hydraulics of the modeled GLOF. 4.2.3. Reach L4 Reach L4 is located approximately 15.5 km ® .downstream from the breached moraine Fig. 2 . Reach boundary conditions and geomorphic features produced by the GLOF are illustrated in Figs. 1b and 7C. The narrow valley between XS2 and XS1 pro- vided a critical-depth control for the starting water- surface elevation. A nonflooded surface at XS1, combined with a thin veneer of cobbles and boulders overlying a lower glaciofluvial terrace at XS2, were used to delineate the maximum stage of the GLOF ® .Fig. 7C . Using the critical-depth method in con- junction with the PSIs at XS1 and XS2, the esti- 3 ® .mated GLOF discharge was 2275 m rs Fig. 10C . Upstream from the critical-depth control, the initially selected main channel Manning's n value was in- creased 40% so that the modeled flow was subcriti- cal. Upstream from the critical-depth control to XS4, the reconstructed water-surface profile corresponded ® .reasonably well with the PSIs Fig. 10C . Upstream from XS4, the computed water-surface profile was 0.68 to 0.77 m lower than the highest deposit PSIs at ® .XS9 and XS5, respectfully Fig. 10C . The poor match between the water-surface profile and PSIs upstream from XS4 is partly attributed to modeling flow through this expanding segment of the reach ® .Fig. 7C . Table 2 summarizes the reach-averaged hydraulics of the modeled GLOF. 4.2.4. Reach L5 Reach L5 is located approximately 22 km down- ® .stream from the breached moraine Fig. 2 . Reach boundary conditions and geomorphic features pro- duced by the GLOF are illustrated in Figs. 5c and 7D. The starting water-surface elevation was deter- mined using the normal-depth method. The initially selected main channel Manning's n was increased ®10% so that the modeled flow was subcritical Table .1 . Through reach L5, the reconstructed water-surface profile, at a discharge of 1725 m3 rs, was fairly well constrained by the deposit and nonflooded surface PSIs with the best matches occurring at XS6, XS9, ® .and XS10 Fig. 10D . Table 2 summarizes the reach-averaged hydraulics of the modeled GLOF. 4.2.5. Reach L7 Reach L7 is located on the Dudh Kosi, approxi- mately 24.7 km downstream from the breached ® .moraine Fig. 2 . Reach boundary conditions and geomorphic features produced by the GLOF are illustrated in Fig. 7E. Nonflooded surfaces were the primary PSIs identified along reach L7. Deposit PSIs at high elevations were lacking along reach L7 with the exception of XS9. A distinct scour line on a large ® .boulder greater than 15 m in diameter with etch- ings was identified between XS2 and XS3. The starting water-surface elevation at XS1 was deter- mined using the normal-depth method. The main channel Manning's n did not have to be increased from its initially selected value of 0.10 to attain subcritical flow for the GLOF using the step-back- water method. The reconstructed water-surface pro- file through reach L7 was fairly well constrained by ® .the PSIs Fig. 10E and was associated with a dis- charge of 1575 m3 rs. Table 2 summarizes the reach-averaged hydraulics of the modeled GLOF. 4.2.6. Reach L8 Reach L8 is located on the Dudh Kosi, approxi- mately 26.7 km downstream from the breached ® .moraine Fig. 2 . Reach boundary conditions and geomorphic features produced by the GLOF are illustrated in Fig. 7F. The starting water-surface ( )D.A. Cenderelli, E.E. WohlrGeomorphology 40 2001 57­90 77 elevation was determined using the normal-depth method. The main channel Manning's n did not have to be increased from its initially selected value of 0.10 to attain subcritical flow for the GLOF using the step-backwater method. The reconstructed water-surface profile through reach L8 adequately matched the longitudinal bar deposit and nonflooded surface PSIs and was associated with a discharge of 3 ® .1375 m rs Fig. 10F . The computed critical-depth profile more closely matched the deposit PSIs along ® .reach L8 Fig. 10F , suggesting that modeling flow as critical may have been a better assessment of hydraulic conditions at reach L8. Table 2 summa- rizes the selected reach-averaged hydraulic parame- ters of the modeled GLOF through reach L8. 