S?a'l"L - i d Pre z o H n H o z n 00 Z O O TI -O m > CO > Z n po c C/i H 4.0 4.U J.U í. ■ \J TIME BEFORE PRESENT (Go] r AJ MANTLE GROWTH_üNL-i 87 /86 /ou Sr 4.6 I— 4.0 —(- CHARACTERISTIC CRUSTAL FEATURES AND EVENTS EARLY 3.5 -+- 2.9 —t- HADEAN MIDDLE LATE ARCHEAN 2.5 —h 1.8 EARLY h MIDDLE PROTEROZOIC l.O -t LATE 0.57 —I— - 0.705 0.70 orogenies and other Thermo-tectonic events biogenesis LITHOLOGY GEOCHEMISTRY TECTONIC SETTING METALLOGENESIS ADDITIONAL MEGA -EVENTS core major form- out- meteo- ati on gas- rite sing impacting AGE OF BACTERlOMORPHS — STROMATOLITES APPEAR -PROCARYOTA EVOLUTION BIOGENESIS ONLY PREBIOTIC EARTH CHEMICAL— AGE OF "STROMATOLITES' PHANEROZOIC INVERTEBRATES-REPTILES -MAMMALS ♦EUCARYOTA + ♦ METAZOA LAYERED BASIC INTRUSIONS^ / _i_ ANORTHOSITE-GRANITES TTG GNEISS-MIGMATITE; STABLE-SHELF RED BEDS, ARENITES, CONTINENTAL SEDIMENTS PELITES, CARBONATES; AND GREENSTONE, WACKE.BIF K+GRANITOlDS, FLOOD BASALTS: OCEANIC CRUST GNEISS; ARC VOLCANICS OPHIOLITES.TILLITES ANORTHOSITE- MEGA-BlF MANTLE-DOMINATED-SIGNATURES GNEISS TERRANES GREENSTONE BELTS PHOSPHORITES, EVAPORITES CONTINENTAL-DOMINATED SIGNATURES- FORELAND FOLD-THRUST BELTS; MAGMATIC ARCS, GNEISS TERRANES EPICRATONIC BASINS PLATFORMS; AUL ACOGENS, RECENT OCEAN PLACER Au+U VOLCANOGENIC MAJOR Cr.Pt, RIFTED MARGINS; CONTINENTS CONTINENTAL WEDGES AND BELTS MOBILE BELT NETWORK MEGA BASINS U.Cu.Ni; STRATABOUND Zn, Pb.Ag.Cu v_u"i.n, Aij-Ag, \_r, Ni, re~Mi Fe-Mn, ASBESTOS-- , „ To, Li, Nb,Be Pb-Zn-Ag 4 6 L_ 3.8 2.5 _l_ 1.0 _i_ FORMATIVE NUCLEAL - CRATONIC PROTOPLAT- FORMAL MEGA MAGMATIC TAPHROGENIC-ANOROGENIC TECTONIC PLATFORMAL MODERN PLATE TECTONICS CRATONIZATION UNDERPLAT1NG DISRUPTION Fig. 6-7. Crustal controls and trends in development and preservation of Earth's continental crust, together with characteristic crustal features and events arranged according to fivefold tectonic stages. Modified after Goodwin 1981b. Fia. 1^. 0.57 _!__ 1.0 HD nm HD mm CD 1.8 2.5 mm CUD 2.9 I 3.5 4.0 I CD rTTTTTTTTTTl OH LATE MIDDLE EARLY PROTEROZOIC LATE MIDDLE EARLY ARCHEAN 10. ANTARTICA 9. AUSTRALIA 8. INDIA Z < OeĹ CENTRAL-NORTHERN AFRICA SOUTHERN AFRICA 6. SOUTH AMERICA 5. NORTH AMERICA 4. GREENLAND z h- < o UKRAINIAN SHIELD BALTIC SHIELD 2. SIBERIAN CATHAYSl AN Fig 1 -4 Summary tectonic development of the nine Precambrian cratons and the resulting Precambr-ian classification scheme followed in this book. Earlier Archean subdivisions are tentative due to the paucity of critical geochronologic data. in 70 O Z > z o H m n H o z o V) m Z o o -n 7° m n > 70 > Z n 70 C v~> H GEOLOGIC SETTING BY CRATON 29 Norwegian EAST EUROPEAN CRATON Fig. 1-5c(i). Main geologic outline and divisions of the East European Craton—Main craton divisions, Baltic Shield subdivisions, and Uralian inliers (based on Khain 1985, Fig. 2, Gaäl and Gorbatschev 1987, Fig. 2, and Shatzki and Bogdanoff 1959, Fig. 1). EAST EUROPEAN CRATON 61 Post - Svecofenman intrusions Gran.to.ds (1 0-09 Ga) Rapakivi granite-anorthosite suite 7-1 54 Go) Transscandmavian Gran,te - Porphyry Belt ( 1 78-1 6 Go) Felsic volcanics, granitoids (syenitic trend Southwest Scandinavian Domain (Hallandian Oroaenv-1.5-1 4Ga, Sveconorwegian Orogeny- 1 25-UVOO) Gneiss and granitoids (Gothian 1.7-1 5 Ga) Svecofennian Domain Late Svecofenman granitoids (183-177 Ga) Early Svecofenman granitoids (1 93-1 86 Ga) H'111 "Ophiolite Belt" Outokumpu Association Metavolcamcs (19- 1 87 Ga) Metasediments (1.9-1.87 Ga) Kalev.an sediments (2.0-1.9 Ga) Lapland Granul.te Belt (2 0-1.9 Ga) Granulites — K — Karel.des (2.5-1.9 Ga) Karelian mafic-ulrramafic volcanics, mera-Illi sediments (2.3-1.9 Ga) (a-e) Locations of layered mafic intrusive complexes (2 45 Ga) Metasediments-Jatulian, Sum.