Aplikovaná chemie a biochemie Přednáška č. 4 Manipulace genové exprese Modulace exprese nebo funkce proteinModulace exprese nebo funkce proteinůů:: •• chemickchemickáá inhibice, aktivaceinhibice, aktivace •• zmzměěna genovna genovéé expreseexprese •• selekce rezistentnselekce rezistentníích klonch klonůů •• poupoužžititíí ppřřirozených mutantirozených mutantůů •• overexpreseoverexprese proteinuproteinu •• overexpreseoverexprese dominantndominantněě negativnnegativníích mutantch mutantůů -- tranzientntranzientníí vsvs. stabiln. stabilníí transfekcetransfekce •• poupoužžititíí antisenseantisense oligonukleotidoligonukleotidůů •• RNA interferenceRNA interference -- tranzientntranzientníí a stabilna stabilníí ChemickChemickáá inhibice,inhibice, aktivace:aktivace: H-89 Forskolin Různá specifita inhibitorů: DalDalšíší kritickkritickéé body pro poubody pro použžititíí inhibitorinhibitorůů:: • rozpustnost; • stabilita; • biodostupnost; • nežádoucí reakce s receptory; • různá aktivita vůči izolovaným nebo rekombinantním proteinům a v buněčné kultuře nebo v in vivo podmínkách. •• selekce rezistentnselekce rezistentníích klonch klonůů •• poupoužžititíí ppřřirozenýchirozených mutantmutantůů nebo lininebo liniíí KO myKO myšíší;; BuBuňňky jsou dlouhodobky jsou dlouhodoběě ppěěstovstováány v pny v přříítomnostitomnosti úúččinných koncentracinných koncentracíí vysoce toxických lvysoce toxických láátektek -- napnapřř.. cytostatikcytostatik -- jsoujsou vyselektovvyselektováányny ppřřeežžíívajvajííccíí bubuňňkyky schopnschopnéé rrůůst v pst v přříítomnosti toxických ltomnosti toxických láátektek -- napnapřř.. cytostatika, toxiny. Zpcytostatika, toxiny. Zpěětntněě jsou pak studovjsou pak studováányny zmzměěny nany na úúrovni exprese proteinrovni exprese proteinůů.. ToxickToxickéé úúččinky cytostatika na ninky cytostatika na náádorovdorovéé bubuňňkyky VyuVyužžititíí bunbuněěk izolovaných zk izolovaných z knockknock--outout mymyšíší:: MEFs (mouse embryonic fibroblasts)MEFs (mouse embryonic fibroblasts) Manipulace s funkcí proteinu prostřednictvím overexprese identického genu se změněnou funkcí: V podmínkách in vitro můžeme vhodný model získat buď z existujícího organismu, nebo připravit gen kódující změněnou funkci uměle. Transformace kompetentních bakterií (E.coli) - tepelný šok - elektroporace Izolace plazmidu Transfekce bunTransfekce buněčěčných lininých liniíí in vitroin vitro:: TransfectionTransfection is the process of introducing naked DNA molecules into cells.is the process of introducing naked DNA molecules into cells. Transfection can be categorized into 2 major types,Transfection can be categorized into 2 major types, stablestable andand transienttransient.. Transient transfection is temporary and high level expression ofTransient transfection is temporary and high level expression of foreignforeign genes. Expression lasts for several days, but is lost as the DNAgenes. Expression lasts for several days, but is lost as the DNA nevernever integratesintegrates stably into the host cell DNA. In contrast, stable transfectionstably into the host cell DNA. In contrast, stable transfection occurs with a lower frequency (10 to 100occurs with a lower frequency (10 to 100--fold lower), but expression isfold lower), but expression is maintained for the long term because the foreign DNA does integrmaintained for the long term because the foreign DNA does integrate intoate into the host DNA.In the case of stable transfection, cotransfectionthe host DNA.In the case of stable transfection, cotransfection is oftenis often used to introduce aused to introduce a selectable markerselectable marker (such as an antibiotic resistance(such as an antibiotic resistance gene). Since only one in 1000 cells might be stably transfected,gene). Since only one in 1000 cells might be stably transfected, it isit is necessary to select these cells fromthe total population. Cellsnecessary to select these cells fromthe total population. Cells that expressthat express the selectable marker also take up and express the other gene ofthe selectable marker also take up and express the other gene of interest.interest. LipofectionLipofection is a procedure in which the DNA is complexed within lipidis a procedure in which the DNA is complexed within lipid droplets. The droplets interact directly with the cell membranedroplets. The droplets interact directly with the cell membrane and fuse.and fuse. The DNA is liberated into the cytoplasm and some eventually reacThe DNA is liberated into the cytoplasm and some eventually reaches thehes the nucleus. Lipofection is one of the most efficient methods of tranucleus. Lipofection is one of the most efficient methods of transfection.nsfection. However, it is also relatively expensive, it can be toxic to celHowever, it is also relatively expensive, it can be toxic to cells, and itls, and it cannot be used with cells growing in serum. Lipofection, like otcannot be used with cells growing in serum. Lipofection, like other forms ofher forms of transfection, works much more efficiently if the cells are rapidtransfection, works much more efficiently if the cells are rapidly growing.ly growing. This is because the nuclear membrane is absent during cell divisThis is because the nuclear membrane is absent during cell division, allowingion, allowing easier access to the host DNA.easier access to the host DNA. Calcium phosphateCalcium phosphate is another popular method for transfection. In thisis another popular method for transfection. In this procedure, the DNA is precipitated with calcium phosphate aggregprocedure, the DNA is precipitated with calcium phosphate aggregates.ates. The cells phagocytize the aggregates and the DNA is released intThe cells phagocytize the aggregates and the DNA is released into theo the cytoplasm and