4.3. Older outburst floods 4.3.1. Upper Bhoti Kosi, UBK The upper Bhoti Kosi reach is located in the ® .upper Bhoti Kosi drainage Fig. 2 at an elevation of 4040 m. Reach boundary conditions and geomorphic features produced by the GLOF are illustrated in Fig. 8a. The starting water-surface elevation at the fur- thest downstream cross-section was determined us- ing the normal-depth method. The main channel Manning's n was not increased from its initially selected value of 0.10 to attain subcritical flow for the GLOF using the step-backwater method. The reconstructed water-surface profile through the upper Bhoti Kosi reach matched the cobble-boulder deposit ® .PSIs fairly well Fig. 11A and was associated with a discharge of 400 m3 rs. Table 2 summarizes the selected reach-averaged hydraulic parameters of the modeled older GLOF through reach UBK. 4.3.2. Upper Dudh Kosi, UDK The upper Dudh Kosi reach is located in the ® .upper Dudh Kosi drainage basin Fig. 2 at an eleva- tion of 3340 m. Reach boundary conditions and geomorphic features produced by the GLOF are illustrated in Fig. 8b. The starting water-surface ele- vation at the furthest downstream cross-section was determined using the normal-depth method. The main channel Manning's n was increased 10% to attain subcritical flow for the GLOF. The main channel Froude numbers ranged from 0.59 to 0.93 with a reach-averaged main channel Froude number of 0.76. Through the upper Dudh Kosi reach, the recon- structed water-surface profile at a discharge of 700 m3 rs was fairly well constrained by the deposit PSIs ® .Fig. 11B . Table 2 summarizes the selected reach- averaged hydraulic parameters of the modeled older GLOF through reach UDK. 4.4. Seasonal high flow floods The peak discharges of SHFFs were estimated at the ten GLOF reaches modeled and at eight addi- tional reaches. These reaches are located in several different streams at varying elevations with various ® .drainage areas Table 1; Fig. 2 . The reaches range in length from 35 to 1565 m, have channel widths ranging from 10 to 30 m, and have average gradients ® . ® .Fig. 11. Computed water-surface profile and comparison with PSIs for the older GLOFs at reach UBK A and at reach UDK B . ( )D.A. Cenderelli, E.E. WohlrGeomorphology 40 2001 57­9078 ® .ranging from 0.020 to 0.115 Table 1 . The modeled reaches can generally be classified as riffles with channel beds of cobbles-boulders andror bedrock with isolated cobbles and boulders. Distinct white- ® .Fig. 12. Computed water-surface profile and comparison with PSIs for the SHFFs at the 1977 GLOF study reaches A­D , 1985 GLOF ® . ® . ® .study reaches E­L , older GLOF reaches M and N , and tributary reaches O­R . ( )D.A. Cenderelli, E.E. WohlrGeomorphology 40 2001 57­90 79 ® .Fig. 12 continued . gray silt lines along the channel margins were used to delineate the peak stage of the SHFF. The study reaches IK, KK, TK, N3, L2, L1, and L4 are located immediately upstream from distinct stable steps, al- lowing the critical-depth method to be used to deter- mine the starting water-surface elevation and SHFF ( )D.A. Cenderelli, E.E. WohlrGeomorphology 40 2001 57­9080 ® .Fig. 12 continued . discharge in conjunction with geologic evidence. At the study reaches KYK, N2, N1, N4, L3, L6, L5, L7, and L8, the initial starting water-surface elevation was determined using the normal-depth method. All reaches were modeled as subcritical flow, and aver- aged reach Froude numbers ranged from 0.66 to ( )D.A. Cenderelli, E.E. WohlrGeomorphology 40 2001 57­90 81 0.82. As illustrated in Fig. 12, the computed water- surface profiles are in close agreement with the PSIs that delineate SHFFs along the 18 reaches. For the 18 reaches modeled, the SHFFs estimated peak dis- charges ranging between 7 and 205 m3 rs, reach- averaged velocities ranging from 1.68 to 4.25 mrs, reach-averaged hydraulic radiuses ranging from 0.41 to 2.16 m, and reach-averaged flow widths ranging ® .from 10.02 to 31.97 m Table 3 . 