Ďiverzita savců Asi 5 500 recentních druhů Nové objevy, popisy a nálezy New discoveries, decriptions and finds Podle: Jan Hošek, 2007: Saola aneb největší zoologické objevy posledních let. Scientia, Praha 2007, 215 str Počty žijících druhů obratlovců podle přehledů uveřejněných v posledních třech letech a jejich ohrožení podle v Červeného seznamu IUCN. skupina odhad počtu známých druhů počet vymřelých druhů počet ohrožených druhů savci (Mammalia) 5416 70 1093 ptáci (Aves) 9934 135 1206 plazi („Reptilia") 8240 22 341 obojživelníci (Amphibia) 5918 34 1811 svaloploutví (Sarcopterygii) 8 0 1 paprskoploutvé ryby (Actinopterygii) 26848 80 1058 paryby (Chondrichthyes) 970 0 110 kruhoústí (Cyclostomata) 108 0 2 celkem 57442 342 5621 1901 Okapia johnstoni 1902 1904 1910 Gorilla gorilla be ringe i - g. horská Afrika - Kongo, Rwanda, Uganda - pohoří Virunga Hylochoerus meinertzhageni - prase pralesní Afrika, tropy TragelaphuS buxtoni - nyala horská, J-Etiopie N > < < m< O CD m < 1758 á 1769 1770 ä 1779 1780 ä 1789 1790 ä 1799 1800 á 1809 1810 ä 1819 1820 ä 1829 1830 ä 1839 1840 á 1849 1850 ä 1859 1860 ä 1869 1870 ä 1879 1880 ä 1889 1890 ä 1899 1900 ä 1909 1910 á 1919 1920 ä 1929 1930 ä 1939 1940 ä 1949 1950 á 1959 1960 ä 1969 1970 ä 1979 1980 ä 1989 1990 á 1993 o o o o CO o o -pi o o Ol o o 05 o o -~~1 1 1 — -----1 i 1 -- 1 -■ -■ 1 h i -- -■ 1 | -- -- i -- i -■ H 1 1 1 i Kopytníci od roku 1900 (Ungulates) 1901 okapi pruhovaná (Okapia johnstoni) - Kongo, Uganda (Giraffidae) mazama yucatánský (Mazama pandora) - Mexiko (Cervidae) chocholatka Weynsova (Cephalophus weynsi) - Afrika (Bovidae) chocholatka ruwensorská (Cephalophus rubidus) 1903 antilopka zakrská (Neotragus batesi) - rovníková Afrika (Bovidae) 1904 prase pralesní (Hylochoerus meinertzhageni) - tropická Afr. (Suidae) 1908 mazama venezuelský (Mazama bricenii) - J Amerika (Cervidae) 1910 nyala horská (Tragelaphus buxtoni) - J Etiopie (Bovidae) anoa horský (Bubalus quarlesi) - Celebes (Bovidae) 1911 dikdik somálský (Madoqua piacentinii) - Somálsko (Bovidae) 1914 goral červený (Nemorhaedus baileyi) - Tibet, Barma (Bovidae) 1918 chocholatka zanzibarská (Cephalophus adersi) - V Afrika 1929 kabar Berezovského (Moschus berezovskii) - J Čína, S Vietnam (Moschidae) 1930 pekari Wagnerův (Catagonus wagneri), fosilie, objev 1974, Lazarus taxon, JAm (Tayassuidae) 1932 muntžak Rooseveltův (Muntiacus rooseveltorum) - J Asie (Cervidae) 1935 gazela diouhorohá (Gazella saudiya), Ex, Arabský poloostrov (Bovidae) 1937 kuprej (Bos sa u vel i) - Zadní Indie (Bovidae) 1959 mazama zakrslý (Mazama chunyi) - Bolivie (Cervidae) 1963 nahur Schaeferův (Pseidois schaeferi) - hory,Jang-c'-ťiang, Čína (Bovidae) 1981 kabar čínský (Moschus ruscus) - Čína (Bovidae) 1982 muntžak žlutý (Muntiacus atherodes) - Borneo (Cervidae) 1985 gazela jemenská (Gazelia bilkis) - Jemen (Bovidae) 1987 prase floreské (Sus heureni) - J Asie (Suidae) 1990 muntžak gongšanský (Muntiacus gongshanensiš) - J Asie (Tibet, Čína), (Cervidae) 1993 saola (Pseudoryx nghetinhensis) - Vietnam-Laos (Bovidae) 1994 muntžak obrovský (Megamuntiacus vuquangensis) - Vietnam-Laos (Cervidae) lyrorožec - ling (Pseudonovibos spiralis) - Vietnam, Kambodža (Bovidae) 1996 mazama bororo (Mazama bororo) - JV Brazílie (Cervidae) 1997 muntžak černý (Muntiacus truongsonensis) - stř. Vietnam (Cervidae) 1999 muntžak listový (Muntiacus putaoensiš) - Myanmar (Barma) (Cervidae) 2003 buvolec zambijský (Damaliscus superstes) - Zambie, Kngo (Bovidae) 2005 kančil cejlonský (Moschiola kathygre) - Sri Lanka (Tragulidae - kančilovití) voduška konžská (Cobus anselli) - Kongo (Bovidae) 2008 jelínek mazamu (Mazama ochroleuca) - Amazónie (Brazilie)(Cervidae) 1937 Bos sauveli -y .í- -■& ' ■> 100 96 0.34 «-. tirttx« n ■ "ii-.k»v HM j Forest lure iter,- -aid P lat t luj lií-thte. Mit M f/ of Fop süy, Hai o{ Vttiarn Aíůi Eireai torCoiíůlíattji, iSŕEC^Jlal ti I:IIkj. ITöMy I Lock bait Foatl,'A'aicbal, Hokj I oicj To Ab an coriP4|»Kle i« i hoi fcl I» acklressed. IN May 1992 a joint survey h y the Ministry of Forestry and World Wide Fund for Nature of the Vu Quang Nature Reserve, Ha tinhp rovince, found three sets of long straight horns of a newbovid (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) in hunters' houser. None of the specimens had dentition. On four follow-up visits by Vietnamese scientists new specimens were discovered and surveys of forests in neighbouring Nghe anprovince revealed more beauties and some partial specimens. In all, we have examined more than 20 specimens. Three have complete upper skulls and dentitions, two have lower jaws and dentitions. Three comp fete shins have been collected. The specimens are distinct in appearance, morphology and DNA sequence and cannot be ascribed to any known genus. Only two bovid genera are known from this p art of Asia, Ľos and Pfaemorkedus = Capňcamis ' . A new genus and species are therefore Muntiacus vuquangensis - muntžak obrovský 1994 Muntiacus truongsonensis - muntžak černý 1997 Muntiacus putaoensis - muntžak listový 1999 Pseudonovibos spiralis - ling 1994 A. Hassanin et a\. /CR. Acad. 5d. Paris. 5dencej. de la -.ie / Liľe 5dencei 324 Í2C001 T I-90 l.j-.-!l-ll ' I "lllh ■ liTinľ-f rf ■ ir-. ■!-. .1. ' del« kin .(ŕf/l'íVLÍI/IÍU í'wwvom «Lpi/uo1 ľiťť:Rrrlu ^unilV.v urnn fímrtiifjJiTV A-i^ii-tuni-iVit f r uy l-.'ui Un ľ. .. m. i -, u ľr-j^i A imJ.■ ■ ^. .wiJb^^Ais ŕn-j j . .11 rA i | r flfrTJV1 KTTftr Til^jfrAvvllI' ™>* fn-^^rftyAll1 TPf fVY iV.-|fhil".T ^.U'hHU ■■...-.. Äil\ taTV.H Aim prumifjir ffcnrrtTnB ■■ ftji BflVTlfÜ rwilůtafJ.T il.ll'lriľiLl.v.'iľ-. Vwx-/rogyif>rirBlij$us — f'vflÜcAiflXw, r/iu-jmi"-. ij- jv-.i nj JVAvi n^i to .Vt-Mre^iiA ťwvti-fe.Vjn C/tají arJfA ffni /a i ir.-i-j ■E"-i I--U ďmrn i Vih u i \f\tr/wfn Cplnchromt í cnniiilM ľi inu i ■ hinn ripjrc 1. Phylogenese tree record rucled from theccmbinalion or cytochrome b and laclof-errin -sequence*. Shovwi is a bootstrap 50 % majority-rule consensus Iree performed with Ihe maximum parsimony '!MP!' method [2U]. A nlfíbřap-Ti aiísrí-cana ilamily Anlilocapridae;, Cerťus íľaphus and Qttůcoifevs ftcmiomts I family Cervidaej were used bo root the bovid Ire*. The analyses-■-■■it-re conduí led with eilher equal