-Sar.ola (2.52.1 Ga) and Lappon.an (partly Arcnean) Lappon.an volcan.c rocks (2.6-2.3 Ga) A-E Presvecokarelides (+ 2.5 Ga) Greenstones-mainly volcan.cs, some sediments (2 9-2.7 Ga) Belomorian gne.ss (2.9-2.7 Ga depos.t-on, 2.7 Ga metamorphism) North Sea Gneiss mtgrnatite, granitoids (chiefly 2.72 6 Ga; some 3.1-2.9 Ga ) KOLA PENINSULA PROVINCE BELOMORIAN PROVINCE KARELIAN PROVINCE SVECOFENNIAN PROVINC LAPLAND GRANULITE BELT JRANSSCANDINAVIAN BELT SOUTHWEST SCANDINAVIAN DOMAIN Fig. 2-3. Geologic map of Fennoscandia and adjacent parts of Russia showing^ Fiqs. 1.2, and reproduced with permission of the authors). Norwegian Sea 10 Fig. 4-4. The fundamental subdivisions of Precambrian crust in southern and central Scandinavia. The northern extension of the Varmland-Smaland Belt beneath the Caledonides is shown by stippled-hatched patterns. The Jotnian sandstone-doierite cover has been omitted. Heavy dotting shows segregated granite massifs formed between 1700 and 1500 Ma. Additional rapakivi massifs may occur in the northern Baltic Sea. The Mylonite Zone and the Protogine Zone are the two largest fault zones in Southern Sweden. (From Gorbatschev 1980, Fig. 1, and reproduced with permission of the author*. EAST EUROPEAN CRATON °g°°°o|.--.-:[ Ripheon groben-like troughs (confirmed, ossumed) \i AV:^) Folded complexes o km I ■ 'J Upper Precombrion deposits ' 1 1 Fig. 4-5. Riphean structures of the East European Craton illustrating the distribution of the graben-like troughs (aulacogens) and intervening shields and massifs. (From Aksenov et al 1978, Fig. 1, and reproduced with permission of the authors). DISTRIBUTION AND TECTONIC SETTING OF PRECAMBRIAN CRUST OVRUCH Late Proterozoic, mfracratonic trough Anorfhosife - rapakivi granite plutons ^_^=^ Early Proterozoic y//\ Archean Boundaries of structural zones Mam faults UKRAINIAN SHIELD tefonl nmmVS ?m!?9cC °fine/nd divisions of East European Craton-Ukrainian Shield subdivisions (from Kham 1985, Fig. 6 and published with permission of the author). 20c Barents \ Sea ^ .30° 40° Lore- + + + + ++ GEOLOGIC SETTING BY CRATON — Middle Proferozoic ( Rapakivi - type i granites) 60°/j Early Proterozoic (Karelian) Archean Main faults - vertical and ____subvertical (observed, inferred) overthrusts and nappes Fig 1-5c(iii). Main geologic outline and divisions of East European Craton—Interior basement geology beneath the platform cover (based on Khain 1985, Fig. 8). DISTRIBUTION AND TECTONIC SETTING OF PRECAMBRIAN CRUST |AŠOýlÓPEMIČRATg^ (,) BALTIC SHIELD + MEDIAN MASSIFS OUTSIDE THE CRATON ^f^^fFroamenf J 2.0- 2.5 - Cycle / Senes u-i O Gothion (Ropokivi) s and Events Meďon Moss>fs fXJColedonian {^(Boikolion) fCadomion, Assyntion Grampian Sveco-VA Norwegian! (Oalslandian) (Pentevrion) Reworking oř SW Scandina Varongian Glacial Period. Southern-Argylle Croups Arvonian, Com/ey. DalrodtOO, Chormon, Bnov Appm Group Tomdomon Group Moman, Sloer Group Moine. Unconion PreSveco-fennian lopian WX (Karelian) ^(Reboli ' Pentevi Bonus Granite. Sveco- Norwegian regeneration Oalslandian (Dol) Platform Cover. Jotman sandstones. Sub-Jotnion Group (Dalo Porphyry) Faulting on Protog.ne Zone (1.8-0.9 Go). Anorogenic plutons incl. ropokivi