4.5. Quality of step-backwater modeling 4.5.1. Glacial-lake outburst floods The uncertainty of the GLOF discharge estimates based on Abest matchB water-surface profiles ranged ® .from y42% to 36% Table 4 . These uncertainty discharge estimates were determined by reconstruct- ing the water-surface profile along each modeled ® .reach so that i the deposit PSIs were above the ®water-surface profile conservative, lower discharge . ® .estimate and ii the nonflooded surface PSIs were ®below the water-surface profile liberal, upper .discharge estimate . Although the Abest matchB discharge estimate provided the most reasonable discharge estimate because it utilized both deposit and nonflooded surface PSIs, the lower and upper discharge estimates provided a potential range of discharge estimates based on the geomorphic evi- dence. The most reliable GLOF discharge estimates, based on reach selection and the best matches be- tween the computed water-surface profiles and geo- morphic evidence, were obtained at reaches N1, N3, ®L2, L1, and L4 Figs. 9A, B, 10A, B and C, respec- . ®tively . Of these five reaches, four reaches N3, L2, .L1, and L4 were just upstream from constrictions where there was critical-depth control and geomor- phic evidence to define the maximum stage of the ® .GLOFs Figs. 6B, 7A, B and C, respectively . As ® .pointed out by Jarrett 1987 , the critical-depth method for estimating discharge in high-gradient streams is preferred because the estimated discharge is independent of Manning's n. When the discharge estimate calculated from the critical-depth method at the critical-depth control was applied to the remain- der of those reaches, the water-surface profiles at reaches N3, L2, L1, and L4 were in reasonably close agreement with the PSIs at their respective reaches ® .Figs. 9B, 10A, B and C, respectively . Note that upstream from the critical-depth control at reaches N3, L2, L1, and L4, flow was modeled as subcriti- cal, but approaching critical-flow conditions. Although the step-backwater calculations may be accurate for the 1985 GLOF at reaches L5, L7, and L8, the discharge estimates are sensitive to the se- lected energy-loss coefficients, principally Manning's n. Recall that Manning's n was used not only to account for energy losses associated with grain roughness, but also used to account for additional energy losses from turbulence, erosion, and sediment transport that occurred during the GLOFs. Because there is uncertainty in assigning energy-loss coeffi- cients, underestimating or overestimating the energy- loss coefficients in the model can result in inaccurate discharge estimates. Additionally, at these reaches, either fewer PSIs clearly define the maximum stage of the GLOF or PSIs are not in complete agreement ® .with each other Fig. 10D, E and F . Although the match between the water-surface profile and PSIs is acceptable, subtle inconsistencies between the water-surface profile and PSIs suggest the actual flow conditions were not being completely and accu- rately modeled. For the older GLOF reaches there is a reasonable match between the PSIs and computed water-surface ® .profiles Fig. 11A and B ; however, there is uncer- tainty as to whether the channel geometry had been modified since the older GLOFs occurred at the upper Bhoti Kosi and upper Dudh Kosi reaches. Thus, the older GLOF discharge estimates are based on the present channelrvalley geometry and not necessarily the channelrvalley geometry during peak flow conditions of the older GLOFs. Another source of uncertainty is that both the upper Bhoti Kosi reach and upper Dudh Kosi reach gradually expand in the downstream direction. This gradual expansion intro- duces error in the computed water-surface profile because flow is diverging. 4.5.2. Seasonal high flow floods The step-backwater modeling of the SHFFs at the various reaches seems to accurately represent those flows. At the older GLOF and tributary reaches, the silt-clay PSIs delineate the largest SHFF that has occurred at those reaches. The abundant seasonal high flow flood PSIs at the reaches modeled were ()D.A.Cenderelli,E.E.WohlrGeomorphology40200157­9082 Table 3 ® .Summary of reach-averaged and ranges of in parentheses below the reach average hydraulic variables of the modeled SHFF reaches Study Drainage Reach Discharge Energyslope Velocity Flow width Hydraulic radius Froude number a 3® . ® . ® . ® .reach area elevation m rs mrs m m 2® . ® .km m KJK 20 3360 7 0.071 1.68 10.02 0.41 0.82 ® . ® . ® . ® . ® .0.040­0.105 1.44­2.08 7.60­13.65 0.33­0.53 0.65­1.00 N2 33 3940 25 0.119 1.84 17.49 0.74 0.66 ® . ® . ® . ® . ® .0.085­0.201 1.64­2.05 13.31­27.81 0.48­0.90 0.56­0.83 L2 41 4080 40 0.063 2.25 18.77 0.94 0.71 ® . ® . ® . ® . ® .0.037­0.120 1.73­3.37 10.13­30.89 0.69­1.26 0.57­1.00 KK 44 2840 25 0.073 1.98 15.16 0.74 0.69 ® . ® . ® . ® . ® .0.041­0.157 1.55­2.31 9.24­19.70 0.48­0.89 0.54­1.00 TK 45 3590 35 0.082 2.32 14.32 0.97 0.71 ® . ® . ® . ® . ® .0.030­0.155 176­2.91 