weighting, or differential weighling or bhe nucleotide transrormalions Isee section 5.3J. 9oolstrap proportions wer e computed a Her I 000 replicates. These are indicated below branches, lo the left of I he slash for Ihe weighted MP ana lysis and bo Ihe right for the unweighted MP analysis. The type and posilion of the molecu-Lar signatures characteri Ai( of the dirTerenl groups or species li.e. exclusive synapomor-phiesl, -are indicaled on the branches as shown in the key. Moschiola kathygre - kanci I cejlonský 2005 Kytovci od roku 1900 (Cetacean, Whales) 1908 vorvanovec australský (Mesoplodon bowdoini) 1912 sviňucha jižní (Australophocaena dioptrica) 1913 vorvanovec tmavý (Mesoplodon mirus) 1918 delfínovec čínský (Lipotes vexillifer) 1926 vorvanovec Long manu v (Indocetus pacificus) 1934 delfín Graffmanův (Stenella graffmani) 1937 vorvanovec Shepherduv (Tasmacetus shepherdi) 1956 plískavice saravacká (Lagenodelphis hosei) 1958 vorvanovec japonský (Mesoplodon gingkodens) sviňucha kalifornská (Phocoena sinus) 1963 vorvanovec kalifornský (Mesoplodon carlhubbsi) 1991 vorvanovec peruánský (Mesoplodon peruvianus) 2002 vorvanovec Perrinův (Mesoplodon perrini) - DNA 2003 plejtvák Omurův (Balaenoptera amurai) - DNA 2005 orcela tupoploutvá (Orcaella heinsohni) Letouni po roce 2000 2000 3 druhy 2001 6 druhů, v Evropě Myotis alcathoe - netopýr Alkathoe (menší, nymf in) 2002 8 druhů 2003 3 druhy 2004 10 druhů, Plecotus gaisleri - S Afrika, Pipistrellus hanaki - Libye 2005 13 druhů 2006 9 druhů 2007 1 druh Ostatní savci po roce 1990 1995 prase vietnamské (Sus bucculentuš)- Laos, popis 1892, Lazar taxon králík Timminsův (Nesolagus timminsi) - Laos 1996 khanyou (Laonastes aenigmaemus) - stř. Laos - skalní krysa (Laonastidae), Lazarus taxon, bazálni linie hytricognáthních hlodavců 1997 langur duk (Pygathrix nemaeus) - Vietnam (Cercopithecidae) cibetka tainguenská - Vietnam, Annamity 2001 slon pralesní (Loxodonta cyciotis) - kryptický druh, DNA, dnes nepřijímán BIODIVERZITA Figure 2. Global distribution of new mammals described since 1992. The distribution is overlaid on currently recognized regions of high threat and irreplaceabilitv, Variable levels of shading indicate the number of global biodiversity conservation templates that prioritize the region (Crooks et al, 2005). SAVCI - distribuce nových druhů objevených po 1992 Titi - 23 druhy Jižní Amerika Primáti 1998 Callithrix humilis - kosman (Callithrichidae, drápkaté opice) 2000 Callithrix manicorensis Callithrix acariensis 2003 Callicebus bernhardi - titi (Cebidae - maipovití) Calicebus stephennashi ? Callicebus sp.nov. 1 Callicebus sp.nov. 2 Pithecia Sp.nOV. 1 - chvostan Pithecia sp.nov. 2 SaguinuS Sp.nOV. 1 -tamarín Ságu i n us sp.nov. 2 Ateles Sp.nOV. 1 -chápan Ate I es sp.nov. 2 Cacajao Sp.nOV. - uakari Lagothrix sp.nov. 1 -chápan Lagothrix sp.nov. 2 Callithrix Sp.nOV. - kosman Callicebus sp. nov. - titi Saimiri sp.nov. - kotul Agouti Sp. nOV. - paka (Agoutidae) Eira Sp.nOV. - hyrare, brazilská kuna (Mustelidae) Nasua Sp.nOV. -nosál (Procyonidae) MyrmeCOphaga Sp.nOV. - mravenečník (Myrmecophagidae) Pteronura