Key: Week II Geometry Ex. 4: F, A, R Ex. 5: a) straight, straight, horizontal, oblique b) intersect, equidistant, parallel Student life 17.1 1. you graduate from university 2. mature students 3. seats of learning 4. distinguished schollars 5. gifted children 6. straight A students 17.2 1. agility 2. education 3. heart 4. place 5. texts 6. marks 7. improvement 8. learner 9. ability 10. requirements 17.3 1. truant 2. wanders 3. shows 4. natural 5. marked 6. win 7. attend 8. entry requirements 9. enrol 17.5 1. knowledge 2. course 3. concentration 4. ability Video: The History of Mathematics (part 2) 1T 2F 3F 4T 5F 6T 7F 8T 9T 10F 11T 12T 13F 14T 15T 16F