CEITEC BRNO | CZECH REPUBLIC central european institute of technology CEITEC Genomics and proteomics at MU Jiří Fajkus Genomics ü interested in GENOME – complete genetic info (DNA/RNA sequence) of an organism (3Gb-human) ü ca. 25 000 human genes ü » 2% genome ü Potential of genomics : fast analysis of gene mutations and changes in gene expression (at the mRNA level) Þ detection of inherited disorders, pathogens, genetic manipulations, molecular oncology... ü Novel DNA sequencing platforms ü cDNA microarrays ü Why PROTEOMICS? ü Only limited repertoire of events directly depends on DNA sequence (25 000 genes  several millions proteins ) 1 organism Þ 1 genome ´ many proteomes Core facility “Genomics and Proteomics” Core facility “Genomics and Proteomics”: integration of sophisticated technologies Core facility “Genomics and Proteomics” Bacterial genetics and genomics ü Human, emerging and re-emerging pathogens ü Whole genome sequencing strategies ü Whole genome fingerprinting (physical mapping) ü Comparative genome sequencing (microarray) ü Pyrosequencing, Solexa sequencing, SOLiD sequencing, Sanger sequencing ü Analyses of bacterial transcriptome ü Gene annotations ü Analyses of gene regulatory networks Goals of whole-genome sequencing ü Identification of virulence factors (better treatment of infectious diseases) ü Identification of prominent bacterial antigens (development of new vaccines) ü Identification of unique genomic sequences (better diagnostics) ü Metagenomic sequencing (definition of human microbiome) ü Epidemiological studies (better preventive measures) Laboratory of Plant Cytogenomics Methodology ü construction of large insert DNA libraries ü high-throughput DNA sequencing ü genome comparisons on a sequence and chromosomal level - bioinformatics - molecular cytogenetics - comparative phylogenomics Laboratory of Plant Cytogenomics ü Molecular analysis of plant growth and development ü Functional genomics and proteomics of model plants (Arabidopsis) and crop plants (oil-seed rape) as a low-cost production systems for e.g. pharmaceutically active proteins (antibodies) and biomass production ü Analysis of the protein structure and protein engineering ü Identification of Proteins Regulating Plant Biomass Production - cytokinins and their receptors regulate biomass production in plants (in frame of collaboration with Korean colleagues) - application for patent cooperation treaty (PCT) submitted by MU and Korean partner. ü Biology of telomeres ü Structure, evolution and maintenance of plant telomeres (DNA, proteins, chromatin structure, epigenetics ü Telomeres and telomerase in oncology diagnostics and therapy ü Key processes in telomere biology (and in living cell, in general): interaction networks of proteins, DNA and RNA Laboratory of separation and analysis of proteins and their complexes SUMMARY – Genomics and proteomics ü Concentration of “universal” and sophisticated genomic and proteomic equipment and expertise in core facility – optimum cost-efficiency ü Potential for synergistic interactions among research groups, capability to solve complex projects ü Higher competitive strength and attractiveness to international R&D community Þ raising of funds for science ü Emphasis on current internationally competitive research groups, yet flexibility in routing of future development ü Connection to major medical institutions (university hospitals, res. institutes), biotechnology incubators and institutes of Czech Academy of Sciences