Product Life Cycles and the Boston Matrix Copyright 2005 - Biz/ed Product Life Cycles and the Boston Matrix • Product Life Cycle - shows the stages that products go through from development to withdrawal from the market • Product Portfolio - the range of products a company has in development or available for consumers at any one time • Managing product portfolio is important for cash flow Copyright 2005 - Biz/ed Product Life Cycles and the Boston Matrix Product Life Cycle (PLC): - Each product may have a different life cycle - PLC determines revenue earned - Contributes to strategic marketing planning - May help the firm to identify when a product needs support, redesign, reinvigorating, withdrawal, etc. - May help in new product development planning - May help in forecasting and managing cash flow Copyright 2005 - Biz/ed Product Life Cycles and the Boston Matrix • The Stages of the Product Life Cycle: - Development - Introduction/Launch - Growth - Maturity - Saturation - Decline - Withdrawal Copyright 2005 - Biz/ed Product Life Cycles and the Boston Matrix • The Development Stage: • Initial Ideas - possibly large number • May come from any of the following - - Market research - identifies gaps in the market - Monitoring competitors - Planned research and development (R&D) - Luck or intuition - stumble across ideas? - Creative thinking - inventions, hunches? - Futures thinking - what will people be using/wanting/needing 5,10,20 years hence? Copyright 2005 - Biz/ed Product Life Cycles and the Boston Matrix • Product Development: Stages - New ideas/possible inventions - Market analysis - is it wanted? Can it be produced at a profit? Who is it likely to be aimed at? - Product Development and refinement - Test Marketing - possibly local/regional - Analysis of test marketing results and amendment of product/production process - Preparations for launch - publicity, marketing campaign Copyright 2005 - Biz/ed Product Life Cycles and the Boston Matrix • Introduction/Launch: -Advertising and promotion campaigns -Target campaign at specific audience? - Monitor initial sales - Maximise publicity - High cost/low sales - Length of time - type of product Copyright 2005 - Biz/ed Product Life Cycles and the Boston Matrix • Growth: -Increased consumer awareness -Sales rise - Revenues increase -Costs - fixed costs/variable costs, profits may be made - Monitor market - competitors reaction?____________________________ Copyright 2005 - Biz/ed Product Life Cycles and the Boston Matrix • Maturity: - Sales reach peak - Cost of supporting the product declines - Ratio of revenue to cost high - Sales growth likely to be low - Market share may be high - Competition likely to be greater - Price elasticity of demand? - Monitor market -changes/amendments/new strategies? Copyright 2005 - Biz/ed Product Life Cycles and the Boston Matrix • Saturation: • New entrants likely to mean market is 'flooded' • Necessity to develop new strategies becomes more pressing: - Searching out new markets: Linking to changing fashions • Seeking new or exploiting market segments • Linking to joint ventures - media/music, etc. - Developing new uses - Focus on adapting the product - Re-packaging or format - Improving the standard or quality - Developing the product range Copyright 2005 - Biz/ed Product Life Cycles and the Boston Matrix • Decline and Withdrawal: - Product outlives/outgrows its usefulness/value - Fashions change - Technology changes - Sales decline - Cost of supporting starts to rise too far - Decision to withdraw may be dependent on availability of new products and whether fashions/trends will come around again? Copyright 2005 - Biz/ed Product Life Cycles and the Boston Matrix Sales Development Introduction Growth Maturity Saturation Decline Time Copyright 2005 - Biz/ed Product Life Cycles and the Boston Matrix Sales / "N y / / Effects of Extension Strategies Time Copyright 2005 - Biz/ed Product Life Cycles and the Boston Matrix _________ Sales/Profits PLC and Profits PLC Profits Losses Time Break Even Copyright 2005 - Biz/ed The Boston Matrix • The Boston Matrix: - A means of analysing the product portfolio and informing decision making about possible marketing strategies - Developed by the Boston Consulting Group - a business strategy and marketing consultancy in 1968 - Links growth rate, market share and cash flow Copyright 2005 - Biz/ed The Boston Matrix • Classifies Products into four simple categories: A • Stars - products in markets \ experiencing high growth rates//^ with a high or increasing share of the market - Potential for high revenue growth Copyright 2005 - Biz/ed The Boston Matrix ■ -^" *-•- r • Cash Cows: - High market share - Low growth markets -maturity stage of PLC - Low cost support - High cash revenue - positive cash flows Copyright 2005 - Biz/ed The Boston Matrix • Dogs: - Products in a low growth market - Have low or declining market share (decline stage of PLC) - Associated with negative cash flow - May require large sums of money to support Copyright 2005 - Biz/ed Is your product starting to embarrass your company? The Boston Matrix • Problem Child: - Products having a low market share in a high growth market - Need money spent to develop them - May produce negative Cash flOW pr0blem children - worth spending - Potential for the good money on? future? Copyright 2005 - Biz/ed The Boston Matrix Market Growth High Problem Children Dogs Stars Cash Cows Low Market Share —► High Copyright 2005 - Biz/ed The Boston Matrix • Implications: • Dogs: - Are they worth persevering with? - How much are they costing? - Could they be revived in some way? - How much would it cost to continue to support such products? - How much would it cost to remove from the market? Copyright 2005 - Biz/ed The Boston Matrix • Implications: • Problem Children: - What are the chances of these products securing a hold in the market? - How much will it cost to promote them to a stronger position? - Is it worth it? Copyright 2005 - Biz/ed The Boston Matrix • Implications: • Stars: -Huge potential - May have been expensive to develop -Worth spending money to promote - Consider the extent of their product life cycle in decision making Copyright 2005 - Biz/ed The Boston Matrix • Implications: • Cash Cows: - Cheap to promote - Generate large amounts of cash - use for further R&D? - Costs of developing and promoting have largely gone - Need to monitor their performance - the long term? - At the maturity stage of the PLC? Copyright 2005 - Biz/ed The Product Life Cycle and the Boston Matrix Sales Importance of maintaining a balance of products in the portfolio at different stages of the PLC - Boston Matrix helps with the analysis Time Copyright 2005 - Biz/ed