Akvatická ekotoxikologie Ekosystémová ekotoxikologie Druh C Asplanchna priodonta 0,5 Brachionus rubens 1,5 Linmodrilus neuneruis 0,01-0,04 Daphnia pulex 0,21-0,45 Daphnia longispina 0,12 Moina brachiata 0,25 Bosmina longirosrris 0,15 Cyclops sp. 0,12 Unio tumidus 0,00035 Sphaerium corneum 0,0044 Chironomus phanasus 0,007-0,024 Chaoborus crystallinus 0,033 Průměmá hodnota Rozpětí hodnot baktérie 141,0 73 -237 fytoplankton 113,0 9 -359 herbivorní zooplankton 15,9 0,5- 44,0 karnivomí zooplankton 11,6 1,5- 30,4 herbivorní bentičtí bezobratlí 3,7 0,6- 12,6 karnivorní bentičtí bezobratlí 4,6 1,0- 25,0 Průměrné hodnoty a rozpětí P/B koeficientů v různých trofických skupinách organismů sladkovodních ekosystémů (podle různých autorů sestavil Wetzel, 1963) Produkce/ hrubý příjem jako ekologický parametr toku energie Schematic presence of the major characteristics of the three main types of toxicity tests; the arrows indicate the extrapolation/validation steps Predicting receiving system impacts from effluent discharge (adapted from Cairns et al. 1978) Relative frequency of the use of specific structural parameters to characterize the responses of phytoplankton, periphyton, and macrophytes, respectively (Co=Composition of lowest practical taxon; Ch=Chlorophylla; Bi=Biomass; Ab=Abundance; Si=Similarity index; Div=Diversity index; Sd=Spatial distribution. Relative frequency of the use of specific structural parameters to characterize the responses of zooplankton, macro-invertebrates and fish, respectively (Co=Composition at lowest practical taxon; Bi=Biomass; Ab=Abundance; Flg=Functional feeding groups, food choice and diet; Si=Similarity index; Di=Diversity index; Ds=Demographic characteristics; Sd=Spatial distribution). Numbers of experiments in which structural aspects of different (sub)communities have been studied, in the three types of aquatic (model) ecosystem discerned. (Mo=Microorganisms; Ph=Phytoplankton; Pe=Perinhyton; M=Macrophytos; Zo=Zooplankton; Mi=Macro-invertebrates, Fi=fish) Komponenty standardního akvatického mikrokosmu Design experimentu ovlivní spektrum sledovaných organismů Taxa, volumes and endpoints appropriate for tests of circa three to six month duration in aquatic experimental ecosystem used in testing the fate and effects of agricultural chemicals. Taxa richness may be supplemented by indices or diversity, dominance and similarity. Chl a is chlorophyll a. From SETACˇEurope, "Testing Procedures tor Pesticides in Freshwater Static Mesocosms," Monks Wood Experimental Station, July 1991. Taxa, volume and endpoints appropriate for tests of circa one-month duration in aquatic experimental ecosystems used in testing the fate and effects of agricultural chemical. LC50 is the lethal concentration for a 50% reduction in test organisms. EC50 is an effective concentration, typically used for behavioral endpoint Increase in fish biomass (g/m3) during microcosm and mesocosm studies. A, B, C and D represent the four compounds tested. Data are averages for control microcosms and mesocosms. There were two or three replicates in each study. Comparison of the NOEC's of SS tests with microalgae, protozoans, rotifers, crustaceans and insect larvae and the NOEC's of lotic and lentic outdoor microcosm tests (CEC project, 1988-1992) Comparison of the LOEC's and NOEC's obtained in SS laboratory and MS field tests for 10 pesticide. A: atrazine, B: azinphosmethyl: C cyflurin, D: cypermethrin, E: diquat, F: endosulfan, G: lambda-cyhalothrin, H: matamitron, I: parathion, J: tralomethrin Fathead minnow survival and growth (A) and Ceriodaphnia dubia survival and reproduction (B) (mean and 95% confidence intervals) during the dechlorination period A B Schéma koloběhu fosforu ve vodním ekosystému v interakci se železem a sírou. Vlevo situace za aerobních podmínek u dna, vpravo za anaerobních podmínek a za vzniku H2S v hypolimnionu. Znázorněn je rovněž koloběh fosforu v epilimnionu. Bakteriální a chemické uvolňování PO4 v hypolimnionu nádrže za přítomnosti H2S může pokračovat po podzimní cirkulaci a zrušení termální stratifikace rovněž ve svrchních vrstvách vodního sloupce (čárkované šipky) (podle Barthelmesa, 