Sp.nOV. -vydra (Mustelidae) Panthera Sp.nOV. -jaguár (Felidae) Marc van Roosmalen A NKW SPKCIKS OF LIVING PKCCARY (MAM M AI J A; TAYASSUIDAE) FROM THK BRAZILIAN AMAZON Marc G. M. VAN ROOSMAJ.EN, l^othar FRENZ, Pirn VAN 1100FT, Hans H. ViE 10NÜI í & Herwig LRIRS Pecari maximus 2007 A NEW SPECIES OF LIVING MANATEE FROM THE AMAZON Shallow clear-water adapted dwarf manatee is already on the verge of extinction Marc (Í.M, van Roosmalen', Pirn van Hooft2 & Hans H. de longh:< 1 AAPA Manaus-Amazonas. Brazil 2 W:agcningcn University and Research Centre, Resource Ecology Group, Bomsestecg 69,6708PD Wafceningen. The Netherlands 3 Leiden University* institute of Environmental Sciences, PC) Box 951Ŕ. 2300RA Leiden. The Netherlands (Lt-n) The Rio Arauazinho harbors dwarf manatee and numerous other new mega-fauna species. Marc proposes this be the cornerstone for a neic Brazilian National Park, Trichechus bernhardi 2007 - kapustňák A NEW SPECIES OF LIVING BROCKET DEER (MAMMALIA: CERVIDAE) FROM THE BRAZILIAN AMAZON Marc G. M. VAN ROOSMALEN & Pirn VAN HOOFT (La-r) Mazama nchroleuca sp. nau> redrawn from plate depicting Manama (gouazoupira) nemnrivaga (Eisenberg, 1989)* (Above) Two spikes of Mazania ameriama above, one üfMuzamu ochraleuca sp. tiol: beluuj. Here we report on the existence of a new species of even-toed ungulate in the RraziHan Amazon* which we name Mazama ochroleuca sp. n a u,, the fair brocket deer. It is intermediate in size he-tweenthetwo known species of brocket deer, Mazama americana and Mazama (gouazoupira) nemoriuaga, and occurs in sytnpatry with both. Preliminary mitochondrial partial cytochrome b sequences of fair brocket deer compared with that of the sympatric and morphologically most related grey brocket deer {Mazama (gouazoupira) netiiorivag^reved&i a sequence difference of 3.7%*. Divergence time is therefore estimated at i.o million years heforc present. As in other brocket deer, fair brocket deer seem to live solitary or in pairs. In view of recent developments in the Rio Aripuanä basin where it lives and due to its limited distribution, we consider the fair brocket deer highly endangered, KEYWORDS New species, Artiodactyla, Cervidae, Mazama achraleuca sp, nor, > fair brocket deer\ Brazilian Amazon Mazama ochroleuca 2008 A NEW SPECIES OF LIVING LOWLAND TAPIR (MAMMALIA; TAPIRIDAE) FROM THE BRAZILIAN AMAZON Marc G.M. van Roosmalen / AAPX Ma n aus-Amazonas, Braail Here we report on the existence of a new species of odd-toed ungulate in the Brazilian Amazon, which wc name Tapirus pygmaeiis sp. nov., the black dwarf lowland tapir. It is much smaller than the since long known Brazilian lowland tapir> Tapirus terrestris. As in other tapirs, dwarf tapirs seem to live solitary or in pairs. In view of recent developments in the iiiterfluves where it lives and due to its limited distribution and apparent rarinessfc we consider the dwarf tapir highly endangered. KEY WORDS New species, ľerissodactyla, Tapiridae. Tapirus pygmaeiis sp, jiolv black dwarf lowland tapir. Brazilian Amazon Tapirus pygmaeus 2008 Současné tempo popisování • RYBY cca 150 druhů ročně • OBOJŽIVELNÍCI cca 70 druhů ročně • PTÁCI cca 5-10 druhů ročně • SAVCI cca 40 - 50 druhů ročně 1992-2005 ptáci vs. savci 83 : 341 Log of Birds ( + ) and Mammals (o) described per year + tD - + + 0 + + + + + 0 5\ °.-. CO - ŕ-* 0++7 + >^ + o/o X-e o + +/ o * +++■ o -o / o o i 0 o\d>—"i 0 °0° »8 0 0 o 7° 00 "T"* SV? OD m % Ch_^P + o o^P- aWo + CN - 0+ TK+ -H- + -H-++ -HT—K-4t + + 5tS IH- O CD 0+ -E + *~ - 000 8-90 o -*b co 000 + +-H-+ + + O - *d*+o O o o O 1 1 1 1 1 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 yr Log of Birds (-) and Mammals (- -) described per year (D - m- ^-~ + O CT CN- O - 1750 1300 1350 1900 1950 2000 yr Reeder et al.-New Mammals Continue to be Discovered 700 [- 6 INJ u sao Cumulative number oT species Linear recession ul ĽumulalivE species uver lime V * 253.7ttK - 776.03: fla = 0 97; p * 0 0005 Stečieš per decide Predicted additional species Tw 2000a GOOD _ GOOD _ 4OÜ0 34O0 1760 17BC 1800 1824 1344 1889 1884 1949 1924 1944 1984 19B4 2044 Figure 1. Cumulative and decadal descriptions of taxonomically valid extant niainmal species. Patterson 2001 in S B ■o o CD 1000 kg 100 kg 10 kg 1 kg 100 g 10g II * i + 9 □ D ■ + Q rodent$ bal s ungulates opossums carnivores + á o ■ tapíre edentates primates shrews other orders t ľ + í ú • Srí V * ° *n „o * i ' * i * ŕ D ■V 1750 1800 1850 1900 Year of publication 1950 2000 Patterson 2001 in S B ■o o CD 1000 kg 100 kg 10 kg 1 kg 100 g 10g II * i 9 o «tf ■ + Q rodent$ bal s ungulates opossums carnivores + •> á o ■ tapíre edentates primates shrews other orders t Ď c ľ i4-t ■ + í A ■ B t> • Srí V j, -k -ŕT ■ Q D* . □ D 1750 1800 1850 1900 Year of publication 1950 2000 Chiroptera Patterson 2001 (A fň (ö E >. ■o o m 1000 kg 100 kg 10 kg 1 kg 100 g 10g • rodents + bats o ungulates i opossums o carnivores * tapirs * edentates * primates o shrews ■ other orders □ D *'h \fc °**D . _* □ go 1750 1800 1850 1900 Year of publication 1950 2:00 Patterson 2001 • fl Hr Rodentia 1900 1950 Patterson 2001 in S B ■o o CD 1000 kg 100 kg 10 kg 1 kg 100 g 10g + 9 □ II * i «tf ■ + Q rodent$ bal s ungulates opossums carnivores + •> á o ■ tapíre edentates primates shrews other orders t Ď c ľ I* t • + + A ■ B ú • Srí V •43 ŽE«- □ D .;: * Vit*,:,'.;.. :* v * 4 1750 1800 1850 1900 Year of publication 1950 2000 ti sa !*.£»: . ^V- p 1-, ■ ■. •tf Cuscomyi - činčilák ašaninka (Abrocomidae - Andy ashaninka činčilákovití) - 1999 L.H. Emmonsova Abrocoma oblativa Eaton 1916 Cuscomys oblativus Cuscomys ashaninka 1992-2005 341 nový druh savců 1992-2005 Rodentia 155 druhů Mallomys Sp. nOV. - krysa (Murinae) 1992-2005 Chiroptera 78 druhů Styloctenium mindorensis Esselstyn 2007 - kaloň, nížinné lesy Filipín 1995-2007 36 nových druhů primátů Tarsius lariang - nártoun (komboviti - Galagonidae) Microcebus jollyae - maki (makioviti - Cheirogaleidae) Microcebus mittermeieri Microcebus simmonsi Microcebus mamiratra 20' Lepi Lepi Lepi Lepi Lepi Lepi Lepi Lepi Lepi Lepi Lepi Lepi Lepi Lepi emur aeeclis - lemur (lemurovití noční - Megaladapidae) emur randrianasoli emur sahamalazensis emur ahmansoni emur betsileo