Gerhard Lammel: “Trends and Advances in Atmospheric and Environmental Chemistry" Budgeting atmospheric processes Halogenated SOCs and multicompartmental substances Air-surface mass exchange processes Trace substance mass budgets, surface cycling: Emissions, deposition, re-volatilisation Mass budget equation, residence time dmi/dt = sources – sinks = Ei – Si = Ei – (ki degrad (1) + ki dep (1)) mi = mi/τ [g/s] dci/dt = Ei – Si = Fi em/h - (ki degrad (1) + ki dep (1)) ci = ci/τair [g/m³/s] • Chemical loss processes of i are 1st order in ci • Source processes of i are 0th order in ci Depositional loss processes are here expressed as 1st order in ci for simplicity For dmi/dt = 0, the system is called to be chemically in a steady state dmi/dt = (Fi in + Ei) – (Fi out + Si) with: Fi in, Fi out = fluxes over boundary Ei, Si = internal sources and sinks mi = Mg i/Mg air mtrop Mg i, Mg air = molar masses (Mair = 29 g/mol) = spatial average of mixing ratio mtrop = mass of tropospheric air = 4.25× 1015 t Si = (Σj kij (2) Nj /V + ji (1)) Ni/V = kV (1) Ni/V with: kji (2), ji (1)= rate coefficients, photolysis rates Ni/V, Nj/V = reaction partner number concentrations kV (1) = tropospheric average chemical sink rate coefficient If well mixed or almost well mixed: advective losses Fi out Fi out ~ mi = kF mi; with: kF = empiric parameter dmi/dt = Fi in + Ei + (kF + kV (1)) mi τi = (kF + kV (1))-1; with: τi = residence time (not equal to but < ‚lifetime‘!) assuming (in 1st approx.) that kV (1) ≠ f(mi), i.e. no chemical feedbacks leading to Nj/V = f(Ni/V) Variability and atmospheric residence time: Averaging over long times (> mixing times) steady state-assumption holds: dmi/dt = + - (kF + kV (1)) mi ≈ 0 Ni/V = + (Ni/V)‘(x, y, z, t); with: = temporally and spatially mean number concentration (Ni/V)‘ = local and temporal number concentration x, y, z = space coordinates Empiric finding (Junge, 1974) for the relative standard deviation σi = σi*((Ni/V)‘) / = 0.14/ τi with: σi* = absolute standard deviation of (Ni/V)‘ → The residence time, τi, can be infered from variability, as σi = f(τi) Example: non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC) Global budget (Tg/a) Natural 1150 terrestrial vegetation 2 marine biosphere Anthropogenic 120 of which are: 52 % transport 7 % fossil fuels, stationary 5 % chemical, petrochemical industries 9 % oil and gas production 27 % solvents (Ehhalt, 1986; Guenther et al., 1996) • location: mostly from ground, from stacks, from aircrafts • temporal profile, e.g. diel, weekly, seasonal, historical trends • spatial distributions Emissions Emissions, CH4 (Crutzen & Gidel, 1983) Global Model results Tg/10°lat lat increase sources (Model results: Horowitz et al., 2003; Crutzen & Gidel, 1983) Global distributions CO (ppbv) @ 970 and 510 hPa, monthly mean Distributions – spatial, seasonal Higher levels in the N Pacific (Iwata et al., 1993) N-S gradient in the Bering and Chukchi Seas (Jantunen & Bidleman, 1995) Many (most) semivolatile and persistent organic substances are accumulating in high latitudes (despite source distribution). Example α-hexachlorocyclohexane (α-HCH) Halogenated SOCs and multicompartmental substances Introduction: concerns persistence, bioaccumulation and effects Decreasing trends in air, water and sediments not found in biota: (AMAP, 2004) cfish monitoring Decreasing trends in air and water not necessarily followed in organisms: Bioaccumulation along food chains Bioaccumulation, marine foodweb Relative proportions of halogenated