10.81­20.08 0.78­1.26 0.44­1.00 UBK 211 4040 60 0.033 2.17 21.52 1.19 0.60 ® . ® . ® . ® . ® .0.008­0.054 1.29­2.51 15.16­29.85 0.88­1.51 0.33­0.78 L3 221 3790 70 0.057 2.69 19.52 1.24 0.74 ® . ® . ® . ® . ® .0.035­0.97 2.23­3.36 16.53­26.33 1.08­1.50 0.60­0.96 UDK 271 3340 90 0.054 2.68 24.07 1.37 0.70 ® . ® . ® . ® . ® .0.018­0.090 1.97­3.35 14.31­41.65 0.86­1.93 0.44­0.89 L1 295 3710 85 0.059 2.60 26.02 1.24 0.72 ® . ® . ® . ® . ® .0.026­0.114 1.98­3.39 16.59­51.97 0.78­1.58 0.50­1.00 IK 306 3340 100 0.068 2.74 23.94 1.33 0.72 ® . ® . ® . ® . ® .0.035­0.125 1.93­3.64 15.86­31.03 1.08­1.69 0.53­1.00 N1 339 3840 135 0.073 3.11 28.91 1.45 0.80 ® . ® . ® . ® . ® .0.046­0.107 2.46­3.61 20.89­42.09 1.21­1.83 0.60­0.90 L4 356 3440 85 0.080 3.08 19.39 1.33 0.82 ® . ® . ® . ® . ® .0.060­0.119 2.57­3.62 6.15­25.99 1.19­1.52 0.72­1.00 N3 365 3790 135 0.091 3.51 20.76 1.70 0.80 ® . ® . ® . ® . ® .0.042­0.142 2.68­4.69 12.76­31.10 1.49­1.99 0.58­1.00 L6 402 2840 90 0.058 2.95 18.27 1.55 0.73 ® . ® . ® . ® . ® .0.018­0.096 1.96­3.72 15.11­21.58 1.37­1.90 0.43­0.94 N4 685 2840 165 0.040 4.25 12.39 2.16 0.76 ® . ® . ® . ® . ® .0.025­0.062 3.65­5.11 10.44­13.36 1.99­2.28 0.62­0.93 L5 1093 2770 195 0.034 3.10 31.97 1.94 0.68 ® . ® . ® . ® . ® .0.014­0.068 1.98­4.61 19.17­48.91 1.45­2.61 0.44­0.99 L7 1143 2700 200 0.035 3.31 28.46 2.02 0.73 ® . ® . ® . ® . ® .0.013­0.059 2.34­4.19 22.27­33.34 1.52­2.37 0.46­0.94 L8 1151 2580 205 0.029 3.34 31.82 1.87 0.75 ® . ® . ® . ® . ® .0.011­0.047 2.45­4.20 17.78­49.00 1.38­2.50 0.49­0.95 a N refers to reaches modeled along the 1977 GLOF route, L refers to reaches modeled along the 1985 GLOF route, UBKsupper Bhoti Kosi, UDKsupper Dudh Kosi, IKsImja Khola, TKsThame Khola, KJKsKyajo Khola, KKsKyashar Khola. ()D.A.Cenderelli,E.E.WohlrGeomorphology40200157­9083 Table 4 Summary of best match discharges and bracketing discharges for the 1977, 1985, and older glacial-lake outburst floods Study Best match peak Lower bracketing Percent change Upper bracketing Percent change Lower bracketing Percent change Upper bracketing Percent change a reach discharge peak discharge in peak peak discharge in peak peak discharge in peak peak discharge in peak estimate estimate for discharge estimate for discharge estimate for discharge estimate for discharge 3® .m rs deposit PSI estimate deposit PSI estimate nonflooded PSI estimate nonflooded PSI estimate 3 3 3 3® . ® . ® . ® .m rs m rs m rs m rs N1 1900 1200 y37 1900 0 1900 0 2400 26 N3 1500 1300 y13 1500 0 1500 0 2000 33 L2 2350 2200 y6 2350 0 2350 0 2700 15 L1 2250 1300 y42 2250 0 2250 0 3100 38 L4 2275 1500 y34 2900 28 2275 0 2800 23 L5 1725 1100 y36 1725 0 1725 0 2350 36 L7 1575 1575 0 1575 0 1575 0 1850 17 L8 1375 900 y35 1375 0 1375 0 1700 24 UBK 400 250 y38 400 0 na na na na UDK 700 600 y14 700 0 875 25 875 25 a N refers to reaches modeled along the 1977 GLOF route, L refers to reaches modeled along the 1985 GLOF route, UBKsupper Bhoti Kosi, and UDKsupper Dudh Kosi. ( )D.A. Cenderelli, E.E. WohlrGeomorphology 40 2001 57­9084 usually in close agreement with the computed water-surface profile. The uncertainty of the SHFF discharge estimates based on Abest matchB water- ® .surface profile ranged from y43% to 43% Table 5 . These uncertainty discharge estimates were deter- mined by reconstructing the water-surface profile along each modeled reach so that silt-clay PSIs were ®above the water-surface profile conservative, lower .discharge estimate and below the water-surface pro- ® .file liberal, upper discharge estimate . ® . ®Although the use of Jarrett's 1984 equation Eq. ® ..2 to estimate Manning's n for the channels stud- ied is debatable because many of the slopes and discharges fell outside of the data range used to develop the equation, the SHFFs modeled were usu- ally close to critical flow using the Manning's n value calculated from Jarrett's equation. It has been suggested that in high-gradient, mountainous chan- ®nels, flow is usually close to critical Jarrett, 1984; Trieste, 1992; Trieste and Jarrett, 1987; Tinkler, .1996; Grant, 1997 . For most of the SHFFs modeled in this study, flows were close to critical, which suggests that the Manning's n calculated using Jar- rett's equation reasonably estimated the channel ®roughness of streams in the study area Fig. 12, .Table 3 . Perhaps the greatest uncertainty in modeling the SHFFs is the channel