ORIGIN OF LIFE - THEORIES 1. Natural selection is a random process but life could not have developed at random (ID) 2. All organisms have descended with modification from a common ancestor. (darw) 3. Genetic drift (or allelic drift) is the process of change in the gene frequencies of a population from one generation to the next due to statistical phenomena in which purely chance events determine which alleles (variants of a gene) within a reproductive population will be carried forward while others disappear. 4. If there is a lack of evidence in testing hypotheses, we accept the role of an intelligent designer. 5. This theory recognizes several mechanisms of evolution in addition to natural selection. One of these, random genetic drift, may be as important as natural selection. (modern synth) 6. Life on earth could not have developed at random. Intelligent causes exist. 7. This theory recognizes that characteristics are inherited as discrete entities called genes. Variation within a population is due to the presence of multiple alleles of a gene. (modern) 8. The Book of Genesis is literally true. The Earth and all forms of life were created by God in 6 days, around 10,000 years ago.(young )earh 9. This theory postulates (stanoví) that speciation is (usually) due to the gradual accumulation of small genetic changes. (modern) 10. Some features of living things are so complex that their existence is best explained as the result of an intelligent design. 11. There were two creations – one before Adam, and a second one, which included Adam and Eve, after a lengthy time gap. (gap creat) 12. Each day in the Biblical 6 days of creation wasn´t really a day, but a period of millions of years. (Day-Age Creationism) 13. God created the various ´kinds´ of plant and animal one after another – according to the timetable shown by the fossil record. God created each kind of organism as we find it; different forms of organism are separate creations, not the result of evolution from an earlier form. Micro-evolution can take place within a kind of organism to produce subtle variations (eg.lions, tigers and cats within the cat family or different sizes of beak within the Galapagos finches.) (progressive creat) 14. This theory claims that some sort of supernatural designer was involved in the creation of life on Earth. It divorces Creationist ideas from their roots in Scripture. (ID) Accept the evidence for an ancient earth but still believe that life was specially created by God, and they still base their beliefs on the Bible. Old-Earth Creationists 15. Natural selection is a mechanism of evolution. Darwinism Darwinism Modern Evolutionary Synthesis or Neo-Darwinism or Modern Theory of Evolution Modern Evolutionary Synthesis or Neo-Darwinism or Modern Theory of Evolution Old Earth creationism Old Earth creationism Progressive creationism Progressive creationism Intelligent design (neo-Creationism) Intelligent design (neo-Creationism) Day-Age creationism Day-Age creationism Young Earth creationism Young Earth creationism Gap creationism Gap creationism