SOCs in the Barents Sea foodweb (Borga et al., 2001) PCB-180 in Northwater Polynya foodweb (Fisk et al., 2001) log KOW = 5.3 3.6-3.8 5-7 Processes of SOCs pL 0 pL 0 s s SPM DOC PM OM pL 0 s . (g) . (diss) (p) (diss) Kow Kowk Kowk topsoil surface water = volatilisation and dry deposition of (gaseous) molecules Two film model (or: two film theory of gas absorption) - existence of 2 stagnant layers on either side of the interface (fictitious dimensions) - provide resistance additively (Liss & Slater, 1974; Schwarzenbach et al., 2002) - equilibrium established at the interface itself - gas flux through interface F = -kmt w (cw - cwi) = -kmt g (cgi - cg) [mol/m²/s] aqueous phase interface gas phase SOCs surface exchange Air-sea exchange := Kaw F = -kmt w (cw - cwi) = -kmt g (cgi - cg) [mol/m²/s] cgi = Kaw cwi with bulk (cw,cg) and equilibrium (cwi, cgi) concentrations in water and air Resistance by boundary layers: reciprocal transfer coefficient (‚piston velocity‘ kmt w, kmt g [cm/s]) - defined positive for flux from air to water - consideration of 1 side sufficient for most gases dcw/dt = kmt net (cw - cg/Kaw) [mol/s] R = 1/kmt net = 1/kmt w + 1/(kmt w Kaw) [s/cm] Parameterisations in models are empirically based. From known examples to formula for unknown molecule i (molecular mass Mgi): Kmt g H2O = 0.83 cm/s → kmt g i = 0.83 (18/Mgi)0.5 cm/s Kmt w CO2 = 0.0056 cm/s → kmt w i = 0.0056 (44/Mgi)0.5 cm/s (Atlas & Giam, 1986) Wind dependence: kw CO2(u) = 0.31 u² (Sc/660)0.5 cm/s (Wanninkhoff, 1992) Volatilisation (left) and dry deposition (right) result from and correspond to opposite signs of (cg - cwKaw). General concept for all interfaces: Mass flow from phase with higher to phase with lower fugacity. Fugacity of substance i, fij: = escaping tendency from a phase j ([Pa] or [N/m²]) f/p describes deviation from ideal behaviour, similar to a/c. (example: molar free enthalpy µ = µ0 + RT ln(p/p0) → µ = µ0 + RT ln(f/p0)) Fugacity capacity Zij: fij = cij/Zij Ki 12 = ci1/ci2 = Zi1fi1/(Zi2fi2) (Paterson & Mackay, 1985) fij [Pa] Fugacity capacity of phase: Zij = cij/ fij Partitioning coefficients, e.g. Kaw = cg/cw = Zgfg/Zwfw Examples Air: cg = n/V = p/RT → cg = fg/RT, Zg = (RT)-1, fg = cg RT Seawater: Zw=cw/p =1/H‘, with Henry coefficient H‘ = RTKaw [Pa m³/mol]= 10-2/KH[M/at] fw = cw/Zw = H‘cw Air-sea exchange: Fraction of fugacity from seawater = fw / (fw + fg) Cycling of HCH in the North Sea: Dry deposition vs. volatilisation ? Observation: declining local emissions (BSH, 2006) γ-HCH a -HCH Sea region Southern North Sea German Bight Southern North Sea German Bight Year 1996 2001 1996 2001 1996 2001 1996 2001 Burden (Sensitivity) 3.03 (13%) 1.39 (5%) 0.31 (40%) 0.18 (27%) 1.17 (66%) 0.45 (74%) 0.14 (16%) 0.04 (25%) Wet deposition 5.47 1.67 0.35 0.11 0.81 0.22 0.05 0.01 Dry deposition 8.85 2.34 0.76 0.21 8.98 2.56 0.77 0.24 Volatilisation 3.42 1.59 0.61 0.33 4.29 0.98 0.67 0.18 Degradation 0.002 0.001 0.0002 0.0001 0.003 0.001 0.0002 0.0001 Sedimentation 1.96 0.98 0.06 0.03 0.97 0.39 0.03 0.01 Resuspension 0.21 0.10 0.007 0.003 0.05 0.02 0.002 0.001 Dry deposition vs. volatilisation of HCH in the North Sea Under declining local emissions net-depositional. γ-HCH, net-volatilisational in the German Bight (Ilyina et al., 2006) 1996 (a) -2 0 2 4 6 8 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 1997 (b) -2 0 2 4 6 8 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 1998 (c) -2 0 2 4 6 8 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 1999 (d) -2 0 2 4 6 8 