geometry. Although the flows during the field season were low, they were high enough to prevent channel crossing and surveying the topography within the channel. To compensate for the lack of surveying information within the channel, for each modeled reach the channel was ® .assumed to be i rectangular between the left and right bank water's edge at the time of measurement ® .and ii at least 1 m lower than the water-surface elevation at the time of measurement based on visual estimates and probing. For the latter assumption, the channel-bottom elevation was additionally lowered by the elevation difference between the SHFF PSI and the water surface at the time of measurement. This elevation adjustment to the channel bottom was necessary because the elevation difference between the SHFF PSI and water surface at the time of Table 5 Summary of best match discharges and bracketing discharges for the seasonal high flow floods Study Best match peak Lower bracketing Percent change in Upper bracketing Percent change in a reach discharge estimate peak discharge peak discharge peak discharge peak discharge 3® .m rs estimate for estimate estimate for estimate deposit PSI deposit PSI 3 3® . ® .m rs m rs N1 135 110 y19 170 26 N3 135 105 y22 165 22 L2 40 35 y13 50 25 L1 85 65 y24 110 29 L4 85 60 y29 110 29 L5 195 150 y23 205 5 L7 200 180 y10 235 18 L8 205 180 y12 260 27 UBK 60 50 y17 80 33 UDK 90 65 y28 120 33 KJK 7 4 y43 10 43 N2 25 20 y20 30 20 KK 25 20 y20 30 20 TK 35 30 y14 40 14 L3 70 65 y7 75 7 IK 100 80 y20 115 15 L6 90 65 y28 105 17 N4 165 150 y9 190 15 a N refers to reaches modeled along the 1977 GLOF route, L refers to reaches modeled along the 1985 GLOF route, UBKsupper Bhoti Kosi, UDKsupper Dudh Kosi, IKsImja Khola, TKsThame Khola, KJKsKyajo Khola, KKsKyashar Khola. ( )D.A. Cenderelli, E.E. WohlrGeomorphology 40 2001 57­90 85 measurement increased with increasing drainage area. This surveying adjustment was consistently applied to each modeled reach in an effort to minimize error or at least be consistent on the amount of error introduced. Because of the lack of channel bottom surveying information, the discharges of the SHFFs may be underestimated or overestimated. Precise characterization of the channel bottom probably had minimal effects on the estimated GLOF discharges because of the greater flow depths associated with the GLOFs. 4.5.3. Sensitiity analysis on the selection of friction- and energy-loss coefficients To assess the influence or sensitivity of the se- lected Manning's n values and the contractionrex- pansion coefficient values on the step-backwater method, these values were varied. Varying contrac- tion and expansion coefficient values of 0 and 0.5, 0 and 0, and 0.3 and 0.7, respectively, while keeping Manning's n values constant had little effect on the computed step-backwater water-surface profile. For example, using conservative contraction and expan- sion coefficient values of 0.3 and 0.7, respectively, for abrupt flow transitions, discharge did not change or decreased by only 4.35%. These results suggest that the energy losses associated with contraction and expansion have a minimal effect on the esti- mated discharges, regardless of the values selected. Varying Manning's n for the main channel had the greatest influence on the estimated discharges. Increasing the main channel Manning's n by 10% caused the estimated discharge to decrease by 5.5% to 9.1% for the GLOFs and decrease by 5.9% to 10.0% for the SHFFs. Increasing the main channel Manning's n by 25% caused the estimated discharge to decrease by 13.7% to 20.0% for the GLOFs and 14.3% to 20.7% for the SHFFs. The changes in the SHFF discharges that occurred in response to the changes in Manning's n are similar in magnitude to the Manning's n changes documented by Wohl ® .1998 in a study of high-gradient channels. The results in this study show that the estimated dis- charge values are influenced by the selection of the main channel Manning's n. With the exception of reach L2, reducing the n values predicted by Jarrett's ® . ® ® ..1984 equation Eq. 2 by 10% caused sections of the modeled SHFF not to be subcritical. Adjusting the overbank Manning's n by y10%, y25%, 10%, and 25%, while keeping the main channel constant had a minimal effect on the esti- mated GLOF discharges. For example, increasing overbank Manning's n by 25% either did not change the discharge or decreased the discharge estimate by only 4.2%. Similarly, decreasing overbank Manning's n by 25%, either did not change the discharge or increased the total discharge estimate by only 6.3%. These results indicate that the selected overbank Manning's n only has a minimal effect on the outburst flood estimated discharge. A uniform Manning's n for the main channel and overbank areas caused the estimated GLOF dis- charges to change; however, the magnitude and change in discharge were variable between reaches. ®In general, reaches with larger overbank areas re- .aches L1, L2, L3, L4, and L6 had greater changes in ® .discharge ranging from y4.3% to 15.6% , whereas ®reaches with smaller overbank areas reaches N1, .N3, L5, L7, and L8 only had a minimal change in ®the estimated discharges ranging from 1.7% to .10.1% . In summary, the sensitivity analyses performed illustrate that varying contraction coefficients, expan- sion coefficients, and overbank Manning's n only had a minimal effect on the estimated discharges in this study. In contrast, varying the main channel Manning's n had the greatest effect on the estimated GLOF and SHFF discharges. Increasing the main channel Manning's n by 10% and 25% caused a similar magnitude decrease in the estimated dis- charge. These results indicate that of the energy losses quantified in the step-backwater model, the selection of the main channel Manning's n had the greatest influence or control on the estimated dis- charges of the GLOFs and SHFFs determined by using the step-backwater method. 5. Flood hydrology in the Mount Everest region 5.1. Seasonal high flow floods The SHFF discharge estimates at the 18 reaches quantify for the first time the flood hydrology from seasonal climatic conditions in the Mount Everest ® .region Tables 3 and 5 . The SHFF discharge esti- ( )D.A. Cenderelli, E.E. WohlrGeomorphology 40 2001 57­9086 Fig. 13. Plot of the GLOF and SHFF peak discharges vs. drainage area. The solid line delineates the envelope of the maximum discharges of the SHFFs for various drainage areas. mates only quantify the largest SHFF that has oc- curred at a given study site because the silt-clay PSIs only delineate the maximum SHFF. The SHFF dis- charge estimates provide a baseline to which the magnitude of the GLOF discharges can be compared. A plot of the SHFF discharges vs. drainage area shows that as contributing drainage area increases ® .the discharge of the SHFFs increases Fig. 13 . Hydrology in the study area is strongly influenced by monsoonal precipitation and late springrearly ® .summer snowmelt and glacier runoff. Ageta 1976 ® .and Zimmermann et al. 1986 suggested that the high mountain topography in the study area creates a rain-shadow effect that reduces the intensity and amount of monsoonal precipitation with increasing elevation. The estimated SHFF discharges in the study area show a progressive, gradual increase with ® .increasing drainage area Fig. 13 . This trend of gradual, increasing discharges with increasing drainage area suggests that extreme flooding from intense monsoonal precipitation is unlikely in the study area because the high mountain topography impedes and minimizes the influx of intense mon- soonal precipitation into the study area drainage basin. 5.2. Glacial-lake outburst floods The estimated peak discharges of the 1977, 1985, and older GLOFs were considerably larger than the ® .SHFFs Fig. 13; Table 6 . As drainage area increases or distance from the GLOF source increases, the difference in magnitude between the GLOFs and ® .SHFFs decreases Fig. 12; Table 6 . At locations near the GLOF source, the discharge ratio between the GLOF and SHFF is greatest and progressively decreases downstream as the GLOF attenuates and the SHFF increases. At the reaches where the 1977 and 1985 GLOF discharges were estimated, the GLOF discharges were 7 to 60 times greater than the ® .SHFF discharges Fig. 13; Table 6 . Comparing the peak discharge estimates of the 1985 GLOF and SHFF along the 1985 GLOF route perhaps best illustrates changes in the peak dis- charges of the GLOF and SHFF with respect to distance downstream from the breached moraine and Table 6 Summary of discharge estimates at reaches where both the GLOF and SHFF were modeled Study Distance from breached GLOF discharge, SHFF discharge, Ratio of QGLOF a reach moraine Q Q to QGLOF