cyklus Innovation Lectures (INNOLEC) IC065 Photoremovable protecting groups: How fast are they really? Prof. Jakob Wirz Departement Chemie, Klingelbergstrasse 80, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland e-mail: úterý 27.9.2011, 9:00–12:00 posluchárna K8M309, pavilion A8 (kampus Bohunice) Photoremovable protecting groups (PPG’s) provide spatial and temporal control over the release of various chemicals such as bioagents (neurotransmitters, cell signaling molecules), acids, bases, Ca2+ ions, oxidants, etc. [1–3] The talk will cover recent developments in the field, focusing on reaction mechanisms and appearance rates of the liberated ligands X– . [1] Pelliccioli, A. P.; Wirz, J., Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. 2002, 1, 441. [2] Klán, P.; Blanc A., Bochet, C.; Givens, R. S.; Kostikov A., Popik, V.; Rubina M., Šolomek T., Wirz, J., Chem Rev., in preparation (2012). [3] Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., Special issue on Photoremovable protecting groups, Feb. 2012. kontaktní osoba: prof. Petr Klán, Ústav chemie, kl. 4856; e-mail: