Lesson 2: Higher Education /Studying at Masarvk University/ Taskl: Masaryk University - have a look at the prospectus of MU and complete the diagrams with the faculties and then answer the following questions. 3. Who is the current head of MU (official position, name)?................... 4. Who are the academic staff of the rector's office (official position, name)? Task 2: In the green booklet you can find more details about your studies at the Faculty of Science. Again, answer the questions: 3. Who is the head of the Faculty of Science (official position, name)? 4. Who are the academic staff of the dean's office (official position, name)? Task 3: Complete the missing departments of the Faculty of Science. I................................................................. 2.................................................................. 3................................................................. 4. .:............................................................... 5.................................................................. 6.................................................................. 7.................................................................. 8.................................................................. 9.................................................................. 10.................................................................. II.................................................................. 12.................................................................. 13................................................................... Task4; Each section consists of several departments. Complete the diagram (e.g. biology students complete the departments of biology) College and university: the UK system Places Key A Halls of residence B University Square, staff car park C Administration2 Building D Arts Faculty3 Building E Great Hall4 F University Health Centre 1 a college building where students live 2 the main offices of the university, often shortened to 'admin' 3 a group of departments or schools (see 6) in a college which specialise in a particular group of subjects 4 a large hall where graduation ceremonies and other important events are held 5 a building G University Bookshop, Cafeteria and visitors' car park H University Library I Student Union5 1 Sports grounds K School6 of Engineering L Arts Lecture Theatre7 specially used by students to meet socially; the term also refers to the organisation of students which arranges social events and offers other services 6 part of a college or university specialising in a particular subject or group of subjects 7 a large hall with rows of seats, where lectures are held People, structures and activities Dr Ward, Adviser to International Students, is giving an introductory session for new international postgraduate students in the Department of English Language at Wanstow. Dr Ward: Let me tell you about the staff. The Head of Department is Professor1 Bradley. He will be giving some of the postgraduate seminars2 as well as giving some of the first-semester lectures3. Then there are two Senior Lecturers4. They'll be handling lectures and tutorials5. Then there are six lecturers6 - they're all listed in your information pack. You'll also meet our Research Assistant, Angela Gorski, and there are four research students doing PhDs. Each of you will be given a personal tutor7, who will be one of us. If you want to talk to any of us, our office hours are on the noticeboard and on the web page. Any questions? Student: Is the personal tutor the same as our dissertation supervisor8? Dr Ward: No. You'll be given a supervisor when you choose your dissertation topic. He or she'll supervise you during the spring semester9 and the summer vacation10. Your personal tutor looks after your general academic welfare. You can also talk to a student counsellor" if you have any personal problems, and there's also a postgrad rep12. '• 4 and 6 professor is the most senior academic title; senior lecturers are below professors in academic rank, and lecturers are below senior lecturers 2'3 and s seminars consist of a teacher and a group of students meeting to study and discuss something; lectures are more formal events where larger groups of students listen and take notes; tutorials are usually smaller groups where students discuss their work with a teacher 7 teacher who works with one student or a small group 8 teacher with responsibility for a particular student 9 the university teaching year is normally divided into two semesters; the word term is also often used for the periods when students are in residence at a university 10 period when universities or colleges are closed; the word holiday is also used by students 1' someone trained to listen to students and give them advice about their problems 12 (informal) short form of postgraduate representative (someone who acts officially for that group of students) 44 Academic Vocabulary in Use m Exercises 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 Look at A. Which building must students go to if they want to: 1 speak to a lecturer in the history department? 2 find information about student clubs? 3 visit someone who is living in the student accommodation? 4 enquire about payment of fees? 5 attend a graduation ceremony? 6 listen to a talk about English literature? 7 see a doctor? 8 borrow a book? Read the text in B and answer the questions. 1 Are there likely to be more people in a seminar or a tutorial? 2 Who is the academic who guides a postgraduate student through their dissertation? 3 What word is used for the holiday period between university terms or semesters? 4 What is the difference between a personal tutor and a student counsellor? 5 What is the difference between a postgrad rep and a student counsellor? Fill in the missing words in this email with words from the opposite page. CD s Hi Mum, I've settled in well here at Wanstow. I like my room in this hall of....................................... I went ! to my first.....................................this morning - it was on research methodology - and there were I hundreds of students there. The.....................................was very good - it was Professor Jones, \ our head of....................................... Tomorrow I'll have my first......................................- that'll be just me I and one other student. We'll be discussing what we have to get done by the end of the ....................................... I need to try to think some more about the topic for my....................................... ! When that is finalised I'll be assigned a....................................... I'll be expected to see him or her I at least once a week during their office....................................... I hope I'll like him or her. You hear \ some awful stories! 1 Daisy Put the words in the box into the correct category. 6 cafeteria librarian research assistant sports grounds counsellor library research student tutor lecture postgrad rep seminar tutorial lecturer professor sports centre lecture theatre people place event Are universities/colleges in your country roughly based on a similar system to the UK one, or are there important differences? Make sure you can describe the main features in English. If your country's universities/colleges are more similar to the US system, study Unit 19. Academic Vocabulary in Use 45