emur fleuretae emurgrewcocki emur hubbardi emurjamesi emur milanoii emur petteri emur seali emurtymerlachsoni emurwrighti Avahi peyrierasi - avahi (indrioviti - Indridae) Cebus flavius - malpa (malpoviti - Cebidae) Lophocebus kipunji Rungwecebus Tanzánie 2005 mangabej kipundži - kočkodanovití (Cercopithecidae) because of the terrain, thick .secondary forest, and the animal's cryptic nature, sightings were infrequent and poor. It was not untii December 2003, during work in the contiguous Livingstone Hörest, that the monkey was clearly observed and recognized as a new species of mangabey. Ndundulu population, The Udzungwa Mountains (Udzungwas: 10000 kjrŕ, 07J40'S to OffWS andS^ltfEto^SO'E) lie 350 km to the northeast of Rungwe-Lh/tngstone {4, S). Supporting circa (ca.) 10i 7 kmJ of fragmented forest (ó), the Udzungwas receive a maximum annual rainfall of roughly 2200 mm and were previously thought to hold 10 primate species (7L including the endemic Sanje mangabey, Cercocebus súnjei. discovered in 1979 {ii). Two populations of the Sanje mangabey are known from the Udzungwas (?, 'J). During visits from !*!**! to 2000, ornithologists working in the Ndundulu Hörest Reserve {Rg. \) reported a third population of the Sanje mangabey {!f)). Subsequent surveys failed to confirm the presence of this species in Ndundulu {7, 9, SS) and led to our Intensified surveys in July and -September 2004. During these surveys. Sanje mangabeys were not encountered or heard. However, on 7 July 2004, the new species of mangabey was discovered. It now seems certain tliat the ornithologists had m is identified the new species of manga bey as the Sanje mangabey. "lbe researchers working on each of these two new populations of mangabeys did not become aware that a second population was known until October 2004. Lophocebtis kipunfi fchardt, butynski, Jones, and Davenport sp. nov. Holotype. Adult male In photograph {Hig. 2). Photograph taken in the type locality at 9i:07'S 33::44't {12). Ehe number of individuals in each ofthe two populations of this species Ls undoubtedly very small; no Fig. 2. Holotype: adult male highland mangabey LaphůcehLS kip^nji in the type Locality. Rungwe-Livingstone. Tanzania [Photograph by T.R.&. Davenport] live individual should be collected at this time to serve as the holotype. The Rungwe-Livingstone population is designated the source population for physical specimens in support ofthe holotype. Paratype. Adult in photograph (Fig. 3). Se* not known. Photograph taken in Ndundulu Forest Reserve (07a4&J45"S 36::3l'05"hh Udzungwa Mountains. Tanzania. Type locality. Rungwe-Livings tone {09-07'S to 09::] ]'S and 33::40't to 33::55'b): Southern Highland, Tanzania. Diagnosis, Pe Lage of dors urn light to medium brown, center of ventrum and distal half of Fig. 3. Paratype: adult highland mangabey Laphocebbs kipunji, Ndundulu Forest Reserve, Tanzania. [Photograph by T. Jones] tail off-white. Crown with very long, broad, erect crest of hair, bye lids black, not contrasting with color of face. Adults emit a distinctive, loud, low-pitched "honk-hark" {Hig. 