eventually reaches the nucleus. This is the oldestcytoplasm and eventually reaches the nucleus. This is the oldest methodmethod and its main advantage is that it is cheap and easy to perform.and its main advantage is that it is cheap and easy to perform. However, calcium phosphate transfection is not as efficient asHowever, calcium phosphate transfection is not as efficient as lipofection and the precipitates often causelipofection and the precipitates often cause cytotoxicitycytotoxicity.. ElectroporationElectroporation is another method of transfection in which cells areis another method of transfection in which cells are exposed to an electric shock. This induces transient aqueous chaexposed to an electric shock. This induces transient aqueous channels innnels in the membrane for DNA to enter the cytoplasm. On the positive sidthe membrane for DNA to enter the cytoplasm. On the positive side,e, electroporation is rapid and simple, and it works on almost allelectroporation is rapid and simple, and it works on almost all types oftypes of cells. However, one needs special equipment such as an electropocells. However, one needs special equipment such as an electroporator torator to shock the cells. The transfected cells also have high cytotoxicishock the cells. The transfected cells also have high cytotoxicity afterty after shocking.shocking. There are severalThere are several viral vector systemsviral vector systems that have been developed forthat have been developed for the study of gene expression in vitro or in vivothe study of gene expression in vitro or in vivo, including, including recombinantrecombinant vaccinia viruses, retroviruses, and adenoviruses.vaccinia viruses, retroviruses, and adenoviruses. DDue to bioue to bio--safetysafety regulations, a special lab facility must be available.regulations, a special lab facility must be available. Metody selekceMetody selekce ProkaryotaProkaryota EukaryotaEukaryota Overexpression/ectopic expression:Overexpression/ectopic expression: • exprese velmi vysokých hladin proteinu v buňce, která ho za normálních okolností neexprimuje, nebo jen v omezené množství; • nevýhodou je častá nespecifita – aberantní lokalizace proteinu, aberantní interakce s dalšími proteiny, atd. InducibilnInducibilníí exprese:exprese: Doxycyclin - + + Time (h) 0 24 48 - + - Doxycyclin (48 h) - - + TCDD (48 h) Cyclin A ERK2 DNAsynthesis (inductionx-fold) 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 DominantnDominantněě--negativnnegativníí mutantmutant –– definice:definice: -- mutantnmutantníí protein, který potlaprotein, který potlaččuje funkci wt proteinuuje funkci wt proteinu v pv přříípadpaděě spolespoleččnnéé exprese;exprese; -- mechanismymechanismy –– multimerizace, titrace (upstream ormultimerizace, titrace (upstream or downstream targets), aktivndownstream targets), aktivníí represe.represe. KonstitutivnKonstitutivněě--aktivnaktivníí mutantmutant AntisenseAntisense technology:technology: Design a pDesign a přříípravaprava antisense oligonukleotidantisense oligonukleotidůů:: 1) Chemistry - unmodified phosphodiester DNA is rapidly metabolized inboth serum and cells - several chemical modifications can be incorporated into antisense molecules to boost their nuclease resistance. Two examples are phosphorothioate oligodeoxynucleotides and 29-O-methyl oligonucleotides. 2) Length - most antisense molecules are 15–20 bases long, a length theoretically sufficient to pick out a unique sequence from others in the human genome and identify a target mRNA (Ref. 18). Antisense oligomers of this size have been successfully used to discriminate between two gene products that differ by a mutation of a single bas. Longer oligonucleotide sequences (e.g. 30 nucleotides) aremore expensive to synthesize and they might actually increase the risk of non-sequence specific mRNA cleavage because of growing probabilities that other mRNA hybridization sites will be included in long oligomers. Shorter oligomers, meanwhile, generally do not have sufficient affinity to result in adequate potency. 3) Sequence selection - empirical - not all areas of a mRNA molecule are equally amenable to antisense hybridization. The reasons for this are unclear but probably involve mRNA secondary structure, proteins bound to the mRNA or accessibility of hybridized mRNA to RNase H. ‘gene-walk’ approach involves synthesizing oligonucleotides that target regions scattered throughout the entire mRNA sequence and then evaluating these compounds in cell-culture assays for antisense activity. RNA Interference RNA molecules have been used for over two decades to reduce or interfere with expression of targeted genes in a variety of systems. Historically, these methods have been called post transcription gene silencing (PTGS) in plants, quelling in fungi and RNA interference (RNAi) in higher animals. Although originally thought to require use of long doublestranded (DS) RNA molecules, the active mediators are now known to be short DS RNAs. These short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) are naturally produced in vivo through nucleolytic processing of long DS RNAs. Short DS RNAs can also be chemically synthesized and used to experimentally inhibit gene expression. The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2006 "for their discovery of RNA interference gene silencing by double-stranded RNA" Andrew Fire Craig Mello KritickKritickéé body pro aplikaci siRNA:body pro aplikaci siRNA: • vhodně navržená sekvence (www.dharmacon.com; www.ambion.com); • stabilita siRNA; • vhodný způsob transfekce; • optimální stav buněčné kultury; • především optimálně nastavený systém kontrol a vyloučení tzv. nespecifické interferonové reakce. Praktické využití syntetické siRNA: RNA Interference pomocRNA Interference pomocíí shRNAshRNA