gronites(I.7-1.5Ga) SW Scandinavian Domoin(1.75-15Go). Smalond -Varmland (Transscandinavian) Belt (I 8-1 6 Go). Consolidation of Baltic Shield and Platform. Major crust-forming event. Kalevian turbidifes.Ophiolifes. Svecofennion supracrustals and granitoids (2.0-I^Ga). Major unconformity. Break-up of craton {20 Go ) Lapland gronulite, Pechenga-Verzuga Belt (2 5-2.3 Go|. Korelion cover accumulation (2.6-2.0Go) Jatulian epiclastics(2.3-2 0Go). Sumi-Soriolon sediments . diomictire(2 5-2 3Go) Lopponion greenstones, sediments(2 7-2 5Go) Consolidation of Kolo-Korelion (pre-Svecokarelion) Oat, Granitoids. Lopion greenstones (30-2.7Go) Belomorian-Keivy sediments(2 9-2 7Go), Amphibolite metomorphism (2.7 Ga J. Gneiss. Lopii greenstones ( Karelia )(2.97Go). Kolo Peninsula Gneiss and granulite metomorphism I-Lapland tonalite gneisses(3.IGa). Soomian TTG plutonic association(3.1-2 9Ga) Complex Pentevrian gneiss Channel Islands Fia i-3cm Summarv chrono-stratigraphic development of Precambrian crust of the East European ^^SSS^amdton Massifs outside the craton. Salient crusta. units and events are arranged in relation to internal orogenies and resulting tectonic cycles. OROGENIES AND TECTONIC CYCLES [EAST EUROPEAN CRATuN] (2) UKRAINIAN SHIELD AND INTERIOR CRATON Cycle / Senes Vendian Kudosh Koratavion Baikalian ^ Kirovograd Zhitomir $ Karelic {%lDnie Auly Salient Un ind Events Uralian Molasse B , Accretion of Timan-Pechora Platform and pre-Ural.de Belt Intense glociation with mafic volcanism Platform Stage - continuous sedimentary cover (0.7-0.3Oo|. Moscow - Caspian Syneclise. Pericratonic downwarps and sedimentation -T.mon. Urals. Dniester Black Sea, Pripyaf and Pachelma Troughs Initiation of Caledonides (0.8 Go) Major Aulacogen Stage - rift.ng, subsidence, widespread cover ( I _6 -0.6 Ga ) Ovruch series: quartzite, sandstone, shale and porphyry (1.2 Go). Vigorous susidence of Timan - Pechora and Ural.an Troughs. Korsun-Novom.rgorod and Korosten rapak-v. gron.te-gabbro complexes Osnitsk volcano - plutonic complex. Initiation of aulacogens - separation of craton into shield massifs. Craton Consolidation (1.8 Ga). Granulite metomorphism; abundant granitoids ( 2.0-18 Go ). Krivoy Rog and Kursk Supergroups - major BIF. Metomorphism ond granitoid intrusion. Ukrainian Shield (2.3 Ga). Widespread rifting of protocontinental crust; intracratonic troughs Consolidation of Archean Cratons. Mojc Granitoid intrusions (2.7-2.6 Go ). Granulite metomorphism (2.7Ga) crust- forming event. Dnieper Complex - abundant granitoids; granulite i Gneiss domes. Konka -Verkhovtsevo - Oboyan greenstones ( 3.2- 3.1 Ga ). Dniester - Bug Group. Granitoid basement (?). Granulite metomorphism. Auly Magmatism ( mafic - ultramafic ) (- 3.6 Ga). Fig. l-3c(ii). Summary chrono-stratigraphic development of Precambrian crust of the East ^ropean Crlion-Ukrainian Shield and interior platform. Salient crustal unrts and events are arranged ,n relation to internal orogenies and resulting tectonic cycles. Archeon crust >2.5Ga [TvJ Early Proterozoic crust 2.5-1.8 Ga 11111 I Mid-Proterozoic crust 1.8-l.OGa GRENVILLE FRONT AND GRENVILLIAN REWORKING 000 km Fig. 3-2. North Atlantic Precambrian reconstruction showing pre-Grenvillian craton configurations as discussed in the text (after Gorbatschev and Bogdanova, 1993, Fig. 4). The letter symbols are: NQ -New Quebec; U - Ungava; D - Dorset; F - foxe; R - Rinkian; N - Nugssugtoqidian; T - Torngat; L - Lapland Granulite Belt.