SHFF SHFF 3 3® . ® . ® .km m rs m rs N1 8.6 1900 135 14 N3 11.5 1500 135 11 L2 7.1 2350 40 59 L1 10.9 2250 85 27 L4 15.6 2275 85 27 L5 22.1 1725 195 9 L7 24.7 1575 200 8 L8 26.7 1375 205 7 UBK not known 400 60 7 UDK not known 700 90 8 a N refers to reaches modeled along the 1977 GLOF route, L refers to reaches modeled along the 1985 GLOF route, UBKsupper Bhoti Kosi, and UDKsupper Dudh Kosi. ( )D.A. Cenderelli, E.E. WohlrGeomorphology 40 2001 57­90 87 increasing drainage area. For the 1985 GLOF, the peak discharge of the GLOF ranged from 2250 to 2400 m3 rs along the upper 16 km of the flood route ®and was 30 to 60 times greater than SHFF Fig. 14; .Table 6 . The lack of a decreasing trend in the GLOF discharge along the upper 16 km of the 1985 GLOF route reflects the uncertainty in the GLOF discharge ® .estimates for these reaches Fig. 14; Table 6 . Addi- tionally, the direction of error associated with the GLOF discharge estimates at reaches L2, L1, and L4 influences the discharge relationship between these ® .reaches Table 6 . At 27 km downstream from the breached moraine, the peak discharge of the 1985 GLOF attenuated to 1375 m3 rs and was seven times ® .greater than SHFF Fig. 14; Table 6 . The down- stream decline in the ratio of the 1985 GLOF peak discharge to the SHFF peak discharge is the result of the downstream attenuation of the GLOF peak dis- charge and the increased peak discharge of SHFF because of increased contributing drainage area and the increased effects of monsoonal precipitation at lower elevations. The most distinct changes in the discharge ratio between the GLOF and SHFF occur at major confluences: the Langmoche Khola and Bhoti Kosi confluence and the Bhoti Kosi and Dudh ® .Kosi confluence Fig. 14 . Immediately downstream from these confluences, the peak discharge of the SHFF approximately doubled because of the consid- erable increase in drainage area, resulting in a sharp decrease in the discharge ratio between the GLOF discharge and SHFF discharge. The 1977 GLOF had an estimated peak discharge of 1900 m3 rs at reach N1, which is approximately 8.6 km downstream from the breached moraine. At reach N1, the peak discharge of the GLOF was about 14 times greater than the peak discharge of the SHFF ® .at that location Table 6 . At reach N3, approxi- mately 3 km downstream from reach N1 and 11.5 km downstream from the breached moraine, the 1977 GLOF attenuated to 1500 m3 rs and was 11 times greater than the peak discharge of the SHFF at ® .that location Fig. 13; Table 6 . It was mentioned earlier that the peak discharge of the 1985 GLOF was larger than the 1977 GLOF because of the lack of paleoflood evidence for the 1977 GLOF down- stream from the Dudh Kosi and Bhoti Kosi conflu- ® .ence Fig. 2 . The 1977 and 1985 GLOF discharge estimates support this assumption. At reach N3, the ® .Fig. 14. A Peak discharges of the six GLOF study reaches and ® .eight SHFF study reaches along the 1985 GLOF route. B Ratio of the GLOF peak discharge to the SHFF peak discharge at the six study reaches along the 1985 GLOF route. 1977 GLOF had a peak discharge of 1500 m3 rs, which is 9.4 km upstream from the Dudh Kosi and Bhoti Kosi confluence. The 1977 GLOF discharge at reach N3 is less than the 1985 GLOF discharge at ® .reaches L5 and L7 Tables 2 and 4 , which are located on the Dudh Kosi downstream from the ® .Dudh Kosi and Bhoti Kosi confluence Fig. 2 . The difference between the 1977 GLOF discharge at reach N3 and the 1985 GLOF discharge at reach L5 and reach L7 becomes even greater if one takes into account that the 1977 GLOF discharge probably attenuated downstream from reach N3. Thus, the 1985 GLOF, which was larger in magnitude than the 1977 GLOF downstream from the Dudh Kosi and Bhoti Kosi confluence, either eroded, reworked, or buried the evidence of the 1977 GLOF below the Dudh Kosi and Bhoti Kosi confluence. ( )D.A. Cenderelli, E.E. WohlrGeomorphology 40 2001 57­9088 For the older GLOFs, the estimated GLOF dis- charges are seven to eight times greater than the SHFFs. Specifically, at the upper Bhoti Kosi reach, the estimated discharge of the GLOF was 400 m3 rs, approximately seven times greater than the SHFF at ® .that location Fig. 13; Table 6 . For the upper Dudh Kosi reach, the estimated discharge of the GLOF was 700 m3 rs, approximately eight times greater ® .than the SHFF at that location Fig. 13; Table 6 . The presence of the older GLOF deposits indicates that glacial-lake outburst floods are a recurring geo- morphic process in the Mount Everest region. 