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 2000 (e) -2 0 2 4 6 8 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 2001 (f) -2 0 2 4 6 8 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 0.5 1 1.5 2 Vertically integrated annual mean concentrations of γ-HCH (ng/l) Dry deposition vs. volatilisation of HCH in the Bering and Chukchi seas The isomer α-HCH, upon accumulation since the 1950s, turned netvolatilisational in the early 1990s. (Jantunen & Bidleman, 1995) α- and γ-hexachlorocyclohexane along a N-S-transect 1999/2000 in air in ocean surface water gamma-HCH 0.0 0.5 1.0 -90-60-300306090 latitude Fugacityfractionfw/(fw+fa) H (Kucklick'91) H (Sahsuvar'03) alpha-HCH 0.0 0.5 1.0 -90-60-300306090 latitude Fugacityfractionfw/(fw+fa) H (Kucklick'91) H (Sahsuvar'03) (Lakaschus et al., 2002) Fractionoffugacityfromseawater=fw/(fw+fg) 10(10.14-3208/T) 10(10.13-3098/T) H'(T) [Pa m³/mol] (Sahsuvar et al., 2003) 10(7.54-2382/T) 10(9.31-2810/T) H'(T) [Pa m³/mol] (Kucklick et al., 1991) γ-HCHα-HCH Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl β-1,2,3,4,5,6- Hexachlorocyclohexane γ-1,2,3,4,5,6- Hexachlorocyclohexane α-1,2,3,4,5,6- Hexachlorocyclohexane Terminology: • Congeners: compounds of similar but not identical elemental composition • Isomers: compounds of same elemental composition but different structure • Conformational isomers: Isomers which can be converted into each other without cleavage of bonds • Enantiomers: chiral isomers, Isomers Enantiomers α-1,2,3,4,5,6- Hexachlorocyclohexane Manufacture of all chiral compounds is as racemic mixture, (as long as no enzymatic processes are involved). An assignment of the absolute structure to (+)and (-)-enantiomers is not (yet) possible. Using enantiomeric signatures to study SOC cycling Enzymatic processes are enantioselective. → Degradation of chiral substances often takes place enantioselectively, yielding nonracemic residues (enantiomeric ratio ER ≠ 1.00). The distinct enantiomeric signatures of these residues can be used as markers to follow environmental transport and fate processes: Fraction emitted from one source, A, of 2 possible sources, A, B: fA = (ERA and B – ERB)x(ERA + 1)/[(ERA - ERB) x(ERA and B + 1)] (Bidleman & Falconer, 1999) Examples: ER of (+)-α-HCH/(-)-α-HCH = 0.85±0.03 in Baltic Sea and 0.87±0.05 in North Sea waters, because microbial degradation prefers (+)-α-HCH, (while photolytic degradation is not enantioselective). It seems that part of the α-HCH is formed from (slow, non-enantioselective) isomerization from γ-HCH. (Hühnerfuss et al., 1992) Observation in North Sea air: ER = 0.95 → fvol = 0.37 and fadv = 0.63 for A = volatilization, B = advection, and with ERvol = 0.87, ERadv = 1.00 Using enantiomeric signatures Similar air-soil exchange (Fraser Valley, Canada, 1995): Determination of the fraction volatilizing from contaminated soil vs. advected. Enantioselective degradation of (+) or (-) o,p'-DDT in soil was accompanied by enrichment or depletion of the corresponding enantiomers in the overlying air (Bidleman & Leone, 2004). cair = f(z) (Finizio et al., 1998) ER = f(z): Enantioselective chromatography • Most volatile chiral compounds can be separated in their enantiomers using cyclodextrin-based capillary GC columns (König, 1984; König et al., 1988). • Cyclodextrin is a cyclic, chiral, torus shaped macromolecule which contains D(+)-glucose residues bonded through (1-4)glycosidic linkages. The common cyclodextrins used in chromatography are the α-, β- and γ-cyclodextrins