THINKING ABOUT LANGUAGE QUESTIONNAIRE WHAT KIND OF LANGUAGE LEARNER ARE YOU? teaming mathematical formulae ( | learning to swim | | teaming dates for a history exam | | learning to play cards | | Do you think learning a language is like: learning to ride a bike □ learning to play the piano learning to play chess . □ learning to walk □ learning words in a play □ 2 Try to number the sentences in order: 1 =most useful way for me 12=least useful way for me Which do you think are the best ways to learn English? learning lists of vocabulary by heart writing down the translation of every new word or phrase learning grammar rules, with example sentences reading as much as possible in class speaking as much as possible in class writing everything down in a notebook and learning it forgetting about grammar and listening to people talking instead dcing lots of grammar exercises—written? —oral? getting the teacher to correct you every time you say a sentence tr7'ng to think in English and not translate into your own language anting essays and getting them corrected by the teacher □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ (continued over)