Ekotoxikologie rybích modelů BM pro MU Diagrammatic representation of morphology and development of embryonic and larval periods of typical teleost (modified from Jones et al. (1978)) Sequence showing morphological changes separating larval fish into phases, (Drawings from Jones et al. (1978).) Protolarva: (a) Just hatched with large yolk sac and complete median fin fold; (b) yolk almost gone approaching shift to exogenous food, median fin fold still complete. Mesolarva. Feeding on exogenous food and distinct fin rays apparent in median fin folds. Metalarva: (a) Rays in median fins well developed and pelvic fin bud just apparent; (b) fins well developed, but preanal median fin fold still present. Juvenile: Full complement of fins and no median fin folds remaining. Ekotoxikologické parametry je nutno používat PROMYŠLENĚ- mění se během ontogeneze * Morfologické parametry (máme definovaný materiál??? Stáří, pohlaví, genotyp....) * Délka * Hmotnost * Vývoj orgánů * Malformace, atd. * Behaviární ­ chování jedinců a populací * Rychlost, směr, plynulost plavání * Chování v hejně * Lovná aktivita, příjem potravy * Rozmnožovací aktivita,... ,,odchylky od normálu" * Biochemické parametry * Vysoce citlivé * Nedostatek srovnávacích dat- ...co je normál, kontrola?? * Variabilita v populaci a v průběhu ontogeneze Acetylcholiresterase activity of rainbow trout embryo homogenate during development. Activity is expressed as microliters of C02 disolved per 100 mg of egg (wet weight) per hour. Adrenalin (A) and noradrenalin (NA) contents in embryos and larvae of rainbow trout in relation to body weight (wet). Each point represents the average for 6-12 animals. One-day posthatch larval Fundulus, approximately X 13. (a) Control; (b-d) treated with 0.02 mg/I methyl mercury in ovo, showing that inability to uncurl after hatching (b and d) can occur independently of craniofacial anomalies (c and d). (Modified from Weis and Weis (1997).) Effects of toxaphene on structure of fathead minnow backbones. (a and b) Radio graphs representative of fish exposed to 55 ng/I toxaphene; (c) control fish. Arrows point to areas of backbone affected. Endocrine linked gonadal responses in Japanese Medaka Stage 36 Right lateral view x25 Hepatocellular carcinoma in center of liver from medaka exposed to 10mg/L diethylnitrosane and sampled at 6th month. Well-differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma. Note uniformity od cells in carcinoma and evenness of border between lesion and normal liver. From a guppy exposed to acetylaminofluorene and sampled at 24 mo. Increasing concentrations of a developmental toxicant. The effects of increasing concentration of the teratogen hydroxyurea. Note that as the concentration increases, the malformations become more severe. Concentrations from top to bottom are control, 0.2, 0.4, and 0.7 mg/ml. (Photo by M. A. Hull.)