1981) Survival of organisms after 96 hours of exposure in in situ testing. The arrow signifies the point of effluent discharge into the river. Artificial stream system of the Water, Soil and Air Hygiene Office, Marienfelde, Germany. Facility has been used to study the effects ot sewage, nutrients, and detergents on stream ecosystem. Large building in the center is a pilot sewage treatment plant which contains automated sampling equipment. (Photo by P. D. Hansen.) Photograph of recirculation artificial system developed by Shell Research (England) Chlorpyritos, as a percentage of the dose applied, in the water, sediment and vegetation compartments of microcosms with (a) and without (b) macrophytes and macrophyte dominated ditches (c). During the first week postapplication sediment and macrophytes were not sampled in the microcosms. Schematic diagram of the lentic mesocosm ponds at the Water Research Field Station of the University of North Texas. Smaller circles represent the location of fiberglass microcosm test systems Flow-through exposure chamber for flow-through tests with polychaetes. The exposure chamber is a glass crystallizing ditch with an inflow of water over the sediment surface. Arrows show flow of water into the test tube (b) through silicone tubing (a), which has a piece of glass tubing (c) attached at the bottom then through an elliptical opening; (d) cut in the side of the test tube and into the dish just above the sediment surface. Water circulates around the dish and leaves through a siphon and catch cup. (Reprinted with permission from Pesch, C. E.. Munns, W. R. Jr., GutjahrGobell R.: Effects of a contaminated sediment on life history traits and population growth rate of Nennthes arenoceodénmra (Polychaeta: Nereidae) in the laboratory. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 70(6):805-875. Copyright 1991. SETAC) Model-II regression of NOECMS-experiment on NOECSS-experiment for similar or related species, corresponding effects parameters and similar exposure concentrations, based on 17 data pairs: log NOECMS-experiment = 0.750 * log NOECSS-experiment + 0.263, r = 0.935. Conceptual application of WET testing to aquatic hazard assessment; portrays the issues of laboratory-to-field scaling and exposure, surrogate species and sensitivityˇ, variability and false positives Relationship between structure and functions in macrophyte-dominated ecosystems. Arrows indicate main communities of litoral ecosystem and for each terrestrial and aquatic communities, structural and functional parameters are represented by relative Ievels of activity: production and decomposition are functions of the system and complexity and biomass to water ratio are structural parameters. Example demonstrating the value of ecoregional reference conditions for assessing effluent effects on either fish (IBI) or macroinvertebrate (ICI) community integrity (Karr et al. 1986). As an example, the downstream site would not be judged as impaired based on the ecoregional reference condition or an average-scoring upstream site (diamond). However, the downstream site would be incorrectly judged as either impaired (based on the single upstream site [circle] that was unusually species rich) or of extremely high ecological integrity (based on the single low-scoring upstream site [triangle]). Average number (+-1 standard deviation) of Naididae (Oligochaeta) collected in experimental ponds by artificial substrates. Triangles represent application of a pyrethroid insecticide. Naididae (Oligochaeta) from artificial substrates Naididae (Oligochaeta) from artificial substrates Average number (+-1 standard deviation) of Naididae (Oligochaeta) collected in experimental ponds by Ekman Grab. Triangles represent application times of a pyrethroid insecticide. PCA-ordination ,,species" plot of the 1990 SC macroinvertebrate data set. For explanation see text and figure 7 PCA-adination 'sites' plot of the 1990 SC macroinvertebrate data set. The 'sites' of test units treated with the same concentralion at different sampling times (days 6, +7, +14, +28, and +56 p.a.) have been connected by a line. For explanation see text and Figure 6.