Learning outcomes (Lecture 2a) Understanding: • Detailed mechanism of NER in E. coli • The defect in NER in xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) • The genetic heterogeneity of XP • Global genome repair and transcriptioncoupled DNA repair 2.1 Removal of damage Base excision repair (BER) Removes damaged base by breaking bond between base and sugar Nucleotide excision repair (NER) Removes damaged base(s) as part of an oligonucleotide fragment (A2, A7) 2.2 UvrA protein Action of UvrA2B 2.3 UvrA is a DNA-binding protein UvrB is a helicase/ translocase Friedberg et al, 2005 DNA Repair and Mutagenesis Incision by UvrC 2.4 Friedberg et al, 2005 DNA Repair and Mutagenesis Late steps of NER 2.5 Friedberg et al, 2005 DNA Repair and Mutagenesis UV-sensitive mutants Epistasis analysis in yeast Rad3 epistasis group is involved in NER. More than 10 genes. UV dose wt Survival rad1 rad3rad1rad3 UV dose wt rad1 rad6 rad1rad6 Damage Repair Rad1 Rad3 Damage Repair Rad1 Rad6 Xeroderma Pigmentosum Patients XP-C XP-V XP-D Robbins et al 1974 Clinical symptoms of repair-deficient diseases 1. Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP). Sensitivity of skin to sunlight: freckles, pigmentation abnormalities, thickening of the skin, multiple skin cancers. In some case neurological abnormalities and mental retardation. 2. Trichothiodystrophy (TTD). Sulphur deficient brittle hair, mental and physical retardation, ichthyosis (fish-like scaly skin), sun sensitivity, no cancer. 3. Cockayne Syndrome (CS). Dwarfism, loss of adipose tissue, beaked nose, sunken eyes, premature ageing, skeletal abnormalities, severe mental retardation, retinal atrophy, sun sensitivity, no cancer. 4. HNPCC. Familial non-polyposis colon carcinoma. 5. Familial breast cancer. 6. Immunodeficiency (Ligase IV syndrome) Microcephaly, mental retardation, unusual facial features, immune deficiencies (cellular and humoral) 7. Nijmegen Breakage Syndome (NBS). Microcephaly, mental retardation, unusual facial features, immune deficiencies (cellular and humoral), frequent infections, lymphomas, radiation sensitive. Chromosome aberrations. 8. Ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T). Progressive cerebellar ataxia, telangiectasia, immune deficiencies (cellular and humoral), lymphoreticular cancers and carcinomas, radiation-sensitive. Chromosome aberrations. 9. Fanconi anaemia. Bone marrow deficiency, abnormal pigmentation, skeletal deformities especially of radius and thumb, leukemias, and other cancers. Chromosome aberrations. 10. Bloom Syndrome. Small size, sun-sensitive rash, immune deficiencies – infections, leukemias. Chromosome aberrations and SCE’s. 2.7 UV-sensitive mutants UV dose wt XP Epistasis analysis in yeast Rad3 epistasis group is involved in NER. More than 10 genes. 2.6 UV dose wt Survival rad1 rad3rad1rad3 UV dose wt rad1 rad6 rad1rad6 Survival Human cells Damage Repair Rad1 Rad3 Damage Repair Rad1 Rad6 Unscheduled DNA Synthesis (UDS) No UV + UV 2.8 S phase nuclei UDS in non-S phase nuclei Absent in XP cells Most XP patients are defective in NER Diagnostic test for UDS UV (Jm-2) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 UDS 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Normal XP1 XP2 2.8a Properties of XP, CS and TTD complementation groups Clinical features Repair characteristics Group Skin Cancer Neurological abnormalities Relative frequency of occurrence UV- sensitivity Residual UDS* Remarks XP-A + ++ high +++ <5 XP-B +/- +++/+ very rare ++ <10 Combined XP/CS or TTD XP-C + - high + 15-30 Deficient in ‘global genome’ repair. Normal transcription-coupled repair XP-D + ++/- intermediate ++ 15-50 Includes patients with TTD and patients with XP/CS XP-E +/- - rare + >50 XP-F +/- - rare/ intermediate + 15-30 XP-G +/- +++/+ rare ++ <10 Includes patients with XP/CS XP-V + - high + 100 Defective in post-replication repair. Normal NER CS-A - ++ rare + 100 Defective in transcriptioncoupled repair ‘Global genome’ repair normal CS-B - ++ high + 100 Defective in transcriptioncoupled repair ‘Global genome’ repair normal TTD-A - + very rare + 15 TTD *Unscheduled DNA synthesis as a percentage of wild-type activity 2.9 Cockayne Syndrome TTDXP XP, TTD and CS A. CLINICAL SYMPTOMS OF REPAIR-DEFICIENT DISEASES 1. Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP). Sensitivity of skin to sunlight: freckles, pigmentation abnormalities, thickening of the skin, multiple skin cancers. In some case neurological abnormalities and mental retardation. 2. Trichothiodystrophy (TTD). Sulphur deficient brittle hair, mental and physical retardation, ichthyosis (fish-like scaly skin), sun sensitivity, no cancer. 3. Cockayne Syndrome (CS). Dwarfism, loss of adipose tissue, beaked nose, sunken eyes, premature ageing, skeletal abnormalities, severe mental retardation, retinal atrophy, sun sensitivity, no cancer. 4. HNPCC. Familial non-polyposis colon carcinoma. 5. Familial breast cancer. 6. Immunodeficiency (Ligase IV syndrome) Microcephaly, mental retardation, unusual facial features, immune deficiencies (cellular and humoral) 7. Nijmegen Breakage Syndome (NBS). Microcephaly, mental retardation, unusual facial features, immune deficiencies (cellular and humoral), frequent infections, lymphomas, radiation sensitive. Chromosome aberrations. 8. Ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T). Progressive cerebellar ataxia, telangiectasia, immune deficiencies (cellular and humoral), lymphoreticular cancers and carcinomas, radiation-sensitive. Chromosome aberrations. 9. Fanconi anaemia. Bone marrow deficiency, abnormal pigmentation, skeletal deformities especially of radius and thumb, leukemias, and other cancers. Chromosome aberrations. 10. Bloom Syndrome. Small size, sun-sensitive rash, immune deficiencies – infections, leukemias. Chromosome aberrations and SCE’s. 2.7 Properties of XP, CS and TTD complementation groups Clinical features Repair characteristics Group Skin Cancer Neurological abnormalities Relative frequency of occurrence UV- sensitivity Residual UDS* Remarks XP-A + ++ high +++ <5 XP-B +/- +++/+ very rare ++ <10 Combined XP/CS or TTD XP-C + - high + 15-30 Deficient in ‘global genome’ repair. Normal transcription-coupled repair XP-D + ++/- intermediate ++ 15-50 Includes patients with TTD and patients with XP/CS XP-E +/- - rare + >50 XP-F +/- - rare/ intermediate + 15-30 Repair slow but prolonged XP-G +/- +++/+ rare ++ <10 Includes patients with XP/CS XP-V + - high + 100 Defective in post-replication repair. Normal NER CS-A - ++ rare + 100 Defective in transcriptioncoupled repair ‘Global genome’ repair normal CS-B - ++ high + 100 Defective in transcriptioncoupled repair ‘Global genome’ repair normal TTD-A - + very rare + 15 TTD *Unscheduled DNA synthesis as a percentage of wild-type activity 2.9 Cockayne Syndrome TTDXP XP, TTD and CS A. CLINICAL SYMPTOMS OF REPAIR-DEFICIENT DISEASES 1. Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP). Sensitivity of skin to sunlight: freckles, pigmentation abnormalities, thickening of the skin, multiple skin cancers. In some case neurological abnormalities and mental retardation. 2. Trichothiodystrophy (TTD). Sulphur deficient brittle hair, mental and physical retardation, ichthyosis (fish-like scales), sun sensitivity, no cancer. 3. Cockayne Syndrome (CS). Dwarfism, loss of adipose tissue, beaked nose, sunken eyes, premature ageing, skeletal abnormalities, severe mental retardation, retinal atrophy, sun sensitivity, no cancer. 4. HNPCC. Familial non-polyposis colon carcinoma. 5. Familial breast cancer. 6. Immunodeficiency (Ligase IV syndrome) Microcephaly, mental retardation, unusual facial features, immune deficiencies (cellular and humoral) 7. Nijmegen Breakage Syndome (NBS). Microcephaly, mental retardation, unusual facial features, immune deficiencies (cellular and humoral), frequent infections, lymphomas, radiation sensitive. Chromosome aberrations. 8. Ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T). Progressive cerebellar ataxia, telangiectasia, immune deficiencies (cellular and humoral), lymphoreticular cancers and carcinomas, radiation-sensitive. Chromosome aberrations. 9. Fanconi anaemia. Bone marrow deficiency, abnormal pigmentation, skeletal deformities especially of radius and thumb, leukemias, and other cancers. Chromosome aberrations. 10. Bloom Syndrome. Small size, sun-sensitive rash, immune deficiencies – infections, leukemias. Chromosome aberrations and SCE’s. 2.7 UV sensitivity of CS cells 2.10 UV sensitivity similar to XPs But UDS is normal Friedberg et al, 2005 DNA Repair and Mutagenesis E822RNA UV Jm-2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 RNASynthesis(%ofunirradiated) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 1BR3 CS2BR CS15BR CS14BR Diagnostic test for CS UV-irradiate cells. Incubate 24 h. Measure RNA synthesis. 2.11 Properties of XP, CS and TTD complementation groups Clinical features Repair characteristics Group Skin Cancer Neurological abnormalities Relative frequency of occurrence UV- sensitivity Residual UDS* Remarks XP-A + ++ high +++ <5 XP-B +/- +++/+ very rare ++ <10 Combined XP/CS or TTD XP-C + - high + 15-30 Deficient in ‘global genome’ repair. Normal transcription-coupled repair XP-D + ++/- intermediate ++ 15-50 Includes patients with TTD and patients with XP/CS XP-E +/- - rare + >50 XP-F +/- - rare/ intermediate + 15-30 Repair slow but prolonged XP-G +/- +++/+ rare ++ <10 Includes patients with XP/CS XP-V + - high + 100 Defective in post-replication repair. Normal NER CS-A - ++ rare + 100 Defective in transcriptioncoupled repair ‘Global genome’ repair normal CS-B - ++ high + 100 Defective in transcriptioncoupled repair ‘Global genome’ repair normal TTD-A - + very rare + 15 TTD *Unscheduled DNA synthesis as a percentage of wild-type activity 2.9 Measurement of gene-specific repair Damage Endonuclease 2.12 Hamster dhfr gene 14kb Kpn1 fragment: 10Jm-2 58% repair in 8 h Bulk DNA: 5 Jm-2 16% repair in 24 h (alkaline gel) Modified from Friedberg et al, 2005 DNA Repair and Mutagenesis (Adapted from Bohr, 1991) with selected enzyme Treat (or not) with damagespecific endonuclease • Rodent cells : CPD only repaired in transcribed strand of active genes • Human cells: CPD repaired much faster in transcribed strands of active genes • This is called Transcription-coupled repair (TCR) • Repair of bulk DNA called global genome repair (GGR) Transcription-coupled repair 2.13 • CS cells defective in TCR All repair at rate of GGR • In contrast XP-C, not v. sensitive, but UDS low, 10-15% XP-C cells only carry out TCR, defective in GGR Summary (Lecture 2a) • NER in E. coli involves dual incisions and can be reconstituted with 6 proteins • XP cells are defective in NER • There are 8 XP complementation groups • TTD cells are also defective in NER, mainly in XP-D group • CS cells are specifically defective in TCR • XP-C cells are specifically defective in GGR 2.14 Learning outcomes (Lecture 2b) Understanding: • Detailed mechanism of NER in human cells • The roles of the XP gene products • The link via TFIIH between NER and transcription • The mechanism of TCR and the roles of the CS proteins 2.15 HUMAN NER PROTEINS Human protein Yeast protein AAs(MW - KD) Protein function XPA Rad14 273 (31) Damage verification XPC +HR23B Rad4 + Rad23 940 (106) + 409 (58) Damage recognition XPE (DDB2) 314 (48) UV-DNA binding ERCC1 Rad10 297 (31) 5’ Nuclease subunit XPF Rad1 1050 (115) 5’ Nuclease subunit XPG Rad2 1186 (133) 3’ Nuclease XPD Rad3 760 (87) TFIIH subunit, helicase XPB Rad25 782 (89) TFIIH subunit, helicase P62,P44, P52, P34, P10(TTDA) Tfb1, Ssl1, Tfb2, Tfb3, Tfb5 548 (62), 395 (44), 464 (52), 303 (34), 71 (10) TFIIH subunit RPA(p70,p34,p14) Rfa1, Rfa2, Rfa3 616, 270, 121 (70, 34, 14) SS-DNA binding PCNA Pol30 261 (32) Polymerase clamp DNA polδ or ε Pol3 or Pol2 DNA polymerase LIG1 Cdc9 919 (102) DNA ligase 2.16 (A7) ,κ or ε TFIIH recruitment TFIIH RPA DNA helix unwinding XPA-RPA recruitment XPA XPC-HR23B Damage recognition by XPC-HR23B and XPE-DDB1 2.17 GGR in humans • Recognition – must detect 1 damaged base in 1 million undamaged bases • XPC is a general damage recognition factor • CPD not well recognised by XPC. 6-4PP are. • Both recognised by DDB • DDB is a heterodimer of DDB1 and DDB2 • DDB2 is the XPE protein • DDB is part of large ubiquitin ligase complex. • It binds to damage, then ubiquitinates and recruits XPC (not degraded). • Also self-ubiquitinates and degrades itself. • XPE not expressed in rodent cells. Structures of DDB and XPC • XPC binds flipped out bases on the undamaged strand • Explains broad specificity XPE (DDB2) binds flipped out 6-4PP in a pocket Min and Pavletich, Nature 2007 Scrima et al, Cell 2008 2.18 WD40 proteins 7-bladed propellor domains • XPD highly homologous to Rad3, well studied, ATPdependent DNA helicase. • Apart from helicase activity, also a separate essential function, ie RAD3del lethal. • Mutations found in XP-D and TTDs: mainly basechange mutns. • XPB is another helicase of opposite polarity XPD, XPB and TFIIH 2.19 • TFIIH, basal transcription initiation factor - ten subunits. • P89 isolated, helicase activity and gene cloned and sequenced - it is XPB!, ie XPB is a subunit of TFIIH. • XPD also. • 10 subunits now cloned from yeast and humans. • Products of these genes are therefore subunits of TFIIH, which has 2 functions, in NER and in transcription (essential function). • XPB: part of TFIIH core and helicase activity is vital for transcription. Required to open up promoter site. Helicase activity not needed for NER. NB mutations can affect repair, transcription or both. • XPD: not as tightly associated – helicase activity not needed for transcription, is needed for NER. • TTDA (p8): not essential, only involved in NER. TFIIH (A7) • All three genes associated with TTD (XPD, XPB and TTDA) encode subunits of TFIIH • XP known to