which contain 6, 7 and 8 glucose units, respectively. Inside the ring is hydrophobic, outside hydrophilic. • Substance classes: mono- and sesquiterpenes, pharmaceuticals, biphenyls and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), besides other. GC using an enantioselective chromatographic column: Fused-silica capillary, coated with 50% heptakis(2,3,8-tri-n-pentyl)-β-cyclodextrin and 50% polysiloxane (high polarity, OV1701), ECD detection (Hühnerfuss & Kallenborn, 1992; Hühnerfuss et al., 1992) Start with (easier!): bioaccumulation in the aqueous system: Bioconcentration factor BCF:= ci biota/ci w [ ] Uptake of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB; 0.1 mg/l) in 3 algae species: Kinetics, inter-species variability (Wang et al., 1999) Vegetation and air Uptake of neutral organic substances in leaves/needles from the gas- phase: - primarily via (wax covered) cuticulae, not stomatae (which enable gas exchange of small, inorganic molecules), distribution within the plant largely unknown - partitioning determined by lipophilicity (expressed as the octanol-water partitioning coefficient Kow), diffusion driven (Tolls & McLachlan, 1994, besides others): F = v (ainside - aoutside) log vmembrane = 1.2 log Kow – 7.5 (Grayson & Kleier 1990) v = D Kav / Δx log vmembrane = log Kow – 6.7 F = flux (g/m2/s), v = permeability (m/s), a = activity (g/m3), D = diffusion coefficient ≈ 10-14 m²/s for organics, Kav = air/veg. partitioning coefficient, Δx = membrane thickness ≈ 0.05 mm Uptake (continued): Kinetic limitations - For plants with little permeability equilibrium distribution not achieved within one vegetation period F = A-1 dm/dt = v Δc A = V / Δx V-1 dm/dt = dci(veg)/dt = Δx kmt (1) (ci(g)/Kleaf/air - ci(veg)) kmt (1) = kmt‘(1) Kleaf/air/(S/V) S/V = leave surface/vol., exchange coefficient Kleaf/air (can vary by several orders of magnitude for various species, as a function of wax, phyto structure), clearance rate k‘(1) (determined by volatilisation during photodegradation, degradation slow, for example < 5%/vegetation period for PCB) - ‚Kinetically‘ limited due to delays caused by the turbulence of the atmospheric layers near to the ground and the canopy (for log Kow > 8.2), limited by particle processes if log Kow > 11 (McLachlan et al., 1995; McLachlan, 1996; Böhme et al., 1999) (Wania & McLachlan, 2001) Flux from air to vegetation controlled by (specific) surface, boundary layer resistance (atmospheric turbulence) Plant uptake from atmospheric dry gaseous deposition for hypothetical substances (log Koa < 5: no net effect compared to bare soil) Gas Phase: • Diffusion Water Phase • Dispersion • convection Biological Phase: • plant uptake • microbiological degradation Solid Phase: • diffusion in aggreagates • chemical reactions leaching Evaporation ad/desorption precipitation dissolution volatilization dissolution Multiphase system soil fOM Upward: • Gas-phase diffusion within soil pore space • Aqueous phase diffusion in soil water • Co-evaporation with water vapour • Turbulent flow in capillaries Downward: • Dry deposition, limited by uptake in soil multiphase system (water, OM, solid surfaces) Fz = vdep(z) (c(z) – c0) (Jury et al., 1983) Air-soil exchange Air-soil partitioning = f(T, rh) Soil-air partitioning coefficient KSA=cS/cA (McLachlan, 2001) adopted from Wania, 1999 Multicompartmental distribution when phase equilibria were established in the environment: f(KAW, KOW, KOA) Multicompartmental modelling approaches Multicompartmental distribution