Stano Pekár“Populační ekologie živočichů“ dN = Nr dt Spatial ecology - describes changes in spatial pattern over time processes - colonisation / immigration and local extinction / emigration local populations are subject to continuous colonisation and extinction wildlife populations are fragmented Metapopulation - a population consisting of many local populations (sub-populations) connected by migrating individuals with discrete breeding opportunities (not patchy populations) population density changes also in space for migratory animals (salmon) seasonal movement is the dominant cause of population change movement of individuals between patches can be density-dependent distribution of individuals have three basic models: most populations in nature are aggregated (clumped) Regular distribution described by hypothetical uniform distribution n .. is number of samples x .. is category of counts (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...) all categories have similar probability mean: variance: for regular distribution: n xP 1 )( = )1( 2 1 += nµ )1( 12 1 22 −= nσ 2 σµ > described by hypothetical Poisson distribution µ .. is expected value of individuals x .. is category of counts (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...) probability of x individuals at a given area usually decreases with x observed and expected frequencies are compared using χ2 statistics for random distribution: ! )( x e xP x µ µ − = Random distribution 2 σµ = described by hypothetical negative binomial distribution µ .. is expected value of individuals x .. is category of counts (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...) k .. degree of clumping, the smaller k (→0) the greater degree of clumping approximate value of k: for aggregated: Coefficient of dispersion (CD) CD < 1 … uniform distribution CD = 1 … random distribution CD > 1 … aggregated distribution xk kkx xk k xP       +− −+       −= − µ µµ )!1(! )!1( 1)( µσ µ − ≈ 2 2 k Aggregated distribution x s CD 2 = 2 σµ < • Geographic range - radius of space containing 95% of individuals • individual makes blind random walk • random walk of a population undergoes diffusion in space - radial distance moved in a random walk is proportional to - area occupied (radius2) is proportional to time Spread of muskart in Europe time Elton 1958 N t=0 t=1 t=2 t=3         − = DtDt N tN 4 exp 4 ),( 2 0 ρ π ρ Pure dispersal radius Dt4=ρ t D 4 2 ρ = • Difussion model - solved to 2dimensional Gaussian distribution N0- initial density ρ .. radial distance from point of release (range) D - diffusion coefficient (distance2/time) 0 N t=0 t=1 t=2 t=3 Dispersal + population growth radius rDc 2= 0         − −= Dt rt Dt N tN 4 exp 4 ),( 2 0 ρ π ρ • Skellam‘s model - added exponential population growth r .. intrinsic rate of increase c - expansion rate [distance/time] Skellam 1951 Levins (1969) distinguished between dynamics of a single population and a set of local populations which interact via individuals moving among populations Hanski (1997) developed the theory - suggested core-satellite model the degree of isolation may vary depending on the distance among patches unlike growth models that focus on population size, metapopulation models concern persistence of a population - ignore fate of a single subpopulation and focus on fraction of sub-population sites occupied assumptions - sub-populations are identical in size, distance, resources, etc. - extinction and colonisation are independent of p - many patches are available m ..proportion of open sites colonised per unit time e ..proportion of sites that become unoccupied per unit time eppmp dt dp −−= )1( Levin‘s model p .. proportion of patches occupied m .. colonisation rate e .. extinction rate Levin 1969 Time p 0.5 0.1 equilibrium is found for dp/dt = 0 - sub-populations will persist (p* > 0) only if colonisation is larger than extinction - all patches can be occupied only if e = 0 - K fraction of patches - defined by balance between m and e m e m em p −= − = 1* K In a field the abundance of spiders on leaves was studied. The following counts per leaf were made: 1. What is the distribution of spiders per leaf and per plant? 2. If aggregated, what is the coefficient of dispersion (CD) and the degree of aggregation (k)? Plant Counts 1 0, 0, 1, 5, 7 2 0, 1, 1, 4, 1 3 0, 0, 2, 0, 0 4 3, 1, 8, 1, 1 5 1, 2, 6, 3, 2 spider<-c(0,0,1,5,7,0,1,1,4,1,0,0,2,3,0,0,1,6,1,1,1,2,6,3,2) table(spider) CD1<-var(spider)/mean(spider); CD1 k1<-mean(spider)^2/(var(spider)-mean(spider)); k1 plant<-c(rep(1,5),rep(2,5),rep(3,5),rep(4,5),rep(5,5)) a<-tapply(spider,plant,mean) CD2<-var(a)/mean(a); CD2 A dragonfly is spreading along a river. The spreading is anisotropic faster down the stream than up the stream. During 6 years the dragonfly has spread as follows: 1. Estimate D in both directions. 2. Estimate expansion rate in both directions if finite growth rate λ = 1.4. 2. Model the spread using Skellam’s model. Rok po proudu proti proudu 0 0 0 1 3 0.2 2 7 0.5 3 13 1 4 17 1.4 5 26 1.8 6 30 2.2 Plocha [km2] year<-0:6 po<-c(0,3,7,13,17,26,30) rho1<-sqrt(po) plot(year,rho1) m1<-lm(rho1~year-1) abline(m1) m1 pro<-c(0,0.2,0.5,1,1.4,1.8,2.2) rho2<-sqrt(pro) plot(year,rho2) m2<-lm(rho2~year-1) abline(m2) m2 r<-0:50 y<-10*exp(0.34*1-r^2/(4*0.25*1))/(4*pi*0.25*1) plot(r,y,type="l") y<-10*exp(0.34*10-r^2/(4*0.25*10))/(4*pi*0.25*10);lines(r,y) y<-10*exp(0.34*20-r^2/(4*0.38*20))/(4*pi*0.38*20);lines(r,y) y<-10*exp(0.34*30-r^2/(4*0.38*30))/(4*pi*0.38*30);lines(r,y) y<-10*exp(0.34*40-r^2/(4*0.38*40))/(4*pi*0.38*40);lines(r,y) y<-10*exp(0.34*50-r^2/(4*0.38*50))/(4*pi*0.38*50);lines(r,y) A population of toads has been split into two sub-populations by a new highway. One has 100 and the other 10 individuals. The first one has exploited its resources so their finite rate of population increase (λ1) is 0.8. The other has a lot of resources, therefore their λ2 = 1.2. Is it necessary to built a corridor connecting populations? If so how large it should be in terms of the rate of exchange (d) between sub-populations. 1. Use discrete density-independent models to simulate fate of populations for 20 years that are completely isolated (d = 0). 2. Simulate the dynamics of the two sub-populations for 20 years with various levels of exchange, d = 0.1 to 1. ttt NddNN ,21,111,1 )1( λλ +−=+ ttt NddNN ,12,221,2 )1( λλ +−=+ N12<-data.frame(N1<-numeric(1:20),N2<-numeric(1:20)) N12[,1]<-100 N12[,2]<-10 d=0 for(t in 1:20) N12[t+1,]<-{ N1<-0.8*((1-d)*N12[t,1]+0.8*d*N12[t,2]) N2<-1.2*((1-d)*N12[t,2]+1.2*d*N12[t,1]) c(N1,N2)} matplot(N12, type="l",lty=1:2) legend(1,200,c("N1","N2"),lty=1:2) d=0.2 for(t in 1:20) N12[t+1,]<-{ N1<-0.8*((1-d)*N12[t,1]+0.8*d*N12[t,2]) N2<-1.2*((1-d)*N12[t,2]+1.2*d*N12[t,1]) c(N1,N2)} matplot(N12, type="l",lty=1:2) legend(1,150,c("N1","N2"),lty=1:2) d=0.4 for(t in 1:20) N12[t+1,]<-{ N1<-0.8*((1-d)*N12[t,1]+0.8*d*N12[t,2]) N2<-1.2*((1-d)*N12[t,2]+1.2*d*N12[t,1]) c(N1,N2)} matplot(N12, type="l",lty=1:2) legend(15,100,c("N1","N2"),lty=1:2)