4). Arboreal. Hound only at high altitudes (1300 m up to 2450 m asi) and tow-temperature tolerant; temperatures in Rungwe-Livingstone drop to at least 5':C Description. A primarily brown, medium-sized, long-tailed, arboreal monkey. Muzzle elongated. Hacial skin, including eyelids, black. Suborbital fossae "4tear line" pronounced. Lyes brown. Petage tight to rufous brown except as follows! center of ventrum and distal half of tall, white to off-white; hands and feet, black; lower foretimbs, dark brown to black. Cheek whiskers long. Crown with very long, broad, stiff, upright crest of hair. Shoulder cape present in some individuals, although there Ls variation in length and color. White of ventrum sharply offset from brown in at least 52 20 MAY 2005 VOL 30Ö SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org ' h ■ - - Im -j B?iŕN> *?* ' ■«? r ' Fíg. 2. Holoty pe: adult malú highland rnanga-bůy Lupňůceůuí kipunji in the typ* Locality. Rungwu-Livingitone. Taniania. [Photograph by T.R.&. Davenport] Holotype. Adult male iu| photograph {hig. 2). Photograph taken in the type Locality at 9::ors 33*44'Ľ (12). The number of Individuals In each of the two populations of thi s. species is undoubtedly very small; no live individual should be collected at this time to siTve as the hototype. The Run^we-Livingstone population is designated the source population for physical specimens lii support of the hototype. B7 0-91 100 1.0 Lophocebus kipunji Rungwecebus A Cercopithecus mitis -----Erythrocytes -Cftforocebus aettřřops 100 1.0 Lophocebus ^ 0 99.' i D Päpio 1—Lophocebus kipunji 64] Tiieroprtfreeus ■Mändrilius sphinx Macaca rnuiatta ■0.01 substilutions/sile UGANDA I ^ / IBANJU,.------------------------------------------------1 55 i /"TS Bukoba l "^'v ^ MANY.fr Vj( TANZANIA RWANDA a ke ctoria A KENYA ££Ri™i r" s,«asas°í (' BURUNDI , ■ Protected A (not an authority on bxindai eas f]'v). J J / , r ■ ÍGOMBĽ *. Tj(igorna ~Ä^ \ / 1 Tanganyika mba ZAMBIA © Cartography by Mike Sfoand Galagoides udzungwensis - komba 1996 Congosorex phillipsorum - bělozubka 2005 Rhynchocyon udzungwensis Rathbun 2008 Ital Rovero - 2005 fotopasti, Dr. Rathbun - Kalifornská akademie věd - 2008 Afrotheria - Macroscelidea - bércoun = elephant shrew, 1 kg, 30 cm Dr. Rathbun Národní přírodovědné muzeum Paříž Genneta bourioni 2003 - ženetka Bourionova coll. 1959 - podle kůže, stř. Z Afrika ...na trhu Neofelis nebulosa diardi- nový druh, pův. poddruh levharta obláčkového Borneo 2006, 1/3 terestrických savců na Borneu - endemiti od 1995 fotopasti ■ ■■'-.-Jf-Éii ■_■ Thylacinus cynocephalus 1936-? Figure 1 Species richness of mammals across Europe. This illustrative map was prepared using Worldmap software and shows species richness {number of species per grid square) with one level of smoothing. The entire atlas dataset has been used, including introduced species. There are some differences between the Atlas Flora Euwpaea UTM grid used by this software and the one used in the Atlas, particularly around the south-eastern borders of Europe and also in the treatment of some island groups.