6. Conclusions The paleoflood hydrology techniques utilized in this study provided an effective means for assessing the hydrology of floods in the Mount Everest region of Nepal. Prior to this study, the flood hydrology of the 1977 and 1985 GLOFs and SHFFs in the Mount Everest region had not been established. A step- backwater model was used to construct the water- surface profiles of the GLOFs and SHFFs based on the geomorphic evidence of the GLOF and SHFF flood stages to estimate peak discharges. The upper surfaces of cobble and boulder bars, scour lines, and the lowest elevation of nonflooded surfaces were used to delineate the flood stage of the GLOFs. A white-gray silt-clay line along the channel margins ®produced from glacier meltwater and snowmelt .runoff was used to define the water-surface eleva- tion of the SHFFs. The most reliable GLOF and SHFF peak discharge estimates were upstream from constrictions where there was critical-depth control. Our assumption that flow was approaching critical flow during flow modeling provided a useful ap- proach to reducing the uncertainty in selecting Man- ning's n values and estimating the peak discharges of the GLOFs and SHFFs along the high-gradient streams in this region. The 1977 GLOF had an estimated peak discharge of 1900 and 1500 m3 rs at 8.6 and 11.5 km down- stream from the breached moraine, respectively. The peak discharge of the 1985 GLOF ranged from 1375 to 2350 m3 rs, with the greatest peak discharge estimate occurring at the reach closest to the breached moraine at 7.1 km downstream from the breached ® .moraine reach L2 and the lowest peak discharge estimate occurring at the reach furthest from the breached moraine at 27 km downstream from the ® .breached moraine reach L8 . The maximum dis- charges of the 1977 and 1985 GLOFs were probably larger at the breached moraines than the peak dis- charges estimate at reaches N1 and L2. The presence of older GLOF features along streams in other drainage basins indicate that extreme flooding from GLOFs is a recurring event in the Mount Everest region. The SHFF peak discharge estimates in the Mount Everest region ranged from 7 to 205 m3 rs and were positively correlated with increasing drainage area. The estimated SHFF discharges were 7 to 60 times less than the GLOF discharge estimates with lower ratios occurring furthest from the breached moraines because of the attenuation of the GLOFs as they progressed downstream and the increase in the SHFF discharges as contributing drainage area in- creased. The uncertainty of the GLOF and SHFF peak discharge estimates varied among the study ® .reaches and ranged from y43% to 43% Table 4 based on whether a conservative or liberal approach was used to evaluate the PSIs. Sensitivity analyses of the selected Manning's n and contractionrexpansion coefficients in the step-backwater model indicate that the Manning's n coefficient had the greatest influ- ence on the estimated discharges, whereas the con- tractionrexpansion coefficients had only a minimal effect on the estimated peak discharges. Acknowledgements This project was funded for the most part by the ® .National Science Foundation Grant CMS-9320876 . Additional funding was provided by the Geological Society of America, the Department of Earth ®Resources at Colorado State University Chevron .Research Grant , and the Lary Burns Memorial Scholarship. Many thanks are extended to Robert D. Jarrett for numerous comments, discussions, and in- sights about flow hydraulics and flow modeling of extreme floods in high-gradient streams. We ac- knowledge the thoughtful comments provided by David R. Butler and Richard A. Marston on an earlier version of the manuscript. ( )D.A. Cenderelli, E.E. WohlrGeomorphology 40 2001 57­90 89 References Ageta, Y., 1976. Characteristics of precipitation during monsoon season in Khumbu Himal. J. Jpn. Soc. Snow Ice 38, 84­88. Arcement, G.J., Schneider, V.R., 1989. Guide for selecting man- ning's roughness coefficients for natural channels and flood- plains. U. S. Geol. Surv. Water-Supply Pap. 2339. United States Government Printing Office, Washington D.C., pp. 1­38. Bailey, J.F., Ray, H.A., 1966. 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