be a repair syndrome • TTD proposed to be a “transcription syndrome” • Slightly altered transcription must affect some proteins specifically, eg hair and myelin. What is the evidence? Prediction: Sites of XPD mutations differ between two syndromes TFIIH, XP and TTD 2.20 IIIa III IV V VI G47R T76A R112H C259Y D234N R511Q Y542C S541R R487G A594P R592P R601L R601W G602D R666W D681N R683W R683Q Q726am G675R R658H R658C C663R D673G G713R R722W A725P F/S730 XP-D/CS TTDXP Mutations in XPD gene (B1) * TTD Mouse (B2) 2.21 Structure of archaeal XPD (B3) Red, XP mutations; purple, TTD mutations; yellow, XP-CS mutations Fan et al., Cell, 2008 2.22 TFIIH recruitment TFIIH RPA DNA helix unwinding XPA-RPA recruitment XPA XPC-HR23B Damage recognition by XPC-HR23B and XPE-DDB1 2.23 GGR in humans • CPD not well recognised by XPC. 6-4PP are. • Both recognised by DDB • DDB is a heterodimer of DDB1 and DDB2 • DDB2 is the XPE protein • DDB is part of large ubiquitin ligase complex. • It binds to damage then ubiquitinates and recruits XPC (not degraded). • Also self-ubiquitinates and degrades itself. • XPE not expressed in rodent cells. • Zinc finger protein, binds more strongly to UV-irradiated DNA, homologous to yeast Rad14. • Binding to UV-irradiated DNA increased by RPA. • Originally thought to recognise damage. Now thought to verify damage and position everything. • XPA and XPC knockouts - mice sensitive to UV light and susceptible to UV carcinogenesis. Gene not essential. XPA XPG, XPF-ERCC1 • XPG: structure specific nuclease, suitable for cutting 3' to damage. • ERCC1 and XPF protein heterodimer is a nuclease, cuts 5’ to damage. • ERCC1 is not an XP gene. ERCC1 k/o mice died before weaning with liver failure. • More severe than XPA mice. Implies another function for ERCC1. 2.24 Recruitment of NER proteins to damage: XPC before XPA From Volker et al., Mol Cell 2001 (B4) UV-irradiate cells through a microfilter results in localised damage in the nucleus Sequential recruitment of NER proteins to damage Global Genome Repair pathway (GGR) Dual incisions (3', 5') XPC-HR23BDamage recognition by XPC-HR23B and XPE-DDB1 RNA pol. Transcription-Coupled Repair (TCR) +CSA +CSB 2.25 NER in humans C C C D B TFIIH TFIIH recruitment D B D A B RPA DNA helix unwinding XPA XPA-RPA recruitment A XPG XPG recruitment G D B A G ERCC1-XPF ERCC1-XPF recruitment. Formation of incision complex completed D B A G F F Repair synthesis needs pol δ, polε or polκ, PCNA, RFC, DNA ligase. TRCF and NER (E. coli) 2.26 Transcription-repair coupling factor -- Assembly of TCR complex (B5) NER proteins Remodellers 2.27 Global Genome Repair pathway (GGR) Dual incisions (3', 5') XPC-HR23BDamage recognition by XPC-HR23B and XPE-DDB1 RNA pol. Transcription-Coupled Repair (TCR) +CSA +CSB 2.25 TCR C C C D B TFIIH TFIIH recruitment D B D A B RPA DNA helix unwinding XPA XPA-RPA recruitment A XPG XPG recruitment G D B A G ERCC1-XPF ERCC1-XPF recruitment. Formation of incision complex completed D B A G F F Repair synthesis needs pol δ, polε or polκ, PCNA, RFC, DNA ligase. Summary (Lecture 2b) • XP proteins are involved in damage recognition, unwinding of the DNA and cutting on either side of the damage • XPD, XPB and TTDA are subunits of TFIIH, which has dual roles in NER and transcription • TTD is a transcription syndrome • CS proteins are involved in recruiting NER proteins and chromatin remodellers to enable NER to take place at sites where RNA polymerase is stalled at damage 2.28